Patterico's Pontifications


Viral Catcalling Video: Most Harassment Happened in Harlem

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:24 pm

Racist video makers.

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17 Responses to “Viral Catcalling Video: Most Harassment Happened in Harlem”

  1. Racists

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Again, the problem I have with the video is that they consider someone saying hi, harrassment.

    Tanny O'Haley (c674c7)

  3. Every time Dana says “Hello” I feel a little dirty…

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  4. You need Big Government and cat calling to keep Harlem from gentrifying.

    DejectedHead (532aac)

  5. Is Harlem the “tenderloin”? Those 60% of hello’s were off the same street in New York. Most of them
    !@% 125th street. It has a subway line, the public library.

    Something in particular about that street? Is there a catcall zone? Do they have signs up? Caution: catcall area ahead ?

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  6. Every time Dana says “Hello” I feel a little dirty…

    i keep hoping she’ll poast moar often…


    redc1c4 (b340a6)

  7. Why can we not see that our poor minority brothers are merely striking out against the light-skinned privilege of this woman who struts in about the streets, rubbing their faces in oppression?

    Are we too white ourselves to feel the impact of the microaggressions she is putting out?

    Yes, it is a time for reflection. So many conservatives are going out of their way to ‘denounce catcalling in principle,’ like so many obeisances to the politically correct feminist sensibilities.

    If the woman doesn’t want men to notice and greet her in the street, maybe don’t wear freakin’ tights.

    Estragon (ada867)

  8. Anyone who has attended a racially integrated urban public school knows that urban blacks are much less civil than whites…not to mention less peaceful, less law-abiding, less tolerant…

    pst314 (ae6bd1)

  9. Studies have shown that people of the left surprisingly enough are more likely to be just the opposite of what they fancy about themselves. Or they’re more likely to be stingy when it comes to their philanthropy, tolerance, humaneness, compassion.

    I recall former ABC reporter John Stossel testing that theory by setting up a donation bucket in the citadel of liberalism, San Francisco, and another one in a smaller (and more red-state-ized) Midwestern city. The amount of money raised was much higher in the latter versus the former.

    Another way to test that theory is to keep in mind that black America is easily the most monolithically liberal sub-section of the entire US population. No other group comes close to the 90-plus percent range of one-sided support given to liberals/Democrats. Is black America a noticeably humane, generous, tolerant, compassionate demographic?

    BTW, various people of the left love to equate conservatism with a person’s level of intelligence, or a low amount of same, conjuring up the image of illiterate rednecks in trailer parks. Does the left want to apply that same standard to the black community and its unhealthy, if not deranged, devotion to liberalism?

    Mark (c160ec)

  10. Four percent in the Village? I didn’t know that, “Oohhh, girl, I just love those shoes!” was considered harassment.

    JVW (60ca93)

  11. “Oohhh, girl, I just love those shoes!”

    I wish I’d thought of that joke. Good one.

    pst314 (ae6bd1)

  12. “Is black America a noticeably humane, generous, tolerant, compassionate demographic?”

    Gay black men report that blacks are violently intolerant of gays. Violently.

    Asians, as we all know, have plenty of experience with black racism and violence. “How dare those people come to America with nothing, work hard, and succeed!”

    pst314 (ae6bd1)

  13. Shockah!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. Maybe the compliment about the shoes came from a guy with a bad hair style and it threw her off and she got all insecure about whether her shoes really were nice and if they made her calves look fat.
    Then there was the gay couple that looked right at her up and down and started giggling like the boys do when they are dishing dirt on the customers at her hair salon….

    steveg (794291)

  15. Cut it out with “they say ‘hi’ equals harrasmment” claim. That’s not what’s going on at all.

    Not only is there’s a difference between a socially acceptable “hello” in passing, and a call-out, at least most of those “hi”‘s were a DEMAND for acknowledgement that the woman had been seen by them and “appreciated.”

    SarahW (267b14)

  16. You know what I found to be very strange? Nobody asked her for money.

    Whenever I walk down a busy street, I’m always harassed by panhandlers. Or did they skip that because it didn’t fit with their theme?

    AmishDude (d72e23)

  17. I love the Democrats who watched the video fretting over the Democrats who made a video which documented Democrats.

    Burn the Witch (4f59cf)

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