Patterico's Pontifications


Lefties Deceive As They Try to Distract from Gruber’s Praise of . . . Deceit

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:15 pm

Gruber video three!

It’s [the Cadillac tax] a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.

Gruber video four!

Barack Obama’s not a stupid man, okay? He knew when he was running for president that quite frankly the American public doesn’t actually care that much about the uninsured.

Gruber video five!

The dirty secret in Massachusetts is the feds pay for our bill. In Massachusetts, we had a powerful senator you may know named Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy and smart people in Massachusetts basically have figured out a way to rip off the feds for about $400 million a year.

Cue Gruber minimizer Nancy Pelosi!

“I don’t know who he is,” Pelosi said of Jonathan Gruber. “He didn’t help write our bill.”

Cue Gruber minimizer Scott Lemieux!

The greatest mystery of the media coverage of this litigation is why anyone should care what Jon Gruber might have said two years after the ACA was adopted while completely ignoring what the members of Congress who wrote the legislation have said they meant. Jon Gruber did not write the bill; he did not vote on it.

Um. The New York Times begs to differ:

After Mr. Gruber helped the administration put together the basic principles of the proposal, the White House lent him to Capitol Hill to help Congressional staff members draft the specifics of the legislation.

If someone helped write it, and you try to make them sound like their view is just that of any private citizen, then you’re just being deceptive.

And Pelosi? She can’t even claim technical accuracy.

This is who they are and this is what they do. Here’s Sarah Kliff, then and now:

Then: Gruber “pretty much wrote ObamaCare.”

Now: Gruber was just a numbers cruncher.

Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 7.34.56 PM

Guys, guys. Hey, I get it. Y’all needed deception to pass the bill, and you need deception to save it.

Embrace your inner Gruber.


29 Responses to “Lefties Deceive As They Try to Distract from Gruber’s Praise of . . . Deceit”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Gruber who?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  3. I know like eight Grubers

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  4. November has turned out to be kind of a fun month so far in a number of ways.

    elissa (505525)

  5. Yeah, I had a tooth extracted today but it was done by the young, pretty lady dentist.

    nk (dbc370)

  6. Pelosi’s lie was extraordinary. It fits perfectly within this context, as the big lies were their SOP.

    JD (285732)

  7. Sarah Kliff–the ninth parrot.

    M Scott Eiland (8d3966)

  8. When one watches Gruber what stands out is how absolutely proud of himself he is over this sneakiness and deception. He gets off on this. I’m no psychologist but it seems to me that something strange and a little sick within himself needs this to be known–he needed his “brilliance” and his D.C. insiderness to be recognized, especially in academic circles and among his economist peers. He’s like a criminal who brags to his friends about a crime that might otherwise have been undiscovered.

    elissa (505525)

  9. sarah ‘local crime story’ kliff, odd girl out at the Vox clubhouse,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  10. JD–To be fair, with Nancy one never really knows if it’s a purposeful lie or just the muddle of what too much botox did to her brain.

    elissa (505525)

  11. I like her body language when she said, “Let’s put him aside.” Real Valley girl.

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  12. Hasn’t John McClain taught this country that men named Gruber can never be trusted?

    edoc118 (8b952d)

  13. Speaking of lefties who deceive as the try to distract from Gruber’s praise of deceit, where’s our newest leftie troll jbroulie?

    Since he’s new I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt when I read his unsupported and unsupportable fairy tales about the legislative history being on the side of Obamacare supporters. I got a good laugh out of that.

    I hope he can swing by and clear up whether he’s a brazen liar or a simple fool who’s been sucked in by brazen liars. Because the only people arguing the legislative history are the people the PPACA. Because all the facts are against Obamacare supporters.

    II. The Legislative History of the PPACA Supports the Plain Meaning of the
    Statutory Text ………………………………………………………………………………………10

    B. Congress Routinely Conditions Federal Benefits On State Action
    To Induce the States To Carry Out Federal Priorities ……………………..22
    1. Medicaid ……………………………………………………………………….23
    2. State Children’s Health Insurance Program ………………………..24
    3. Exchanges ……………………………………………………………………..25
    4. Medical Malpractice Liability Reform ………………………………26
    5. Employer Mandate ………………………………………………………….27
    6. Health Coverage Tax Credit …………………………………………….27
    7. Health Savings Accounts …………………………………………………28
    8. Small Business Tax Credits ……………………………………………..28
    9. A “Public Option” …………………………………………………………..29

    I won’t quote it at length. Suffice to say jbroulie is either full of excrement or has fallen for a load of excrement.

    It’s always amusing when lefties come here thinking they’re making a brilliant point nobody has already addressed let alone even thought of before. Especially when they make these ridiculous assertions and provide absolutely no support.

    And it’s always because there is nothing to support leftist assertions. Once again, as is always the case, the facts are conservative.

    But again, I’d like to wish jbroulie a warm welcome. Although I don’t think he’ll want to stay very long.

    But for as long as you’re here, jbroulie, enjoy it. I know I will.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  14. *…Because the only people arguing the legislative history are the people opposed to the PPACA.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  15. The AFFORDABLE CARE ACT….says everything you need to know. The Title of the “ACT” is a fuxing lie. It’s like SATAN calling himself. MISTER NICE GUY. Who is that fecking stupid??

    Gus (7cc192)

  16. Jonathan Gruber is correct in one major way, in that the American voter truly is stupid since, after all, such people voted for Obama in 2008 and again in 2012. Yep, that’s pretty damn stupid, and to all you stupid Americans, you’ll never live that stupidity down.


    (Actually, there’s a theory that liberalism is a mental illness as much as, or more than, it’s a form of stupidity.)

    Mark (c160ec)

  17. Mark, LIBERALS live in NEVER NEVERLAND. They want happiness, sea shells and balloons and WHIRLED PEAS. But YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.

    Gus (7cc192)

  18. But again, I’d like to wish jbroulie a warm welcome. Although I don’t think he’ll want to stay very long.

    imdw has amazing staying power, if nothing else.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  19. 17. …They want happiness, sea shells and balloons and WHIRLED PEAS…

    Gus (7cc192) — 11/13/2014 @ 10:40 pm

    They also want to live in a world where the text and the legislative history of the PPACA supports paying subsidies through the federal exchanges as well as the state exchanges.

    They don’t live in such a world.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  20. 18.

    But again, I’d like to wish jbroulie a warm welcome. Although I don’t think he’ll want to stay very long.

    imdw has amazing staying power, if nothing else.

    Patterico (9c670f) — 11/13/2014 @ 10:42 pm

    Yes, he’s like a case of herpes. Some things you just can’t get rid of.

    But he’ll need a new alias. Again.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  21. Steve57, the first LIE dooms the Act. The LIBTARD LEFT lies and lies and cheats and steals, and rapes and pillages, and the GOP, tries to find middle ground. If your opponent continues to kick you in the balls, it is wise to stop exposing your testies to them, and start kicking back.

    Gus (7cc192)

  22. Yes, it’s bad that Gruber called us stupid. It’s also amusing to see the democrats’ reaction to this inconvenient truth coming to light. (Do they pretend they’ve no idea who he is? Do they go with “What Gruber said is no big deal/both sides do it”? Do they feign outrage while secretly wondering how they can make Gruber suffer before he’s permanently disappeared?)

    But here’s what people are missing: what was done by the democrats — Pelosi, Reid, the WH, Gruber and the other advisers who wrote this bill — was subvert the very ideals of our founding. The founders thought it very important that the average man be educated, informed, and engaged enough so that he could have input in the way we’re governed. We weren’t supposed to be subjects of the government; we’re sovereign citizens. The democrats just took that away from every one of us by lying to our faces and justifying their actions. Because, after all, we’re all just a bunch of dumb hicks, too stupid to know what’s good for us. They’re the ones who know what’s best; we should just sit back and let them rule.

    This effrontery cannot stand. Either the government derives its power from the governed, or it’s our master. And the democrats have made it very clear which one of those they think is the case.

    elaine (dcc69e)

  23. Very few people who comment here are missing that, elaine.

    Steve57 (c4b0b3)

  24. If your opponent continues to kick you in the balls, it is wise to stop exposing your testies to them, and start shooting back, i.e. killing ACA.

    Fixed that for ya.

    PPs43 (6fdef4)

  25. “Lefties Deceive As They Try to Distract from Gruber’s Praise of . . . Deceit”

    Verbose. Prolix. The first two words were sufficient.

    Fred Z (9c9edd)

  26. Affordable Care Act … and Athena will spring from Zeus’s skull, full grown and in a full set of armour.

    Neo (d1c681)

  27. I hope this doesn’t get caught in spam, but I am ashamed we haven’t tied Gruber to MacGruber yet.

    g (f85a02)

  28. Actually since Gruber wasn’t giving Nan money it’s totally believable she didn’t know his name.

    bandit (2aa11f)

  29. WTF…..I personally saw Gruber get thrown out of that Nakatomi Tower window by John McClain in 1989, …who is this imposter?

    roys giant teeth (eb3d2f)

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