Patterico's Pontifications


Because If You Don’t Laugh, You Just Cry

Filed under: General — Dana @ 3:53 pm

[guest post by Dana]

If anyone thought that after the midterm trouncing, the president would back off on his immigration plans, then they have not been paying attention. There has never been any indication that this president is open or willing to receive and accept criticism, whether from his own party or even especially from the American people. In this he remains consistent. Besides, one man’s flagrant disregard for the Constitution is just another man’s moral imperative, right?

“When members of Congress question my authority to make our immigration system work better, I have a simple answer: pass a bill.”


Anyway, via Rand Paul, a little amusement in spite of the whole debacle.

Starter pack for presidents who think they’re kings:


Gruber’s take on the immigration move by the President:


31 Responses to “Because If You Don’t Laugh, You Just Cry”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  2. Can I do both at once? It’s worth rereading “Gulliver’s Travels.” Perhaps I should write a new version about the Left, called “Gullible’s Travels.”

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  3. I here Obama is going to insist Putin calls him “my little princess” the next time Vlad has him bent over a table, “laying down the law” over the Ukraine.*gaC6w**-vFI4eyX9*pSwsqaDn37xGmzxWXIas2-t7y0jbjX2j3USQUBmnJ60fLyNWUD*b/PutinSpankingObama.jpg

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  4. Obama laughs and cries when Putin does that to him.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  5. Starter pack is not complete. Shoes. He needs emperor shoes, too. Those saddle shoes he wears for golf do NOT go with the kingly robes.

    elissa (91b301)

  6. Here’s a little Saturday evening music. I call it “Noonan’s theme.”

    SarahW (267b14)

  7. Here’s Michael Ramirez’ political cartoon take on King Barry.

    elissa (91b301)

  8. Another necessary addition to the royal robery:

    kishnevi (3719b7)

  9. With two years “left”, I still feel we haven’t seen the worst of this presidency. Place me in the weeping column.

    felipe (40f0f0)

  10. For clarity: “I feel we still haven’t seen the worst of this presidency”.

    felipe (40f0f0)

  11. You know what is really needed for this occasion? We need one of those narcissist posed photos of him admiring himself in the mirror in his kingly regalia.

    elissa (b65e25)

  12. He’s had so much smoke blown up his keister, he’ll probably die of either rectal or colon cancer before his time

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  13. 11. For clarity: “I feel we still haven’t seen the worst of this presidency”.

    felipe (40f0f0) — 11/22/2014 @ 5:14 pm

    We haven’t. He’s reached the Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales stage of his presidency.

    I keep harping about it, but Prom Queen’s early Honduras adventure was very illustrative. It’s also telling that Obama’s only real friend among world leaders, the only one he’s really bonded with, is Recip “Democracy is like a trolley car. When you reach your stop, you get off” Erdogan.

    when Obama talks about democracy, he has the same definition of it as Erdogan. Indeed, all ME despots. Democracy is one man, one vote, one time. When he talks about elections having consequences, he meant only those two that got him into power. The 2010 and 2014 elections did not have consequences as far as he’s concerned. And he’s acting exactly as described.

    We can expect worse.


    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  14. Also note the faux outrage coming from Boehner. He has stated a number of times
    that he wanted to pass an Immigration bill that included Amnesty.

    Now look. All sorts of blather but they leave town after obama’s usurpation.

    That’s been the MO of the GOP since before the so called shutdown.

    They’ve given Obama carte blanc on the borrowing limits until next year or so.

    What could they possibly do or have done? Nothing and they know it and frankly, I
    don’t think they want to do a thing about it.

    I’m willing to wait and see until after the new Congress takes over but I’m guessing
    we won’t see much to impress even so.

    And they will pay.

    jakee308 (d409c2)

  15. well ‘Little Honduras’ is somewhat reassuring, they would not bend to Zaphod’s will, as a consequence though, he sent the local cartel affiliate, weapons through Operation Castaway

    narciso (ee1f88)

  16. …pass a bill.

    Why? He’ll ignore any parts that he doesn’t like anyway.

    Pious Agnostic (69ea46)

  17. Pious – exactly. We already know that he believes his power exceeds that of the law as written.

    JD (86a5eb)

  18. when members of Congress question my authority to do this I say “Pass a Bill” … so you mean replace my non legislative action with a piece of legislation … right ? but wait … if what you are doing is not writing a law then how can a law replace it ? logic much Mr. Obama …

    JeffC (faa0ee)

  19. 2 images; Yul Brunner staccato

    “So it is written, so it shall be done” in The One’s mind.

    And Montn Python in everyone else’s-
    “How can you tell he’s king?”

    “He hasn’t got sh!t on ’em!”.

    Bugg (f0dbc7)

  20. David Stockman on yesterday’s rate cut by the PBOC:

    In short, there is a tidal wave of industrial deflation coming down the pike—- owing to two decades of world-wide central bank financial repression that has fueled vast malinvestments in mining, manufacturing, transportation and trade. That, in turn, will trigger a monetary race to the bottom by the central banks—a race that is already underway owing to Japan’s Halloween Massacre of the yen. Soon the rest of East Asia—and especially China— will have to join the exchange rate plunge or find their export based economies hitting the shoals.

    Then will come more desperate maneuvers from the ECB, as even the German export machine falters in the face of collapsing growth in China and competitive devaluation all around the world. Stated differently, last night’s central bank announcements were the starting guns for a monetary implosion that will soon shock financial markets and real production, trade, employment and incomes on a world-wide basis.

    DNF (3b2963)

  21. and the GOP will be doing nothing about this power grab.
    GOP Ignore Executive Amnesty

    seeRpea (ff2cfe)

  22. I saw two very interesting articles on page 5 of the Saturday/Sunday November 22-23, 2014 Wall Street Journal.

    1. Lois Lerner emails found. It turns out, yes, that indded some backup tapes were not recycled:

    2. House Committee report on Benghazi finds taht Administration officials did not attempt to mislead the American public, because they were relying on SOOPER SEKRIT INTELLIGENCE:

    The report Friday found that while public statements by Ms. Rice and other U.S. officials eventually were proven wrong, the inaccuracies stemmed from poor intelligence rather than manipulation of the information.

    I told you so. The misinformation came from the CIA not the White House, and that’s been obvious since the very beginning.

    This is a report from the House intelligence committee, not the special committee headed by Trey Goudy.

    Of course the big question is why did anyone rely on SOOPER SEKRIT INTELLIGENCE they had no business believing (assuming they had some common sense)

    Sammy Finkelman (8f1991)

  23. David Stockman on yesterday’s rate cut by the PBOC:

    Pity the man has decayed into an Austro-crank, but he’s not the only person who got strange in old age (Jeffrey Hart, Diane Ravitch, Morgan Reynolds….).

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  24. The “amnesty” declared by Obama is a sham. It’s another “If you like your doctor…” What intelligent (I know) illegal is going to register for a three year work permit that has no indication of what comes after ?

    This is sop to the Hispanics who will figure it out, I suspect.

    The GOP needs to come up with a realistic bill that builds a fence, fixes the visa system and includes a method of legalizing those who have been here for years, have paid taxes and have no legal problems except the immigration status. Nobody is going to deport 11 million people. It’s the same reason why the Union quickly gave up any thought of shipping freed slaves back to Africa. There was no physical way to do it.

    If they pass such bill and send it to Obama, he will look like the liar he is if he doesn’t sign it.

    Then we should make sure the fence and the visa reforms happen, unlike the Simpson Mazzoli bill which never did the second stage,

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  25. Exactly, Mike K. And if the GOP leadership won’t do it, then we need to support candidates who will. The problem is national Republicans are paralyzed and doing nothing seems safer than doing something, and they follow the money because that’s the only clear signal they get. At this point, the only time Republicans come together is to nominate a President, but even that’s iffy. I think it’s up to the conservative base to make them remember who they’re supposed to be representing, just as the Democratic Party learned to be loyal to its liberal base when it has conflicts between various groups.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  26. 26. Rebuttals deal in arguments from facts not no-names.

    DNF (3b2963)

  27. 29. To wit:

    Oil and steel crashing, Market at 20X earnings, Treasury curve inverting,..

    Don’t sit on that cash too long, Pilgrim.

    DNF (3b2963)

  28. I heard a Thanksgiving story last night from a taxi driver.

    Five years ago he had cancer. His wife and little daughter were in Haiti. There was a doctor who told him he had less than five years to live. He told the doctor nobody knows. He prayed so that he would be able to live for his family.

    Now he is cancer free and his wife and daughter came to the United States last week.

    The cancer was multiple myeloma.

    Sammy Finkelman (d2951c)

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