Patterico's Pontifications


Obama on the Importance of Elections, Then and Now

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:37 am

Chris Cilizza, October 27, 2013: President Obama to Republicans: I won. Deal with it.

A visibly frustrated President Obama delivered a blunt message to Republicans with whom he had feuded over the government shutdown and the debt ceiling over the past month on Tuesday: Elections matter. I won; you lost. Deal with it.

That’s a paraphrase — obviously. Here’s what Obama actually said:

“You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election. Push to change it. But don’t break it. Don’t break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. That’s not being faithful to what this country’s about.”

“Go out there and win an election.” That’s about as direct as you will ever hear a politician be about how he feels about his opposition and how they are conducting themselves. (It’s not the first time Obama has used the “I won” construct. Remember the health-care summit in early 2010 when Obama told Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): “The election is over.”)

Obama’s argument comes down to this: He believes that the 2012 election — in which he was reelected easily and Democrats surprisingly picked up Senate seats and won a handful of House seats — was a clear signal that the American electorate prefers his vision for government to the one offered by Republicans. He views that mandate as a broad one — encompassing fiscal matters, health care, immigration and pretty much everything else.

Chris Cilizza, November 5, 2014: Republicans just won the election. President Obama doesn’t much care.

President Obama had a clear message for congressional Republicans in the wake of the GOP’s sweeping victories in the Senate and House on Tuesday: Big whoop.

“There’s no doubt that Republicans had a good night,” Obama said in his opening remarks, the rhetorical equivalent of a slow clap for Republicans. He wouldn’t go any further — even when pressed to put a single word to the defeat as he did when he called the 2010 election a “shellacking.” He emphasized the number of people — “two thirds” — who didn’t vote Tuesday. Despite saying repeatedly that his policies were on the ballot Tuesday, Obama insisted Wednesday that the message of the election wasn’t a rejection of those policies but rather a sign that the American public wanted politicians to work together to get things done.

Fortunately, the GOP didn’t win this election for the purpose of impressing Barack Obama. The GOP won this election for the purpose of thwarting Barack Obama. Obama can slow clap his way straight to irrelevance. It would be nice, however, if toadies like Cilizza were to notice the direct conflict between Obama’s attitude a year ago about the importance of elections, and his attitude today.

Eh, that’s OK. That’s what we’re here for.

Dana has more, including Obama’s reaction from this morning’s Face the Nation appearance.

UPDATE: A friend writes to remind us of the condescending “Dear 48” campaign. Remember that? Who’s up for a “Dear 44, with love from 53” campaign to rub their noses (ever so smarmily) in the Senate numbers?

35 Responses to “Obama on the Importance of Elections, Then and Now”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. MFM hackery…


    redc1c4 (6d1848)

  3. UPDATE: A friend writes to remind us of the condescending “Dear 48” campaign. Remember that? Who’s up for a “Dear 44, with love from 53” campaign to rub their noses (ever so smarmily) in the Senate numbers?

    Patterico (9c670f)

  4. I honestly think that all the sound files and video files of the President talking about mandates from elections should be run. The RNC should just run them, over and over again. And ask the question:

    Why is this different now?

    It’s very similar to the “dissent is the highest form of patriotism” hypocrisy that many politicians and pundits (including HRC) spouted off.

    The electorate is angry. Let, um, not let a crisis go to waste (wink).

    Simon Jester (d263dc)

  5. this toxic juvenile p.o.s. will be on the stage in prime time at every democratic convention every four years for the rest of his life

    he’s theirs forever they own him

    they’re just starting to get their heads around that i think

    happyfeet (831175)

  6. prediction: upon leaving office, Obama will gift himself with recordings of all of what he considers to be his historic speeches.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  7. This is what we’ve come to expect from President Obama, his 6 years in office conclusively demonstrate that no dodge is too cheap, no excuse so low he won’t stoop to using it to avoid facing his own failures, no lie is too obviously false and no misrepresentation too conveniently manufactured to prevent him from mouthing it ad nauseam from the bully pulpit if it serves to cover his shameless naked ass.

    And, most importantly, no underling’s life is safe if Obama needs to hide his fingerprints at the scene of a crime. We have an arrogant sociopath in the Oval Office and he’s not about to let something as insignificant as the law or the interests of the American people get in his way.

    ropelight (7ba8bc)

  8. prediction: upon leaving office, Obama will gift himself with recordings of all of what he considers to be his historic speeches.
    Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 11/9/2014 @ 12:08 pm

    that would be all of them
    he’s gonna need a bigger DVD

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  9. ropelight (7ba8bc) — 11/9/2014 @ 12:33 pm

    It’s been a bit scary observing in real time how a narcissist acts when you hand one that much power. Normally in everyday life we see their petty little fiefdoms and their energies and manipulations all going to feed their insatiable egos. If it weren’t so dangerous to the US, it’d just be interesting.

    May God deliver us from ever having a pathological egomaniac with both mommy and daddy abandonment issues occupying the white house ever again. If we survive this one.

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  10. UPDATE: A friend writes to remind us of the condescending “Dear 48″ campaign. Remember that? Who’s up for a “Dear 44, with love from 53″ campaign to rub their noses (ever so smarmily) in the Senate numbers?
    Patterico (9c670f) — 11/9/2014 @ 11:47 am

    I think it’d be *much* more entertaining to link this right next to every one of their “spirited” comments from last Wednesday AM forward. “Dear 48, I promise to love and respect you always” / “WUT THOSE RACIST MISOGYNIST PIGS WON AGAIN VOTER FRAUUUUD!”

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  11. And watch them freak out all over again. #bestragespiralever

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  12. no one of consequence – #bestragespiralever. Love it. Good to see you noyk.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  13. You too, daleyrocks.

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  14. N O Y K !!!!

    JD (285732)

  15. Hey, JD…I’m in Urbana as I write this. You went to a BIG campus.

    And I adore NOYK’s posts. Always have.

    Simon Jester (d263dc)

  16. Hi, JD, and Simon Jester. I’m around reading (and loving as usual) you guys’ posts even if don’t comment — work late and all the good stuff is said already by the time I get here. Good to see you get a chance to say hi to y’all.

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  17. NOYK, what a pleasure to see you! As always, you contribute great substance to the conversation.

    I wasn’t sure if that was you on the dating thread, but glad to have it confirmed.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  18. You just need to change your handle. True, I don’t actually know you, but I know your posts. And what you think and write is consequential to me.

    Simon Jester (d263dc)

  19. How about The Commenter Formerly Known as NOYK? You just need some unusual sunglasses.

    Simon Jester (d263dc)

  20. Dana!! I’ve mentioned it a time or two but here it is again: love love love seeing you and JD co-blogging here. Always a lot to say and I read almost all your posts (if in town) even if I don’t comment. Keep up the great work!

    I think on the 25th anniv of The Princess Bride I changed my nick and I love that movie so I guess I’m “NOOC” from now on. 😀

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  21. How about The Commenter Formerly Known as NOYK? You just need some unusual sunglasses.
    Simon Jester (d263dc) — 11/9/2014 @ 1:30 pm

    how does the mask look?

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  22. Obama has a history of hearing the voices of people who don’t agree with him:

    Mr. Obama, who watched Mr. McCain’s speech from his hotel room in Chicago, offered a hand to voters who had not supported him in this election, when he took the stage 15 minutes later. “To those Americans whose support I have yet to earn,” he said, “I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your president, too.”

    He’s our President, but only if we accept he’s right and we’re wrong.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  23. Thanks for the nice words, NOYK. Pop in more often.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  24. Great to see you, NOOC.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  25. you too, DRJ! Maybe I’ve missed it but I don’t see your comments on these threads as much as I’d like.

    re: your comment above, an even more angering part of his presser this week than that John-Edwards like ability to hear silent comments from non-voters was Obama’s remark that he was looking forward to working with Republicans on the issues that they agreed on. What a passive aggressive jackass.

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  26. I’m like you, NOOC. Not around as much as I’d like but I try to read regularly.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  27. NOOC #21: I understand that they are very comfortable, and will soon be all the rage!

    That is a lovely movie. I remember watching it with my father (not so much there any more, sadly) many years ago, on VHS. He sat grimly watching it for a long time. Then, poking his methol cigarette at me, he exclaimed (about Peter Falk): “That old fart is just making it all up as he goes along to entertain the kid!”

    As you wish,” I soberly replied.

    He grumbled at me and went back to watching. I caught him smiling a little.

    Simon Jester (d263dc)

  28. He grumbled at me and went back to watching. I caught him smiling a little.
    Simon Jester (d263dc) — 11/9/2014 @ 2:08 pm

    Heh 🙂 . This is my favorite PB IRL story: my sis and I were introducing my niece to the movie (which we never finished), and as you remember the beginning is the love story. This nine year old looks over from the TV (a few minutes before the boy in the movie says anything) and eyes us suspiciously: “Is this a kissing movie?”

    Of course my sister and I burst out laughing and had to explain to her why. A few minutes later she was complaining again about the kissing and I said to her with a rueful smile, “Someday you may not mind so much.” She looked thoughtful instead of annoyed, which I thought was a good start.

    no one of consequence (d3b5d8)

  29. Excerpt from Family Security Matters by Dr Lawrence Sellin, 11/9/14

    Is Obama Presidentially-Incapacitated by Narcissistic Rage?

    For those perplexed by Barack Obama’s often inexplicable behavior, wonder no more.

    An individual with narcissistic personality disorder exhibits extreme self-importance, has a constant need for attention and admiration, is secretive and controlling, cannot empathize with others, and has a heightened sensitivity to criticism. To get the attention he craves, a narcissist may try to create crises or diversions that return the focus to him. The narcissist feels entitled, that the world owes him, regardless of whether he makes a contribution.

    Narcissists are selfish and self-centered people, who are capable only of thinking about their own issues regarding power, prestige, and personal adequacy. They cannot understand the problems of people around them, and are not aware of other peoples’ feelings. Although they act superior and confident, this actually hides the fact that they have very fragile egos. They live with the illusion that they are perfectionists and that people revere them. The slightest disrespect or challenge can quickly lead to the development of “Narcissistic Rage,” a term coined by Heinz Kohut in his 1972 book “The Analysis of the Self.” The fuming rage the narcissist exhibits is different from the anger that people usually feel; it is either irrational or severely blown out of proportion from an insignificant remark or action. According to Kohut, this rage impairs a narcissist’s cognition, therefore impairing his judgment.

    A narcissist needs to sustain the illusion of being bigger, larger, smarter and more successful than everyone else in order to feel stable. Narcissists need constant admiration, attention and compliments, not to increase their self-esteem, but to prevent a feeling of instability that could lead to dysfunction or breakdown. Narcissistic rage occurs when that core instability is heightened. In essence, the reason narcissists are so self-centered is that their grandiosity-based personality needs to be constantly reinforced to remain stable…

    ropelight (7ba8bc)

  30. Only about 1/4th of US adults voted for Obama either time.

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  31. Obama’s arrogance with ‘I won’ – in those very words – began earlier, in his first meeting with House Republicans in 2009. Paul Ryan began asking questions about market-based reforms for health insurance and was rebuked by Obama, who had no answers because he is not nearly as bright as they pretend, who sat him down with the simple, ‘Look, I won.’

    Estragon (ada867)

  32. Estragon @32, this is why or all the world’s leaders Recep Estrogan is King Putt’s BFF. They’re like twins separated at birth.

    Of course, they don’t have the same accent, so they differ in that regard. According to Harry Reid, Barack Obama doesn’t have an accent. Especially not a Negro accent, Reid said, unless he wants one.

    Does this remind you of anyone?

    For a few years, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s mercurial prime minister, was on top of the world. In 2011, as regional leaders fell around him like dominoes, his Justice and Development Party (AKP) won a landslide election on a massive turnout. That same year, his visit to post-revolution Egypt was marked by adulatory crowds, many of whom admired Erdogan’s willingness to take on Israel, at least rhetorically…

    Just a couple of months ago, Erdogan was still using this capital to make audacious political moves…

    But most especially this:

    Above all, this is a story of hubris. In a recent interview, Jordan’s King Abdullah recounted telling details of a conversation: “Erdogan once said that democracy, for him, is a bus ride … ‘once I get to my stop, I’m getting off’ ”. The destination is a soft authoritarian one-party state, clothed in democratic garb but shorn of the rights and habits that go with genuine democracy

    Obama got to his stop in 2008.

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  33. *…or of all the world’s leaders

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  34. *…Estragon @32, this is why or all the world’s leaders Recep Estrogan



    Steve57 (c1c90e)

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