Patterico's Pontifications


Two Stupid Democrats

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:39 am

Join me in pointing and laughing at two complete morons from the Party of Our Betters. No larger message to take away here. This post is all about joyous, unrestrained mockery.

The first subject of mockery is Alvin Holmes, who had these lovely remarks to make on the legislative floor:

State representative Alvin Holmes (D) Montgomery, said republican lawmakers would support abortion if their daughters became pregnant by black men. Holmes later said he would offer $100,000 cash to anyone who could show “a whole bunch of whites” have adopted black children in Alabama.

Today at the state house, white parents who adopted mixed race or minority children said it’s time for Holmes to ‘pay up.’

Beverly Owings is an adoptive mother of a 13-year-old bi-racial daughter. “I would like for him to ‘man up.’ He’s made the statement. He needs to put his money where is mouth is.”

The video is worth watching:

ABC 33/40 – Birmingham News, Weather, Sports

Andrew Breitbart once offered $100,000 to anyone who could provide video of Tea Partiers yelling racial epithets at black congressman at a famous incident in 2010. Nobody ever came forward — but if they had, Andrew would have “manned up” and paid. By contrast, Rep. Holmes is dodging reporters’ inquiries.

Next up: Mike Dickinson, who is hoping to run against Eric Cantor in Virginia. This is a video you simply have to watch. Make the time. If time is short, skip ahead to 2:22:

GRETA: You want to have a war on them [Tea Partiers], for God’s sakes. You want a war on them. You don’t want to hear what they have to say.

DICKINSON: I think that they need a war on them, because of the fact of how they portray themselves. They portray this image that’s totally not who they are. That’s totally not who they are.

GRETA: OK, that’s really bad, to portray yourself not as who you are, right?


GRETA: OK, terrible. OK, let’s go to this. Speaking of that, a letter to the Times-Dispatch you wrote January 29, 2013, and you claimed that you were the CEO of Mid-Atlantic Show Clubs, which is a group of strip clubs. Is that right?

DICKINSON: That’s, that’s correct.

GRETA: OK. That wasn’t true, was it?

DICKINSON: I worked for, I consulted for them.

GRETA: OK, it says CEO of Mid-Atlantic. Were you the CEO?

DICKINSON: I was the, I guess, consulting, operations director.

GRETA: So. That wasn’t quite true, was it?

DICKINSON: You got me there.

GRETA: It was wrong. It was a lie. A little bit of a lie. Right? Tiny one?

DICKINSON: [Laughs.] That’s true.

GRETA: Little bit of a lie?


Now, all this is kind of unfair, because these guys are both . . . well, I don’t want to be mean. Let’s just say they’re really, really dumb. All you have to do is listen to them speak to discern that.

But when Republican candidates or politicians make dumb statements (remember Todd Akin? Sharron Angle? Christine O’Donnell?) they become stand-ins for the whole party, and other Republican candidates and politicians must be asked whether they agree.

So I think it’s incumbent on Big Media to demand that Barack Obama be asked if he agrees with these two dumb Democrats. And the answer needs to go on the front page of every paper in the nation.

That’ll happen, right? Because Big Media is about the news. And fairness. Always with the fairness.

111 Responses to “Two Stupid Democrats”

  1. I said on Twitter that I didn’t think it was possible for the Democrat party to find a candidate more of a neanderthal than Alan Grayson or box-of-dirt dumb as Hank Johnson. First prize goes to Virginia.

    I see Nancy Pelosi furiously writing a check to his primary opponent.

    Carolina Girl (7c8316)

  2. Cantor’s district is mine, y’all.


    SarahW (267b14)

  3. Oh, come on. You call that a whole bunch? And they’re not all that white or the kids all that black either. And he said “in Alabama”. Doesn’t that depend on what the meaning of “in” is?

    nk (dbc370)

  4. Why are Dems running a strip club consultant that worked with Larry Flynt?

    JD (a50352)

  5. Bizarre.

    Alvin Holmes sounds like a bad comedic impressionist — at least if he’s doing a stand-up at an entertainment venue where political correctness hasn’t become too infused — doing his impersonation of a low-class black southerner.

    Holmes will get a million passes, however, not so much because he’s black but because he’s a leftwinger.

    If liberalism were a race or ethnicity, that ultimately would be the only “race” or “ethnicity” that most people of the left (particularly throughout the media) would give a damn about and be sympathetic towards.

    Mark (14c5d3)

  6. Title should be “Three stupid democrats,” and should encompass the multi-directional travels of history.

    Arrellbee (78567d)

  7. Don’t be so sure, SarahW. Virginians elected the likes of Terry McCauliffe, no?

    Punch back… Five times as hard.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. “But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward, upward not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!”

    RNB (6a1e7d)

  9. There is a huge institutional bias against interracial adoption among social workers. Resistance to interracial adoption was has been led by the National Association of Black Social Workers, a prominent professional organization that views race mixing in the context of adoption as a form of cultural “genocide.” Black separatism of this sort has a long and sordid history, even among mainstream Black organizations like the NABSW, and was a contributing factor in the establishment of Jim Crow – Booker T. Washington was a 19th century Black separatist and an outspoken supporter of Jim Crow.

    From Wikipedia:

    “(D)uring the civil rights movement, interracial adoptions in the United States increased dramatically and the numbers more than tripled from 733 cases in 1968 to 2,574 cases in 1971. (There are now about 6,500 cases a year.) It was then that the National Association of Black Social Workers condemned interracial adoption citing that adoptees were at risk for developing a poor racial identity due to lack of contact with role models of the same race. In the 1990s the placement of black children into non-black homes virtually came to a complete stop.”

    If the adoption of Black children by white families in Alabama is of limited scale, it is the result of opposition from Black racists, not white.

    ThOR (130453)

  10. adoptees were at risk for developing a poor racial identity due to lack of contact with role models of the same race.”

    And then there is the strange case of Barack Obama, born in a bigamous marriage and abandoned by his communist African father, he was raised by his radical mother, her communist boyfriend, and ultimately her racist parents. Never a black figure to raise him, except in his dreams.

    Every time I think about this, I decide that Chauncey Gardiner seems the more stable choice.

    Kevin M (b11279)

  11. Where da white wimmins at?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  12. While we are on the subject of mental giants, I would submit:

    Rule #1 of public speaking: check to make sure the pages are there.

    I cannot believe this crew. And remember, Bush was the chimp.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  13. Colonel Haiku: My district is a lock even if though someone else halfway normal will likely be the dem nominee for Cantor’s seat. The 7th district was solid for Mitt Romney, George Allen, and Cantor was a runaway winner in 2012.

    SarahW (267b14)

  14. Sorry bad edit.

    SarahW (267b14)

  15. Black conservative David Webb interviews Alvin Webb for Sean Hannity Show:

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  16. daleyrocks.
    I did pretty well on the Defense Language Aptitude Test. But this guy defeats me.

    Richard Aubrey (0605ef)

  17. Can I ask a question with out getting attacked?

    I know of a 17 year old who was walking home from school and was raped. She lived in a nice community, she did not wear clothes that were “form fitting”, the poor girl was just walking home.
    With out giving to much details because it did attract the media; I will just get to my point which leads to my question.
    While at the hospital, the Dr. offered her the after pill. (there is a name for it, I can’t think of it and I’m on my phone typing this) her parents immediately said no. She cried and said to her mother, “what if I am pregnant?” Her parents said they would “deal” with it when that time came if she would be.
    Imagine her shock two and a half months later she discovered she was pregnant.
    The family was going to counseling and offering rewards for the capture of the S.O.B. At that time, she tried talking her parents into allowing her get an abortion. By this time she was 18. Her parents are Republicans)
    Her parents refused. So, the victim ended up getting an abortion behind their back, she was accepted at good colleges (I won’t name them to protect the victim) and had her whole life ahead of her. The victim was not caught yet, she thought about carrying the baby and giving it up for adoption. Well Patterico, you are a prosecutor so you know our adoption system is not what cut out it is to be. Science is showing us more everyday that Mental Health is genetic. There was a study done on humans who conceived by rape that showed they have various issues and problems. I can elaborate more but I am trying to keep this short.
    The victim decided to get an abortion behind her parents back and said she mis carried.
    Of course her parents told her, “See how God has a way sorting things out” they were ecstatic.
    Of course, it bothers her to this day that she did have the abortion. Like myself, she agrees that Abortion should NEVER be used as birth control. It’s sickening. I know of someone who I went to school with whose parents are Republicans mind you, their daughter has had 6 abortions. No, she was not raped. They are first ones to knock abortion. If the public knew (the father actually ran for public office), they would be outraged.

    My question is: why is the Right so against abortion when it comes to if a woman is raped? What if you or your family member was raped? On top of the thousand other issues of it happening; what if the offenders family decides they want rights to the child ?
    It makes me angry that male law makers always want to decide what is best for a woman.

    I am not asking this question to try to start a fight.

    Left Winger Here (a76b99)

  18. I made a mistake. I said; “The victim was not caught yet” I meant to say; “The S.O.B. Was not caught yet”
    When typing out a long question on a phone it’s hard to go back and correct.

    Left Winger Here (a76b99)

  19. That’s in the state legislatures, which CNN is not interested in covering unless they get a massive amount of e-mail from Democrats pointing out something absurd that a Republican state legislator is supposed to have said.

    But isn’t Rep.Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) even more regfularly wrong? Mixing up the moon and Mars for isntance.

    Sammy Finkelman (d22d64)

  20. For starters Left Winger Here, I would hope you don’t believe that ” male law makers always want to decide what is best for a woman” but would be able to understand that regardless of a lawmakers gender it behooves them to try and determine what is moral and just for all Americans not what’s best for just women. You could also consider the fact that male law makers don’t always agree on how to do anything. Neither do female law makers. Abortion is a very tough moral question and to be honest I don’t believe it to be a Democrat or Republican thing, it’s a Christian thing. So whether this young lady’s family was Republican or not makes no difference.

    Hoagie (511e55)

  21. I cannot stand lying dishonest Leftists.

    JD (a50352)

  22. Angie Dickinson would make a better candidate than this kooky Mike Dickinson person.
    In the future, let’s just contract his name and call him “Dick” for short.

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  23. Left Winger Here,

    I don’t think anyone who supports the ObamaCare mandate should be lecturing anybody about a person’s “right to choose” a medical procedure.

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  24. So I am a dishonest leftist? I am just trying to understand why the right has an issue (which by the way, it’s more men in office than women) if a woman is raped, what the issue is with abortion?

    Left Winger Here (729abd)

  25. Left Winger Here – I don’t understand why you believe this is a Republican (political) issue rather than a moral issue.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  26. Left Winger Here,

    Bud, I actually don’t think you understand the pro-life position.
    The pro-life position is that conception is the commencement of a human life.
    Whether the human life was conceived by two people in love, two people in like, two people who hate each other, or an act of reprehensible violence such as rape, does not subtract from the viability or sanctity of that human life.

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  27. as you saw with the Hot Air link, he missed the filing date, snorfle,

    narciso (3fec35)

  28. Hoagie,
    I appreciate your response. Thank You.
    When you say it’s a Christian thing. (I get what you are saying) At the same time, there is Freedom of Religion. I don’t think Laws should be passed based or passed on Religious beliefs.
    It just seems like it’s Republicans who are most vocal and wanting to shut it down.
    Again, I don’t believe abortions should be or should have been allowed to be carried used as birth control.
    I think only in extreme cases such as rape or if the mother is at risk of losing her life; especially if she has kids at home should it be allowed.

    Left Winger Here (729abd)

  29. Left Winger Here,

    Regarding your comments in #29, since ‘murder’ violates Christian tenets, should we remove laws outlawing murder ?
    How about laws regarding theft ? Shall we remove those from the books, too ?

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  30. Left Winger, why do you have a problem that people like Jennifer Bowman exist?

    Jennifer Bowman is slim and smiling, with three beautiful children. You wouldn’t know by looking at her that she is somebody who has some unusual connections with rape. She says that there are victims of rape and there are forgotten victims of rape. She has set up a web site as a refuge and support group for what she calls the forgotten victims of rape, the children who result from the act of rape. She is one of them, a child conceived in rape.

    Jennifer says that people have strange conceptions of children of rape. She says, “They see us as someone to be pitied. They think we will be deformed, that we will be failures in life, that we have evil genes, and that we are just waiting to wreak havoc on our birth mothers who are trying to get on with life.” What a stigma!

    Adopted as an infant, she says she has had problems with self-esteem since she found out at the age of eighteen that she was conceived in rape. After all, she says, if your father did such a terrible, disgusting act and you resulted from that act, how can you be worth anything?

    Could you look her in the face and tell her you don’t think she should be allowed to walk the Earth?

    Steve57 (e1960f)

  31. Comment by Left Winger Here (a76b99) — 4/11/2014 @ 2:04 pm

    While at the hospital, the Dr. offered her the after pill. (there is a name for it, I can’t think of it and I’m on my phone typing this)

    The generic name is not ofetn mentioned.

    This was falsely promoted years ago as an abortion pill, because they wanted to make it look like it would 100% successful. Actually it is only a contraceptive. There is a narrow window for fertlization and most of the window would take place after coitus. If the egg has already moved before, the window where it can be fertilized is smaller.

    By this time she was 18. Her parents are Republicans)

    I think the religious beliefs would be important, even if they are not connected to established religion, rather than the political party registration.

    Like myself, she agrees that Abortion should NEVER be used as birth control.

    People do that.

    My question is: why is the Right so against abortion when it comes to if a woman is raped?

    Because the arguments against abortion would seem to apply equally well in a case of rape and a case that does not inolve rape.

    “Wrong father” is not one of those grounds for abortion often listed. Even birth defects – while big in 1962 when they first started arguing for legal abortion, has mostly disappeared. And everybody seems to be against sex-selection abortions, unless a disease is involved.

    It makes me angry that male law makers always want to decide what is best for a woman.

    Couldn’t it be argued that only males don’t have a conflict of interest?

    Sammy Finkelman (9ec422)

  32. Here’s my deal, Left Wing Here:

    Congressmen are elected to reflect the views of their constituents. If a Congressman ran on a pro-life platform, he should stay true to that platform.

    Also, if you really, really think that laws should not be passed or voted down because of religious beliefs, I don’t think you fully understand how America works or what Freedom of Religion means.

    Of you could just be a troll.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  33. With due respect, Holmes and Dickinson, have proven them to be vicious nazguls, not merely dim like Alvin Greene or say our vicepresident

    narciso (3fec35)

  34. 25. So I am a dishonest leftist? I am just trying to understand why the right has an issue (which by the way, it’s more men in office than women) if a woman is raped, what the issue is with abortion?

    Comment by Left Winger Here (729abd) — 4/11/2014 @ 3:06 pm

    Because the child isn’t the criminal. So the child shouldn’t get the death penalty.

    Again, walk up to Jennifer Bowman and explain to her how her very existence offends you.

    Steve57 (e1960f)

  35. Elephant Store,

    Whether the human life was conceived by two people in love, two people in like, two people who
    hate each other, or an act of reprehensible violence such as rape, does not subtract from the viability or sanctity of that human life.

    It’s easy to say until it happens to you or someone close to you. For all I know, it may have happened to you or someone close to you.
    I’m sorry you don’t understand what I am getting at however.

    I do appreciate the polite responses.

    Left Winger Here (729abd)

  36. Oh, and tell Jennifer Bowman that she shouldn’t exist because it’s a women’s issue while you’re at it.

    Steve57 (e1960f)

  37. #31
    I am speaking if a woman is raped.
    I realize this conversation could go in a million directions. I don’t claim to have the answers for everything. I am merely trying to get an understanding on why people feel the way they do about it since I know someone personally who unfortunately went through a tragic situation.

    Left Winger Here (729abd)

  38. Left Winger Here,

    No, I’m not kidding, I don’t think you actually understand the pro-life position.
    The pro-life position is about the conception itself—it is not about your reaction to the conception.

    But then again, friend, left wing positions do tend to be about feelings and reactions, rather than facts and reality.

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  39. #35 I don’t know Jennifer Bowman is.

    Left Winger Here (729abd)

  40. #39 maybe I don’t.
    I’m 19 years old and don’t claim to know everything.
    I was just trying to understand why as I already stated above and don’t want to sound redundant.

    Left Winger Here (729abd)

  41. Jennifer Bowman is a child how resulted from rape.

    It’s a simple question. Should we tolerate her very existence? Your answer seems to be “no.”

    As in so many things on this board I expect to be in the minority, but the child is not the rapist. The child is a genetically distinct human being that had nothing to do with how it was conceived.

    I sympathize with the victim of rape, but how can I be complicit in the murder of an innocent?

    Steve57 (e1960f)

  42. how = who

    Steve57 (e1960f)

  43. Lying Leftist sez,”So I am a dishonest leftist? I am just trying to understand why the right has an issue (which by the way, it’s more men in office than women) if a woman is raped, what the issue is with abortion?”

    Simply asserting that the right has an issue if a woman is raped is extraordinarily mendoucheous. Typical leftist blather. Ditto the #waronwomynz nonsense.

    If you are actually serious, then I feel bad for you, and would suggest you take the time to learn what other people think, as opposed to your tactic of simply making up positions to advance Teh Narrative.

    JD (a50352)

  44. “I am just trying to understand why the right has an issue (which by the way, it’s more men in office than women)”

    Left Winger Here – The left has more men in office making laws for women as well. Go figure.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  45. Did you folks also see Jay Carney’s (what a name, given his behavior) recent article, complete with “improve your rep” photoshopping?

    Again, so very smart, huh?

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  46. Oddly enough, about six weeks ago, black conservative Walter Williams wrote a column in which he assured his white readers that it is, in fact, perfectly OK to laugh at a person who happens to be black.

    In the column, Professor Williams cited the numerous idiotic things that various and sundry black politicians have said in recent years. (Right on cue, Sheila Jackson-Lee added to the collection with her comment about the U.S. Constitution being 400 years old.)

    Cutting to the chase, Professor Williams correctly noted that the vast majority of the people who find it unsavory to enjoy a laugh at a black person’s expense are actually bigots who view blacks as helpless creatures who must be protected as if they are children.

    Whitey Nisson (7f2263)

  47. I always take stories from Alex Jones with Salt Lake, Utah, narciso. As a matter of fact, I might say the exact same thing to a couple of wookiesuiters who are thinking of shooting at federal agents, with all the good will in the world to save their mouth-breathing hides.

    That whole story is ridiculous. I think cows are tastier than desert tortoises too, but this has been going on for twenty years in the courts and in other legal venues. Hardly KristallKuhnacht.

    nk (dbc370)

  48. P.S. I haven’t had desert tortoise, but I’ve had turtle. I imagine it tastes the same.

    nk (dbc370)

  49. “Stupid Democrat” is now utterly redundant.

    The scary thing is there are people in Virginia who would vote for this moron. After all, there are people who voted for James Moron, more than once.

    I would say “he is saying what he thinks” except I am not sure he is capable of thought…

    WarEagle82 (b18ccf)

  50. Left Winger Here Said : “I’m 19 years old and don’t claim to know everything.” That’s odd because when I was 19 years old I did know everything! It’s only recently I’ve forgotten so much.

    But you have been friendly and pleasant here. My point, which other’s here have also pointed out is that regardless of how the child was conceived it is still an innocent child. As a Christian I believe that child is worthy of life, although I may not feel the same toward its father. Just so you realize, if you agree with abortion “in cases of rape” then you believe in abortion as “birth control”, buy only in cases of rape. Therefore, it’s not the abortion you object to, it’s the method of conception.

    Thank you for your participation.

    Hoagie (511e55)

  51. Comment by Steve57 (e1960f) — 4/11/2014 @ 3:42 pm

    Count me as one in your company.

    felipe (6100bc)

  52. Can I ask a question with out getting attacked?

    Left Winger, if you are still here, I have a question for you:

    Why do lefties like you always ask about abortion after rapes? The percentage of abortions because of rape is pitifully small (like about 3%), and if that’s all the abortions that were performed in this country, I doubt very much that anyone would make a huge deal of it. But it’s disingenuous at best (and intellectually dishonest at worst) to talk about abortion only in the frame of rape, when so many more abortions are performed for other reasons.

    Chuck Bartkowksi (ad54b9)

  53. well, yes and no, is there anything that belongs to us, anymore, smelt has the water in California, the tortoises who are being roasted by the solar panel arrays;

    narciso (3fec35)

  54. Resist we much.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  55. Will you join us against the patriarchy, daleyrocks?

    Let “Suey” be our rallying cry.

    nk (dbc370)

  56. It makes me angry that male law makers always want to decide what is best for a woman.

    But I’m sure you’re not too angry, if angry at all, if the males in question are true-blue liberals.

    In turn, if the lawmakers you’re envisioning happen to be female but are also staunch conservatives, I wouldn’t put it past you to start pondering the question: “Don’t those women know their place is in the home…barefoot and pregnant and scurrying around the kitchen!?”

    Whenever the race or gender (or sexuality, etc) card is raised, it invariably — invariably — originates from the mouth or mind of a liberal.

    Mark (14c5d3)

  57. I’m 19 years old and don’t claim to know everything.
    Comment by Left Winger Here

    I find it hard to be quite so exasperated with a liberal when he or she is as young as you.

    However, if your ideology doesn’t change much or at all by the time you’re reaching your middle-age years, or by the time you’re as old as the guy now in the White House, then that will a sign of arrested development, of stunted maturity.

    Mark (14c5d3)

  58. @ Left Winger Here,

    I know of a 17 year old who was walking home from school and was raped. She lived in a nice community, she did not wear clothes that were “form fitting”, the poor girl was just walking home.

    That you would begin with this is remarkably telling.

    Dana (9a8f57)

  59. nk – Women are controlling my sexuality in the rape culture of the white hetereonormative patriarchy. Of course I will join you.

    Get off my uterus!

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  60. In case “Left Winger Here” comes back to check, let me break down the anti-abortion position into small logical steps:

    (1) fertilized egg = human baby (not “complete” yet, but then again most of us aren’t “finished” no matter how long we live)
    (2) human beings have a right to keep living (“life, liberty, pursuit of happiness”).
    (3) if/when humans start making exceptions to the right-to-keep-living idea, bad things happen. (see “eugenics”, see Britain’s “Liverpool pathway”)
    Of course,
    (4) this also leads to the question, “is the death penalty ever justified?” I can see the argument for “no” (right-to-keep-living); I can see the argument for “yes” (some heinous crimes merit death, period.) [But I have a VERY hard time reconciling the views of people who are pro-abortion but are anti-death penalty.]

    A_Nonny_Mouse (4aa110)

  61. abortion isn’t that big a deal set next to what an abysmal humiliating laughingstock joke of a failure america has become

    it’s like this whole silly cowardwhore erstwhile free enterprise country is being sliced and diced like a wee lil fetus

    ouch ouch ouch stop slicing me up i just wanna do constitutional stuff I promise


    americans are such losers i can’t even stand it

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  62. Well when the numbers are in the 55 million range it does make an impact, Europe sold out it’s future,
    and chose to replace it’s workforce with folks from North Africa and the Middle East, and we know how that worked out,

    narciso (3fec35)

  63. When typing out a long question on a phone it’s hard to go back and correct.

    Comment by Left Winger Here (a76b99) — 4/11/2014 @ 2:07

    especially when yer, like, drivin’ heh.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  64. Jeffrey Pelt: Listen, I’m a politician which means I’m a cheat and a liar, and when I’m not kissing babies I’m stealing their lollipops. But it also means I keep my options open.

    Neo (d1c681)

  65. I was no math major, but only two stupid Democrats ?

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  66. I think someone needs to pony up a scooby snack for Mr. Stone

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  67. Zoinks !
    Or something.

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  68. Left winger:

    Abortion has always been legal when the mother’s life was in danger, even before Roe v Wade.

    Google Dr. Donna Campbell for a woman who legislated abortion.

    BradnSA (69f417)

  69. Left wingers are always pro-choice regarding medical issues…except when it comes to choosing your own doctor, your own hospital, your own health care coverage, your…

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  70. I was no math major, but only two stupid Democrats ?

    all the male demonrats & all the female demonrats?

    that’s two…


    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  71. how is it idiots, such as our newest chew toy, are always in favor of abortion, but so adamantly opposed to the death penalty?

    redc1c4 (abd49e)

  72. Left Winger Here wrote:

    My question is: why is the Right so against abortion when it comes to if a woman is raped? What if you or your family member was raped? On top of the thousand other issues of it happening; what if the offenders family decides they want rights to the child ?

    Because this is not about how the woman behaved, but about the life of the child. Is a human being somehow of less worth, does he somehow have fewer rights, if he was conceived through violence?

    The argument that a woman should not have to bear a child conceived by rape makes the point that bringing the child to term should be avoided because it’s just too hard on the woman. If that is the argument, then we aren’t talking about the right to life, but simply how great the burden is on the woman, and that standard can justify anything.

    The Catholic Dana (3e4784)

  73. Besides, if Anakin Skywalker had been aborted there would have been no Star Wars movies.

    nk (dbc370)

  74. LWH wrote:

    I think only in extreme cases such as rape or if the mother is at risk of losing her life;

    Those are two different things. In the first, the mother is in for some continued suffering, but she is not at risk of losing her life. Her suffering is unfortunate, but it is less of a misfortune than someone else being killed.

    The second is obviously different: the mother’s life is of equal value to the child’s, and at that point, practicality becomes part of the issue. If the pregnancy kills the mother, her unborn child will die with her. In such situations, an abortion — assuming it’s so early in the pregnancy that the child cannot survive outside the womb — will take one life and save the other, rather than having two people die.

    The practical Dana (3e4784)

  75. Stupid, sanctimonius, incompetent and wantonly corrupt equivalent with Dhimmicrat.

    Ok, now equal time for the Useless Vestigal Organ party?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  76. From the Great Book Of Doh Te nk:

    The philosopher, Ke Shu Nhut, fell asleep and dreamt that he was a butterfly flitting over a lily pond. When he awoke, he wondered whether he was a philosopher who dreamt that he was a butterfly or a butterfly who was dreaming that he was a philosopher. But his puzzlement did not last as his wife, Hao So Dum, sleeping beside him, happened to be dreaming that she was a frog resting on a lily pad and ate him.

    nk (dbc370)

  77. Chief Economist at BIS, Central Banks Central Bank(whose output Rico has featured in the past):

    Now we have a stagnating Japanese economy, tax revenues dropping like a stone, the deficit already at eight percent of GDP, debt at more than 200 percent and counting. I have no difficulty in seeing this thing tipping overnight into hyperinflation. If you go back into history, a lot of hyperinflations started with deflation.

    Nominally inflation requires credit creation which is fast disappearing altogether, particularly because collateral is long exhausted.

    But consider the ‘Law of Supply and Demand’ and eliminate the incentive to supply. What happens next children?

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  78. Hyperinflation, begins by running the printing presses, with hamsters on double expresso, which is what Abe is doing,

    narciso (3fec35)

  79. Left Winger: why is the Right so against abortion when it comes to if a woman is raped?

    Because the child is not guilty of a crime that requires the death penalty. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I know three women who were raped. Two of them kept their babies and are glad they did. The third aborted her child and regrets it to this day. Not because anyone has told her she was wrong, but because she knew in her heart that it was wrong. A baby is not an inconvenience, but a human life that is precious and worth keeping alive.

    A childhood friend of my wife had an abortion in college. When she wanted to have a baby, she couldn’t because the “legal” abortion had damaged her so that she could never conceive a child.

    Abortions murder innocent babies and ruin lives. I really don’t see why they should be legal.

    Tanny O'Haley (c0a74e)

  80. Suggestion: E-mail
    “PAY UP, you two-bit, chiseling racist DEAD BEAT!”

    Smock Puppet, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses." (225d0d)

  81. Left wingers are always pro-choice regarding medical issues…except

    I was talking with a group of liberals several days ago who started clucking their tongues about the cynicism directed at the government by conservatives or tea-party type of people (although the specific ideology of the people in question was implied instead of stated). I could hit myself because instead of immediately pointing out the matter of the IRS — even more so since at least two of the people I was with have had issues with that wonderful federal agency in the past — I rolled my eyes to myself and said nothing.

    Now we have a stagnating Japanese economy, tax revenues dropping like a stone, the deficit already at eight percent of GDP

    Throw in the listless socialism of the EU — the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain), with places like France and the UK pulling up the rear — the ongoing lunacy of countries like Venezuela and Argentina, the altered reality created by an emergent and wobbly PR China (which didn’t even factor into the world’s economy not all that long ago, meaning as recently as the early 1990s) and Russia (with all its peculiarities), along with our own Obama-ized USA, and I don’t think it’s a case of excessive pessimism to say we’re entering very, very choppy waters.

    Mark (14c5d3)

  82. 54, Comment by Steve57 (e1960f) — 4/11/2014 @ 3:42 pm

    Count me as one in your company.

    Comment by felipe (6100bc) — 4/11/2014 @ 6:34 pm

    Done. You are written in the book of my condottieri as one of the condottiere. With all the rights and privileges that enjoin.

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  83. SPQR may be jealous I’m amassing a faction to rival his.

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  84. Dear Steve57,

    If you are forming some sort of a group, you’ll need to comply with our Agency’s request for a roster of all of your members, including their names, addresses, telephone numbers, political affiliation, and social security numbers. Oh yeah, and the titles of books they have checked out from the library.

    Thank you for your patriotic compliance.


    Lois Lerner

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  85. ES, I’ll have to run your demand letter by the Board.

    Oh, here’s their response.

    Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

    O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can’t slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a b***h, make subjects of Christian sons; we’ve no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, f*** your mother.

    You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-f***er of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our d***. Pig’s snout, mare’s arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother!

    So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won’t even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we’ll conclude, for we don’t know the date and don’t own a calendar; the moon’s in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day’s the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  86. her communist boyfriend,

    Ann Dunham’s 2d husband was Lolo Soetero, a cartographer employed by Union Oil Company (among others), and supposedly an agreeable human being. He and his in-laws devoted themselves to cleaning up after that willful and self-centered woman. The only Communists in Indonesia after 1966 were dead Communists.

    Art Deco (ee8de5)

  87. No, Lolo was the only squared away person in his social circle;

    narciso (3fec35)

  88. Signed,
    Lois Lerner

    Oh, here’s their response.


    Meanwhile, speaking of “stupid Democrats,” — and not even considering the opposing factions in stories like the one out of Nevada — I find the following amusing and pathetic. I do have a reaction of both some sympathy and also disdain towards the various groups, and I’m quite sure just about everyone of them are garden-variety “latte liberal” Northern California residents.

    They deserve one another. via (Reuters) – Demonstrations against the grip on San Francisco held by wealthy technology workers took a personal turn on Friday with protesters taking aim at a Google lawyer they say personifies the tensions being stirred by abundant tech money.

    Jack Halprin, a landlord in the city’s gentrifying Mission district, became the focus of the latest blockade of a tech company commuter bus, with protesters demanding Google ask Halprin to rescind eviction notices he has sent his tenants.

    Protesters told Reuters they will increasingly target individuals as part of a strategy to draw attention to the growing divide between rich and poor in San Francisco, a rift widened by a tech industry boom that is inflating rents and exacerbating social problems such as evictions.

    The prospect of facing protests on their own doorsteps may unnerve technology industry employees across the Bay Area, many of whom are becoming increasingly aware of the growing ill-will they face in a region where housing prices are skyrocketing and salary growth is anemic outside the tech sector.

    Late last year, protesters began to block the commuter buses that ferry employees from San Francisco to the offices of tech companies, including Facebook, Google and Yahoo, south of the city.

    Earlier this month, protesters targeted a partner at Google Ventures, Kevin Rose, by passing out flyers in his neighborhood that included Rose’s address and labeled him a “parasite”.

    In January, the same group, known as Counterforce, targeted the suburban Berkeley home of a Google engineer. Flyers passed out in his neighborhood read “Anthony Levandowski is building an unconscionable world of surveillance, control and automation. He is also your neighbor.”

    ^ In general, I bet this will make Silicon Valley even more beholden to the dynamics of liberalism run amok, political correctness up the wazoo. If so, and if the left ends up eating the left, I’ll try to shed a tear or two.

    Mark (14c5d3)

  89. Can I ask a question with out getting attacked?

    Awwww, isn’t that cute? Go off topic with some proggie bs and ask not to get attacked. Try going to a proggie website, ask an off topic hot button question with a bs anecdotal sob story and see what kind of reaction you get. GFY!

    Amalgamated Cliff Divers, Local 157 (f7d5ba)

  90. Besides, if Anakin Skywalker had been aborted there would have been no Star Wars movies.

    The Emperor had banned abortion due to a pressing need for labor at the far-flung extremes of the Empire.

    askeptic (8ecc78)

  91. When it is all that and a bag of chips.

    Worlds Fastest Helicopter Sikorsky X2

    How soon can we outfit the Arleigh Burkes with these?

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  92. Steve57–I was honored to be a guest of the family and present at the commissioning ceremony of an Arleigh Burke class destroyer over Memorial Day Weekend 2004. We took a short sail, watched a burial at sea and the wreath throwing. That thing was impressive as hell technology-wise but man I sure would not want to live on it very long! I remember the helicopters. This ship is currently aiding in the search for the Malaysian plane.

    elissa (6fc331)

  93. elissa, I am glad you had that honor. I did not, but I used to go eat lunch at an officer’s club named after him in Yokosuka. With attendant memorabilia.

    I’m second to none in terms of admiration for 31 Knot Burke and his Little Beavers. I just think, based upon what I have learned about the man, that his ships getting those helos would be a beautiful squaring of the circle.

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  94. The, uhh, O club had the attendant memorabilia. I stared at it while waiting for a table.

    It didn’t come with the lunch.

    In case there was any confusion.

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  95. Besides his tours in World War 11, one of the refreshing things about CNO Burke, was when Kennedy said ‘we must make it look like we’re not involved,
    in the Bay of Pigs,’ and Arleigh replied, well Mr, President we are involved.

    narciso (3fec35)

  96. All I can say, narciso, is goot freakin’ luck with that, America.

    Here’s the Charles Auberne when she was raging against the Japanese.

    The destroyer Melvin sent the battleship Fuso to the bottom in the Battle of the Surigao Strait.

    Do we get another Melvin? Another Ausburne? No! What do we get?

    USNS Cesar Chavez (T-AKE-14)

    It’s probably only my “white privelege” that fuels my pissed offedness.

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  97. *goot=good*

    Steve57 (078ed2)

  98. Dear Left Winger:

    Names, pictures, news story, and state of origin or it didn’t happen.

    The most telling part of the story, for me, is the reaction of the parents. At the very least it’s poorly described over the phone. The number of parents in the country who would actively deny their child an abortion in the case of rape is vanishingly small and that makes this story most likely a fantasy.

    Secondarily, the waiting list for adoption of newborn children of any race is years long. Had she carried the child to term it would have been snapped up. That part of the story is also just not the case in the real world nowadays. It might have been the girl’s belief, but it’s not the case.

    Why do you think people adopt children from foreign countries? It’s because we don’t have enough adoptable babies here to fill the desires of the infertile who wish to have a family.

    At the very least, this is the after-the-fact story the girl is telling to justify her actions.

    luagha (1de9ec)

  99. Holmes and Dickinson illustrate a trend;

    narciso (3fec35)

  100. Liz Mair, CNN token Republican, says Amnesty is all about fundraising. Some support exists but House leadership subject to change.

    gary gulrud (e2cef3)

  101. “The most telling part of the story, for me, is the reaction of the parents. At the very least it’s poorly described over the phone. The number of parents in the country who would actively deny their child an abortion in the case of rape is vanishingly small and that makes this story most likely a fantasy.”

    laugha – Plus the availability of the morning after pill over the counter to women 17 and over for several years now and now all ages make the parental component irrelevant.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  102. Amen, luagha.

    JD (39c3a5)

  103. The title of this particular post—“Two Stupid Democrats”—could easily be “Democrats; Too Stupid.”

    Elephant Stone (8a7f08)

  104. Two Stupid Democrats

    It’s not just two of them that are stupid. The actual number is way, way higher.

    Blacque Jacques Shellacque (9e4732)

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