Patterico's Pontifications


Open Thread: Primary Night

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:44 pm

McConnell will win. There is also Oregon and Georgia, if you care.

Use this open thread to be contemptuous and dismissive of people in your own party. Try to call a few of them liars if you can manage it. Make sure you insult someone, for Pete’s sake.

Why fight it?

35 Responses to “Open Thread: Primary Night”

  1. If it’s going to happen anyway…

    Patterico (227090)

  2. just cause McConnell wins doesn’t mean his useless whore ass should be the leader of the Senate until he dies

    he’s bad for the brand, simple as that

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  3. that was for Pete

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  4. Pete thanks you.

    Patterico (227090)

  5. Wait, let’s hear it one more time for that vaunted Clinton endorsement magic. . . that appears to work for no one other than Bill or Hillary Clinton.

    JVW (feb406)

  6. Bill Clinton, the most popular ex-President evuh, and Hillary Rodham, whose bang-up job as Secretary State is going to gild her path directly to the White House, can’t even drag the mother-in-law of their only daughter across the finish line in a Democrat primary in a heavily Democrat district. Yeah, those two are like kingmakers or something.

    JVW (feb406)

  7. I am purer than everyone else. Take that, beyotches!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  8. I like the person in Oregon, “Keep your doctor, change your Senator”.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  9. 6. Comment by JVW (feb406) — 5/20/2014 @ 7:16 pm

    Bill Clinton, the most popular ex-President evuh, and Hillary Rodham, whose bang-up job as Secretary State is going to gild her path directly to the White House, can’t even drag the mother-in-law of their only daughter across the finish line in a Democrat primary in a heavily Democrat district. Yeah, those two are like kingmakers or something.

    They weren’t actually trying, and probably wanted her to lose.

    [Hillary] Clinton’s lack of involvement in the Margolies campaign had prompted “awkward speculation in Philadelphia that Mrs. Clinton does not want to be burdened by Ms. Margolies’s baggage in a state that could be pivotal to her chances in the 2016 presidential campaign, should she decide to run,” according to the New York Times.

    Go to:

    A Clinton In-Law Seeks Office, but Where Are the Clintons?

    Chelsea Clinton’s Mother-in-Law Runs for House

    …“A lot of people are saying, ‘Gee whiz, where are the Clintons?’ ” said one prominent Pennsylvania Democrat who did not want to be quoted by name in discussing the family’s dynamics.

    When they no longer risked changing the outcome, they got involved.

    Of course the general claim that they help people get elected is a big lie. They just pick their spots. They can help someone get elected mostly the way a rooster helps the sun rise.

    Bill Clinton just wants people too think he is a big help.

    Also – she’s probably too independent. Bill Clinton cost her her job in Congress in 1993-4.

    Sammy Finkelman (7e7e58)

  10. My take on primaries:

    Pete and Repete were on a boat. Pete fell out, who was left?

    I think you know the rest.

    felipe (098e97)

  11. Well, Sammy, the Clintons have their own way of doing things, but do you really think they left Margie to her own devices? You linked to one ABC News blog post, but this one has a far different perspective:

    Margolies, 71, had a significant boost from the Clinton machine throughout the race. Margolies’ son Marc Mezvinsky married Chelsea Clinton in July 2010 and they are expecting a baby this fall.

    Bill Clinton hasn’t campaigned for any candidate as much as he has for Margolies, with a fundraiser, an ad, and a robo-call on her behalf. While serving Congress in 1993, Margolies famously cast a controversial vote in favor of the Clinton budget. The fallout from the vote cost her the seat, and hers’ became the textbook case of a career-ending vote. ABC News called her favor to Clinton “the most celebrated political debt of the year.”

    While Hillary Clinton has shied away from 2014 campaign events, she made an exception for a fundraiser on Margolies’ behalf, which the former congresswoman did not attend.

    Granted, when it appeared that Margolies was toast the Clintons looked for the exits and instructed their minions to spread the world that they weren’t engaged, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t make a strong initial effort.

    JVW (feb406)

  12. “Political Science? There’s no such thing as Political Science. Politics is a hoors’ game.”
    — Ken, 35th Ward Democratic Precinct Captain, circa 1977 talking to a college student looking to go into law

    nk (dbc370)

  13. Here is the next Sarah Palin, and I mean that only in the best possible way. Go Saira!

    JVW (feb406)

  14. I can’t point to anything specific, but I am detecting a RINOish vibe from this blog. I expect you will lie and deny it.

    Anon Y. Mous (8ec442)

  15. i don’t have a political party any more…

    at this point, i’m just watching the slow rolling, but steadily accelerating, disaster already in progress, and congratulating myself on never having had children.

    if i do anything political anymore, besides micro-stuff in my neighborhood, it’s to do what i can to help speed things up, hence my support for a total ban on fracking here in #Failifornia, as well as encouraging higher taxes, more bonds & increased regulations at all levels.

    these fools that have ruined my home deserve to get what they say they want, and they need to get it good and hard, even (especially) after they change their minds and say “no mas”…

    F them all. sideways, with a tanker’s bar wrapped with 3 spools of concertina wire.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  16. IOW,




    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  17. If you think the greatest threat to American freedom and prosperity comes from our own federal government, ask yourself this question:

    If you could push a button and incinerate everything within the DC beltway, would you reject the opportunity, or take some time and think it over?

    ropelight (5b0279)

  18. My darling bride (of 35 years and 2 days) decided to write my name in for the Jim Thorpe Democratic Committee. I am so ashamed.

    The Republican Dana (3e4784)

  19. Jim Thorpe? Good movie with Burt Lancaster in the title role. My HS gym teacher Jack Bighead played Thorpe’s sidekick/teammate “Little Boy” in teh movie. Mainly a non-speaking role, one line I remember was “bed soft, make Little Boy soft”.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  20. You know, if they only put this much effort, into defeating the enemy;

    narciso (3fec35)

  21. 17. Neutron bomb, EMP full monty. I’d leave the marble untouched.

    gary gulrud (46ca75)

  22. Colonel, Jim Thorpe is a nice little town full of Victorian architecture, but we’re really politically incorrect, because when we give directions to Broadview Drive, it’s “Go up North Street, and take the first left after the dead Indian.”

    The small-town Dana (3e4784)

  23. red–

    Lots of folks have taken the “I hope things get really bad so people will see” tack over the years. The only part of that that seems to work is that things get really bad.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  24. If you could push a button and incinerate everything within the DC beltway, would you reject the opportunity, or take some time and think it over?

    What makes you think the replacements would be any better? California would just send up 50 people out of their current legislature, and I guarantee you that you’d be pining for the good old days.

    This is like saying “fire all the Cubs and replace them from AAA.” It’s the system, not the players.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  25. #22

    “Unexpected revenue shortfall”

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  26. Comment by Kevin M (b357ee) — 5/21/2014 @ 7:34 am

    taking a page from the leftard playbook, i’d say we just have tried hard enough yet. 😎

    as for things getting bad, that’s the whole idea…

    when people in Bel-Air are dumpster diving, then maybe we’ll stop being stupid.

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  27. “haven’t”

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  28. 11. Comment by JVW (feb406) — 5/20/2014 @ 8:28 pm

    when it appeared that Margolies was toast the Clintons looked for the exits and instructed their minions to spread the world that they weren’t engaged, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t make a strong initial effort

    There’s no report of a strong initial effort.

    When it appeared that Margolies was toast…the Clintons got heavily involved. The ABC News blog post you cite is dated May 20.

    The one I cite – which says that Clinton’s lack of involvement in the Margolies campaign had prompted “awkward speculation in Philadelphia that Mrs. Clinton does not want to be burdened by Ms. Margolies’s baggage is dated May 5.

    The New York Times article it cites is dated May 3 and appeared in print May 4.

    “A lot of people are saying, ‘Gee whiz, where are the Clintons?’ ” said one prominent Pennsylvania Democrat who did not want to be quoted by name in discussing the family’s dynamics.

    The Clintons’ relative silence has prompted awkward speculation in Philadelphia that Mrs. Clinton does not want to be burdened by Ms. Margolies’s baggage in a state that could be pivotal to her chances in the 2016 presidential campaign, should she decide to run. A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, Nick Merrill, said Wednesday that she “looks forward to supporting the campaign, and will do so in the coming weeks.”

    She would have been too independent.

    Sammy Finkelman (7e7e58)

  29. Boy, and we thought the undercarriage of the Obama bus was crowded.

    askeptic (8ecc78)

  30. I’m glad Sammy does not defend the Clintons.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  31. when people in Bel-Air are dumpster diving, then maybe we’ll stop being stupid.

    Not that any of us will be alive to care.

    Kevin M (b357ee)


    It is thought that the below truck and it’s owners may be involved in some of the recycling/dumpster diving in Bel-Air. To confirm, this is just a subject/person(s) of interest and nothing is confirmed.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

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