Patterico's Pontifications


Day Made

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:04 pm

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26 Responses to “Day Made”

  1. Congrats!

    bob (either orr) (93b49b)

  2. who is that?

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  3. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn Hume’s been lurking here for some time. I suspect many national media figures do. I’ve noticed hints and insinuations aplenty over the years.

    ropelight (ba2e00)

  4. He seems like such a nice person

    happyfeet (09ace0)

  5. Good for you!

    Roy in Nipomo (8c3b61)

  6. a good man who schools Juan Williams on a regular basis. Much amusement ensues.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  7. It’s a beautiful Friday morning! The lamentations from the Bay Area can still be heard here and i must confess that I love the sound of liberals crying in the morning! Woo hoo!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. Bill Daley is on our new Republican governor’s transition team. Woo hoo!

    nk (dbc370)

  9. Jaysus! Fox In The Henhouse alert!!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  10. He does seem like avery good man.
    His following is a great acknowledgement…

    steveg (794291)

  11. Better than a pat on the butt.

    DNF (359daa)

  12. You’re on the national radar. Congrats!

    Patricia (5fc097)

  13. Bill Daley is on our new Republican governor’s transition team. Woo hoo!

    nk (dbc370) — 11/7/2014 @ 6:21 am

    Yeah, I noticed that. On the bright side, Jim Edgar is a good guy.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  14. (pours malt liquor on the ground for Tony Snow)

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  15. 12. Patricia (5fc097) — 11/7/2014 @ 8:50 am You’re on the national radar. Congrats!

    If this is so, maybe somebody will try to find out – more successfully than I did – on what day in July 1993, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States, made his SECRET, UNSCHEDULED visit to the White House where he saw President Clinton and “Sandy Burglar.”

    The fact of this meeeting was leaked to Fred Barnes, complete with a very probably false explanation as to why that meeting took place, and printed on page 10 of the March 14, 104 issue of the New Republic. It was the subject an article entitled “Saudi Doody.”

    In spite of using the Freedom of Information Act, I was not able to confirm that that meeting took place, or find out the date and time of that meeting. My suspicion is, however, that this story was leaked because the meeting in fact happened, and it was possible somebody might find out the date and time. So an innocuous explanation was inserted into the historical record.

    It should be noted that Prince Bandar lived right across the street from Fort Marcy Park, ad many many meetings with various people in Washington took place in his home, and there were guns there, and there locked briefcases visible to visitors, which he told reporters, like Patrick E. Tyler of the New York Times (see Sunday June 7, 1992 New York Times magazine) contained secret files, but more logically, contained cash. The locks were combination locks.

    Bob Woodward also wrote about these briefcases in his book “The Commanders” page 213. And also said they contained secrets.

    In July 1992, renovations were going on, and Bandar had moved next door.

    It should also be noted that this leak was right at the height of, or toward the end of, several Foster case leaks – the picture of the gun of course, but also to the New York Daily News, which was being given counterleaks to Christopher Ruddy’s series in the New York Post, since January. The leaks to the New York Daily News culminated there in a report by Mike McAlary in the March 14, 194 issue of the New York Daily News about the contents of actually not completed yet Foster case report by Robert B. Fiske, Jr (who very recently died)

    The New Republic issue would have come out a week before that.

    Robert B. Fiske Jr. was the lawyer who had protected Robert Rubin and Goldman and Sachs from a Giuliani-led insider trading investigation. Giuliani had to be content woth Michael Milken

    Fiske eventually had his client plead guilty to a probably imaginary insider trading violation that could not lead higher up after Giukiani had left to run for mayor of New York the first time (in 1989)

    .. Read between the lines of the book “Den of Thieves” by James B. Stewart.

    I think Fiske himself leaked the leak he complained about.

    I think that, in 1993, Bill Clinton was contriving to get all investigations of himself into the hands of a lawyer whom he could trust and also he had contrived to make it look Janet Reno was his third choice for Attorney General, so it wouldn’t be suspected as even thought possible that he was behind Fiske’s appointment by Janet Reno as a special prosecutor.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  16. Den of Thieves was a powerful read.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  17. Some of Gov. elect Rauner’s transition team members are clearly better than others. But obviously, transition teams (especially when the transition is from one party to the other) require upright and competent soldiers representing both sides who can competently communicate. Bill Daley fits that bill pretty well. (Remember, he either left or was bum-rushed out of the Obama White House for being too sane, too practical, and for giving them advice they did not like.)

    elissa (019266)

  18. Well, yeah, ok. Can’t hope for miracles. Combine.

    I kind of like that Chicago police computer whiz who went from patrolman to Deputy Superintendent in seven months on the force because he could do a job nobody else could and threatened to leave for NSA or Google or New Jersey unless he got rank and pay commensurate with his skills. (If I could only remember his name. 😉 )

    nk (dbc370)

  19. LOL, nk. That would be Ron Huberman. And you forgot to list his swirl through the school system. But he’s on there for a different reason which I shall not mention. 🙂

    elissa (019266)

  20. You know, I follow you on Twitter, too, and I never got a big story like this. 🙁 It’s almost like I was a nobody.

    The crestfallen Dana (f6a568)

  21. Oh, grow up, crestfallen Dana, ’cause I know what it’s really like to be a nobody!

    Elliot Rodger (f6a568)

  22. carlitos @16:

    Den of Thieves was a powerful read.

    Study the end of the case against Robert Freeman, head of the Goldman arbitrage desk, toward the end of the book.

    Robert B,. Fiske, Jr, was Freeman’s lawyer and Rubin E. Rubin was his boss. Freeman pleaded guilty to a probably imaginary crime which implicated nobody higher up.

    I don’t think James B. Stewart figured out what went on there at all.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)


    In February 1987, Giuliani ordered the arrest of Freeman on insider-trading charges. Rubin had been a mentor to Freeman; he had hired Freeman and taught him all that he knew. And Freeman was good, too — he had made millions for the partnership, and his reputation on the street before his arrest had been impeccable. But as he finally admitted in 1989, when he pleaded guilty to having put a call in to Marty Siegel and selling stock on an inside tip, one thing Freeman had not learned from the master was when not to make that last, skating-too-close-to-the-edge phone call. Giuliani got his Goldman partner, though some said at the time that he was after bigger game — Rubin himself.

    To this day, Rubin resolutely defends Freeman (“Marty Siegel was lying through his teeth,” he has been known to say), who was never formally charged with providing information to Siegel on HNG. And his acute dislike for the former mayor still retains its fresh edge. As for Giuliani, he could never make his larger case.

    To this day, Rubin resolutely defends Freeman.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  24. “This day” is already some time ago.

    Anyway that’s the case where Fiske represented Freeman.

    In the 1992 election, the firm of Goldman and Sachs endorsed or certified Bill Clinton’s “econoic plan” which he ran on and then promptly discarded.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  25. So cool. Congratulations to Patterico, and to Brit Hume for recognizing a quality blogger/tweeter.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  26. Half Life Three confirmed?

    Dustin (2ee477)

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