Patterico's Pontifications


Could the Measles Outbreak Be Related to the Giant Influx of Illegal Immigrant Children?

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:47 am

Jim Geraghty says not necessarily — but his argument rests on a questionable assumption. Geraghty says:

Could the measles have come here from illegal immigrant children? It’s possible but perhaps not as likely as you might think. According to data from the World Health Organization and UNICEF, the three Central American countries that were the country of origin for most of last summer’s tsunami of children and teens actually have pretty good rates of immunization for measles. The measles immunization rate for children between 12 and 23 months of age in El Salvador in 2013 was 94 percent, for Guatemala it was 85 percent, and Nicaragua’s was 99 percent.

In the United States, the rate was 91 percent. Note that Mexico’s was 99 percent in 2012 but dropped to 89 percent in 2013.

This argument assumes that the rate of vaccinations among illegal immigrants from Central America is similar to the rate among natives in their country.

But on closer inspection, there is reason to doubt this. In the United States, at least, vaccination rates are lower for children in poverty than for children at or above the poverty level (.pdf). And the immigrants from Central America are likely poorer than natives, if this data from 2013 has any relevance:

Poverty: 65 percent of Honduran immigrants and their young children (under 18) live in or near poverty (under 200 percent of the poverty threshold). For Guatemalan and Salvadoran immigrants and their children, it is 61 percent. The corresponding figure for natives and their children is 31 percent.4

So: could the measles outbreak be related to the giant influx of immigrants caused by Obama’s lax immigration policies? I don’t know, but it’s a question we should be asking.

Don’t be surprised if you see a remarkable lack of curiosity on the subject among those in Big Media.

96 Responses to “Could the Measles Outbreak Be Related to the Giant Influx of Illegal Immigrant Children?”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Then again, as to the outbreak traced to Disneyland, I doubt it was a Central American kid in extreme poverty who was patient zero for that outbreak — unless one was being taken there on a lark by some rich people who can afford their absurd prices. Which is not impossible.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  3. I’m thinking not. Too communicable to have waited til the dead of winter to flourish.

    DNF (fc27ea)

  4. it used to be you had much less chance of getting measles here in America than you would of getting it in a third world country

    that gap is closing fast

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  5. In regards to data or statistics, I’m still amused because the official unemployment rate for Mexico for over 40 years — as vetted by no less than the CIA — shows it rarely above 4%. However, the CIA’s website has since put an asterisk next to that information, presumably because even they were a bit incredulous about what it truly reflects. Namely, that Mexico, in one way, ain’t no, say, Switzerland.

    Mark (c160ec)

  6. Which begs* the question: We know the people who got it. Were they vaccinated; if not why not; and where are they from?

    *Yes, “begs the question” on two legs like a little puppy when you’re frying bacon.

    nk (dbc370)

  7. I don’t know what the cause of the outbreak but most of the detention facilities reported the immigrant children had various diseases. The Artesia NM facility was quarantined because of chickenpox and almost all of them had trouble with sabies and lic. Also, despite Obama’s deportation promises, , not deported.

    On the other hand, if the outbreak is from Americans, just remember that Hollywood has the best moral compass. They have compassion, so anything that goes wrong can’t be their fault.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  8. That didn’t work. Here’s what my last comment should say:

    7.I don’t know what the cause of the outbreak but most of the detention facilities reported the immigrant children had various diseases. The Artesia NM facility was quarantined because of chickenpox and almost all of them had trouble with scabies and lice. Also, despite Obama’s deportation promises, more immigrants have been freed than deported.

    On the other hand, if the outbreak is from Americans, just remember that Hollywood has the best moral compass. They have compassion, so anything that goes wrong can’t be their fault.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  9. Orange County has a high rate of unvaccinated students, thus it wouldn’t necessarily or even likely point to immigrant children:

    The Orange County Register reported that parents had signed waivers for 415 of 4,967 kindergartners in Capistrano. Around 7% signed up in nearby Huntington Beach. Around 12% of students in the Laguna Beach Unified School District got waivers in 2012.

    South Orange County had one of the state’s highest rates of unvaccinated students. The date of the original outbreak also occurred during Christmas break when students would have the opportunity to attend Disneyland throughout the week it occurred.

    Dana (9c3f51)

  10. Is the measles vaccine a contagious vaccine in the first few days like vaccina is? It would be ironic if kids who had just been vaccinated were the carriers.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. #10: the kids should have been vaccinated prior to the start of the school year, so it’s highly unlikely that recently vaccinated people were the source of the outbreak. while it surprised me that MMR is a live, albeit attenuated, vaccine, it is likely not the source.

    what DOES make sense (#9) is that Capestrano, Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach are all upscale communities, many of who’s residents undoubtedly employ illegal aliens as nannies, house keepers, gardeners, etc, who come from a population where measles is endemic, and are thus carries of the disease, even if asymptomatic.

    redc1c4 (2b3c9e)

  12. To nk: no, it’s more like a flu shot, you can’t give someone the flu from it, but your body learns how to defend against it.
    On a personal note, I’m old enough to have had a smallpox vaccine in the early days when it was covered while it healed, because someone else touching the seeping wound could conceivably become infected. Measles vaccine is nothing like that.

    Sue (214911)

  13. NK-
    the only information I can find is that Merck’s ProQuad MMR vaccine is an attenuated live virus. I know that the flu nose-spray my husband was offered at work is known to possibly infect those who haven’t also been vaccinated, so it’s theoretically possible.

    Something to keep in mind with statistics about how many have vaccine waivers– it’s not all nut-jobs who think vaccines are the devil. Some vaccines are grown in fetal stem cells that came from two aborted children. A lot of people who are bothered by this will still vaccinate against deadly diseases, but not for less dire ones– like chicken pox.

    I haven’t researched it in a very long time, but chickenpox vaccine use to also be associated with getting that pox as an adult, when it’s much more dangerous.

    Foxfier (a06b35)

  14. If we’re going to speculate, the outbreak could also have occurred because of unvaccinated people, probably children, and vaccinated people whose immunization coverage had worn off. The latter occurs frequently with whooping cough and I think it could easily happen with measles, because the vaccine lasts different times for different people. There was a case in Carlsbad NM in 1995 where virtually the entire community was infected, and the state has experienced increased cases since 2011. The compliance rates for booster shots of most vaccines is not as high as for younger children.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  15. Rand Paul – dangerous idiot – provides his thoughts on vaccines. I guess when your dad is a paranoid conspiracy theorist, you are handicapped from the get-go.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  16. Teenagers are the ones who often don’t get boosters and the people we typically see at Disneyland, especially at holidays. They share drinks, kiss, and other behaviors that spread disease. That’s where my money would be.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  17. if only he were a Senator from Illinois or New York, or a Huffington Post reader, try to keep up, carlitos

    narciso (ee1f88)

  18. And not mentioned in my comment at 9, for those who don’t know, Disneyland is in the heart of OC.

    Dana (9c3f51)

  19. if only he were a Senator from Illinois or New York, or a Huffington Post reader, try to keep up, carlitos

    narciso (ee1f88) — 2/3/2015 @ 9:45 am


    carlitos (c24ed5)

  20. the left indulged in vaccine denialism from RFK jr to Obama and Hillary for a very long time

    narciso (ee1f88)

  21. Dana – @9 – Prolly not many illegal immigrant chirren in those school populations, amirite?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  22. 21: try Santa Ana, right next door to Dingyland.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  23. We did have that spike in mystery flu that was killing and paralyzing kids in widely dispersed geographic areas this past summer that The Ebola coverage took everybody’s eyes off and the CDC only issued vanilla commentary about. My recollection was that reported measles cases were also increasing at a rapid rate over the same point, but not in clusters like the Disneyland incident. The government was doing all it could to clamp down on any implication that illegal immigrant filth urchins were bringing diseases into this country.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  24. Carlitos, I’m not sure if you saw it, but If that’s what you’d like to talk about there is already a fairly lengthy discussion about Rand Paul and Chris Christie going on at the Patterico thread from last evening titled : L.A. Times: Chris Christie’s Crazy Vaccine Comments Are Crazy — And Never Mind That His Position Is the Same As Obama’s, Because We Simply Won’t Tell You That

    elissa (b37a78)

  25. Thanks, elissa.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  26. you have two problem populations here in #Failifornia: the large pools of illegal aliens, from various locations south of our alleged border, and large pools of stupid Americans, who refuse, because they are oh so sophisticated, to vaccinate themselves and their children.

    the cross contamination occurs because the Americans hire said illegals to w*rk in and around their homes, as well as being exposed to them, directly and indirectly, in the outside world (restaurants, office spaces, stores, etc).

    anyone who has used a public restroom here, where used toilet paper is “disposed” of in a trashcan next to the toilet by the portion of the population who learned to do that at home, because the septic systems there can’t handle paper, knows all they need to know about the approach to public sanitation of that part of the populace.

    now, mix the unvaccinated local population, who grew up with no disease exposure, because the population was vaccinated, with the tourista population, who was never vaccinated, but who are asymptomatic carriers of various diseases, because of chronic exposure, and, Voila!, you get epidemics.

    the stupidity of not getting vaccinated, combined with the stupidity of open borders & sanctuary cities. has predictable results. the other predictable result is that the people most responsible for the problem both refuse to admit it’s a problem, or that they are the cause of it.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  27. I don’t have time to get involved in any detail at the moment.
    The claim that some vaccines are made using cell lines from aborted embryos is new to me and is of concern. Looking into the details of how a vaccine is made is not usually the norm for a practicing physician.

    All vaccines are not the same, and most of you know that. Some are particles of killed virus or bacteria, others are live but weakened forms. Some diseases, like polio and influenza, have vaccines of both types.
    All vaccine use is a cost-benefit analysis, and after years of enjoying the benefit, the perception of risk goes up.
    It is entirely possible that just because the vaccine for one disease has an acceptable cost/benefit ratio, it does not mean it would be the same for every vaccine, or a given vaccine in every person, as DRJ has already pointed out.

    One vaccine that has kicked up controversy over the last few years is against “Cervical cancer”, which means it is against some forms of HPV (human papillomavirus) which are particularly known to be involved in causing cervical cancer. Some have claimed the risks are worse than advertised, others are concerned that to some degree it enables sexual promiscuity, as one doesn’t contract HPV by being in the same room as one does with measles or chicken pox.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  28. There’s a little flaw in what Geraghty said, but only a little flaw. There are communities of (affluent even) people living in California who have lower vaccination rates.

    More to the point the vaccination rate even in Guatemala is pretty high, and what that means is, there are probably virtually no cases of measles in those countries.

    El Salvador had 424 suspected cases and no confirmed cases (maybe becase of no testing) in 2014 Guatemela had 235. Honduras had 257. Mexico had 4,512 (2 confirmed)

    The Phillipines had 57,564 all but 207 confirmed. (60% of them only clinically confirmed and another 20% epidimiologically confirmed)

    China and Vietnam were also somewhat high, so look there. If you want something from Latin america, Mexico makes afar better suspect. Not Mexicans necessarily. Anybody who was in Mexico. Taht incudes those children, of course, but it was too long ago.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  29. Daley,

    Of course you’re right. I was thinking only South OC as that is where the highest population of non – vaccinated students live. Also, given the cost-prohibitive admission price to Disneyland, well, again, South OC.

    Dana (9c3f51)

  30. And check out the weird and schizophrenic graphs here about millennials. I’m so glad we have improved our education system, aren’t you?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  31. This is the source of the 2014 statistics on measles cases.

    To some degree, it’s comparing apples and oranges as the disease reporting situation in different countries is different.

    Canada had 512 confirmed cases, but none suspected!

    The United States had 512 suspected but 644 confirmed!! Who stuffed the ballot box??

    I wonder if there is something wrong with that number 512 appearing twice, especially since 512 s a power of 2.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  32. Even more to the point:

    1) It’s been a half a year or so since the vast majority of them came.

    2) Measles doesn’t last that long.

    3) Anyone who turned themselves in, which is what most of them did, and where Obama could be held respponsible for their admission, would have been treated for measles if they had it, or
    vaccinated. They were all medically cleared.

    4) And, as Patterico said, they are not that likely to visit Disneyland. For one thing, they are all over the country, with not many living in a place where a trip to Disneyland is a cheap, short, trip, and admission isn’t cheap anyway.

    5) While on the other hand, somebody living in the Unioted states and unvaccinated is more likely to come down with it when visiting a place where measles is present.

    6) The highest of incidence of measles isn’t in those countries, and it is pretty low

    There’s no reason to single out those who fled, because there are probably far more people, U.S. residents and not, who cross the border who didn’t. Not too mention other countries altogether.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  33. complete list of approved vaccines

    just FYI, for those interested.

    A lot of people who are bothered by this will still vaccinate against deadly diseases, but not for less dire ones– like chicken pox.

    I haven’t researched it in a very long time, but chickenpox vaccine use to also be associated with getting that pox as an adult, when it’s much more dangerous.

    varicella (chicken pox) causes shingles in adults, which is both painful, and potentially fatal. the usual cause of that is previously having had chicken pox, since the vaccine has only been in use since 1995.

    fortunately, there is Zostavax, which is indicated for us old farts over the age of 50.

    Something to keep in mind with statistics about how many have vaccine waivers– it’s not all nut-jobs who think vaccines are the devil. Some vaccines are grown in fetal stem cells that came from two aborted children.

    you’re going to have to back that statement up, because the only line item i see in the above list that *might* fit that is “Poliovirus Vaccine Inactivated (Human Diploid Cell) Poliovax” which is listed as “Not Available”… they do have a Polio vaccination, but it is sourced from monkey kidney cells.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  34. 27. MD in Philly (f9371b) — 2/3/2015 @ 10:36 am

    Some have claimed the risks are worse than advertised, others are concerned that to some degree it enables sexual promiscuity, as one doesn’t contract HPV by being in the same room as one does with measles or chicken pox.

    But because it is recommended to give this at the age of 11 or 12, there is no real imputation of sexual activity – rather this intends to get ahead of all possible sexual axctivity.

    I do wondser, though, why they recommend age 11 or 12. Why not 5 or 6? Is there a medical reason?

    This vaccine was designed the way it is to preserve patent rights. It only immunizes against 3 out 5 versions of the virus or something like that, so that the companies developing it can later bring on a version that includes the others, and so extend their patent. Yes, the drug approval process is being gamed.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  35. Not that I’m telling anyone anything, but it is said that for the typical person “history” starts about the time we were born, and a whole lot of people no nothing of summertime polio scares or children dying or being brain-damage from whooping cough or measles, or birth defects from Rubella, etc.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  36. 30. So measles was declared eliminated from the United states in 2000.

    In that year, no Americans died from measles (which is supposed to have a fatality rate of 1%) but 12 died from the vaccine.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  37. Angelina got chicken pox and had to miss the premiere of Unbroken which is kinda kooky since she’s known for going the extra mile to avoid getting sick but for some reason she must not’ve been vaccinated

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  38. The chicken pox vaccine did not come out until Angelina was past childhood.
    If you were vaccinated, feets, you must be about 20 or younger, or over 60.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  39. oh see nobody tells me anything thank you

    good thing is now she’s immune and she can walk amongst hordes of pox-ridden children with no fear, only her boundless compassion

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  40. redc1c4 –
    I’m delighted to have an excuse to give more information!

    The stem cell lines are MRC-5 and WI-38.

    Some of the links aren’t good, but there’s more than enough information to independently verify it with whatever source you find most objective, although the Children’s Hospital of Philidelphia is a pretty non-controversial source:

    MD in Philly-
    If you have Catholic families in your practice, you might want to print this out:

    It’s a statement from the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life; I took it, and a couple of pages that explain what vaccines are grown in tissue from aborted humans, to help my pediatrician persuade some other concerned mothers to at least partly vaccinate their children.

    The way that people are mindlessly throwing accusations and calling names drives me nuts– they’re undoing years of work to educate people because people notice the fanatics before the people trying to be reasonable.

    My children not getting a yearly flu vaccine does not mean I think vaccines cause autism, it means I have a different cost/benefit analysis than those who chose otherwise. More effective would be teaching people vaccines are not magic, and if your kid– or you!– are sick, STAY HOME. Even vaccinated people can get ill; my husband’s entire office (and my entire family) came down with a rather nasty flu two weeks after Thanksgiving because at least one person was just too important to take two or three paid sick days while they felt like walking death.

    Someone mentioned the previous measles outbreak– 15% of those infected were vaccinated. Sometimes, even when everything else is done, a person is still vulnerable.

    Foxfier (a06b35)

  41. They have done DNA testing on the measles strain in the Disney outbreak; its similar to strains seen in Indonesia, Qatar, Azerbaijan and Dubai.

    SarahW (267b14)

  42. You should get your shingles vaccine before age 60. The only reason that age is the “reccomended” age is because of an early shortage of vaccine and a deep desire of insurer’s not to pay for it.

    Anyone over 50 – especially one who has had no continual re-exposure to chicken pox infected children – is at increased risk of shingles and if you can afford your own shot, you should get it.

    SarahW (267b14)

  43. can you get it younger than 50?

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  44. The strain has been traced to Asia, probably China. Disneyland is a popular destination for tourists from there.

    This underlines the need for universal immunization. No vaccine is 100% effective in all people. BUT if the entire herd is vaccinated, the infection’s spread is stymied so most of those in which it is less effective are never exposed. But as the rate of immunization falls from near 100%, the risk grows exponentially as the risk of exposure for the partially-protected rises greatly by the presence of the unprotected.

    This isn’t theory. This isn’t computer models. We’ve proven it in the field over time. Measles used to kill hundreds a year. In the Rubella outbreak in the ’60s, thousands of babies died and many more thousands of miscarriages were caused by the disease. Diphtheria and whooping cough used to take their toll, too.

    When the anti-vaccine nuts manage to bring back polio, remember: it didn’t have to happen.

    Estragon (ada867)

  45. Your risk of shingles doesn’t start to jump up until about age 50. Even kiddies can get it, though. There are isolated cases of children getting shingles from the chicken pox vaccine.

    Epidemiologial studies of the big jump in shingles cases in the US (the rate’s been climbing for about 20 years) found no link to vaccination, although this was one of the early worries with the vaccine –

    SarahW (267b14)

  46. They are still using oral polio vaccine in undeveloped nations (for a number of logistical and practical reasons). Even the three attentuated viruses used can, in a vulnerable recipient, cause paralysis. Worse, there are mutated strains of vaccine-caused polio circulating. It has contributed to third world resistance to vaccination programs.

    SarahW (267b14)

  47. i knew this one guy that got it in his early 40s

    but he’s also the only person I’ve ever known with a real genuine actual crack habit, and he got shingles while he was de-cracking himself

    so I’m sure i’m fine, but i wanna go in for the pertussis booster one next year and might get the shingles one just for grins

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  48. 45. Estragon (ada867) — 2/3/2015 @ 12:55 pm

    The strain has been traced to Asia, probably China. Disneyland is a popular destination for tourists from there.

    Statistics argued that. I guess the anti-illegal immigration people will have to give up that one. Of course they could start arguing we should not allow any visitors from China. But they won’t,m because theur ficus is on what’s illegal, not what is legal.

    This underlines the need for universal immunization. No vaccine is 100% effective in all people. BUT if the entire herd is vaccinated, the infection’s spread is stymied so most of those in which it is less effective are never exposed. But as the rate of immunization falls from near 100%, the risk grows exponentially as the risk of exposure for the partially-protected rises greatly by the presence of the unprotected.

    Not true. What counts is the number of susceptible people that can be in contact with each other. Too low and there will only be isolated cases. But you can also have no cases for along time anmd then somebody brings it in.

    When the anti-vaccine nuts manage to bring back polio, remember: it didn’t have to happen

    The main anti-vaccine nuts in the world today are Islamic, and they charge it’s a plot to harm Moslems. If not for them polio would have been eliminated form teh world by now.

    A balanced policy would be: Slow down polio immunization in the United States, where there is no pilio, and the risk from the vaccine is higher than the risk from polio, but intensify it in Pakistan. That’s one reason to fight the Taliban.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  49. 47. SarahW (267b14) — 2/3/2015 @ 1:19 pm

    Worse, there are mutated strains of vaccine-caused polio circulating. It has contributed to third world resistance to vaccination programs.

    But the main reason is the accusation that it is a Zionist (or U.S. backed) anti-Moslem plot: Zionist WHO using Polio Vaccines for Mass De-population

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  50. Thanks, foxfier, for that info.

    This isn’t theory. This isn’t computer models. We’ve proven it in the field over time.
    Estragon (ada867) — 2/3/2015 @ 12:55 pm

    Not a topic I have kept on top of, but I recall there were times in Great Britain and in Sweden back in the 70’s when vaccination rates dropped, resulting in an outbreak of disease, demonstrating that more children were harmed and died by far by the diseases than the vaccines.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  51. @Foxfier (a06b35) — 2/3/2015 @ 12:36 pm Well, the flu vaccine this year mostly doesn’t work. It’s not against the right strains.

    I’ve heard 5% 10% and now 15% for the percentage of children immunized against measles who in fact do not becoime immune. Somebody should take alook at this. Of course herd immunity still works at levels below 100%

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  52. 38. happyfeet (a037ad) — 2/3/2015 @ 11:22 am

    38.Angelina got chicken pox and had to miss the premiere of Unbroken which is kinda kooky since she’s known for going the extra mile to avoid getting sick but for some reason she must not’ve been vaccinated

    The chicken pox vaccination doesn’t work, and usually doesn’t raise antibody levels to declare somebody immune.

    But it’s licensed.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  53. Too many of these outbreaks are in wealthy places, and correlate well with lack of immunization among Americans.

    Kevin M (56aae1)

  54. Santa Ana School District has an extremely low rate of parents opting out of vaccinations.

    Nationally, people declining to vaccinate can best be summed up by the list of the 3 states with the highest rates of opting out:
    1. Oregon
    2. Idaho
    3. Vermont

    NickM (f8e14b)

  55. That other infection I mentioned earlier was Enterovirus D-68 which in some cases had polio like symptoms. The disease is much more common overseas than in the U.S. and the CDC seems to be unexpectedly downplaying instances and deaths on its website compared to other media reports:

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  56. Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)-
    I haven’t heard 15% of children not becoming immune, that was how many immunized people who got sick in a specific case, I think in ’08.

    It’s very hard to identify a failure rate, since you’d have to actively expose a proper cross-section people to the disease and is both unethical and a really bad idea. All we can do is identify how many vaccinated folks get sick, vs unvaccinated.

    When the “Disneyland cases” were at 52, 6 of the known sick people were ones that had been vaccinated. Those too young to be vaccinated might be removed, depends on if their mothers were vaccinated or not. (residual protection)

    We’ll have to see how it shakes out.

    Foxfier (a06b35)

  57. “There is no evidence that unaccompanied children brought EV-D68 into the United States, we are not aware of any of these children testing positive for the virus,” the CDC told World Net Daily in an email response to an inquiry into the possible connection.

    It is true that EV-D68 has been in the U.S. at least since 1962. But according to a study done by doctors from the Division of Viral Diseases at the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases published on the CDC’s own website, EV-D68 “is one of the most rarely reported serotypes, with only 26 reports throughout the 36-year study period (1970 through 2006).”

    There’s often a disconnect between coincidence and correlation. But we suspect that the jump in cases from 26 in 36 years to nearly 700 in one year coming at the same time as the open-border influx of improperly screened illegal aliens is more than just a coincidence.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  58. Let’s take a trip down memory lane. All the way to last summer.

    …The sources say security forces called themselves the “Brown Shirts.”

    “It was a very submissive atmosphere,” the counselor said. “Once you stepped onto the grounds, you abided by their laws – the Brown Shirt laws.”

    She said the workers were stripped of their cellphones and other communication devices. Anyone caught with a phone was immediately fired.

    “Everyone was paranoid,” she said. “The children had more rights than the workers.”

    She said children in the camp had measles, scabies, chicken pox and strep throat as well as mental and emotional issues…

    Amazing, really, was first on the list of diseases this counselor silenced by the Obama administration thought to mention.


    Steve57 (8d38a0)

  59. *Amazing, really, what was first on the list…

    Steve57 (8d38a0)

  60. daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 2/3/2015 @ 2:37 pm

    That comment from the CDC seems to be a case of “see no evil”.
    Yes, a number of deaths and even more cases of significant paralysis were seen throughout the nation. It was quite the hot topic among various annual pediatrics meetings.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  61. Steve57 – The staff and Border Patrol were lying. Sammy said so. Plus all the illegal immigrant filth urchins were medically cleared, or so the administration spokesweasels told us and they never lie.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  62. MD in Philly – I’m thinking the spike in EV-68 cases was prolly because 2014 was the hottest year on record, but that’s just me. YMMV.


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  63. And it could be that these nations just lie about their immunization rates.

    njrob (54ac54)


    Steve57 (8d38a0) — 2/3/2015 @ 2:41 pm

    Jesus H Christ – natural news? Do you know who that guy is?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  65. Anywhere there’s a Prius-driving, composting, Whole Foods shopping population, you will find resistance to vaccinations.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  66. daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 2/3/2015 @ 2:50 pm

    Plus all the illegal immigrant filth urchins were medically cleared, or so the administration spokesweasels told us and they never lie.

    It’s not that they said so, it’s that that is what you should expect, and if it not true. there should be some epidemics – of diarreah at least – in medical bases.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  67. Nobody would have been screened or vaccinated for EV-D68, (unlike measles and whooping cough and so on like that) but these children were not the only travelers to and from Mexico and Central America, and besides which, why should you think it originated there anyway?

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  68. 65. Dick-sucking Barry Soetoro they let any cretin comment here aina?

    DNF (46af08)

  69. Stay classy, DNF.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  70. Irony, doubtless.

    DNF (46af08)

  71. Can you please explain your thoughts in clear English? Who’s being ironic?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  72. Kind of wondered when someone would point out the obvious….

    WarEagle82 (b18ccf)

  73. Do you worship the antiChrist? Why take offense?

    DNF (46af08)

  74. Personally, I violate the third on the average day at work. I am worse than those around me by far.

    DNF (46af08)

  75. So, no, you can’t explain your thoughts in plain English. That’s one way to go.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  76. 77. But I’m not going carlititos, you are.

    DNF (5b331a)

  77. Perhaps something in the lithium bicarbonate family would be suitable for you. Good luck.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  78. 65. …Jesus H Christ – natural news? Do you know who that guy is?

    carlitos (c24ed5) — 2/3/2015 @ 3:20 pm

    Jeesus H Christ who gives a f***. He didn’t do the original reporting. He just reposted a news report.

    And no I don’t know who he is. And, again, I don’t care.

    …During a recent interview on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom program, union VP Chris Cabrera explained that the Border Patrol simply cannot keep up with the influx of illegal immigrants pouring across the U.S. border. Many of these children are sick, he says, and are spreading diseases like tuberculosis and scabies to Border Patrol agents trying to figure out how to handle them.

    “We had one get bacterial pneumonia a couple days ago,” Cabrera explained, referring to one of his fellow agents. “A lot of guys are coming down with scabies or lice from these people, and it’s very difficult for our agents.”…

    Jeesus H Christ, carlitos, can’t you read?

    Steve57 (8d38a0)

  79. “Jeesus H Christ, carlitos, can’t you read?”

    It’s adorable, isn’t it?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  80. Check out Mike Barone’s article about this, today. He contends the incidence of measles is correlated well with the areas of white bread Americans. To a degree he’s on to something. The correlation exists but the correlation is compellingly strong. The heavy measles areas don’t seem to track the poverty regions at all well. Wealth is probably a better indicator except for the harbor corridor. (Samoans? Hm.)

    He also notes the same white bread correlation to weed dispensaries. (Hey, they go where the customers are, duh.)


    JDow (770dee)

  81. bread is for fat people

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  82. I only eat that coarse Brownberry Classic or New England Brown breads.

    No idea how they get that stuff to rise or bake evenly.

    DNF (712cbd)

  83. Just about two weeks ago I was ridiculed here for making this very same point.

    And I doubt the correlation in the USA of low vaccination rates with poverty holds up in Latin America, where poverty is much more prevalent, and the system is set up to cope with it. In the USA it’s up to parents to bring their kids to the doctor, and those who tend not to do that also tend to be poor (i.e. both tendencies are caused by a third factor). In those countries the doctors come to where the kids are, so even the poorer ones will have the same vaccination rates.

    PS: I received some of my vaccines at school; they don’t do that here any more, do they? Why not?

    Milhouse (9d71c3)

  84. i love that brown bread in the can

    they don’t have it at my jewel here

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  85. 81. As I said, the members of the border patrol, and their union, is lying.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  86. Jeesus H Christ who gives a f***. He didn’t do the original reporting. He just reposted a news report.

    The byline on this story was “NaturalNews.” That is not reposting a news report. This was an original story that referenced a few lines from the alleged Fox News report. If you link that, I’ll give it a read. I wouldn’t believe NaturalNews’ characterization of anything without proof. If you knew more about that site you wouldn’t be looking for information there. The founder has incited threats against scientists who work with GMO foods, and compared anyone who works with Monsanto to Nazis committing “crimes against humanity.”

    And no I don’t know who he is. And, again, I don’t care.

    That’s fine. This piece was authored by “Ethan A. Huff, staff writer” for NaturalNews. Here’s a few gems from his portfolio:

    Colloidal Silver is an Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Miracle

    Raw Milk Continually Targeted Despite True Dangers of Pasteurized Product

    Ron Paul Introduces Three New Bills Designed to Restore Free Speech to Health

    Monsanto is trying to take over the world

    Jeesus H Christ, carlitos, can’t you read?

    Yes, I can.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  87. Milhouse (9d71c3) — 2/4/2015 @ 6:52 am

    PS: I received some of my vaccines at school; they don’t do that here any more, do they? Why not?

    Now it seems to be a condition for attending school.

    Reasons for not doing this at school could be:

    1) Offloading the costs to the parents or Medicaid saves money for the school system.

    2) They need parental permission.

    3) A doctor probably has to be familiar with the child to know it’s not counterindicated in any particular case, and they are not set up to do that.

    4) The vaccines are not new, like they were once, and it’s recommended getting many of them – theer are not a lot – years before school, so only a small number of students would get them at school and there is a risk of giving duplicate doses.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  88. my favorite part about vaccines is how they keep you from getting sick

    what’s your favorite part?

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  89. The more anti-vaxxers we have, the fewer anti-vaxxers we will have.

    nk (dbc370)

  90. 88. Pill pushers regard the cautious consumer with antipathy.

    DNF (712cbd)

  91. feets – I like the shots themselves. The following is in my Johnny cash voice:

    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that’s real
    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  92. Here is an opposing view on measles.

    I had heard that I actually had the measles sometime about thirty years ago, during the early to mid-1980’s (which of course means that I can never again contract the measles.) I was not hospitalized.

    Can you imagine popular culture in the 1960’s (let alone the 1910’s) making light of smallpox? Or a TV show from the 1990’s (let alone today) making light of AIDS?

    Michael Ejercito (d9a893)

  93. I linked on another post a CDC report about the measles outbreak that states they believe foreign tourists are responsible for the Disneyland outbreak. The 2014 outbreak came from tourists from the Phillipines. They don’t know where the 2015 edition originated.

    Now the California Department of Health has provided more details:

    99 confirmed measles cases. Of these:

    39 cases visited Disneyland during December 17th-20th, 2014 where they are presumed to have been exposed
    23 are household or close contacts to a confirmed case
    3 were exposed in a community setting (e.g., emergency room) where a confirmed case was known to be present
    34 have unknown exposure source

    The link breaks down the infections by local health jurisdiction, which appears to be essentially by county. Orange County leads the way with 31 cases, following by LA with 17 and San Diego with 13. What’s most interesting to me is the age distribution:
    8% are under 1 year of age
    14% are 1-4 years of age
    18% are 5-19 years of age
    60% are over 20 years of age

    This is an outbreak in adults.

    DRJ (e80d46)

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