Patterico's Pontifications


Ferguson: Getting Ready

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:44 pm

[guest post by Dana]

As Ferguson readies for an impending grand jury decision of whether to indict the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, the Don’t Shoot Coalition is asking for a 48-hour advance notice before the release of the decision, explaining:

“We want to de-escalate violence, but we do not want to de-escalate action,” said Don’t Shoot co-chair Michael McPhearson, during a press conference Wednesday.

Along with the advance notice, the group would also like law enforcement to adhere to their 19 Rules of Engagement. The list begins with an item that all concerned parties certainly agree with:

The first priority shall be the preservation of human life.

Here is a sampling of further demands:

Police will wear only the attire minimally required for their safety. Specialized riot gear will be avoided except as a last resort.

Crowd control equipment such as armored vehicles, rubber bullets, rifles and tear gas will not be used.

Strategically, police will allow protests to take and occupy larger and more disruptive spaces than would normally be tolerated, and will allow occupation of those spaces for longer periods of time than normally tolerated.

Police will be instructed to be more tolerant of more minor lawbreaking (such as thrown water bottles) when deciding to escalate the use of force.

Police rank and file will be instructed to provide every latitude to allow for free assembly and expression, treating protesters as citizens and not “enemy combatants”.

Coalition member Montague Simmons, who also chairs the Organization for Black Struggle, stated:

“People are going to pour into the streets, either in celebration or in rage…”

He said the rules are meant to promote safety and transparency.

“It’s in the best interest of the public that the police and the elected officials who control the actions of the police work together to protect the rights of those engaged in civil disobedience in the expression of their First Amendment rights of speech and assembly.”

In a statement Sgt. Brian Schellman, a spokesman for the St. Louis County Police Department responded:

“The St. Louis County Police Department endorses the statement from the Don’t Shoot Coalition regarding the sanctity and preservation of human life. To that end, and in the spirit of building communications, members of the Unified Command have met with the coalition to define common goals.”

According to the attorney for the Brown family, the family does not want to see an aftermath of violence:

Mr. Brown’s parents are preparing to call on the people of Ferguson not to react violently to the grand jury’s decision, even though they have little faith in the prosecutor, according to their lawyer, Benjamin L. Crump. “We want people to pray that the system will work, but the family doesn’t have much confidence at all,” Mr. Crump said. Nor, he added, are they confident that the local police will deal properly even with peaceful protesters.

Simply put, it’s likely to get really ugly in Ferguson. And sadly, if there is no decision to indict, it will certainly be seen by the family and protesters that the system did not work for them. And, as the expectation may appear to be leaning toward no indictment, there is a sense of dread about things to come:

Government officials have said that forensics tests showed Mr. Brown’s blood on Officer Wilson’s gun, giving credence to the officer’s account that at one point he was pinned in his vehicle and engaged in a struggle over his gun with Mr. Brown. He told investigators that he had feared for his life, and police officers are typically given wide latitude to defend themselves if they feel their safety is threatened.

Nor are civil rights charges expected. Federal officials have said that while their investigation is continuing, the evidence so far does not support such a case against Officer Wilson.


105 Responses to “Ferguson: Getting Ready”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  2. Hello Dana – Is Officer Wilson a white hispanic nazi speed freak?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  3. The optics of this could cap an already bad week for the Democrats if things get really ugly there.

    elissa (5044e0)

  4. If the family does not want violence, perhaps they need to have a chat with Michael’s mother.

    kishnevi (a5d1b9)

  5. kishnevi,

    I saw that today and couldn’t believe that her former mother-in-law was one of the victims. I heard a news commentator state that surely people would understand that it was undue stress provoking the outburst.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  6. I kind of like the idea of setting up roadblocks/barricades an hour or so before the announcement and not letting anyone in – or out – of Ferguson for a day or three.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  7. ==“People are going to pour into the streets, either in celebration or in rage…==

    Wow. What if people just want to go out for a Friday night pizza?

    elissa (5044e0)

  8. Maybe the smart thing to do is have holder announce the decisions that there is no baisis to indict the ferguson officer. Opps – I was being delusional

    joe (93323e)

  9. A news flash that an armored truck convoy was in a mass collision on I-70, 50 miles west, and that there’s $3 billion in small bills scattered all over the place?

    nk (dbc370)

  10. They’d better be planning on a side order of rage and some uncivil disobedience to go with that pizza, elissa.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  11. Have the authorities prohibited the mostly peaceful protestors from carrying baggies filled with urine and feces?

    You can’t have a mostly peaceful protest these days without burning some businesses, smashing some windows and throwing urine and feces on police. It’s almost not worth peacefully protesting if they take all the fun out of it.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  12. Dana, I imagine a good old family feud.
    It is possible to put it in a better light for Brown’s mother: maybe she was upset that the MIL was trying to turn her son’s memory into a source of monetary profit.

    kishnevi (3719b7)

  13. Nothing says justice like burning, looting and rioting does.

    Roy in Nipomo (8c3b61)

  14. it’s nice to know, that the governor is on the case,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  15. @13


    malclave (4f3ec1)

  16. I have a suggested counter-proposal-
    The police will stay in a part of town to be determined. they will dress and be equipped as they think best. All who think the police can be helpful can go there and hang out.
    The rest of Ferguson will be left in the hands of the Don’t Shoot Coalition, and they can practice minimal confrontational behavior all they want.

    Specialized riot gear will be used as a last resort, is that after 1, 2, or 10 police officers and bystanders are seriously injured?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  17. The dens created this time bomb, explosions to come.

    mg (2e8589)

  18. I was on PCP when they kicked my ass too.

    Rodney King's Spirit (8b9b5a)

  19. President Obama spoke to Gov. Nixon tonight. Apparently rumors are swirling the a decision will be within the next few days.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  20. It is possible to put it in a better light for Brown’s mother: maybe she was upset that the MIL was trying to turn her son’s memory into a source of monetary profit.
    And thereby poaching on her territory.

    Kids are primarily a source of income to those welfare brood sows.

    nk (dbc370)

  21. Kids are primarily a source of income to those welfare brood sows.

    Again, prior to 2009, the TANF census was 1/3 that of AFDC in 1996 and subject to time limits. About 4,000,000 people were in households collecting TANF payments at any one time, or 1.3% of the population. There not going to be a large share of any but the oddest social stratum or subculture. The mother may be ill-mannered and crass, but I would not make any assumptions about her work history.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  22. “Primarily a source of income” is not the same as “primary source of income”. Her kid’s criminal history is a reflection of his importance to her and the care she devoted to his upbringing.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. The police will stay in a part of town to be determined. they will dress and be equipped as they think best. All who think the police can be helpful can go there and hang out.
    The rest of Ferguson will be left in the hands of the Don’t Shoot Coalition, and they can practice minimal confrontational behavior all they want.

    MD it’s a suburb with 21,000 people in it; 70% of the households therein are owner-occupiers. The dimensions of the town are such that you can traverse it end-to-end at an ordinary loping pace in about an hour and twenty minutes.

    Prior to this whole mess, the place had an abnormal problem with burglary and car theft, but was otherwise unremarkable. Some of the alt-right biological determinists seem to fancy it’s a collecting pool of people holding Section 8 vouchers, but Section 8 households are only about 5.5% of the population therein.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  24. Everything that has happened or will happen in Ferguson is the result of two things: An orchestrated outrage effort by the left and media enablers and people wanting to take advantage of the disruption for financial gain.

    By the way, if you call other humans “brood sows,” you need to step back and think about what you are saying.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  25. “Primarily a source of income” is not the same as “primary source of income”. Her kid’s criminal history is a reflection of his importance to her and the care she devoted to his upbringing.

    If she were interested in hoarding cigarillos.

    If you fancy the behavior of the young is an unconfounded function of their parents’ skills and commitment, I’d suggest you improve the quality of your thought on such questions by putting a pistol to your temple and pulling the trigger.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  26. according to their lawyer, Benjamin L. Crump.

    Were there something resembling professional standards amongst the lawyers of this world, this man would have been disbarred last year, along with Angela Corey and Bernardo de la Rionda. Instead, they’re going after Trinity Western.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  27. If you fancy the behavior of the young is an unconfounded function of their parents’ skills and commitment

    I fancy that you’re a verbose moron.

    nk (dbc370)

  28. Maybe appoint a special UN civil rights panel to handle the t-shirt sales?
    But after cracking their nut a t-shirt might run $150-250 each? $2 for the Brown family and the other $248 for the UN

    steveg (794291)

  29. Don’t be Reginald Denny.

    Captain Ned (d080c3)

  30. I really don’t understand this. If the guy was guilty of shooting this guy wrongfully, or even *might* be guilty of that, don’t you think they would indict him? Do people really think that white folks blindly back any white thug in sight, so long as the victim is black?

    (Hint: No)

    If they don’t indict, and especially if Holder doesn’t indict, it is ONLY because there is nothing to indict.

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  31. This is the kind of thing that makes me glad I live in California. That, and the weather.

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  32. Were there something resembling professional standards amongst the lawyers of this world

    And you thought “Tree Strikes” filled the prisons….

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  33. *THREE

    damn spellcheck

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  34. If they don’t indict, and especially if Holder doesn’t indict, it is ONLY because there is nothing to indict.

    You are approaching this logically. They are approaching it emotionally and irrationally. Reasonableness was miles ago, if ever.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  35. I’m just sayin’ that the good people of Ferguson need to chose whether they want a to be a law-abiding society or not. If you are going to let some vocal minority tell the police how to run the show, the police should step out of the way and let them run it.

    Now, I imagine I’m reacting to some small number of rabble-rousers who are getting their names in the media at the expense of the average Joe and Mary, but really, if I’m the chief of police and you’re asking me to deploy my department on terms that make it more dangerous than necessary, I’ve got a problem with that.

    Can the governor call a state of emergency and refuse admission to the area of people who do not live there?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  36. They are just following the example of the president, who is quick to assume that police are racist and incompetent.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  37. They think they won the lottery. Baby-mama is thinking big settlement from the city, “civil disobediencers” are thinking smash-and-grab from shop windows, and “civil rights activists” and “community organizers” are thinking Jesse Jackson ambitions.

    nk (dbc370)

  38. Do any of these people have jobs?

    Denver Todd (77a6d5)

  39. ST. LOUIS COUNTY – A University of Missouri St. Louis student was allegedly beaten by protesters after they accused him of live-streaming their event on Thursday night.

    The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Chris Schaefer, 24, was at a strategy meeting at Greater St. Mark Missionary Church in north St. Louis County. Protesters at the meeting tell the newspaper that they were all told to turn recording devices off. They say that Schaefer was broadcasting the meeting with his cell phone.

    Police say he was chased from the church and beaten outside. He was treated for his injuries at Christian Hospital.

    St. Louis County police are investigating the incident.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  40. Denver Todd, inciting riots is their job.

    I have a feeling this revolution is not going to happen, other than in the fevered dreams of the professional agitators there. Basically, they want ROEs where the police surrender completely!

    Patricia (5fc097)

  41. Every ready to be helpful, I have some ideas:

    1. The DNC, Obama for America, the NAACP, and every other left-wing outfit who has a stake in race hustling here should be asked to raise a $10 million bond to cover any damages or looting that the rioters do.

    2. The cops and “the community” both assemble in the streets that evening. If the grand jury announces that they are not going to indict the officer, then the cops will depart the scene and allow the community to vent their collective spleen, subject to them having met the requirements set forth in item 1 above.

    3. If the officer is in fact indicted, then the cops get to don riot gear and forcibly evict the community from the streets, using tear gas, rubber bullets, and billy clubs. Anyone failing to comply will be hauled in to the clink for the night and may end up with a nasty lump on the head.

    Seems like a fair way of handling it.

    JVW (60ca93)

  42. If there is no indictment and the expected riots happen, the president and Holder will bear a good deal of responsibility. They both affirmed protesters and validated their claims. The president should have never commented, nor cited the incident as what is still wrong with America (in a speech).

    Dana (8e74ce)

  43. JVW, unfortunately there are good and decent people trapped in the midst of this, therefore, if the police leave and spleens are vented, innocent people will be at risk.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  44. It’s the cynicism, for want of a better word, that’s the most awful. These people, including Obama and Holder, all know the score. They cross the street to avoid guys like Michael Brown. They put burglar bars on their windows because of guys like Michael Brown. They tremble to let their daughters walk down the street because of guys like Michael Brown. Yet because they see some personal advantage in treating him like a martyr, they’re willing to see Ferguson burn.

    nk (dbc370)

  45. All have 100 yard zeros, check. All batteries replaced or charged, check. All cameras, audio and video recorders have fresh media supplies, already formatted, check. A week of food, water, coocking fuel, check. Inspect and fill first aid kit and trauma kit, check. Lawn things gathered into garage and locked, check. Cars, truck, boats all stored far away, check. Rental in driveway with rental company insurance, check. Lawyer warned, check.

    Not doing any of that, I live in Minnesnowda.

    htom (9b625a)

  46. I understand the initial shock and dismay at the death of an unarmed young man at the hands of a white police officer.

    But after the robbery video was released, and the criminal background of his friend/accomplice who invented the ‘hands up’ story, and the leaks that actual evidence confirms the officer’s version, as do several other black witnesses, it no longer makes sense.

    It seems the ‘community protests’ have been commandeered by outside agitators bent on mayhem and theft. And they are winning the battle for control of the ‘protests.’

    That the violence and destruction has been allowed to go on like this for so long is hurting the future of the area. More violence will hurt the residents and businesses who serve them more than anything else.

    Estragon (ada867)

  47. Estragon, Those protesters that continue to hold firm to their belief that he was a gentle giant who died unarmed running from danger with his hands up do not get their information from the same sources most of us do.

    elissa (0f952e)

  48. They are just following the example of the president, who is quick to assume that police are racist and incompetent.

    here in the reality based community, we call that sort of behavior “projection”…

    liars think everyone’s a liar, thieves believe everyone steals and stupid people think they’re the brightest people around.

    which is why they are either politicians or media types.

    redc1c4 (2b3c9e)

  49. “Michael Brown’s mother spoke from jail where she is being held without bond.”

    Susan Harms (c7dded)

  50. Cops should call a meeting of all the big shot demonstration leaders and then when they’re all together arrest them and keep them in protective custody till the decision is announced and any mob action has been firmly suppressed, even if it takes a harsh crackdown backed up by the National Guard to do it.

    ropelight (98c4df)

  51. I thought Mr Brown’s mother was supposed to be addressing the UN Council on Torture.

    JD (09b887)

  52. Take a couple of minutes to read this and then ponder just how low we’ve fallen…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  53. Big announcement:

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  54. All I have to say to that, Haiku, is

    nk (dbc370)

  55. Lol

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  56. And I’m getting ready to go to the dentist. Thanks, Haiku. I needed something more painful for perspective. Jamming my thumb on my car hood latch, yesterday, wasn’t enough.

    nk (dbc370)

  57. Typical of loony leftists (and black America in particular is chock full of them) to be such lousy judges of why people are good or bad, or why situations are good or bad, that they end up making a martyr out of a felon like Michael Brown.

    If such liberals-gone-berserk wanted someone to be a poster child for the righteous cause of the proletariat fighting the good fight against the diabolical establishment, they could have at least honed in on a case that Patterico profiled several weeks ago. That one involved a video of an unarmed black guy wandering around a street in nearby St Louis, exhibiting a suicidal demeanor, where he was taunting the cops to shoot him. Even though he was several feet away from the one police officer who eventually fired off the bullets in question, when he didn’t do as they commanded, he was shot and killed.

    Mark (c160ec)

  58. Take a couple of minutes to read this and then ponder just how low we’ve fallen…

    Reading about Bush Jr and Sr, I sometimes wonder how much ire I feel towards a variety of major Democrats/liberals is because of my not caring for their ideology and how much is because such people are way too disreputable behind closed doors.

    Yea, everyone has feet of clay regardless of their political orientation, but it seems that the major figureheads of the left during, in particular, the past 50-plus years have been far too disreputable behind closed doors to easily rationalize away those negative (and non-ideological) aspects of such people. For example, JFK and his glowing reputation based on postcard-perfect images being far more unhinged and irresponsible in private than even his biggest skeptics presumed, and, of course, Bill Clinton and his wife exemplifying even more a case of Democrats living down (or up) to their worst stereotypes, with the current White House occupant rounding off the entire mess.

    Mark (c160ec)

  59. I say invite the Hell’s Angels to work security for local businesses.

    Navin R Johnson (b139c1)

  60. 70% of the households therein are owner-occupiers. The dimensions of the town are such that you can traverse it end-to-end at an ordinary loping pace in about an hour and twenty minutes.

    I feel bad for the property owners there, who are majority white. This is why Chicago and other “changing neighborhoods” saw “white flight.” I grew up in Chicago in an area that was upper middle class at the time and is now the worst crime ridden neighborhood in the city. The agitators are not just “professional,” they are misguided kids mostly who are angry at whites and want to punish them for their own failures in life. There are good black parents who want to get their kids out of those bad schools and make something of themselves. Some of them are starting to vote for Republicans. The Brown “family” is not an example.

    I will add that a lot of those small towns brought some of this on themselves by trying to fund the local government with fines for minor offenses and nonsensical code violations that weight heavily on the poor, who are disproportionately black.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  61. This thing about “we’re planning to take to the streets and ‘justifiably loot and riot and torch things’ — now you cops gotta swear you won’t hurt anybody while we do so” is a little . . . MUCH, don’t you think?

    ” We intend to be outright lawless and it’ll be ALL YOUR FAULT if anybody gets hurt ” has got to be the new, modern definition of chutzpah, right?

    A_Nonny_Mouse (b9c77b)

  62. I feel bad for the property owners there, who are majority white.

    30% of the population in Ferguson is white Anglo. Again, 69% of the households in Ferguson are owner occupiers, so, no, the majority of the owner-occupiers are not white. Hispanics and miscellaneous make up about 2% of the population; 68% are black.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  63. This is why Chicago and other “changing neighborhoods” saw “white flight.”

    Ferguson has had a critical mass of blacks for decades and has had a black majority since around 1998. Again, they have an abnormal problem with burglary and car theft but the crime statistics for the town are otherwise unremarkable.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  64. Sorry, I have no more tolerance for the thuggish tactics of the ignorant mobs in Ferguson. When you have marxist-black supremacist groups like the Black Panthers teaming up with other socialist organizations for no reason other than to foment violence it is time to stop mollycoddling these vicious criminals. Michael Brown was high on some form of THC, used his large form to assault a convenience store employee while he stole a box of cigarillos, then assault a police officer and attempted to take his weapon. Then when the officer told him to freeze, and had his firearm out and ready to use, the thug decided to charge the armed officer. He is the only one responsible for his death, and the mobs that rioted and looted the stores in the city deserve absolutely ZERO sympathy or respect. They are not motivated by a desire to know truth, they are motivated by nothing but a pack mentality and simple, naked greed.

    They are so clueless that they have demanded business – that THEY destroyed and looted – be rebuilt. They are even more clueless in issuing these ridiculous demands of law enforcement. it is like a child demanding the parents renounce spanking, grounding or restrictions regardless of how badly the child behaves while physically assaulting the parents.

    Black Panthers,communist organizers and the allegedly anarchist Anonymous asshats are fomenting these riots, and if any damage, injury or deaths occur from renewed rioting in Ferguson, every one of the leaders of these arguably criminal organizations should be tried under conspiracy and sedition charges, and punished to the absolute maximum of the law. Every business owner in Ferguson should permanently close their doors and move to a community that does not tolerate this kind of third world mob violence.

    For crying out loud, Brown’s own mother assaulted his grandmother over a monetary dispute regarding selling T-shirts trying to make money off Brown’s self-inflicted death. What kind of relatives must one have if they are scamming money off your self-inflicted, drug-influenced death?

    Pete (435606)

  65. 16. Despite the optimism of our weak teat mobies monitoring careless profiling the police will rapidly collapse to defensible perimeters around organs of government.

    Citizens are well advised to shelter in place until martial law is declared an curfew lifted.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  66. How the world changes!

    Years ago the country turned against one of the darkest aspects of its history. That was the lynching of primarily southern blacks through mob actions. Yet we are faced with the same mentality in Ferguson as we await the results of the grand jury. If the decision is no indictment, there is no question there will be violence, this time blacks against whites.

    It is unfortunate we don’t learn the lessons of history. Given the choice of our system of justice or mob rule, it looks like mob rule will prevail.

    Corky Boyd (f38e2c)

  67. My point about “white flight” concerned crime, especially violent crime, of which there is a surfeit in Ferguson right now.

    If the black property owners, and I am surprised that so many are black, choose not to vote or choose to vote for white officials, they must accept the consequences although maybe they have looked at Detroit and Baltimore for inspiration.

    Watts, south of Los Angeles, never recovered from the 1965 riots. That was 50 years ago and Watts is now mostly Latino, which the media in Florida consider “white.”

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  68. @ elissa,

    Those protesters that continue to hold firm to their belief that he was a gentle giant who died unarmed running from danger with his hands up do not get their information from the same sources most of us do.

    I don’t believe they *want* to know the truth about the shooting. It’s likely to shatter a very public opportunity to protest the shooting, the police, the law and a hundred plus years of grievances. IOW, they can’t afford to lose the moment to truth. Jesse and Al and Holder and sadly, even the president know that this is money in the bank in a number of ways. The truth becomes superfluous to the cause.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  69. They are so clueless that they have demanded business – that THEY destroyed and looted – be rebuilt.

    Depends on which ‘they’ to which you are referring. It’s basically working-class suburb predominantly made up of homeowners. They’re not burning down the bloody convenience stores, local hoodlums are. The difficulty you get in these sorts of situations is social psychological: the tradesmen and salaried employees in the black population do not seem to generate a leadership cadre who will articulate their interests and give it some muscle, whether its at the ballot box or on the courthouse steps.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  70. 70. “If the black property owners, and I am surprised that so many are black”

    No apology is necessary to apologists for nihilist authoritarians, that, moreover, are accepted solely by the useful idiots among us wallowing in a styes of sanctimony.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  71. These fergdorks have had their 15 minutes already

    happyfeet (09ace0)

  72. 72. Your mendacious insinuations of slander against commenters in this forum is reprehensible.

    The demands and threats alluded to were reliably reported at GWP.

    You are vile.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  73. 74. No worries, others will take their place.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  74. That was 50 years ago and Watts is now mostly Latino,

    Not because of the riots, but because of the relentless growth of the East LA barrio flooding toward the west. It is also flooding southeast into places like Whittier, and also growing in the San Fernando Valley (Van Nuys, Pacoima).

    Blacks have retreated to south and south-west LA. But again, not due to the riots of ’65 or ’03, but because the ENORMOUS flood of Mexican immigrants has displaced poorer blacks.

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  75. “What’s in a name? An Attorney General who is female, African-American, named Lynch? I love the smell of irony in the morning.”
    – Gerard Vanderleun

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. it’s just drama drama drama with these fergdorks

    and u know what there’s just nothing what’s gonna happen in poor pitiful Ferguson Missouri that’s gonna have any effect on my life in the slightest


    happyfeet (09ace0)

  77. Do you know what happened 164 years ago this past summer?

    California became a state! The people had no electricity, the state had no money and almost everyone spoke Spanish. There were gunfights in the streets.

    So basically NOTHING has changed except back then the women had real tits and the men didn’t hold hands.

    And that, my friends, is your history lesson for today.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  78. “Blacks have retreated to south and south-west LA. But again, not due to the riots of ’65 or ’03”

    I think they trashed the neighborhoods and merchants were not going to go back until the demographics did. Hispanics are not big spenders and the stores are not high culture but they don’t get burned down.

    If you have better information, I’d be interested to hear but I go through those neighborhoods all the time. The black ones are still crime ridden; the Hispanic not so much. There are still gangs but not the overt violence every night.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  79. Re; #80,

    In the barrios of California, 164 years later, the women still have real tits and the men still don’t hold hands.

    I can’t think of a more cogent distillation of the reason conservatives should not fear Hispanic immigration.

    As my dear father liked to point out, it is the migration of New Yorkers that is ruining California.

    I do so enjoy your posts, Colonel Haiku.

    ThOR (130453)

  80. speaking of California, majority say boxer and feinstein should not run again.

    elissa (ff06d3)

  81. Holder’s preciosity: “Some people can kiss my ass.”

    DNF (b18ba5)

  82. You deserve an apple, Col.

    mg (fcabf1)

  83. what if the white corporate liberals and the professional black civil rights leaders can no longer con the black people of missouri into not arming them selves and shooting back! Its one thing when a white cop shoots an unarmed black teen its not so much fun when white cops are surrounded by hundreds armed black men and women and you can’t keep national guard on duty for ever and the lesson in guerrilla warfare attack where they are weakest!

    street fighting man (888542)

  84. I’ll do Holder one better… he can kiss MY ma-mah jammin’ ass and the chinless sloth can do it three times on Sundays.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  85. and New Yorkers (except for those who use this site) can do it, too… for a Saturday afternoon…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  86. and Boxer and Feinstein should run… run for their lives! aaarrrarrrrrgggggggggghhhh!!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  87. The black ones are still crime ridden;

    The homicide rate in the four police precincts which make up Harlem (60% black) and East Harlem (30% black) ranges from 4 to 11 per 100,000. The metropolitan mean in the United States in 1980 was about 12 per 100,000. As we speak, it’s about 6 per 100,000. The homicide rate in New York City is 5 per 100,000 (i.e. the national mean) and the general index crime rate is about 15% below national means.

    Don’t understaff your police force, optimize their deployment, train them with best practice tactics, and you can have slum neighborhoods which are not so dangerous that they’re unlivable.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  88. Do Not underfund your government, sheeple, you will certainly burn.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  89. And thanks, Thor, I always learn something from yours.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  90. I can’t think of a more cogent distillation of the reason conservatives should not fear Hispanic immigration. As my dear father liked to point out, it is the migration of New Yorkers that is ruining California.

    While Colonel Haiku’s “real tits” and “men don’t hold hands” comment makes me laugh, he also is describing a situation where the backwards-sounding nature of California generations ago is going to be merely duplicated now and in the future.

    I grimace when I envision more and more of the “Golden State” eventually reflecting the social-economic-political mediocrity of societies like Mexico, where the academic performance of an uncomfortably large percentage of the school-age populace is nothing to write home about, and remains that way year after year.

    ranges from 4 to 11 per 100,000

    That’s quite a spread, so the question is the more accurate or telling figure for Harlem actually higher rather than lower?

    Mark (c160ec)

  91. Mark,

    Let me get this straight. In your vision of the Golden State, low achievers may not apply.

    That sounds more like a Progressive than a conservative to me.

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    ThOR (130453)

  92. That’s quite a spread, so the question is the more accurate or telling figure for Harlem actually higher rather than lower?

    Again, there are four police precincts in Harlem and East Harlem. One has a rate of 4 per 100,000, one a rate of 11 per 100,000, and the others in between. I think if you take a weighted average, it’s about 8 per 100,000, but I haven’t done the math. The national mean for metropolitan areas is 6 per 100,000.

    And, no, that’s not a remarkable spread moving from one neighborhood to another in a variegated central city.

    You’re not going to turn inner city slums into bucolic resort communities. However, the experience of New York demonstrates that there is masses of slack in local government performance and much to be done in the realm of quality of life improvements in urban slums.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  93. “In your vision of the Golden State, low achievers may not apply.

    That sounds more like a Progressive than a conservative to me.”

    Only if they are illegal. Progressives love illegals because they know they can dominate them. If your definitive of “low achievers” includes those who will be requiring support by taxpayers in the second generation, hell yes they need not “apply.”

    The Mexican immigrants of 50-60 years ago were not expecting welfare.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  94. “Don’t understaff your police force, optimize their deployment, train them with best practice tactics, and you can have slum neighborhoods which are not so dangerous that they’re unlivable.”

    De Blasio is about to dismantle that system. Los Angles has very dangerous neighborhoods and Chicago has horrendous ones. One major problem in Chicago is that closing schools, which Emmanuel is doing, makes kids walk through neighborhoods run by new gangs. It can be fatal. Even voucher schools have this problem but at least, when you get to school, the kid gets an education.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  95. elissa (5044e0) — 11/7/2014 @ 6:36 pm

    What if people just want to go out for a Friday night pizza? Free beer and cigarettes is more like it.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  96. Talk about magical thinking, all this wistful longing for services from your government like police protection, courts of Justice, smaller class sizes, resurfaced roads, etc., versus a more perfect dystopia is idleness and futility.

    Haven’t y’all watched the dollar rising while our disposable income collapses?

    The cavalry is not on the way, there is no salvation over the horizon.

    It’s turtles..all the way down.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  97. 99. Sober up you twit.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  98. 100. I don’t partake.

    And you are vile.

    DNF (b18ba5)

  99. First, the proposed rules of engagement… Maybe those who think the police should just stand there and get pelted with bottles of water, let alone the other items and substances that come into use at such gatherings, should first get together and have people pelt them with such stuff, just so they have a fair idea of what they are asking others to do.

    And am I the only one who sees that ROE list and thinks of that Bob Newhart bit where he applies the “coin toss” to historical events. I recall George Washington winning the toss and the Brits having to wear red coats, march in straight lines, and then only on the roads.

    And… watching the news tonight I see that some kind of “super storm” is “going to hit Alaska and the US” (like the weather guy missed the memo about Alaska’s statehood)and bring some sub-freezing weather to the lower 48 next week. The lines on the map included the St Louis area. If these guys plan it right they can release the news first thing in the morning on a 25 degree day. I predict the crowds will be sparse, and those who do show up will be less than wildly enthusiastic.

    Its looking like Michael Brown’s mother’s number in the ghetto lottery is not going to come up this time.

    Gramps, the original (9e1415)

  100. Gramps, that sounds like a bit of providence and a great idea.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  101. Mike K (90dfdc) — 11/8/2014 @ 7:15 am

    [In Ferguson, Missouri, some blacks are] starting to vote for Republicans. The Brown “family” is not an example.

    But maybe not always for reasons you might expect:

    Black leaders are supporting a Republican

    The fallout from the death in August of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager who was shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, a St. Louis suburb, has added an unexpected twist to the race for St. Louis County executive.

    A coalition of about two dozen African-American Democratic officials are snubbing the Democratic candidate, Steven Stenger, and throwing their support behind the Republican, Rick Stream, a state legislator.

    Both candidates are white, but Mr. Stenger defeated the incumbent, Charlie Dooley, who is black, in an August primary with the help of an endorsement from Robert P. McCulloch, the county prosecutor, who has been accused of harboring a pro-police bias in the investigation into Mr. Brown’s killing.

    Mr. McCulloch’s father, a police officer, was shot and killed by a black man in the 1960s, and his mother and other relatives worked for the St. Louis Police Department.

    “We’re called on when it’s time to turn out the vote, but we don’t have input in the issues that matter in our community,” said Hazel Erby, a county councilwoman who spoke for the group supporting Mr. Stream. African-Americans accounted for about 24 percent of the county’s population in 2013, according to the United States Census Bureau.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  102. It didn’t work.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

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