Patterico's Pontifications


Condescending Putz

Filed under: General — Dana @ 9:25 am

[guest post by Dana]

I realize ducking questions, shaping the narrative and spinning the truth are all part of the job, but really, would White House press secretary Josh Earnest have admonished a male reporter like this?

Not to go all Anita Dunn here, but I think not.


17 Responses to “Condescending Putz”

  1. It’s almost like the guy who hired him, Carney and Gibbs had no prior executive experience.

    Oh, wait…

    CrustyB (69f730)

  2. Is it the official White House point of view that the womenfolk are excitable? Or is that just the spokesman’s pov?

    East Bay Jay (a5dac7)

  3. It’s hard to make out the words, but there is a transcript of the key part here:

    I still don’t understand it.

    What is a “call to read out” ?

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  4. Oh, he berates and disses across gender lines. Equal opportunity putz.

    in_awe (7c859a)

  5. Now, let’s not pick on Josh (Not)Earnest.

    askeptic (8ecc78)

  6. On the one hand, the White House Press Office has been contemptible from day one.

    On the other hand, the media was so fully enamored of 2008 Obama and so grossly willing to overlook any fact that went against Teh Narrative and so willing to carry water for him during the 2012 reelection campaign that I can’t feel bad for the Washington press corps since they are so late in trying to salvage their dignity by pretending to be hard-hitting and inquisitive.

    JVW (feb406)

  7. Wimp liberals play to democratic woman who don’t want conflict. This is what President Obama should have said We are going to deport republicans not the children we need them we don’t need no stink in republicans. Deport them where? To islands that are less then inch above see level since republicans don’t believe in global warming!

    vota (428d4b)

  8. I don’t understand, vota. Under your scenario, Obama would deport Republicans to “islands that are less than an inch above see [sic] level.” Wouldn’t that free him to implement his entire agenda — you know, the one that would stop and then reverse the alleged rising of the sea level — and then wouldn’t we then come back in 50 years and find that the Republicans on the island have created a market economy backed by democratically-elected leaders, while the Democrats left to run what remains of the U.S. would be squabbling over which angry grievance group gets its turn to head the politburo and redistribute the rapidly diminishing fruits of the people’s increasingly inattentive labors?

    JVW (feb406)

  9. You do realise, don’t you, that the sea level in the Pacific is not rising? And that the islands that are loudly bemoaning their coming inundation are actually getting bigger, not smaller? The fuss they’re making is simply a ploy to get all their people visas to Australia or New Zealand.

    Milhouse (b95258)

  10. Nothing gets past you, does it Milhouse.

    askeptic (8ecc78)

  11. Milhouse #10 – some of us have been pointing out, for quite some time, that by objective repeatable observational study, sea level at specific locations has not been changing … I regularly point out that, on the West Coast of Scotland, I have been able to harvest cockles at low tide during the appropriate seasons since the 1960s … the sea level has neither perceptibly gone up nor gone down (apart from the predictable tidal variations) …

    On the direct topic of the post, sadly, Mr Earnest apparently does not seem to realise that “The Importance of Being Earnest” is an entertainment, not a prescription …

    Alastor (3de1e8)

  12. 10. Milhouse (b95258) — 6/24/2014 @ 1:44 pm

    You do realise, don’t you, that the sea level in the Pacific is not rising?

    The Chinese government actually created some new islands in teh Spratley’s (in order to claim territorial waters or sea bottom resources)

    The Netherland aalso built an arrtifcial island as a port .

    And that the islands that are loudly bemoaning their coming inundation are actually getting bigger, not smaller? </I.

    I didn't know that.

    The fuss they’re making is simply a ploy to get all their people visas to Australia or New Zealand

    Could be, or just to get money. Some peoiple feel the government is intent on moving them, and don’t want to move.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  13. 12. The sea level is supposed to have risen about 4 or 5 inches since the 1960s, but that’s less than the tide.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  14. Meh. I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t use the same words in talking to a male. Not your brightest moment Dana. Or is that condescending?

    Mark Johnson (27da80)

  15. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that Josh does use the same tone of voice and condescending manner with any and all White House correspondents regardless of gender who press too hard? Are you saying that you think this is fine, OK, par for the course, Mark Johnson? Is this how a professional person (whose actual job it is to be the information purveyor and communication channel between the press and the administration) is supposed to act? On the taxpayers’ dime no less?

    elissa (0b3bcd)

  16. Josh used that tone of voice, not because the reporter was wrong, but because she was
    right and he was wrong.

    I don’t know, maybe this works better with women, or with less senior reporters, who might be abit unsure of themselves.

    Sammy Finkelman (9257c5)

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