Patterico's Pontifications


Bill Cosby Open Thread

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:38 pm

Open thread because I really haven’t followed this story, being too busy at work — but I sense it’s a Big Deal and that people may want to talk about it.

That said, the whole thing makes me sad. It certainly does not sound good at all. Sometimes you have a mental picture of who a person is, and then you find out they aren’t that person. That is often a sad experience. But I don’t want to make assumptions.

88 Responses to “Bill Cosby Open Thread”

  1. Bill Cosby should make a public statement in support of same-sex marriage. And send $100,000 to GLAAD. Then you will see all this stuff disappear.

    It makes me sad, too. Because I think the accusations are false and Bill Cosby is being demonized for not being the right kind of black person.

    nk (dbc370)

  2. Better, for not being the “left” kind of black person.

    nk (dbc370)

  3. My faith in these kind of high profile stars has been blown away before so nothing surprises me. That said it would be a shame for a guy who was always as straight as Cosby has been in his career to go out like this. But hey, it happened to Joe Paterno.

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  4. Just remember what they did to clarence thomas, herman cain, and what they tried to do scott walker, chris christie, tom delay, rick perry…
    none of it was reality-based…the same thing awaits tim scott, mia love, etc…

    sound awake (8d8367)

  5. If he wasn’t so outspoken, and correct, about the plight of black people he would have got a pass. See Clinton, W.J.

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  6. He is a serial rapist and his politics have nothing to do with this.

    CallousD (cdc72e)

  7. I’ve seen his accusers. You can buy better for the price of a hit of crack on any street corner in Chicago’s West Side.

    nk (dbc370)

  8. January 16, 1997 – Cosby’s only son, Ennis, is robbed and murdered on a Los Angeles highway after he stops to fix a flat tire.

    July 1997 – Autumn Jackson, who claimed to be Cosby’s illegitimate daughter, is found guilty of attempting to extort $40 million dollars from him. She is later sentenced to 26 months in prison. During the trial Cosby testifies he paid Autumn Jackson’s mother $100,000 over twenty years to keep her from going public about their earlier affair (he was married) but he always denied being Autumn’s father.

    July 1998 – Mikhail Markhasev is convicted of Ennis Cosby’s murder. He is later sentenced to life in prison.

    December 6, 1998 – Receives the Kennedy Center Honors.

    July 9, 2002 – Is awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    2003 – Receives the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award at the Emmy Awards.

    January 2005 – Former Temple University employee Andrea Constand alleges that Cosby drugged and fondled her in January 2004.

    February 2005 – Authorities announce that Cosby will not be charged in the Constand case, citing insufficient evidence.

    March 2005 – Constand files a civil suit against Cosby. They settle out of court for an undisclosed amount in November 2006.

    October 26, 2009 – Is awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.

    November 23, 2013 – Cosby’s first television comedy special in 30 years airs on Comedy Central.

    November 14, 2014 – CNN interviews Barbara Bowman who alleges that Cosby assaulted her a number of times. Cosby’s attorney John Schmitt states that the allegations are “decade-old” and “discredited.”

    November 17, 2014 – Journalist and publicist Joan Tarshis tells CNN that Cosby sexually assaulted her 45 years ago, when she was a teenager. Tarshis joins a handful of women who have accused Cosby of sexual assault — allegations the comedian’s attorneys have repeatedly said are untrue. Cosby has never been prosecuted.

    November 18, 2014 – Former supermodel Janice Dickinson accuses Bill Cosby of sexual assault, telling “Entertainment Tonight” in an interview that the comedian raped her. Cosby’s attorney Martin Singer calls Dickinson’s story “a lie” and said it contradicts her own autobiography and a 2002 interview she did with the New York Observer.


    I’m a fan and I want to think these recent allegations are not true. But a history of settlements out of court and his admitted years long payments to keep an affair secret do not lend to his credibility in this matter, I’m afraid.

    elissa (cfc546)

  9. I would say let sleeping dogs lie.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  10. Personally, speaking outside of the “crimes” Cosby is accused of, I think they’re persecuting him to let him know he’s stepped on some toes. His speaking out against the Black communities needing to be more responsible and he’s been a long time target of feminists.

    Those, like CallousD that say his politics don’t play into it, I think are wrong. 44 year old charges are getting brought up well outside of any reasonable legal repercussions. This is a public shaming of an old man.

    (He may very well have done what his accusers say he did, but you try defending yourself of multi-decade old charges.)

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  11. Ah, if we could only know if this is some sort of a political witch hunt, or if it is another case blowing open of a “highly respected” problem person living a lie and having been covered for, and protected by money and clout for years and years (Catholic priests, Penn State Jerry Sandusky, etc).

    elissa (cfc546)

  12. I don’t know elissa, the rumors about Cosby have been around. Do you recall Sandusky rumors floating in the news prior to the lid blowing off the can?

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  13. “He is a serial rapist and his politics have nothing to do with this.”

    CallousD – Roman Polanski would like to hear from you.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  14. they say he likes to do the rape on people but you know what

    it’s not really something that concerns me

    happyfeet (831175)

  15. How about Darren Sharper, I think he received about 1 to 2 days of news coverage for his verifiable account of drugged raping of women.

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  16. All I know about Cosby other than his career is when I watched him guest host the Tonight Show one night and how he went out of his way to insult and embarrass both Steve Martin and actress Claire Bloom for absolutely no discernable reason at all. There was also my late brother-in-law’s father who was probably about 65 years old at the time and was a golf pro at one the golf courses out in the San Fernando Valley and who never had an unkind word to say about ANYBODY tell me about golfing with Cosby at that club and what an extremely unpleasant experience it had been.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  17. National Soros Radio did a LOT to light a fire under this current lynching campaign

    and they tend to have an agenda

    happyfeet (831175)

  18. This is what Cosby gets for telling black youth to get a job.

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  19. this was National Soros Radio in September setting the groundwork for the current lynching

    Cosby’s renown has become less neat in the years since the show went off the air, his squeaky-clean family image tarnished by confessions of infidelity and allegations of sexual assault. His politics have become polarizing, and his name is invoked as a shorthand for a specific strain of black conservatism.

    read the whole thing if you have any doubts that this is anything but the sick tawdry media-instigated lynching of an uppity black man

    happyfeet (831175)

  20. Because I think the accusations are false and Bill Cosby is being demonized for not being the right kind of black person.

    I wish you were correct, nk, but as the saying goes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Too many women have made accusations against Cosby to lead me to think they’re merely gold diggers or so-called scorned women, or ambulance chasers.

    Some female activists through the years have characterized males as being prone to “testosterone poisoning,” or having their brains where their genitals are, and genitals where their brains are.

    In a way the controversy of same-sex marriage rallied around by the liberal intelligentsia, and their and others contention that homosexual males are innately programmed to be that way, because, hey, they can’t get it on with women — and my originally buying into that notion — and seeing all the cases of such males being fully capable of intimacy with the opposite sex, has, if anything, further validated the concept of guys thinking with their genitals—ideology, religion, race, nationality, income, marital status, age, sexual preference, etc, be damned.

    Mark (c160ec)

  21. You didn’t really mean to say “liberal intelligentsia” did you mark? That was a typo or a speak-o. Right?

    elissa (cfc546)

  22. 20. The Bowman chick seems articulate, knowledgeable, thoughtful, consistent, reasonable, etc., i.e., not in this for some self-interested crusade.

    DNF (3b2963)

  23. Well, Mark, it was a medical fact, in Huntsville prison, in the 1900s, that black prisoners needed to have conjugal visits, whereas white prisoners did not, because black men would become sick and unable to work if they did not have sex.

    nk (dbc370)

  24. Prove you’re innocent.

    After confessing to other misdeeds.

    Too little, too late, Alinsky rules … I don’t believe it. Prove it in criminal court.

    Meanwhile, in real news:
    “Netflix saves Longmire! New 10 episodes for 2015, picks up at the “Bang!”

    htom (9b625a)

  25. Not sure what to make of allegations of stuff from decades ago. I guess it is conceivable a person could have been victimized at a time when they thought the assailant was “untouchable” and their own embarrassment (not justified, but possibly there nonetheless) was too much to face.

    This is where I say I will suspend judgment until our host has the opportunity to do a thorough cross examination of all involved, which will likely never happen.

    He is one of the more famous alumni from the high school my daughter is applying to, so, FWIW, I guess there may be more local ripples from this than other things involving Hollywood types.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  26. about a dozen women making charges of rape
    amount of time since the alleged activities.

    oof. i don’t know what to think. He is not a PC black and there was a lot of negativity
    thrown his way when he ranted about teens not speaking English well enough to be understood.
    and at least one woman was vocal in the years after making the accusation
    but sheesh, Mike Tyson was prosecuted and in the 90s Cosby was not a major TV force.

    I can not make a decision, but lean towards “didn’t do it” unless something concrete from
    one of the accusers comes out.
    Even so, I think Cosby should stay very low.

    seeRpea (09793f)

  27. Elissa, DNF, nk, I think it’s a sad turn of events for Bill Cosby since I’ve long admired his very down-to-earth observations and candor. But over these past several years, particularly in light of the so-called culture wars, I’ve witnessed the failings of humans (and human nature), time and time again. Perhaps that’s why I also respect and understand — more than ever before — the philosophy of generally traditional Christians that we humans are all born sinners.

    I used to think that was an overly cynical assessment of the human condition, but not any longer. If anything, I now realize it fits the reality of the human species far more than I originally believed to be true, and far more than the peaches-and-cream naivete of do-gooder liberalism. Or a belief system that disavows the theory that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Mark (c160ec)

  28. He’s a healthy man. I fully accept that he got horny. Even that he did not behave like a perfect gentleman when he looked for relief of unbearable urges. I don’t believe that he crossed the line to sexual assault or sexual abuse.

    nk (dbc370)

  29. I knew a guy who was the Range Officer where I used to go shoot. He was formerly a grip at the studio where they shot The Cosby Show. He told me Bill Cosby was a total racist and a complete a**hole. I don’t think he saw any raping going on though.

    Funeral Guy (afbf7b)

  30. Maybe Cosby is guilty of the broad outlines of what he has been accused of. I defended Schwarzenegger when the pre-recall election sexual harassment allegations appeared, but in retrospect I was probably wrong.

    But let’s assume that these allegations about using the rape drug are wrong and Cosby is guilty of nothing more than acting in a gross, crude, and even illegal manner. How is he any different than Bill Clinton?

    JVW (60ca93)

  31. @26
    “about a dozen women making charges of rape”

    I’ve seen this number bandied about. As far as I can tell it is 5. Where are the other 7?

    I don’t know whether the allegations are true or not. I certainly do not know any of the parties involved and am in no position to judge their credibility.

    Mustang51 (2dd274)

  32. There does seem to be a lot of smoke here–but if that’s the standard, one wonders why Bill Clinton is still an acceptable figure among the same people who are working to water down evidentiary standards in college rape investigations. Actually, no one really wonders–the feminist left (and the MSM, unless they’re shamed into doing otherwise) is going to bite its collective tongue in the hope that he can get HRC across the finish line.

    M Scott Eiland (8d3966)

  33. Look! Squirrel!!

    I have no problem at all believing he is guilty of everything which he is accused. Absolute power and original sin, and all guiding me.

    Now, as we are hurtling towards some horrific realities and folks are finally awakening to such, we will see more and more distractions as a coping mechanism. We will do most anything to avoid our collective responsibilities and duties.

    We have decided not to decide and Dear Leader has figured this out. He will decide for us. Then, we won’t be to blame. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

    Ed from SFV (3400a5)

  34. i’ll believe he’s guilty of rape when criminal charges are filed, he’s convicted and it’s upheld on appeal.

    until then, it’s hearsay at worst, and malicious bull5hit at worst.

    as for settlements, IANAL, but plenty of them here have explained before that settling is often cheaper, even when you’re innocent, but you have deep pockets.

    now,about Obola granting executive order amnesty…

    redc1c4 (589173)

  35. Good thing women never lie about rape.

    If Cosby converts to Islam, can he plead there were no male witnesses as his law requires?

    ErisGuy (76f8a7)

  36. Disgusting and sick is what you are if this is how you treat women.
    Women deserve the best from a man.

    mg (31009b)

  37. The allegations are years beyond any statute of limitations, so Mr Cosby could never be prosecuted. Even if he could be, there is no credible evidence against him: no contemporaneous complaints, no forensic evidence, nothing. Nobody can prove anything, in either direction, but his reputation is destroyed.

    CallousD simply declared Mr Cosby to be a “serial rapist,” based on accusations which can never be confirmed, never be proved, but never be disproved, either. I’d expect that bovine feces on the Lost Kos, but not on a higher-standard site like Patterico. But, we have what we have, the constant feminist meme that women never lie about these things.

    Crystal Mangum was unavailable for comment.

    The not very amused Dana (f6a568)

  38. That Cosby settled a civil case means nothing. Litigation is a gamble, only a fool puts anything of value at risk in a court where one is at risk of a humanly fallible judge and jury.

    Humor me as I go on to long, but try to illustrate how the process is punishment. I was once part of a legal team defending the #1 most productive stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, in the wake of the tech stock crash. The man was an investment machine, he was known as the hardest working broker in the company. His paperwork was perfect, not only did he use the automated systems to serve his customers, he kept the old fashioned paper records for all of his 1800+ clients. Ask him about the clients without his paperwork and he struggled, let him testify with the documents his recall was brilliant.
    If you wanted to trade in IPOs (initial public offering – where the high rollers play) he was the man to see. 80 of his clients qualified to make these investments and did regularly throughout the 80’s & 90’s. His clients made millions. His 2% commission earned him 7 digits. But the bubble burst, and these tech stocks lost half their value. 8 of the 80 high value, high risk taking clients sued for securities fraud, claiming that they were never informed of the risks of investing in IPOs, despite their receipt of the legally required prospectus. Merrill backed him, and we defended the same case over and over (the same lawyers handled the plaintiff cases, go figure), we won 7, settled 1 over the course of three years of nonstop litigation. We, the lawyers, advised him to settle the one, not because he did anything wrong, but because that client had the best sad story. The constant stress of the litigation, and the “where there’s smoke” garbage peddled by the plaintiffs lawyers killed the brokers practice, as well as his marriage. Let me be clear, despite the universal support of his professional colleagues and employer, the stress of litigation killed the business and marriage of a man at the pinnacle of his profession – and that the man firmly believed he was in the right (as do I) really did not lessen the burden of the accusations.

    If you can spare yourself that aggravation by spending in settlement what it would cost to litigate do it, you will save your sanity/life, the only reason to go through with defending in that case is to cause your opponent stress, in the hope they feel it worse than you.

    So, that is why I am certain our legal system is right when it refuses to allow the mention of a past settlement in as proof of current guilt. (Don’t get me started on the fact that arbitrators and “administrative law judges” are not always required to follow the rules of evidence, that’s another travesty against due process.)

    Steve Malynn (ef1d0a)

  39. I bused a table for him when I was in college once. I worked at a restaurant he frequented.

    The word from the waitresses back then was that he was a rude creep.

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  40. 36. I’m with you bud. I work with women and, in so far as I am able, treat them all to as much warmth, respect and deference as possible.

    DNF (3b2963)

  41. I find it interesting that the allegations are so similar: to whit; tension or fatigue and he whips out some drug to alleviate their infirmity and boffo. What drug(s)? Is he always packing? Where does he get said drugs? To me it all sounds too pat and scripted.

    That said, and I know nothing, I hope its not true.

    Angelo (cdad90)

  42. Re: #36… don’t let your heteronormative, patriarchal privilege get the best of you, mg. teh little dears can take care of themselves.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  43. That other Bill gets a complete pass on the same activities in the same time frame (and a return to the White House in 2016) because Why? The timing is suspicious and the evidence is quite skimpy, so I have no idea of the “Truth” here. So maybe I’ll just condemn everyone involved like the curmudgeon I am. (insert smilie here)

    dfbaskwill (a0813f)

  44. I’ve seen Janice Dickinson (the latest accuser)on reality TV a couple times and she seems like a mentally ill, pathologically lying opportunist. With a creepy face.

    That being said, there is most likely some truth to the accusations. Sadly.

    Georganne (e37667)

  45. i heard Bill Cosby is the nicest guy ever that he’s super kind to animals and he likes to knit “infinity sweaters” for ebola orphans so he’s always ordering yarn from Amazon Prime

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  46. It’s possible that he assaulted me in 1975. I was flying alone to Spain, on a TWA 747, and I had four or five vodkas or maybe it was seven or eight, and as I “fell asleep” I know I heard his voice talking to me. I’ve always believed that it was his recorded monologue coming through the earphones, but now I am not so sure. Can Cosby prove that he did not fly to Spain, on a TWA 747, in the summer of 1975?

    nk (dbc370)

  47. I rarely agree with fleets, but character assassination does not equal guilt.

    Funny thing, until racism was made the most evil sin, rape was considered the most heinous. Now if you are accused of racism, obviously you are guilty of rape. Not progress.

    Steve Malynn (b2805a)

  48. I don’t believe that he crossed the line to sexual assault or sexual abuse.

    nk, that to me is quite a rationalization unless you assume the descriptions given by the various women are greatly exaggerated or totally false. If anything, Colonel Haiku’s post #16, Funeral Guy at #29 and Amphipolis at #39 point further in the direction of a Jekyll-Hyde nature to Cosby. Or more smoke to “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

    The only thing that makes Cosby apparently less of a garden-variety rapist is his at least being nice (or “nice”) enough to drug his victims before taking advantage of them. Or the good ol’ roofie method. I guess if one has to be a molester, that’s at least a somewhat civilized way to go about doing it.

    BTW, when it comes to the left and Bill Clinton and their giving him leeway that stretches from here to the moon, liberals often are the last to sympathize with victims of crime and, in turn, to truly excoriate criminals. So when ideology is added to the mix, and a criminal pings the (supposed) do-gooder consciousness of liberals, one really ends up with “at least Hitler kept the trains running on time.”

    Mark (c160ec)

  49. nk, that to me is quite a rationalization unless you assume the descriptions given by the various women are greatly exaggerated or totally false.

    Yes, Mark, yes I do. I believe the descriptions given by the various women are total and utter bovine feces. I’m sorry I was not clearer.

    nk (dbc370)

  50. Anyway, the Michael Phelps story is much more interesting. While he’s in rehab, some “woman” came out of the woodwork claiming to be his girlfriend and also claiming to be a transsexual i.e. that “she” had surgery to become a “woman”.

    nk (dbc370)

  51. nk, that’s interesting. I can’t figure out why you feel the way you do. I’d have to know how you’ve dealt in the past with stories running the gamut from Clinton/Monica to OJ/Nicole, from Martin/Zimmerman to Crystal Magnum/Duke lacrosse players, etc, to really figure out what’s going on there. I can at least understand someone doing back flips to rationalize away the story of Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, since that, at worse, was way, way less than an act of criminality. But when it comes to stories involving characters like a Woody Allen? Nope, that to me is moving into uncharted territory.

    Mark (c160ec)

  52. Why are you checking me out, Mark? Why do you need to figure out why I feel the way I do? What are you after? Who are you? Who do you work for? Did the Illuminati put you up to this?

    nk (dbc370)

  53. I remember a quote of MLK, possibly autobiographical, to the effect ‘Great men are afflicted with great weaknesses’.

    There, but for the grace of God, go we.

    DNF (3b2963)

  54. nk not squishy
    no need to fear teh nk
    other fish to fry

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  55. Mark, I’d like to know your spot on the spectrum between “all piv is rape” and “playa”. I’m guessing closer to the former.

    Steve Malynn (ef1d0a)

  56. If the allegations against him are false, then that would be defamation per se on the part of the accusers. Cosby’s already losing business opportunities, so he’d also have actual damages. If he doesn’t sue the accusers, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s guilty but it doesn’t make it look good for him either.

    Alex (f15f55)

  57. I suspect the allegations against Mr. Cosby may be true.

    I also suspect they would never have been raised again, absent his telling the truth about black society.

    creeper (41fdc3)

  58. Alex, how would Cosby prove the allegations are false in his lawsuit against his accusers? Wouldn’t the evidence against him be the testimony of at least five people, and the evidence for him be his own testimony? And the burden of proof would be preponderance of evidence.

    So no, suing those who are saying bad things about him is not a winner of a strategy, and I also think suggesting it makes him look bad to not sue them is not a well informed view either. The ‘if I were lying he would sue me’ argument is usually not used by someone who has something tangible to base their accusations on.

    What makes Cosby look bad is that several women seem to be saying the same thing.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  59. Steve Malynn (ef1d0a) — 11/20/2014 @ 4:49 am
    Thanks for the info.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  60. elissa (cfc546) — 11/19/2014 @ 7:33 pm

    if we could only know if this is some sort of a political witch hunt, or if it is another case blowing open of a “highly respected” problem person living a lie and having been covered for, and protected by money and clout for years and years (Catholic priests, Penn State Jerry Sandusky, etc).

    It’s not one or the other: it’s BOTH.

    The whole way Cosby is acting, and the fact that some radio hosts or at least one said she had heard about this before, would seem to indicate that, back in the 1960s or earlier, somebody introduced Bill Cosby to a drug that rendered people mostly unconscious without them realizing they had taken the drug, and he used it.

    The last time was probably in 2004, because this must have stopped when Andrea Constand sued him.

    On the other hand, this looks very much like some attempt to remove Bill Cosby from the public square, and NOT because of the date rapes.

    It seems very likely to me that this is in retaliation for his calling upon blacks to be more responsible etc. That blacks can do things wrong does not play very well with the Ferguson campaigning, or perhaps he was hurting the career of some bad comedians. The big question is could this be orchestrated.

    And there’s another thing: To the true accusations there might be added some false ones for good measure, that are at least in some way worse. I mean once people are believing this, why not add some more? It’ll destroy Bill Cosby more quickly.

    Sammy Finkelman (a248bd)

  61. Cosby is F-ed. He is convicted by those running popular media. I’m listening to drive time radio in LA, they are even implying his wife was part of it.

    Steve Malynn (ecc157)

  62. Dustin (2a8be7) — 11/20/2014 @ 8:32 am

    Alex, how would Cosby prove the allegations are false in his lawsuit against his accusers?

    If it’s a set up, you could use the process of discovery and cross examination to demonstrate that. Or there might be testimony from someone that she had been approached to make a false allegation against Bill Cosby, but had declined. (he’d have to find it out that fact of course, in such a case)

    Cosby’s lawyer says one woman’s story is different (that means worse) than what she wrote in a 2002 book. But of course there could be reasons for minimizing it.

    The statements from his lawyer would seem to kind of hint that at least some of the allegations are false. Many supporting affidavits were collected for the 2005 lawsuit – it might be that some of these things didn’t happen that way. At that time 13 women were cited as supporting witnesses.

    The lawsuit was settled in 2006 with an agreement by both sides not to say anything. That could be one reason Bill Cosby can’t comment, at least about Andrea Constand – it would violate the settlement agreement – or has she violated it first?

    In the meantime, people are making accusations or voicing suspicions on behalf of people who aren’t complaining. Some people would like to make him into a pedophile, too.

    Raven-Symone, who played Huxtable’s step-granddaughter on the Cosby Show released a statement via Instagram saying, according to the New York Daily News:

    I was NOT (taken) advantage of by Mr. Cosby when I was on the Cosby Show! I was practically a baby on that show and this is truly a disgusting rumor that I want no part of!

    Everyone on that show treated me with nothing but kindness. Now keep me out of this!

    Sammy Finkelman (8f1991)

  63. 41. Angelo (cdad90) — 11/20/2014 @ 5:34 am

    What drug(s)? Is he always packing? Where does he get said drugs?

    That’s the more interesting question. If true, he could hardly have been the only person using such a drug.

    Sammy Finkelman (8f1991)

  64. A quote from the link at #53:

    “I don’t know exactly what it was, except that for me, integrity is important. For me friendships are important, family is important, and it is a blessing if we can have monetary benefits. That’s wonderful, and I love it. But I have to have the security of people who really care about me, and me about them. I want to be surrounded by people who have integrity….”

    When I read a quote such as this, I find myself thinking, this person is expressing a need for someone with integrity, someone who values friendship and family, someone for whom a relationship based on caring one for another makes this person feel secure. Integrity is mentioned twice, so it would seem this attribute weighs heavily in the balance.

    The quote ends as follows: “And, of course, my name is Camille, not Bill.”

    anonny (36564d)

  65. Now radio personality MD sexologist opining that drugged out accusers are credible today because “victim”, and history repeats, and predators “sniff out” victim types to re victimize . Yes he said “sniff out”.

    Steve Malynn (ecc157)

  66. As Clark Gable said, “I don’t pay them for sex, I pay them to go away afterwards.”

    Bill Cosby never needed drugs. And the women who now accuse him of supposed rape went right back to work day after day at the time.

    luagha (e5bf64)

  67. A mob is being worked up for the lynching of a black man. And likely to minimize the scuminess of Democrat scum like Clinton as dfbaskwill suggested (and the Hollywood child molesters as a bonus).

    nk (dbc370)

  68. And likely *the reason is* to minimize ….

    nk (dbc370)

  69. re #57

    i guess Alex has never heard of the Streisand effect.

    redc1c4 (2b3c9e)

  70. From Sammy’s link above (#64)

    What are the effects of GHB on the victim?

    slow heart rate
    loss of consciousness
    inability to remember what happened while drugged
    coma, death
    What are the effects of ketamine on the victim?

    lost sense of time and identity
    agitation, aggressive or violent behavior
    loss of consciousness
    loss of coordination
    potentially fatal respiratory failure
    What are the effects of rohypnol on the victim?

    lower blood pressure
    muscle relaxation or loss of muscle control
    visual disturbances
    loss of consciousness
    problems talking
    inability to remember what happened while drugged
    How can a woman protect herself from date-rape drugs?

    Whether you are at a bar, restaurant or in any public setting, keep yourself and your friends safe by doing these simple things:

    Never leave your drink unattended.
    Do not accept open-container drinks from anyone but a bartender or server. If you are accepting a drink, make sure it is from an unopened container and that you open the container yourself.
    Be wary about accepting drinks from anyone you do not know well or long enough to trust.
    Attend parties or visit bars with a group of friends, arranging beforehand to watch each other’s drinks.
    If you arrive as a group, leave as a group.
    Watch out for your friends. If a friend shows symptoms of date-rape drug ingestion, seek medical attention immediately.
    Notify other females you know about the effects of these dangerous drugs.
    If you think that you have been a victim, notify the authorities immediately.

    Where are the overdoses, where are the reports of anyone hospitalized who was around Cosby?

    Cosby was a celebrity from the 1960’s on (I Spy ran from 1965-68), everyone in Hollywood drank and smoked and F’d. The rest of our culture watched, and played along. Chickens coming home to roost, but it seems more like remorse being dressed up as assault to me.

    Steven Malynn (6b1ce5)

  71. If the ambulance chaser Gloria Alred won’t take your case it raises pretty big credibility flags. Cosby spoke out against the lib meme and now he’s going to be buried alive and he can do nothing about it.

    Jenny (a343bb)

  72. Jenny, that’s a good point, about Alred not taking the case.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  73. MD, there are quite a bit of non-barking dogs in this kerfluffel. Almost as if it were intended to merely destroy the man and not attempt to prove anything.

    Steven Malynn (6b1ce5)

  74. One speculative interpretation of all this is that Cosby seduced these women with some vague promises of professional help; that they never complained at the time because they had in effect prostituted themselves; and that after several decades of professional disappointments they’d like a pound of flesh from someone who suggested he’d help them and then used them recreationally.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  75. pudding pops!

    love em!

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  76. I gather this case is rather like a Priest abusing altar boys.

    DNF (3b2963)

  77. re: #71… fairly inclusive list, Steven, but I don’t see “get raped by a man wearing a Cliff Huxtable sweater” in there…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  78. Whether the charges are true or not, some are not letting his crisis go to waste:

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  79. Did I say Hollywood child molesters? There are also Oregon Obama bundler child molesters.

    nk (dbc370)

  80. NK – to be very, very specific, she did not claim to be a transsexual; she claimed to be ‘intersex’.

    It turns out that some (small) number of people are born with physical sexual characteristics of both men and women. In her case, she had both a penis and a uterus, but neither testicles nor ovaries.

    This is a *very different* condition than transexuality (in which someone has, for example, a male genetic structure and male physical sexual characteristics but is psychologically female) – the presence of both sets of physical attributes make the situation vastly more complicated.

    It’s not clear from the reportage whether she has XX genes or XY genes. It is clear that she was nominally classified as male in infancy, and that as a teenager she rejected this and eventually had surgery to have her male genitalia removed.

    But, as I said above, this *isn’t* the same thing as transsexuality – it’s a very unusual physical condition that appears superficially related but really isn’t.

    aphrael (b8e786)

  81. I saw that too, in later stories, aphrael. The first few stories, on my Facebook feed, had her as transsexual.

    I know about intersex. They used to call it gonadal dysgenesis? I like to say that I’m a male to female to male transsexual because in the early stages of the embryo the default sex of even an XY embryo is female, and the secondary male characteristics develop when there is sufficient production of testosterone. 😉

    nk (dbc370)

  82. 75. Art Deco (ee8de5) — 11/20/2014 @ 1:06 pm

    75.One speculative interpretation of all this is that Cosby seduced these women with some vague promises of professional help; that they never complained at the time because they had in effect prostituted themselves; and that after several decades of professional disappointments they’d like a pound of flesh from someone who suggested he’d help them and then used them recreationally.

    He seduced women, too.

    We have two new stories today.

    One is of a woman (now the wife the Incredible Hulk) who says she fought off Cosby in 1967 during a double date.(the earlieest report of him using drugs in 1969)

    Anotehr dates from 1982, and is of woman who waa paid money to visit him in Las Vegas – the first time she didn’t keep the appointment. He told her she should pretend to be drunk and gave her something to drink that tasted so bad to her she didn’t drink it.

    She fought him off, or declined his request a bit later, – she hadn’t drunk that drink.

    Then he dismissed her, and wanted nothing to do with her. And he didn’t see her the next two days or whatever or help her afterwards.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  83. What occurs to me is that Bill Cosby may not have bene telling the full truth about where he grew up and his childhood.

    There may have been some bad characters he knew.

    There and also in show business.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  84. What frustrates me is that if what these women are saying is true, Cosby has been drugging and raping for 47 years and they personally knew and kept silent. By their own admission they are guilty of allowing a monster to continue preying on others – not just unknown others, but these ladies’ friends and contemporaries.

    What does that tell us about what goes on in Hollywood? Is what Cosby is today accused of the norm for Hollywood, so much so that dozens of women kept quiet after assaults that would get jail time if you or I committed?

    Steve Malynn (a048af)

  85. Why are you checking me out, Mark? Why do you need to figure out why I feel the way I do? What are you after? Who are you? Who do you work for? Did the Illuminati put you up to this?

    Actually, nk, it’s because I’m always interested in how people’s political persuasion affects their objectivity. I’ve seen more excuse-making and rationalizing — and the closely related corollary of scapegoating — emanating from the left than from the right, but I’ve also seen a bit of that same thing coming from the right.

    With Bill Cosby there’s an interesting cross-section of ideologies meeting head-on, with liberals, who normally deem it verboten to speak ill of so-called minority America, nonetheless feeling miffed at Cosby for being very candid (and accurate) about cultural dysfunction in black America, while conservatives, who normally deem it verboten to coddle dysfunctional behavior, nonetheless feeling protective of Cosby for being very candid (and accurate) about cultural dysfunction in black America.

    It’s exasperating because Cosby has been a voice of sanity in the modern age — regardless of the racial connection — but he’ll now enable the left to trigger more cynicism and skepticism towards those people (of all backgrounds) who promote the idea of respecting higher socio-cultural standards. via, November 22: Sixteen women have publicly stated that Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her. The Washington Post has interviewed five of those women, including a former Playboy Playmate who has never spoken publicly about her allegations. The women agreed to speak on the record and to have their identities revealed. The Post also has reviewed court records that shed light on the accusations of a former director of women’s basketball operations at Temple University who assembled 13 “Jane Doe” accusers in 2005 to testify on her behalf about their allegations against Cosby.

    The accusations, some of which Cosby has denied and others he has declined to discuss, span the arc of the comedy legend’s career, from his pioneering years as the first black star of a network television drama in 1965 to the mid-2000s, when Cosby was firmly entrenched as an elder statesman of the entertainment industry, a scolding public conscience of the African American community and a philanthropist.

    ^ There are now some flames in evidence amongst all the smoke when it comes to phrase of where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

    Mark (c160ec)

  86. any change this story gets Cosby story legs?

    seeRpea (2a32aa)

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