Patterico's Pontifications


Obama Shakes It Off

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 3:30 pm

Just ran across this video while looking for slow-motion videos of dogs shaking off water. It’s’s take on the recent Taylor Swift song.

6 Responses to “Obama Shakes It Off”

  1. Love my Remy!

    Patricia (5fc097)

  2. i have no idea who Taylor Swift or “Remy” may be, other than by inference one is allegedly a musical artist, and the other either a comedian or actor…

    i gives a damn about either type.

    redc1c4 (4db2c8)

  3. The daughter liked it; she knows the original. She’s playing it for me right now on her iTunes.

    nk (dbc370)

  4. The bit about the dude walking in with the knife made me laugh.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  5. Dude’s cat dies. Run over by a truck.

    Dude Turns His Beloved, Dead Cat Into Flying Helicopter.

    It just disturbed me so, that I had to share it.

    Shake it off, so to speak.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

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