Patterico's Pontifications


Breaking: Obama to Work on Sunday

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:36 am

Obama is delaying his tee time on Sunday long enough to go spend a few TV minutes with a Big Media sycophant:

Still reeling from the GOP’s “good night” during Tuesday’s midterm elections, President Obama will make a rare Sunday show appearance this weekend, granting an interview to CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

Holy crap, “Face the Nation” with Bob Schieffer! He is going to rake this guy over the coals!!!!

I for one plan to be glued to the TV, because I can’t get enough of looking at this guy:

169 Responses to “Breaking: Obama to Work on Sunday”

  1. C’mon, Patrick! We don’t already see enough of TFG’s unholy countenance? He’ll phone it in, like he always does.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  2. Third grade called. They want their insults back.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  3. no backs I called it

    happyfeet (09ace0)

  4. just what i needed: another reason to NOT turn on the TV.

    redc1c4 (6d1848)

  5. PS: you couldn’t have put the obscene stuff under a fold, so we didn’t have to see the #SCOAMF unless we chose to?

    redc1c4 (6d1848)

  6. Third grade called. They want their insults back.

    carlitos (c24ed5) — 11/6/2014 @ 8:08 am

    What is this a reference to?

    Patterico (0aa613)

  7. Patterico! Tear down that wall (of pictures!)

    Dan (00fc90)

  8. Something about that bottom picture in the left column makes me think he’s singing Christmas carols early. But he probably wouldn’t know the words to any of those.

    Silent Night…

    It was all crickets as the returns rolled in, after all.

    Dan (00fc90)

  9. What is this a reference to?

    Patterico (0aa613) — 11/6/2014 @ 8:24 am

    You’re making fun of the President of the United States because of your perception of his facial expressions. Seriously? Aren’t there enough real reasons to dislike the guy and his policies?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  10. I say the same thing when mrs. carlito comments on Michelle Obama’s looks. Grow up, already.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  11. no, we’re making fun of the fact, that Sundays are his golf tee, ebola, ISIS beheading, or any other crisis,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  12. I like big butts and I cannot lie, but Moochelle’s is unattractive. Nothing like Beyonce’s, let alone Kim Kardashians. Sometimes, size by itself is not enough.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. carlitos, come on though. Picture six. Look at that. There have been a time or two I’ve caught myself with that facial expression and been very embarrassed as it’s disrespectful.

    Obama explained that his policies were what this election was about. The results in both midterms are messages that at least many Americans do not feel they are being well represented by their so called public servants. In this election I am sure many of the voters have lost good health care coverage in order to subsidize the voters who elected Obama. And to this real problem that impacts families very hard, look at picture six.

    I admit this isn’t the most mature way to make the point that Obama is ignoring those people and that issue in another example of his tendency to be so cynical in his leadership (from the IRS to ignoring the border to ramming Obamacare through). But it’s accurate, right? That picture gets the truth out in a way words don’t. You and I are his subjects, not his citizens. He is not really the presidential officer of a federal government, executing the laws faithfully. He is something else.

    I’d like to see magnanimity in the form of respect for eachother, but I do not want to go so far as to pretend the disrespect that is already out there isn’t occurring. I find most die hard partisan Republicans to be ridiculous, and a lot of the crowing to be in stark contrast to their complaints in 2008 about democrat behavior, but I think there is something very peculiar about Obama’s attitude that ought to be discussed all the time. Clinton and both Bushes and certainly Reagan and Carter weren’t anything like this.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  14. Who’s going to wake Bob?

    askeptic (efcf22)

  15. Those are pix of an imposter….in not one of them is his head cocked-back in his ™ Il Duce pose.

    askeptic (efcf22)

  16. Clinton and both Bushes and certainly Reagan and Carter weren’t anything like this.

    Yeah, no one could make an unattractive photo collage of those guys.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  17. Patterico, since your earlier post, I’ve been trying to figure out why I, too, have such a compelling (if nausea-inducing) fascination with such “Obama talking-head” series. I will share with you my hypothesis:

    Like a dog who’s been whipped repeatedly for the last seven-plus years by a particular person, my associations connected to that person have now moved way down the various layers of my conscious mind. New neural wetware has been configured so that those associations now grab my consciousness even more quickly and reliably. My brain stem is learning to anticipate these beatings, in the futile hope that being a millisecond quicker in my memories and associations from the cues, I might someday be able to limit or avoid them.

    A single photo of Barack Obama makes me cringe now, but his image is so ubiquitous that I’d be cringing all day if I didn’t de-sensitize just a little bit.

    The short time-lapse series, though, of him obviously speaking: Well, that immediately brings the sound of his voice into my head to go along with the images. And … all my other associations.

    There’s some cluster of neurons somewhere, I hypothesize, which reliably and instantly — without need for further mental processing — reacts to this sequence of photos by flooding my conscious mind with the words and concept: He’s lying.

    I tried yesterday to imagine that this man is an utter stranger to me, that I don’t have this multi-year history of intense associations. If I saw a man on the next bench in the airport who looked like this, who had these expressions and this body language while speaking inaudibly, would I have this sort of intense negative reaction? And I couldn’t even process that question. It’s now completely impossible for me to form a mental picture of this particular face without triggering the associations, too.

    If this body were cloned and raised to adulthood as one of Mitt Romney’s grandchildren, I still couldn’t possibly trust it.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  18. With Bob Schieffer, of course, who has forgotten what a follow-up question is.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  19. I will, by the way, admit that what I’ve just described is indeed the mirror image of what I and others have mocked as “Bush Derangement Syndrome” among the Left. Politics from either the Left or Right can re-purpose the wetware.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  20. Yeah, no one could make an unattractive photo collage of those guys.

    carlitos (c24ed5) —

    Surely they could.

    In this case, the photos are useful in that they convey an attitude that is real. It’s an attitude I think all mere men have once in a while, but good men overcome by keeping their ego under control and considering others. I think Obama’s peculiar reaction to the election, which is to ignore it essentially, makes his facial expression at the time a powerful criticism. Is it silly to make fun of how someone looks? I guess not always, so long as it’s thoughtful enough.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  21. Thanks for the honesty, Beldar. There are definitely people about whom I think the same way. Human nature.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  22. Yes Dustin, Obama’s facial expressions are a powerful criticism. And it’s not always silly to make fun of how someone looks. Great thoughtful points.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  23. They appear to be at least as thoughtful as your points. Do you categorically reject visual criticism? Why?

    Why is physical communication, which is certainly occurring here, less valid to criticize than oral?

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  24. Obama was elected President ONLY because of how he looks. We’re hunting where the ducks are.

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Why is physical communication, which is certainly occurring here, less valid to criticize than oral?

    You’re ugly and your momma dresses you funny.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  26. You’re ugly and your momma dresses you funny.

    that’s a strawman

    I’m not saying Obama is a poor president, worthy of criticism from his citizens, because he looks like a dorky snob. I’m saying his expressions are a communication of disregarding issues he should take seriously. I can point that out by quoting him or talking about his record, and I do, but there’s something about this non verbal communication that gets the message across powerfully. I don’t think it’s fair to rule any criticism of a photograph as like all others. That seems to be where I disagree.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  27. Seems to be where *we* disagree, I mean.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  28. I don’t feel that way about you, carlitos. I think you’re a clean, articulate, light-skinned Negro without a trace of dialect.

    nk (dbc370)

  29. I’m fond of the Obama with halo pictures. Il Douche.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  30. So, the halo pictures are ridiculous, but the unattractive facial expression critiques are real. Would anyone like to revisit their opinion on that?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  31. nk – I got mo’ dialects than a cat chase mice.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  32. I can’t believe that after seven years someone argues that it’s improper to mention Obama’s looks.

    nk (dbc370)

  33. Carlitos, I barely can tell the difference between a halo picture od superiority in dear leader and a sneering refusal to listen to the American public. They are the same thing, trigger the same criticism, and in both cases I think they are valid to talk about.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  34. Yes Dustin. You’ve made it clear regarding what you think is valid to talk about. Your point of view is ridiculous. You are saying that screencaps of Obama say something about the man or his point of view. Would you like me to create a montage of screencaps of Dustin?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  35. I think Patterico broke. Can somebody fix him?

    JWB (c1c08f)

  36. Well, Carlitos, at least I’ve explained my view with an argument. All you keep doing is saying it’s ridiculous, with no actual argument to back that up beyond denying that nonverbal communication can be informative (which is obviously wrong).

    If a montage of screencaps of me conveys something about my attitude, it would be interesting. There would doubtlessly be some examples where the picture was just a goof that didn’t accurately reflect my facial expressions (much unlike these examples, which we all know are accurate and normal Obama nonverbal communication). I’m also not a politician or the President of the United States denying the meaning of a recent election because I do not wish to listen to my citizens. My facial expressions matter and I should be thoughtful enough to show respect to others. As I said in my first comment, when I see such disdain in my face, I recognize that as a problem.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  37. carlitos – I think pictures of President Obama gazing upward with an arrogant or smug expression on his face and a halo behind his head represent valid criticism of the man who was going to transform America, supposedly represented a post-partisan president, was going to have the most transparent administration in history, was going to stop the oceans from rising, and instead has been an indecisive stuttering clusterfark of a miserable failure on virtually all fronts.

    Just my humble opinion. Bring out the Greek columns.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  38. Last time I saw a head like that it said “No. 2” underneath it.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  39. Back in 2008 I regarded BHO as simply a red-diaper baby who had all the wrong ideas about economics, backed by a huge personality cult, but didn’t hate him. Now I am physically revolted by the sight of that lying destructive arrogant A-hole.

    gp (5a38d9)

  40. Daleyrocks has a point. Obama sold himself as beyond partisan, but he’s stubbornly partisan to the point of disrespect to conservatives, from “I won” to this speech yesterday, he holds views like mine as beneath his regard. And yeah, you can see it.

    Look at these pictures:

    You can’t really think that these photos mean nothing about the politicians they display. You can see something about these men that their speechwriters don’t necessarily want you to see.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  41. carlitos – Do you advocate passing a law making political cartoons and satiric political imagery hate crimes?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  42. Dustin, pic 2 is off.

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  43. I would comment on this but last week TFG helpfully expalined that I was un-American, so I don’t feel qualified to comment.

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  44. Thanks, Gazzer. It was supposed to be Bush tearing up, for the record.

    I think nk has a point too. The politicians picked their battleground, and it’s the battleground of makeup and pretend and cameras. Don’t blame us for using that medium to learn about these guys.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  45. Gazzer – Raaaaacist as well as un-American.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  46. The contrast between EarLeader with a teleprompter and without are telling. Who is he looking at to his lower right?

    bobathome (5ccbd8)

  47. Natch…

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  48. re: #34… now that was just plain mean, carlitos!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  49. I am supportive of these facial collages. But only if they’re of Obama, or socialists who are fortunate sons of famous politicians and who’ve chosen unusual forms of transportation for their vacationing dogs.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  50. Colonel – Every blog needs a speech policeman and carlitos is auditioning for the role.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  51. I need to get another bottle. I wonder where this guy got his?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  52. Everyone hates obama now cause he’s such a loser

    happyfeet (09ace0)

  53. It’s interesting that I have seen almost no comments anywhere on how much older Obama looks than in 2007/08 which he does IMO. That is surprising as he seems not to give a rat’s ass about anything other than playing golf, raising money, and blaming the R’s for everything he hasn’t accomplished. Showing and commenting on how the Office of President has aged its occupants was once a favorite pass time of the press in past presidencies but not this one.

    Ipso Fatso (10964d)

  54. if one could only bottle them, daley!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  55. Great point, ipso. Which will make it all the more odd when they return to that practice.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  56. Reid clipped close to groin
    wounded Dems look for answers
    we bathe in their tears

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  57. I don’t think the right has reached BDS levels yet. Where are the “peace marchers” with pictures of Obama with vampire teeth and blood coming out of his mouth?

    Patricia (5fc097)

  58. Bathing in liberal’s tears…

    Do you know where those eyes have been?

    Dan (00fc90)

  59. I think those facial expressions are his reaction to the thousands of black young men and boys now being hunted down by white cops and murdered, women having abortions in back alleys and other women left without birth control forced to give birth and lose their place in the workforce. That is what the (R) landslide means to Obama.

    Meantime, next year I will be paying around $1200 in higher health insurance premiums over the course of the year to make sure Sandra Fluke does not procreate… hmmmm… that’s possibly a bargain if I could afford it

    steveg (794291)

  60. Barack Obama is… “The Man Who Floated To Earth: The Insufferable Lightness of Being”.

    From American International Pictures (PG-SL*)

    * Parental Guidance Severely Lacking

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  61. See, like this is an example of one of those threads that’s really just not all that productive, when it comes down to it.

    Leviticus (f9a067)

  62. Meantime, next year I will be paying around $1200 in higher health insurance premiums over the course of the year

    Then you’re a lucky man, steveg. My wife alone went up from $252 per month to $607 per month. That’s a $4284 per year. Because of the “Affordable” Care Act, Aetna no longer even offers her current, excellent, comprehensive and actually affordable policy. Screw Obama, the democraps and their lying followers!

    Does Obama and the dems realize that’s about $350 per month we could have spent on a new car payment, going out to eat, clothes, entertainment or a thousand other things that instead we have to spend on the very same commodity we used to get for $350 less? How does paying more for the same product help the economy, create jobs or add to the welfare of my family?

    Hoagie (4dfb34)

  63. I know that the media tried to hype BHO as having the highest IQ of any President… without ever providing evidence.
    Somehow these pictures of him remind me of Chauncy the Gardener juxtaposed against the fevered attempts to promote him as savant

    OT: Speaking of Savant, has anyone out there automated their home with an Apple based Savant system?
    If so how do you like it and what do you use the most?
    My clients have gone “all in” down at their beach house.
    Now when I show up to the job the security camera snaps a time stamped photo of me and sends it to his iPad. Ditto when I leave. Now I just ask his personal assistant for my hours for onsite billing… I get paid faster that way. (I’m glad I’m just doing the exterior.)
    But the interior is far from done and security aside (lots of solutions for that) it looks like a very cool, very scalable system for interior and exterior that is very easy to use from the iPad if programmed well.
    Of course the house has about a billion sensors, motors etc and will likely need a lot of technician time on the maintenance contract but it is neat to see how far we’ve come since the early 90’s brought computers into common use

    steveg (794291)

  64. “See, like this is an example of one of those threads that’s really just not all that productive, when it comes down to it.

    Leviticus (f9a067) — 11/6/2014 @ 1:03 pm”

    What’s the matter with a little levity?

    JD (82bdb7)

  65. Power is power, Hoagie.

    luagha (e5bf64)

  66. carlitos,

    I think photos can tell us things although when Patterico first posted this montage, I didn’t have much reaction to it. It struck me as a series of the same photo. Nor did the photos make me cringe the way Beldar described, although I get his point and I think it has merit. Nevertheless, the photos just didn’t do anything to or for me.

    Then I realized what strikes me about Patterico’s photo montage: Obama doesn’t seem to express any emotions. Maybe it’s a coincidence of Patterico’s timing in capturing the screenshots. Maybe it’s a visual version of the famous “No Drama Obama.” Maybe Obama’s face is less expressive than his body language. Or maybe Obama was depressed during his speech and his face showed it more than his words. (It would be interesting to hear Obama’s speech without seeing his face, since one study found that people can spot lies better when listening to someone they can’t see.)

    I agree we shouldn’t judge someone based on appearances but sometimes appearances do tell us things.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  67. awwww…. someone’s butthurt because we’re picking their precious…

    the only person who needs to grow up is carlitos.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  68. #53: not true feets… i’ve despised that lying ignorant worthless excuse of a POS from Jump Street. he’s living proof that affirmative action is bad for both individuals and society as a whole.

    he’s also completely blown the cover off the “neutral” MFM for any honest person with an IQ larger than their hat size. unfortunately, there’s an awful lot of two legged houseplants walking around our woefully damaged country.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  69. The last time I remember liking Obama was the first time I ever saw him, when he gave his famous 2004 convention speech. Even then, consider the context: He was the most likable face of the Democratic National Convention that nominated John Kerry. He appeared to be, by contrast to everyone around him, the least obviously partisan and deranged person in that building. But of course, it was all an act, and I’ve seen the same performance, varying only in degree of disingenuous, so many times now that it’s the opposite of romantic.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  70. Sorry, Mr. President. I’m sure you thought that all good Americans would clear their calanders for your TV appearance, but I have a prior and far more pressing engagement…..

    …to watch some paint dry.

    C. S. P. Schofield (848299)

  71. Compare Obama’s photos to this series of photos relating to Rick Perry’s politicized criminal case. (Perry appeared today in Austin at a pre-trial hearing in his criminal case.) The photos are of Perry in court, his attorneys, Lehmberg’s and Perry’s booking photos, and others. There’s far more emotion in those photos than I’ve ever seen from Obama.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  72. You are overlooking the substance of the post.

    Still reeling from the GOP’s “good night” during Tuesday’s midterm elections, President Obama will make a rare Sunday show appearance this weekend, granting an interview to CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

    Rare Sunday Show Appearance This Weekend puts him on the day after all the “too close to call” election tallies will have been finalized. So he’ll be there in your living room to tut tut all the California GOP candidates who have had their seats stolen, by car trunks full of unsourced absentee ballots, which miraculously only contain straight Dem ticket votes.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  73. Barack Obama is the gift that keeps on giving to Republicans. But he extracts a heavy price from America.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  74. What?! Susan Rice was not available to equivocate this time? (Just kidding)

    Bob Scheiffer will be respectful, but I predict he’s going to give the president a tougher interview by far than he is used to, or than any other of the Sunday moderators would have managed. I wonder if the Rhoades brothers put this together?

    elissa (b16de3)

  75. Compare Obama’s photos to this series of photos relating to Rick Perry’s politicized criminal case. (Perry appeared today in Austin at a pre-trial hearing in his criminal case.) The photos are of Perry in court, his attorneys, Lehmberg’s and Perry’s booking photos, and others. There’s far more emotion in those photos than I’ve ever seen from Obama.

    DRJ (a83b8b) — 11/6/2014 @ 2:08 pm

    DRJ, I love you and respect your opinion. I realize that BHO’s lack of emotion annoys you. But, seriously? Can’t we criticize policies and not facial expressions? When Hillary! runs, will we have to discuss cankles and pantsuits? It’s just immature and unseemly.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  76. A longtime IL congressman Lane Evans succumbed to Parkinson’s today. He was only 63 and was a pretty good guy. Here is the president’s statement. He simply cannot help himself, can he?

    From the White House: Statement from President Barack Obama on the passing of former Congressman Lane Evans

    “Michelle and I were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former Congressman Lane Evans. Lane was a proud veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and dedicated much of his public life to helping his fellow veterans, particularly those who fought in Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange. Lane was one of my earliest supporters when I ran for the Senate, and I was proud to have him by my side when I was elected President…..

    elissa (e9175b)

  77. Cue pic of TFG gazing wistfully at Lane’s grave.

    Gazzer (cb9ee2)

  78. carlitos – I think pictures of President Obama gazing upward with an arrogant or smug expression on his face and a halo behind his head represent valid criticism of the man who was going to transform America, supposedly represented a post-partisan president, was going to have the most transparent administration in history, was going to stop the oceans from rising, and instead has been an indecisive stuttering clusterfark of a miserable failure on virtually all fronts. the photographer.

    Just my humble opinion. Bring out the Greek columns.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 11/6/2014 @ 9:53 am

    Fixed. 🙂

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  79. elissa (e9175b) — 11/6/2014 @ 4:29 pm

    My God, he is utterly shameless. I mean, he has to be borderline personality disorder with his narcissism and solipsism, doesn’t he?

    JVW (60ca93)

  80. Carlitos–what increasingly informs much of America and many of us here about Barack Obama is the whole presidential package in its entirety–not just his specific policies in a vacuum. The American presidency can not be easily compartmentalized. You can really not separate his presidency from his personality. You really cannot separate his lack of leadership from his self-focus. You cannot separate his lack of grace from his narcissism.

    elissa (e9175b)

  81. Stop lookism now!

    nk (dbc370)

  82. You looked!

    nk (dbc370)

  83. no he can’t, elissa, if he didn’t refer to himself on every instance, he would fade away like the Cheshire cat

    narciso (ee1f88)

  84. Reminds me of Michael Jordan – “myself, coach Jackson, scotty pippen…”

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  85. DRJ, I love you and respect your opinion. I realize that BHO’s lack of emotion annoys you. But, seriously? Can’t we criticize policies and not facial expressions?

    They aren’t mutually exclusive.

    When Hillary! runs, will we have to discuss cankles and pantsuits?

    I think it’s a strawman to pretend any insightful discussion of nonverbal communication is akin to schoolyard taunting over ugliness. Do you really not inform yourself about others based on facial expressions and body language? At all? And your refusal to do so means those who do, in good faith, are doing something wrong? Again, can you actually explain this?

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  86. Saying that I don’t inform myself about others based on others based on facial expressions and body language is indeed a strawman argument. Patterico has a “visceral” dislike of Obama. He’s posting screencaps of the President as evidence of … something. Also, photos of Joe Biden. It’s childish.

    “In good faith” – Seriously? How can you post embarrassing photos of someone “in good faith?”

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  87. In ancient Greek, “good” and “beautiful” are the same word. Καλος (kalos). I wish you would show tolerance and acceptance for my Jungian archetype, carlitos.

    nk (dbc370)

  88. Face the Nation? Didn’t he just do that two days ago? If memory serves, he came up wanting.

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  89. nk, which is your Jungian archetype? I think that I’m the explorer.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  90. ’embarassing’ is focusing on a phantom menace, while the blood of Yezidi’s color the Euphrates river valley, having no ebola containment plan, because fat lesbians and fruit flies took up the CDC’s concerns, a website so inept it might have been written in FORTRAN, or other obscure language, the Democrats truly though they could walk away from what they have wrought, but you can’t hide from that, no matter how diligent the press tries to do it for him,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  91. Dodging coyotes driving 75
    Watching the moon set
    And the sun rise
    The landscape framed by the light
    Cruising down the South Dakota highway

    mg (67c91a)

  92. sorry that’s criminal negligence, not mere embarassment,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  93. Which one calls an African storyteller “sootface” — Aesop — Ethiope?

    I had to Google that chart of the personalities. I think that’s a New Age variant, a little bit different from what Jung had in mind.

    nk (dbc370)

  94. “In good faith” – Seriously? How can you post embarrassing photos of someone “in good faith?”

    carlitos – What do you consider embarrassing about the photographs? Seriously?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  95. carlitos,

    In case you missed it, I explained how I took these screenshots here.

    Keep in mind, I’m not simply trying to find shots of him looking stupid. I just hit pause every time (well, not every time — that would take forever!) occasionally when I saw him getting that “I’m so smart” look — and then I took a screenshot. Here is the result.

    This is very, very far from the “let’s make embarrassing stills of someone from a video” exercise — something people do to Michelle Malkin, for example, and which I hate — and is, instead, totally an instance of me attempting to visually capture expressions that show a haughty attitude.

    It’s not hard to capture these expressions. It’s a habitual expression for him. As Dustin says, it’s non-verbal communication, and it reveals a lot about his immense self-regard.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  96. The bottom line is that our president is immensely smug — and it comes across in his facial expressions, literally all the time. All the time!

    This is fair commentary and if you can’t see that, well, it still is.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  97. Are photos of Michele Bachmann eating a corn dog more acceptable and mature carlitos?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  98. There are various personality assessment inventories which purport to measure novelty seeking and risk avoidance, among other things. Someone who scored high on the first and low on the second would be classified as adventurous — or explorer if you wish.

    nk (dbc370)

  99. I think it’s a strawman to pretend any insightful discussion of nonverbal communication is akin to schoolyard taunting over ugliness. Do you really not inform yourself about others based on facial expressions and body language? At all? And your refusal to do so means those who do, in good faith, are doing something wrong? Again, can you actually explain this?

    Bingo. Like most of Dustin’s comments in this thread, this is dead on target.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  100. #92… get down witchyer bad self, narciso! Indeed.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  101. corn dogs are a sometimes food

    but not lately

    happyfeet (09ace0)

  102. Dustin is very wise. But I’m more with Craig Ferguson. Mock the bigshots. It may be unkind and untrue but it is useful to keep them on the same plane as us mortals. Mocking the weak and the vulnerable is what is pointless cruelty.

    nk (dbc370)

  103. See, like this is an example of one of those threads that’s really just not all that productive, when it comes down to it. — Leviticus (f9a067) — 11/6/2014 @ 1:03 pm

    I wonder if you’d feel quite the same way if you were at a leftwing blog whose newest entry was mocking the looks of a rightwinger/Republican?

    I know Carlitos leans left on certain occasions, so I don’t know how much of that, if any, has influenced a bit of his indignation towards Patterico’s series of photos of goofy-looking Obama. To me, the current occupant of the White House is even more fair game for ridicule regarding superficial qualities because the rapture towards him in the past, certainly in 2008, was based on his looks. For example, would the Nobel committee have awarded him a Nobel if he looked like a, uh, white dude?

    BTW, I recall several shots of George W Bush during his presidency that ridiculed his physical looks (eg, facial poses that were compared with that of a monkey), and I either shrugged them off or smiled a bit.

    Mark (c160ec)

  104. Ferguson did have this wonderfully absurd sensibility, about him, so of course, he was the odd man out, to Colbert, the insufferably smug court gester,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  105. Stewart, the other idiot, who bothered not to vote this time around, was flagellating himself over the ’53 revolt of the mullahs and the merchants, as penance for having pointed out the incarceration of an Iranian American reporter,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  106. Well, carlitos, I still think appearance tells us things. And I have to warn you that I will also feel this way in 2016. I think Hillary’s dramatically changing haircuts, apparel, and appearance over the years is relevant. All politicians try to look good and women have an especially big hurdle, but I worry about politicians who never seem comfortable in their own skin.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  107. disdainful of all
    gets respect he shows others
    Manchurian Mope

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  108. courts Iranians
    what sort of moron does that?
    destruction in wake

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  109. point of order, re the post title:

    our window licking, paint chip eating, mouth breathing moron of a #SCOAMF has never w*rked a day in his utterly worthless life, even if you took every bit of effort he’s ever expended and totaled it all up together.

    he’s so fing lazy that, if breathing wasn’t autonomic, he’d suffocate.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  110. its like he never says, he deserves A beating , he got A solid beating. he is A class “a” narcissist, he will not be prevented from fundamentally transforming this country into A world-class $hithole… A backwater… A country we won’t recognize. he has A couple of years to do it and he will dare Congress and the SCOTUS to stop him.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  111. he’s never had a person around him who would have done him the favor of recommending that he should have those unsightly jug-ears surgically corrected. nothing but ass-kissing sycophants.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  112. “To everyone that voted, I want you to know that I heard you, To two-thirds of voters that chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too.”

    – Barack Milhous Obama channels Nixon, gives a shout out to his own Silent Majority…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  113. Silence implies assent, Haiku.

    As for his ears, I’m pretty sure that he does whatever Michelle tells him to. Which means that she likes his ears. For what purposes I’ll stay mum with my speculation. We’re already in enough trouble with carlitos, and also ladies have joined the thread.

    nk (dbc370)

  114. narciso@92, you don’t know your programming languages.
    If it were written in FORTRAN, it would do math well and run fast.
    COBOL or INTERCAL, maybe.

    Ibidem (b82edb)

  115. Thanks, nk. I’ll go out on a limb and wager Reggie Love may also favor their utility.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  116. it was zn older language, which probably worked better, I could have used vaccuum tubes, but the point is still the same,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  117. Meh… Real Programmers scorn Floating Point Arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to “think big.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  118. Obama has a nasty habit of demeaning Americans who don’t agree with him, so I think Patterico has a good point when he says it matters that Obama often appears to be smug and condescending. Maybe he isn’t that way behind the scenes, or maybe he is, but it explains a lot. Like the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” the visual can convey underlying truths.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  119. Since people are talking about SCOTUS, anyone else notice the news from the Sixth Circuit?

    Ibidem (b82edb)

  120. President Obama gives Civil War Gettysburg hero Alonzo Cushing a belated Medal of Honor. Says:

    “I’m mindful that I might not be standing here today as president if it had not been for the ultimate sacrifices of those courageous Americans.”

    Me, me, me, me, me.

    elissa (e9175b)

  121. Obama going to Face The Nation before golf?

    He must need a shoe-shine or something.

    Estragon (ada867)

  122. “I think pictures of President Obama gazing upward with an arrogant or smug expression on his face and a halo behind his head represent valid criticism of the photographer.”

    carlitos – Interesting attitude. Why criticize the photographer for catching a frequent real life pose of President Obama. A photographer instead would deserve criticism for ignoring his posturing or distorting pictures. The media first began making Obama a larger than life figure during the 2008 campaign, shooting up at him from low angles to make him look bigger, then came the absurd halos of various backgrounds to make appear Christ-like used extensively by the AP and Reuters. The media helped Obama and his handlers turn him into a cult and now you take the ridiculous position we cannot criticize conscious political marketing efforts? That is not a position taken in good faith.

    As Dustin and others have pointed out, if you have never evaluated people based on non-verbal cues, you must have led a very sheltered life, never interviewing anybody, negotiating any deals, etc. where non-verbal cue provide critical information. You need to stop being such a church lady. 🙂

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  123. It would be impossible to pick a jury without constantly looking at non-verbal cues.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  124. I have never liked name calling..but nk quoting Craig Ferguson has an important point.

    Our leaders are not aristocrats. The same people on the Left who are so concerned about respect for the Presidency didn’t feel that way when GWB was in office.

    There is a real push from the Left to create “the New Clerisy” of pseudo-aristocrats.

    Tar. Feathers. Repeat.

    And that’s nonpartisan.

    But on that subject—the “2/3rds who did not vote” did get me angry.

    After all, was this not the person who famous said “Elections have consequences.”

    Let’s hope this one does.

    Simon Jester (0ee9ab)

  125. did someone say Aristocrats?

    warning: link is NSFW, as well as most homes, polite company, biker bars, etc…

    i dedicate it to carlitos and piss ant the bull5hit spammer.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  126. 77. …DRJ, I love you and respect your opinion. I realize that BHO’s lack of emotion annoys you. But, seriously? Can’t we criticize policies and not facial expressions? When Hillary! runs, will we have to discuss cankles and pantsuits? It’s just immature and unseemly.

    carlitos (c24ed5) — 11/6/2014 @ 4:26 pm

    What difference, at this point (pounding the table now), does it make, carlitos?

    Which of the Lioness of Tuszla’s policies would you like to discuss? Her policy of landing at airports under sniper fire?

    You know, I always thought that showed good taste on Billy Jeff’s part. Generally Preezy’s consider it bad form to send the First Squeeze into a hot LZ. Because, First Squeeze isn’t actually a government office. It’s not even a job. But Billy Jeff apparently wanted her out of the way so he convinced her that landing in a war zone would be “Presidential.”

    No other prospective President ever thought getting shot at was much of a qualification. Not even Dwight D. Eisenhauer thought of joining the D-Day invasion to plus up his resume just in case.

    Because it’s just stupid.

    But if you’re going to do it, cankles become fair game. Because they hinder your ability to dodge and weave when somebody is shooting at you.

    Which didn’t actually happen, much to Bill & Monica’s displeasure, not doubt. Which leads to the lying. But that’s a discussion for another day.

    Let’s discuss the Lyin’ Ess of Tuzla’s cankles, which are not a good thing to have if you’re going to be stupid enough to land at airports within range of hostile fire for no other reason than you didn’t join the military but one day hope to be the C in C. Oh, and then have the pilot park the plane far away from the terminal or any cover. So you can brag about dodging sniper fire.

    Cankles, lying, and then even believing that a fake story that says, when you think about it, “hello, I’m sooo stupid that…” aren’t things you want in a second lieutenant let alone a C in C.

    But let’s stick to the cankles, since you brought it up.

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  127. from everything i’ve seen over the years, and based upon my vast experience of 20 years as junior enlisted scum, Shrillery isn’t smart enough to even be a 1st year ROTC cadidiot, let alone the dumbest 2LT to ever get people killed with their idiocy.

    people might follow her in war or peace, but only out of morbid curiosity.

    i’ve got a Persian cat with more tactical sense than she has.

    redc1c4 (34e91b)

  128. red, being former Army enlisted, where does First Lady fit in the rank structure? Is it above First Sergeant?

    Every time we have Democrats in the WH I’m amazed to learn how people earn special forces qualifications by attending elite ivy league law schools. Obama killed Bin Laden. Clearly Harvard taught him how to do that. Hillary! went to Yale. I don’t know what she learned there, but it must have been pretty bad a$$ed because previous First Ladies concentrated on hosting state dinners and charity causes, etc. But something was going on in Bosnia that none of our other warriors could handle, apparently.

    So deploy the fighting First Lady to Tuzla!

    I can hardly wait to add the Mattel action figure to my collection.

    And I apologize for making fun of her cankles. They’re probably a service related disability, injuries she no doubt sustained during one of her combat jumps. Which of course remains classified. But that hasn’t stopped other WH residents from being honored for their awesomeness under fire, even though we may never know the true dimensions of their heroism.

    …During a late afternoon briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney fielded questions, including one about the possibility of the President also receiving a Navy SEAL trident.

    “The President has in fact already received his Trident from the SEAL community,” said Carney. “He was honored to accept the insignia during a private ceremony in California, a week after his gutsy call where he singlehandedly took out bin Laden.”

    When Carney was asked who had initiated the calls for President Obama to be given the illustrious honors, he hesitated before replying, “we’ll dig into it.”

    Pentagon officials, taking note of the President’s extensive knowledge and experiences in special operations throughout the world, is also exploring the possibility of making him an honorary member of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR), 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, the Air Force 24th Special Tactics Squadron, and Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance Company.

    Read more:

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  129. Honorary member of Delta Force for a favored politician who never served.


    Dustin (2ee477)

  130. I’m lousy at reading people’s facial expressions. He just looks sleepy to me.


    Maybe he’s just tired of the job.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  131. Dustin, The Duffel Blog is a humor site. But the satire is so good that it’s often reported as real news. One of their satirical pieces about former GITMO detainees receiving military retirement benefits made national headlines.

    President Obama Visits Afghanistan, Shoots Three Taliban Fighters

    FORWARD OPERATING BASE SALERNO — Today the American people are recovering from the shocking news that President Barack Obama came under enemy fire earlier this week in Afghanistan. While visiting with soldiers and key leaders there…

    …At that moment the base began taking mortar fire from a group of insurgents firing from some nearby hills.

    As Obama’s Secret Service detail threw him to the ground for protection, Specialist Hector Peterson ran over and handed him his M9 pistol, saying, “Here you go sir, you’ll need this.”

    Obama then raced through the Entry Control Point with the Quick Reaction Force before anyone could stop him.

    Covering the 4 kilometers…

    “Guys, I spent part of my childhood in Indonesia,” he said while effortlessly conducting immediate action on the weapon, “It’s just like riding a bicycle.”

    After killing the three Taliban, Obama then posed for a group photo with the soldiers while urinating on the corpses.

    “Go ahead,” he said with a smile, “try and bust me down.”

    Obama, recently described as “America’s Warrior In Chief“, is not the first executive to have engaged in direct combat. His predecessor, George W. Bush, is widely remembered for flying close air support missions during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and Lyndon Johnson was awarded the Silver Star for carrying out a bombing raid over Hanoi during the Vietnam War.

    However, the most famous example is still…

    Read more:

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  132. carlitos,

    It doesn’t annoy me that Obama doesn’t often show emotion but it interests me, because modern leaders need emotion to connect with the American public. He does seem to show emotion when he’s with his adoring base. I’m not sure he cares about the rest of us.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  133. and somewhere the hot wind blows through a lonely canyon…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  134. I feel pretty, oh so pretty
    I feel pretty and witty and bright
    And I pity any girl who isn’t me tonight

    I feel charming, oh so charming
    It’s alarming how charming I feel
    And so pretty that I hardly can believe I’m real

    Song playing on the President’s earbud during the presser.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  135. It would be impossible to pick a jury without constantly looking at non-verbal cues.

    Patterico (9c670f) — 11/6/2014 @ 8:12 pm

    You would think so, but your faith might be misplaced. Here’s a relevant article on the subject.

    A new method of screening airplane passengers for signs they may be dangerous is 20 times more successful at catching deceptive passengers than the screening method traditionally used in the U.S. and other countries, a new study suggests.

    The new method is based on asking passengers open-ended, conversational questions, whereas traditional screening methods focus on observing people’s body language.

    Trained security agents who used the new, conversation-based screening method successfully detected 66 percent of the mock passengers. On the other hand, security agents looking for signs of suspicious body language — such as lack of eye contact and fidgeting — detected just 3 percent of mock passengers.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  136. Today the American people are recovering from the shocking news that President Barack Obama came under enemy fire

    Such “reports” will give tempting ideas to Hillary “sniperfire” Clinton.

    Mark (c160ec)

  137. Trained security agents who used the new, conversation-based screening method successfully detected 66 percent of the mock passengers. On the other hand, security agents looking for signs of suspicious body language — such as lack of eye contact and fidgeting — detected just 3 percent of mock passengers.

    More testimony as to the value of cross-examination – at least for unprepared witnesses who are lying.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  138. I think Obama really didn’t want to hold that press conference the day after the election – but he felt he had to.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  139. You reference to The Unbearable Lightness of Being, that old movie from the ant-Communist novel. I read once where in Czech it’s actually Unsustainable, meaning that it is impossible to avoid tyranny and to live a totally personal, private life under tyranny.

    That pretty much sums up Obama. He has tried to vote present his whole life, while at the same time attempting to transform America into something we fear and hate. Tuesday proved it can’t work.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  140. Corkscrew landing, Mark. Corkscrew landing.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  141. I just want to reiterate my support for carlitos’ position that it is immature and unseemly for us to ridicule Democratic candidates instead of having serious policy discussions with such serious people as Chicago Jesus, the Arkansas Grifter, and Abortion Barbie.

    Here in Texas the Democrats have decided that perhaps nominating an individual whose only claim to faim was ladyparts and a boundless passion for infanticide to make commercials mocking a man in a wheelchair was perhaps not the best way to engage in serious debate.

    So Battleground Texas has already begun a search for a candidate who can better elevate our politics to the high standards of maturity and decorum that carlitos and I insist upon. Apparently a growing faction within the Texas Democratic party has started a serious “draft ‘My Little Mermaid'” movement to address the shortcomings of the Abortion Barbie candidacy.

    Choosing the right Disney character will result in a more broadly appealing party nominee than former San Antonio mayor Julian Castro. Sure, he has a lock when it comes to absolute moral authority on the “racist Republicans hate hispanics” policy area, and the Battleground Texas folks widely acknowledge that he has crossover appeal to blacks in the “racist white Republicans will lynch blacks and reinstate slavery” policy areas.

    But My Little Mermaid has several advantages. The Battleground Texas folks are Obama campaign alumni. The good about running entering a David Axelrod media creation in a national election is that he can be rescripted to appear to be whatever the voters want to see. The bad was, the role of the David Axelrod media creation still had to be played by an actual human being. A human being of as little accomplishment as possible, but the actor still had a history somebody could dig into if they were inclined.

    But if you go whole hog and run a no-kidding, 100% cartoon, problem solved!

    Why My Little Mermaid? Somewhere in this picture is a Disney character that can easily be redrawn to negate Julian Castro’s advantages in the serious policy areas of ethnicity and melanin.

    Maybe the writers can even give her an accent. With enough writers of sufficiently diverse background, My Little Mermaid can make commercials not only for Spanish language TV but the Asian channels and possibly Arabic and Iranian.

    But moving on to Julian Castro’s weaknesses one of his most insurmountable is that he has a gender, and (shudder) it appears to be male.

    My Little Mermaid on the other hand may not have a gender. Her lower body is a fish. Which gives her the edge in the vital policy areas of gender inclusive restrooms and subpoenaing local ministers’ sermons, so recently brought to the fore in Houston where they’ve solved all the other problems.

    Still, it would be patriarchal and oppressive to focus on My Little Mermaid’s lower body except when she herself trots it out to use to her advantage. Such as, how did a half fish creature get here? There’s the tantalizing possibility that she crossed one of our unguarded beaches without going through normal immigration proceedings. There’s a reason why Obama hired Ben Rhodes to be on his national security staff. He has a degree in fiction writing (who on Obama’s national security staff doesn’t, you might ask, but Ben Rhodes really does). A creative writer can turn My Little Mermaid into the perfect Democratic candidate, but I digress.

    From the waist up My Little Mermaid is all woman. Which gives her all sorts of advantages. She only wears a halter top, giving her an absolute lock on the serious, dignified “slutwalk” issues confronting the nation.

    Not to mention all the usual vital ladyparts policy areas such as forcing geriatric Catholic nuns to buy birth control for themselves and everybody else.

    But being half fish she can credibly accuse the GOP of supporting rape culture not only on college campuses but in the oceans as well.

    I mean, seriously? Deep water drilling? Like there’s no double entendre there. That’s out-and-out hate speech.

    Carlitos and I look forward to the Democrats elevating discussion beyond the traditional policy questions of are conservatives evil or merely stupid for hating minorities and women and advocating violent policies of microaggression and voter suppression against them. We can now move on to a higher plane of debate. Why do conservatives hate the ocean and all the friendly but undocumented birthright American citizens who live there?

    The Democrats have finally found the perfect cartoon character to turn Texas blue. We all need to grow up and have a mature, dignified policy debate with My Little Mermaid, the next governor of Texas.

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  142. I get a little concerned when President Obama tells the country he is hearing voices, specifically from the 2/3 of Americans who did not vote Tuesday. He claimed to have a mandate from these voices yet could not hear the clear voices of the voters who took the time and effort to vote and rejected President Obama’s policies which he himself reminded us were on the ballot in every national race. I think the man needs medical attentions. Massive drug use can have delayed effects later in life.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  143. daleyrocks (bf33e9) — 11/7/2014 @ 11:11 am

    President Obama tells the country he is hearing voices, specifically from the 2/3 of Americans who did not vote Tuesday. He claimed to have a mandate from these voices

    I think what he’s doing is claiming when all of the voters and the non-voters in 2014 are included, he might have a majority.

    Richard Nixon had the “Silent Majority” He has the non-voting majority.

    Democrats didn’t turn out, in other words.

    Unfortunately for this thesis, it’s not really true:

    Low Democratic voter turnout has been blamed for the decisive Republican victory in Tuesday’s midterm elections. It has quickly become the scapegoat, even though the Democrats invested millions of dollars in an expansive effort to persuade young and nonwhite voters who do not usually participate in midterm election to head to the polls.

    The Upshot notes turnout, even of Democrats, was pretty high in Colorado, and Mark Udall still lost.

    Of course they weren’t really voting against Barack Obama.

    Polls show they were voting against Harry Reid there.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  144. “I think what he’s doing is claiming when all of the voters and the non-voters in 2014 are included, he might have a majority.”

    Sammy – I think what he’s doing is avoiding reality. He needs help.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  145. I agree, daleyrocks. He started off arrogant and cocky because people overfed his vanity and overlooked his weaknesses. But now he is falling apart before our eyes, and all but a few of his biggest sycophants can see that. There is something wrong with him.

    elissa (8a9305)

  146. the Prez grew up with
    mega-pats on the poo-poo
    can’t handle The Truth

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  147. his loving fans have
    blown so much smoke up his ass
    wonder he don’t float

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  148. Face the Nation” with Bob Schieffer! He is going to rake this guy over the coals!!!!

    Don’t forget, Bob Schieffer is the one who fed Mitt Romney a softball question in the third and last 2012 Pressidential debate about Benghazi, but Mitt Romney wouldn’t swing at it. he had been surprised by Obama saying he had called it terrorism the first day, and didn’t want to touch the subject anymore – because he didn’t understand it. Statements from the Whiteb house got more at variance with the truth as the week of Sept 11, 2012 went on.

    SCHIEFFER: The first segment is the challenge of a changing Middle East and the new face of terrorism. I’m going to put this into two segments so you’ll have two topic questions within this one segment on the subject. The first question, and it concerns Libya. The controversy over what happened there continues. Four Americans are dead, including an American ambassador. Questions remain. What happened? What caused it? Was it spontaneous? Was it an intelligence failure? Was it a policy failure? Was there an attempt to mislead people about what really happened?

    Governor Romney, you said this was an example of an American policy in the Middle East that is unraveling before our very eyes.

    SCHIEFFER: I’d like to hear each of you give your thoughts on that.

    Governor Romney, you won the toss. You go first.

    Now, Bob Schieffer will notrake Barack Obama over the coals, but he is reasonably sure to ask him questions about some topics he might not like: the Iran deal, ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Jerusalem..

    He won’t ask him if he is acting like a bully to the Republicans in Congress over immigration but he will ask him some question about it.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  149. Now I’ll tell you who is bad. Scott Pelley.

    I noticed two wrong things yesterday night on the CBS Evening News.

    1) They had a story about the rioting and worse in Jerusalem, and it basically went that Israel building housing in Jerusalem had started it. not true! That is not what is getting the mobs riled up. It is about the Temple Mount. AND IT IS COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED.

    2) They had a story about a terrible racist word discovered in a Pentagon publication, which was, however, immediately changed by the White House.

    The racist word turned out to be “Negro” The story mentioned how it used to be used – even Martin Luther King used it – but Scott Pelley intoned, it was now offensive.

    That word went out of use over Martin Luther King’ dead body! he opposed the use of the word “black.”

    He said the word black was derogatory – anytime you wanted to say something was bad, you said black. (MLK didn’t use those exact words, but that’s what he said. )

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  150. He was always not quite right. Now he truly is becoming unglued. For the good of the country we need to take the keys to foreign policy and national security away. Because if we don’t, he’s going to make even more disastrous moves in the ME and toward Putin than he already has. They’re going to use his unbalanced psyche and his immaturity against him to take the rest of us for as much as we’ve got.

    Obama will go along with it.

    The only way to do this is push Obama over the edge, so that he publicly melts down. Then not even his biggest sycophants will be able to deny that he’s mentally and emotionally unfit to be President.

    Yes, it means President Biden. Like with Syria, there are no good options.

    Steve57 (c1c90e)

  151. Well, Obama is Nixonian, so I agree with you there, Sammy.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  152. 154. Patricia (5fc097) — 11/7/2014 @ 3:24 pm

    Well, Obama is Nixonian, so I agree with you there, Sammy.

    You mean comment #146?

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  153. The interview with Bob Schieffer was somewhat shorter than I expected.

    60 Minutes will have a report from the ebola “hot zone” tonight, probably also on radio, at least in New York City. (WCBS-AM 880)

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  154. Now Bob Schieffer has an interview with George W. and Laura Bush.

    Both the Obama and Bush interviews were probably not pre-recorded in the last couple of days, of course.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  155. I think the man needs medical attentions. Massive drug use can have delayed effects later in life.

    I don’t think it’s being snarky or sarcastic to make such a claim about Obama. Of course, someone like me also greatly dislikes his ideology, but in a way I’d be even more sickened if he were behaving the exact same way, but was someone who I otherwise admired politically.

    The very fact Obama’s life history is so disreputable — so much so that questions about his mental stability can be sincerely correlated with his well-documented use of narcotics — of and by itself illustrates just how far this nation’s standards have fallen.

    Mark (c160ec)

  156. “I don’t think it’s being snarky or sarcastic to make such a claim about Obama.”

    Mark – I have no evidence he is not getting baked in the White House. I know a lot of people his age who still do.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  157. What does “baked” mean?

    I don’t know this slang term.

    Google says:

    1.(of food) cooked by dry heat in an oven.
    2.intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, especially marijuana.

    What Obama does seem to like, is beer. He handed out a six-pack of White House beer to all the members of Cngress who visted him on Friday.

    By Justin Sink – 11/07/14 05:39 PM EST

    Congressional leaders leaving Friday’s post-election pow-wow with President Obama were given a parting gift: a six-pack of White House beer.

    Members of Congress filing out of the West Wing were seen carrying large brown bags that, according to a source, carried the president’s home-bottled brew.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  158. In the discussion on Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer revealed that he had been told – actually two things – about that Friday meeting he had with members of Congress:

    1) He witheld the announcement of the 1,500 troops going to Iraq until he could brief members of Congress.

    2) 90% of the discussion between him and the Republicans was them arguing about his executive order on immigration.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  159. 152. That CBS News report on Thursday night about Jerusalem was even wronger than it initially hit me as being.

    It opened up with picture of bulldozer doing construction, claiming that that was what was bothering the Arabs.

    But the recently approved building is along way from going ahead.

    Anything they show was planned and approved a long, long time ago.

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  160. Google’s home page, today, by the way, has a picture of some building with an American flag on top of it. It kind of looks like the picture of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of 1959-2008 pennies, except fewer and thicker columns.

    I don’t know if they are called Doric columns.

    And there are people standing – some distance in front of it, lined up from left to right. One of them is apparently holding another American flag.

    I think it’s supposed to have something to do with the fall (or the opening, rather) of the Berlin Wall.

    That was twenty five years ago today.

    There was a science fiction story about the fall of the Berlin wall in the aprl/May 2013 issue of Asimov’s by Naomi Kritzer entitled “The Wall”

    Sammy Finkelman (89ef89)

  161. Brandenburg Gate, Sammy.

    elissa (fc5362)

  162. Obama: “I’m off to Asia… again.”

    Asia: “Me so horny… me love you long time.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  163. The interview with President Obama was actually recorded on Friday, November 7.

    On Sunday morning he left for an Asian trip, where he will:

    1) First, attend the Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APAC – known in Beijing as Air Pollution Eventually Controlled, because of the attempts by the Communist Chinese government to temporarily reduce the severe air pollution in Beijing, except that the weather may not be co-operating) It is aaid that maybe the reason North Korea released the two American prisoners was because of this – they even let DNI Clapper travel to North Korea without undergoing an ebola quarantine – otherwise they’ve cut off all tourism. The North Koreans may be more impressed by his rank than others would be. At that conference Obama said something about economic progress not beinga zero-sum game.

    He then will visit:

    2) Myanmar, otherwise known as Burma, where the Buddhists are severely perseucting the Moslems, and demanding proof of more than 60 years legal residency, and even worse is being done at the instigation of radical Buddhist clerics – the real problem is that the Moslems have more children – and Moslems are leaving the country illegally, often in exchange for bribes and heading toward Thailand. Al Qaeda and others have not yet begun organizing there – so much for the idea, by the way, that bad treatment or miserable lliving conditions causes violent rebellions. Neither do the Moslem countries seem to be taking notice of this, as there is no political or monentary gain to be made. Nobody is bribing anybody to get involved. There is no money in it. Malaysia gives them de facto but not de jure asylum.

    Obama wanted to reward Burma for its progress toward democracy and civil liberties (which happened because some people in the military saw that China was getting too much control) and now this is causing a problem, because he’s got a problem when there are two or more reasons for having sanctions on a country.

    3) The third country he is visiting is Australia. Where they will discuss current issues like ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic state.

    Sammy Finkelman (ea9037)

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