Patterico's Pontifications


Without A Hint Of Irony

Filed under: General — Dana @ 2:48 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Via Kathryn J. Lopez, a look at this year’s Mother’s Day card from the National Organization for Women:


You Marched …

You Rallied …

You Spoke up …

So I could be me!

Happy Mother’s Day!

This reminds me, young Emily Letts who had her abortion filmed, was interviewed about the experience. In response to a question about her responsibilities at the clinic where she works, she stated,

I’m a patient advocate, and I speak with all the women who come to our clinic, I talk to them about the decision. I give them all of the facts about abortion, adoption and birth — their reproductive choices. I’ve told women that they need more time. I’ve said, “Honey, you are not ready to make this decision. You can’t just make it out of convenience.”

If making the decision to have an abortion is not for the sake of convenience, then what is it for? (Preemptive strike: This does not refer to women who face a very real life and death situation if they carry to term).

Emily Letts is a young, impressionable woman who has been sold a bill of goods by groups like NOW, which have successfully packaged the abortion industry as a necessity to help ensure the quality of a woman’s life. It has always been crucial to move the industry away from the seedy fringes and not only mainstream it, but normalize it as well.

It is good to consider that we are all right here, right now because our mother’s chose to have us. And no matter what inconvenient circumstances they faced and no matter the possible complications our arrivals may have brought to an already overwhelmed life, these women were noble enough to see their pregnancies through and afford us the opportunity to take our first breaths. And live.


37 Responses to “Without A Hint Of Irony”

  1. Mother’s Day card for today’s culture.

    Mom, thanks for not aborting me!

    Dan S (00fc90)

  2. I would imagine people have all different sorts of reasons for not wanting to carry a child to term. It’s like how they have different reasons for other big decisions they have to make.

    Some people even choose not to participate in their company’s 401k plan – even when the employee offers matching!

    When people are free to make their own choices without coercion by a fascist overbearing whorestate like the US government, they’re apt to do surprising and funny things I’ve noticed.

    Sometimes they even go so far as to eat less than the recommended quantities of green leafy vegetables!

    Also a good number of them have under-inflated tires – that they drive on when they go to the grocery store and neglect to purchase the recommended vegetables!

    Freedom is a mess I tell you what.

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  3. sorry that should be even when the *company* offers matching

    my friend F keeps interrupting my commentings

    he’s reading a book and since he’s ESL he has to ask about various words he’s unfamiliar with

    so far he hasn’t stumped me yet, which is a good feeling I must say

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  4. Unfortunately, death does fix the consequences of irresponsibility. Once such a thing was abhorrent, but now the feminist drive to make men and women identical has made killing motherhood critical for women’s health.

    Amphipolis (e01538)

  5. Freedom certainly is a mess if it includes the freedom to kill people who are helpless, simply because they are in your way.

    Amphipolis (e01538)

  6. Even “choice” advocates admit that less than 5% of abortions are for the health of the matter. The vast majority are for convenience, just like Emily’s.

    Patricia (be0117)

  7. a hot mess like miley cyrus is what freedom is

    but it sure beats the alternative

    that’s why people write so many songs about freedom

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  8. I’m a write a song about freedom and moms ok here we go

    freedom is so great it make you wanna slap you mama

    when the freedom gone you spittin mad like a llama

    freedom is what wars are fought for

    freedom is what mamas want for

    all their little boys and girls

    what they brought into this whirl

    cause mamas know the freedom ain’t free!

    Yay moms!

    Yay also freedom!

    Yay songs!

    Yay vodka!

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  9. St. Louis Rams present Mother Sam with a pricy card sans flowers.

    He’ll be as lucky to survive the first mandated cut as any free agent kicker.

    Maybe they’ll call him back later for the practice squad.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  10. Apparently NOW thinks that a true mother doesn’t want to be a grandmother.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  11. If making the decision to have an abortion is not for the sake of convenience, then what is it for?

    Apparently, by her, there’s convenience, and then there’s convenience and you must look to her further writings (or possibly e-mailing her or giving her a telephone call) for an explanation.

    Sammy Finkelman (bcd7c8)

  12. everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt I think

    especially women what went to a clinic to have their hoohah scraped out

    God bless America.

    That’s got to be just about the least fun thing to do with your day that there is unless you count working in advertising.

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  13. There’s lots of places left in the world where people can be free, one such being the South Side of Chicago where The Free People Of The League Of Free People For Freedom Of The Free People freely freed ten people from the oppressive tyrrany of the fascist whorestate by killing them this week and the week isn’t over yet. Freedom!

    The hoohahs who want their hoohas scraped aren’t looking for freedom. They’re looking for permission. And for love, kindness, acceptance, understanding, and maybe two for the price of one chocolate ice cream. Blecch.

    nk (dbc370)

  14. I hate tyranny so much I can’t even spell it.

    nk (dbc370)

  15. I’m nothing if not permissive and ghetto Ralph’s has no sugar added vanilla ice creams on sale this week for I think like $2.69

    They don’t make chockit though.

    But the important thing is that people in the New Whirl get to make their own decisions and then live with the consequences.

    This is how we different from England, you know.

    A lot of blood and tears over that break-up, there were.

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  16. If making the decision to have an abortion is not for the sake of convenience, then what is it for?

    I think it is unfair to reduce the decisions made by women having abortions to a matter of convenience. Having a child is a life changing event and you enter into a commitment of at least 18 years. Sure there is the possibility of adoption. But pregnancy isn’t simply an inconvenience either. Its a 9 month, body changing process that culminates in a hospital stay. It often involves long term effects and complications. These things are not typically understood as mere matters of convenience in the common day to day usage of the word.

    Aside from that, If you take the entirety of Emily’s answer into account she described some women she spoke to decided to have the baby after all. It is clear that she brings up other factors besides convenience to consider in her conversations with women considering abortion. This is what I take away from the answer.

    From her interview:

    Tell me about your work at the Cherry Hill Women’s Center.
    I’m a patient advocate, and I speak with all the women who come to our clinic, I talk to them about the decision. I give them all of the facts about abortion, adoption and birth — their reproductive choices. I’ve told women that they need more time. I’ve said, “Honey, you are not ready to make this decision. You can’t just make it out of convenience.”

    I have had women talk with me for hours about the abortion decision. We decide she’s not ready, and I’ve had awesome instances where she comes back the next day and hugs me and says, “I’m going to have this baby!” And I cry with them out of joy. I don’t care what women choose. I just care that they are confident and feel positive about their decision, as I did. Why am I not allowed to share this with the world?

    Gil (27c98f)

  17. (They’re usually almost like $5)

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  18. Why is there no Happy Not-A-Mother’s Day?

    Icy (14327b)

  19. “Why is there no Happy Not-A-Mother’s Day?”

    Icy – I think Hallmark is still looking for spokesborted babies for the cards.

    Hi! I’m so happy my mommy is not a mommy today!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  20. It’s unfair to characterize a guy getting drunk and getting on the highway from the off-ramp instead of the on-ramp and killing three people in head-on collision is homicide. Choosing which way to turn your car is a life-changing decision which is not made lightly by anyone, and it has been proven that alcohol reduces cholesterol. Who is to say that he would not have been in a head-on collision, anyway, with another guy going the wrong way even if he had been on the right side of the highway, or that those people in the other car would not have contracted MERS from their Middle Eastern driver and died gasping for breath in some cold and sterile hospital room instead of under Chicago’s beautiful spring sky with the smell of honeysuckle in the air?

    nk (dbc370)

  21. if you set that to music I think you got yourself an Alanis Morissette song there Mr. nk

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  22. Maybe a Robert Johnson riff:
    I warn’t lookin for a baby
    I was jist lookin to come
    I warn’t lookin for no baby
    I was jist lookin to come
    I’m gonna take her to Gosnell
    And have him cut her to chum
    I’m gonna take her to Gosnell
    Ain’t no doctor can help her none
    He might want to use a forceps
    But I feel I’m much too tight
    He might want to use a forceps
    I’d ruther twas done out of sight.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. in my head that was to the tune of “rehab”

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  24. Ugly, right? Upton Sinclair wanted OSHA and he got the FDA. People didn’t care if workers fell into the sausage machine — they cared that they got 100% beef in their Armour hot dogs. If we can’t appeal to a sense of morality, maybe we can awaken some vestige of esthetics?

    nk (dbc370)

  25. Re the photo. who was proposing to make contraception unsafe or illegal? If it weren’t for phony equivalence they would have nothing. Disgraceful!

    Gazzer (c2c196)

  26. Simply put. We as a WHOLE have lost the logic, the intellect, the wisdom, and the moral courage, to call ABORTION what it truly is. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. Dummies, dimwits, cowards, libs, and pseudo Rino’s are not ABLE to call a spade a spade anymore. We/They have been beaten into submission by the MARXISTS, ALYNSKIITES and the MEDIA. WHOM AMONG US, STILL CALL ABORTION MURDER????? THOSE WHO DO, are disparaged and marginalized. Abortion is MURDER.

    Gus (70b624)

  27. “Icy – I think Hallmark is still looking for spokesborted babies for the cards.”

    They found him. His name is Cletus.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  28. It takes a fetus to heat a village!

    Dear mom,

    Thanks for not dismembering and incinerating me.

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Steve57 (d04ba3)

  29. Given the ubiquity of racism I’d say black self-genocide is another example of Stockholm Syndrome.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  30. 30. Higher education is an unbalanced flywheel, soon to completely come apart.

    Like street sweepers, society has no abiding need for babysitters of young adults.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  31. Why can’t I get pregnant? Is the strap-on not penetrating deeply enough? Or is the saline solution that’s burning the child to death interfering with delivery?

    CrustyB (d4da92)

  32. a look at this year’s Mother’s Day card from the National Organization for Women:


    Such people only care about leftwing women, leftwing men, leftwing blacks, leftwing whites, leftwing Latinos, leftwing Asians, leftwing Jews, leftwing Christians, leftwing gays, leftwing gentiles, leftwing lesbians, leftwing bisexuals, leftwing transsexuals, leftwing politicians, leftwing dyslexics, leftwing handicapped-disabled, leftwing senior citizens, leftwing immigrants, leftwing countries, etc.

    However, their weird, strange-bedfellows relationship to Islamism and Sharia Law — which is hardly leftwing — is one of the exceptions to the rule. But it does seem to confirm that liberalism is a form of mental illness. That makes sense, after all, since such liberals also have the delusion they’re exceptionally humane, compassionate, generous, tolerant human beings.

    Mark (99b8fd)

  33. Greetings:

    Well, on the brighter side, at least they didn’t put Kermit Gosnell, M.D. up for father of the year. Or did they ???

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  34. Well, it does depend on what you mean by convenience, of course. There is a range, that goes from a 20-something slut who has 3 abortions a year because birth control is too much trouble, to a 14-year-old who was raped by her step-father at the other extreme. Yes, all could be carried to term and adopted, so the word convenience could be applied, but some I would judge more harshly than others.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  35. The card is of course offensive. I wonder what Planned Parenthood sends out.

    Kevin M (b357ee)

  36. Kevin M, that is why I made the preemptive strike: This does not refer to women who face a very real life and death situation if they carry to term. I didn’t think it was necessary to include the very extreme circumstance of pregnancy via incest.

    @ Gil,

    Having a child is a life changing event and you enter into a commitment of at least 18 years. Sure there is the possibility of adoption. But pregnancy isn’t simply an inconvenience either. Its a 9 month, body changing process that culminates in a hospital stay. It often involves long term effects and complications. These things are not typically understood as mere matters of convenience in the common day to day usage of the word.

    Yes, having a child is a life changing event. Unfortunately not everyone enters into the commitment for 18 years, some don’t even make the commitment for 18 minutes. It is not a given.

    Also, pregnancy does not always result in a hospital stay. It can.

    And what vague long-term effects of pregnancy are you referring to? Stretch marks? Hips that widen?

    And what complications are often involved?

    Also, I note that you claim pregnancy is an inconvenience. If that is so, it would appear that abortion then conveniently removes that inconvenience.

    Dana (9f8700)

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