Patterico's Pontifications


Schoolhouse Rock: “I’m An Executive Order, And I Pretty Much Just Happen”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:03 pm

“Oh, that’s adorable! You still think that’s how government works!”

Thanks to Simon Jester.

34 Responses to “Schoolhouse Rock: “I’m An Executive Order, And I Pretty Much Just Happen””

  1. I think I fell on my keys!

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Ins’t that adorable.

    Bugg (f0dbc7)

  3. if they had more skits like that, the number of people watching might exceed 100.
    No offense Simon.

    mg (31009b)

  4. None taken, mg. I remember SNL when it was funny.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  5. It was a well done sketch and the kicker I thought was when the executive order which was initially standing up for itself finally read itself, considered how Obama was using it, and was shocked.

    elissa (949bc5)

  6. Preference cascade?

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  7. That’s the funniest skit out of SNL in a long time. The writers did not have much lead time before taping.

    David (6f3506)

  8. I remember SNL when it was funny.

    Ha. One does need a pretty good memory to recall something from that great distance in time.

    But SNL does remind me of liberalism in 2014: Worn-out, frazzled, feckless, aimless and conducive to rampant mediocrity.

    Mark (c160ec)

  9. Heh, yeah. Preference cascade. (See 2014 midterms.)

    If we can recover from FDR and his progressive juggernaut by periodically reducing the growth of government, how do we roll back the complete dominance of private life by government that we now see?

    We can recover…can’t we?

    Patricia (5fc097)

  10. I thought SNL could have done more to emphasize our emperor and those who would most likely reap the benefits of a deportation reprieve. So I created what I believe is a more accurate depiction.

    Political Clown Parade (73e4e9)

  11. You won’t believe this.

    Oh, wait a sec. Yes you will.

    The LHMFM is pushing back against SNL by, no kidding, fact checking this skit.

    This skit got a couple of things right, and a couple of things wrong. For starters, Obama didn’t sign an executive order…

    The comments are priceless. Even WaPo readers understand these sycophants have jumped the shark with this.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  12. re #11: are you sure the WaPost blogger wasn’t being comedic?

    seeRpea (ff2cfe)

  13. …And so what matters most for Obama’s action is public opinion, and what his successor does. The SNL skit, in that sense, doesn’t help him.

    Which is why Obama’s Praetorian Guard has sounded the alarm and is fighting back against the evil forces that have set out not to help their Precious!

    Mister Trouble never hangs around
    When he hears this Mighty sound.

    “Here I come to save the day”

    That means that Mighty Mouse is on his way.
    Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right
    Mighty Mouse will join the fight.
    On the sea or on the land,
    He gets the situation well in hand.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  14. seeRpea, no the guy is serious.

    Which is what makes it hilarious.

    And in addition to the sane people pointing and laughing at him, people in the comments are defending the fact he fact-checked a SNL skit.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  15. Obama’s “executive order” will be internal memos to his Secretary of DHS and his Attorney General. They’re Congress’s delegates under the immigration statutes. Since no green cards will be granted, the Secretary of State is out of the loop for now. But he wants to be the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral, so “his executive order” will be the meme.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. wait a sec – what is SNL demographic? A person would have to be at least 40 to get the reference to
    ‘I am Just a Bill’ from School House Rock.

    Be interesting to find out who wrote the skit. Lorne Michaels would know of the original but which writers would?

    seeRpea (ff2cfe)

  17. Just so you know—WaPO “fact-checked” SNL skit on executive order. You know, just like they did all the GWB and Palin sketches.

    elissa (cf19d6)

  18. The emancipation proclamation was an executive order.

    lincoln (5ad2e1)

  19. Elissa, you know how no one can make fun of the majesty of the Preezie of the United Steezie.

    President Boyfriend.

    Simon Jester (d94ae2)

  20. Seriously, this crew can handle venom, and bile. What they cannot handle is laughter.

    Simon Jester (d94ae2)

  21. re #18: no, it was a War Measure. and it is not called the “Emancipation Executive Order”.
    Also, if ,say, Georgia had ceased hostilities the Emancipation would not have applied to them.
    It did not apply to Maryland or Kentucky (and i think a couple of other states) as they were either not fighting the Union or part of the Union.

    seeRpea (ff2cfe)

  22. Don’t confuse the troll with facts, SeeRpea. He read that somewhere on a lefty site and thinks he’s a flippin genius.

    elissa (cf19d6)

  23. Kids at least in their 20’s are aware of School House Rock. It was presented at most schools on video and sometimes by the drama classes. I don’t know if it still is.

    elissa (cf19d6)

  24. Oh, I don’t know, elissa. Did we really need the Thirteenth Amendment, when we could have all slaves, indentured servants, and apprentices freed by executive order? It seems so like such a waste of time and an unnecessary bother, somehow.

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Just so you know—WaPO “fact-checked” SNL skit on executive order.

    I believe Leviticus will characterize that as an attempt by the staffers and management of the Washington Post to protect the paper’s bottom line, or conservative corporate masters.

    The glories of capitalism at work.

    Mark (c160ec)

  26. Seer, the entire Schoolhouse Rock series was released on DVD about 10 years ago. It had a bit of a resurgence since that happened.

    Xmas (f65ded)

  27. seeRpea (ff2cfe) — 11/23/2014 @ 9:16 pm

    [The Emanxcipation Proclamation did not apply] to Maryland or Kentucky (and i think a couple of other states) as they were either not fighting the Union or part of the Union.

    Besides Maryland and Kentucky, the other slave states that remained in the union – mostly – weer Missouri and Delaware.

    Here is an op-ed piece from the New York Daily News today:

    Sammy Finkelman (8f1991)

  28. “Secure the blessings of Liberty, to ourselves and our posterity…”

    Refuse to hire someone with an illegal presence in this country, though the Feds say they will not prosecute such a worker worker and give him a work permit? Hey you are in violation of labor laws anywhich way they can use against you if you happen to displease.

    Liberty. Unless you want to choose whom you make a professional cake for.

    Liberty, unless you want to keep away from government programs and sell your professional services for a price you set yourself. How long before Physicians and other health professionals must provide services to any patient, at no cost or at cost set by the government in order to practice? Try refusing a medicaid patient now, comrade.

    SarahW (267b14)

  29. Sammy, you left out Tennessee.

    SarahW (267b14)

  30. Which is to say, east Tenn was pro-union, despite secession, and remained so through the reconstruction.

    SarahW (267b14)

  31. It was a border state and didn’t withdraw from the Union until late. It was a border state and EC did not apply

    SarahW (267b14)

  32. 29. The state of Tennessee actually seceded – it’s one of the 11 states of the Confederacy – , but one of its two Senators, Andrew Johnson, stayed in Congress.

    In 1864, he became the nominee of the temporarily renamed Republican Party – the “Union Party” for Vice President.

    In Virginia, a number of counties in the northwest seceded from the state and it was admitted to the union in 1863 as the state of West Virginia.

    There was also a county in Alabama that was pro-Union. Winston County.

    But anyway portions of Kentucky and Tennessee were Republican during much of the
    Twentieth Century be

    Missouri was actually really divided. Harry S Truman came from a Confederate family. I think Mark Twain actually joined the Confederates for a period of time.

    Sam Clemens did not officially enlist in any army. His story of his brief experience in the Marion Rangers, a Missouri militia formed to defend against federal incursion at the beginning of the war, was the subject of his story “The Private History of a Campaign that Failed.”

    In 1905 he wrote that “we joined the Confederate cause not because we wanted to, for we did not, but we wanted to be in the swim. It is plainly a law of nature and we obeyed it.” When the Rangers disbanded, he accompanied his brother, a Lincoln appointee, out West and more or less left the war behind.

    And Jesse James also came from there, and stated out as a
    Confederate guerilla.

    Jesse James, one of the most violent outlaws of the wild west, got his first taste for violence as a Confederate guerrilla during the Civil War.

    Sammy Finkelman (8f1991)

  33. Right Sammy, it seceded late, but was a border state, always had heavy pro-union sentiment (esp East Tenn) and exempt from the Emancipation Proclamation.

    “Due to its inapplicability to areas plausibly under Union control, even within Confederate states the Proclamation’s reach had some significant limitations. By its express terms, for example, it did not affect slavery in fifty-five counties in the Commonwealth of Virginia, essentially those in and around the Virginia Peninsula (a major region of Union military activity) as well as those of the soon-to-be-state of West Virginia, the statehood documents of which also did not provide for universal and immediate emancipation. Nor did the Proclamation affect slavery in thirteen Louisiana parishes, including the city of New Orleans, which were under Union control as of the date of the Proclamation.

    Nor, finally, did it affect slavery in Tennessee, which was simply omitted from the listing of states to which the Proclamation applied. Though a member state of the Confederacy, Tennessee’s western region in 1862 came increasingly under Union control, while its eastern region was heavily populated by pro-Unionists. In addition, Andrew Johnson, at that time the Lincoln-appointed military governor of Tennessee (and in 1864 Lincoln’s running mate), had specifically asked Lincoln to exempt Tennessee from the Proclamation.”

    SarahW (267b14)

  34. We have only just begun – next up is Ozone “protection measures”

    seeRpea (ff2cfe)

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