Patterico's Pontifications


Arrested Guy Claims to Be IRS Agent, Says He Can “Look the Other Way” If Cops Let Him Go

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:13 am

Ed Morrissey relates the story of a drunken dude who gets arrested for disorderly conduct at a Steelers game. And then:

According to the criminal complaint, Sapp stated, “Listen, I know how this works. How much money will it take to make this go away and to let me go home today?”

The officers informed Sapp that he could not attempt to bribe them, but Sapp continued.

“Look, I am an IRS agent and I can help you in other ways if you let me go home and make this go away.”

Ed says it’s not entirely clear that the guy is an IRS agent. But a) it’s also not entirely clear that he’s not, and b) it’s too good to check. Ed says:

On the plus side, Sapp can console himself by noting that there is plenty of precedent for IRS agents to take the Fifth and still come out with their retirement intact. But for that to work, Sapp will have to demonstrate that he was attacking conservatives, I suppose.

Ed has it all wrong. Sapp could also show that he was giving a pass to Democrats.

7 Responses to “Arrested Guy Claims to Be IRS Agent, Says He Can “Look the Other Way” If Cops Let Him Go”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. Is he admitting that is how things are done at the IRS?

    JD (6ed9df)

  3. Sometimes it’s almost as if people’s names are their destiny. (or Karma)

    This guy’s a sap.

    jakee308 (d409c2)

  4. He did not show up on a global directory of IRS employees when the story first hit the web.

    Robert (d30dd8)

  5. Just found this statement from the IRS, furlough explains why he didn’t show up in the directory.
    “I can confirm that the individual in the report is an IRS employee (currently furloughed) at the IRS office in Pittsburgh. I can also note that IRS employees are held to a high ethical standard of behavior; the outcome of any legal action may have an effect on employment status.”

    Robert (d30dd8)

  6. Here is the link from the quote that Robert provided above.

    This guy has promise — maybe he should be considered for Lois Lerner’s old job.

    JVW (60ca93)

  7. According to the Daily Caller, the IRS has filed a statement in court that it never even looked for Lois Lerner’s emails.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

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