Patterico's Pontifications


Taranto Destroys Obama on Not Setting the Red Line

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:33 am

James Taranto has an excellent piece taking apart Obama on his “I didn’t set the red line” lie.

First he quotes Obama:

I have, at this point, not ordered military engagement in the situation. But the point that you made about chemical and biological weapons is critical. That’s an issue that doesn’t just concern Syria; it concerns our close allies in the region, including Israel. It concerns us. We cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people.

We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.

Taranto then notes:

The context makes clear that when Obama refers to “a red line for us,” the antecedent is not the world but the U.S. or the administration (which are interchangeable for the purpose of a discussion of executive action). He said the use of chemical weapons would change “my calculus” and “my equation,” not the world’s.

As The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Halper notes, the president’s denial that he set a red line contradicts previous statements from his own subordinates. “We go on to reaffirm that the President has set a clear red line as it relates to the United States that the use of chemical weapons . . . is a red line that is not acceptable to us, nor should it be to the international community,” an unnamed “White House official” said during introductory remarks in an April 25, 2013 conference call with reporters.

Lest there be any question, the official went on to say in response to a question: “The people in Syria and the Assad regime should know that the President means what he says when he set that red line. And keep in mind, he is the one who laid down that marker.”

So, Marco Rubio votes no. A lot of no votes lining up in the House. Rand Paul is a certain no and I it seems Ted Cruz will also vote no, describing Obama’s proposal as an effort to use the U.S. military as “Al Qaeda’s Air Force.”

Not looking good for the guy who didn’t set the red line. Lucky for him it isn’t his credibility on the line!

103 Responses to “Taranto Destroys Obama on Not Setting the Red Line”

  1. now the spendwhore chris christie republicans want to use syria to repeal sequestration for so they can slop slop slop the pentagon piggies

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  2. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.

    It’s interesting that Obama uses upper level math language for this.

    “Well, the math stuff I was fine with up until about seventh grade,” Obama said. “But Malia is now a freshman in High School and I’m pretty lost.”

    Amphipolis (d3e04f)

  3. You know, I love it when these political parakeets twitter about. I so dream of the day when someone asks them to define technical terms.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  4. The “buck”, like other embarrassments, has been thrown under the Obama bus. I think the only thing he’s taken responsibility for is personally leading Seal Team 6 into Pakistan to assassinate bin Laden. Everything else is Bush’s, the Republicans’, the Tea Party’s, Congress’s, America’s, the world’s and/or the universe’s fault.

    Walter Cronanty (d16f1a)

  5. Walter – That Japanese Tsunami is still wreaking havoc on Obama’s plans.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  6. 5. You’re right, Mr. Rocks – I forgot “God’s fault.”

    Also, upon further review of my comment, I realize that it may be seen as racist with my use of the dog-whistle term “buck,” and so I pre-emptively denounce myself.

    Walter Cronanty (d16f1a)

  7. Obama: “They’ve crossed a red line!”
    Press: “A ‘red line,’ sir?”
    Obama: “What? Red line? I didn’t say that.” (Subtly erases red line with shoe.)

    What a pussy.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  8. So is that “unnamed “White House official” ” a low level rogue employee in Cincinnati?

    Machinist (b6f7da)

  9. Markey was actually right to vote “present.” I wonder how many in the floor vote will do so ? The spectacle gets more disgusting every day. Now the rebels are executing captured soldiers. Just as Kerry described in Vietnam.

    Mike K (dc6ffe)

  10. maybe he really don’t remember was it something that he said or the voices in his head confuzzled Obama

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  11. Mr. Feets – I think he wakes and bakes in the Oval Office.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  12. Taranto is the go-to guy these days. Almost always provides keen I sight.

    Colonel Haiku (819c71)

  13. all the voices in his head
    shouting Barry O

    But now we’ve got his number, I think we’ve got the aliases that he’s been living under. For all the good it does us.

    nk (875f57)

  14. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a malicious and unrelentingly fascist whore Mr. daley

    it’s true though that there’s something just so deeply off about him that it’s hard to think he doesn’t have some kind of sickness in his head, and so maybe some of this isn’t his fault

    but still you have to remember that it was his choice to seek the presidency and he’s responsible for that

    you can’t just blame it all on mental illness

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  15. hah Mr. nk good job

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  16. The biggest problem confronting us – America – today is that our currency is the LIE and the large degree to which we tolerate LYING.

    Taranto’s piece THE BUCK STOPS HERE – Obama Goes Galt, is good in pointing out that Obama in fact did set the red line, that in fact his credibility is on the line and yet Obama denies both of those facts. Thus three (3) whopper lies by Obama in one short statement.

    However, Taranto’s piece has two (2) glaring omissions. The first, he fails to mention Obama’s craven conduct concerning BENGHAZI – the serial LYING by Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Jay Carney pushing the LIES that the video Innocence of Muslims (that no one saw, that no one heard of) was the cause of the attack on the Benghazi Consulate(?) and that it was not a terrorist attack. Obama still has not and still refuses to come clean (tell the truth) as to where he was and what he did, why he told the LIES and what those in his administration did and Obama has done nothing to hold the terrorists who attacked our sovereign territory (the Consulate(?)) accountable. Yet Obama wants to launch another war in Syria to protect and save Syrians – at the same time he LIES to us Americans, continues the cover up and will not come clean and does nothing to punish those who attacked our own American sovereignty and killed Americans, does nothing to deal with the budget and deficit and was the ONE who instigated the sequester cutting funds from the same military he want to send to attack Syria.

    The second, is that based upon Benghazi – Obama in fact no longer had any credibility left (and of course there are also the LIES in the unresolved scandals: Fast & Furious, the IRS, NSA, IRS, AP & Fox News-James Rosen, EPA, ObamaCare, etc., and Obama continues to refuse to come clean and tell us Americans the truth on these scandals).

    The fact is Obama is not a leader – he in fact is a mis-leader; he does not tell us the truth and is in fact a pathological LIAR. Clearly, Obama has no credibility and can no longer be trusted. Clearly if this was your kid, you would take the car keys away and he/she would be grounded. Thus Congress giving Obama any more power is not only wrong, but is irresponsible, stupid, dangerous and most probably will end up disastrous.

    Obama is sinking our country. Even a rat knows to leave a sinking ship. It’s time for US to go Galt.

    Gary L. Zerman (98d67e)

  17. Usually I can at least marvel that Obama’s people have split the GOP on some wedge and managed to successfully blame the GOP for something Obama failed at.

    In this case I guess Obama’s rhetoric and ego “my military” “my calculus” etc have made that more difficult. I give it a month before the dems can really blame the GOP for this.

    Though John Mccain is doing his best.

    Dustin (303dca)

  18. Biden would be an improvement over Sotero.

    mg (31009b)

  19. Biden would be an improvement over Sotero.

    Comment by mg (31009b) — 9/5/2013

    For sure. But our next president will probably be Hillary. I have some serious concerns about Clintonian ruthlessness and savvy combined with the expansive powers Obama worship has given the executive branch.

    The only thing standing in the way is the GOP primary process being intelligent and effective. So… yeah. Sorry.

    Dustin (303dca)

  20. Here is a follow up to No. 17.

    Congressman Jeff Duncan Challenges John Kerry with Benghazi Questions During Syria Hearing –

    Obama has repeatedly abused his office and his power as president (he has repeatedly stated and demonstrated his utter contempt for the Constitution). The separation of powers require that his abuses of office and power be CHECKED and that he is called out on his LIES.

    Gary L. Zerman (98d67e)

  21. But our next president will probably be Hillary.

    Depends on just how bad Obama screws up. Sure, right now his performance on Syria has been effing masterful, but give it time. Given Obama’s history, it’s a safe bet that things can get worse.

    If Obama goes after Syria despite losing the vote, and things go belly-up, Biden may well be running as the incumbent.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  22. John Fund has an interesting tidbit over on NRO regarding Dems being dragged kicking and screaming into compliance with Dear Leader:

    . . . other Democrats who have been skeptical of previous interventions look to be moving Obama’s way. Al Hunt, a Bloomberg News columnist with excellent sources on Capitol Hill, reports that he sees a “congressional coalition of the political willing” reluctantly forming. Key to it are the nine Democratic senators still serving who voted against George W. Bush’s request for authorizing war in Iraq in 2002. Hunt says, “The White House is close to winning the support of all those members,” including Dick Durbin, the Senate majority whip, Armed Services chairman Carl Levin, and California’s Barbara Boxer. He also notes that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is influential with many members who have large Jewish constituencies, “has publicly backed the measure and privately is turning up the heat.”

    Besides Durbin, Levin, and Boxer, the other current Dem Senators who voted against military action in Iraq are Leahy (VT), Mikulski (MD), Murray (WA), Reed (RI), Stabenow (MI), and Wyden (OR). Wouldn’t it be just ducky if every single one of them was forced to vote in favor of Obama’s Syria plan?

    And look at that: the AIPAC is apparently lobbying heavily so that if things go wrong we can always blame it on the Joooooooooze.

    JVW (23867e)

  23. Like JVW’s link, apparently the Democratic approach to Syria is Shut Up.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  24. Depends on just how bad Obama screws up.

    I appreciate the humor about an impeachment.

    I think 2008-2012 is a pretty good lesson in how Obama’s screwing things up didn’t affect the next presidential election. It probably would have if the GOP had picked someone distinct from Obama’s failed policies, but the GOP as a whole isn’t very distinct from those policies anymore.

    But in an era like this, things are not stable. Changes could come rapidly. Obama’s destablizing the Middle East and damaging relations with many other critical countries from India to Russia. Who knows what will come by 2016?

    Dustin (303dca)

  25. Who knows what will come by 2016?

    if i had any money it would be on “nothing good”, but then again, i’m a hopeless optimist. 😎

    redc1c4 (e78bab)

  26. Who to believe?

    The guy who seeks Congressional support to enforce a Red Line he says he didn’t set that intelligence reports assure us was crossed or the guy who sold the chemical weapons to the guy who supposedly used them and who gave sanctuary to the guy who has the keys to America’s intelligence kingdom?

    Which liar is telling the truth?

    crazy (d60cb0)

  27. ==The fact is Obama is not a leader – he in fact is a mis-leader; he does not tell us the truth and is in fact a pathological LIAR==

    Hey! Didn’t he used to be on Saturday Might Live and didn’t everybody laughed at how transparent and cynical he was ?

    elissa (6b3fdb)

  28. This Obama person is something else, isn’t he ?

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  29. Drudge is running this link about a Canadian youth soccer league that has eliminated using balls because using balls leads to an inequity of goals being scored among differing teams.

    I swear this story sounds like something the Onion would consider running—during a brainstorm at an after-hours three martini meeting at their local cocktail bar.

    After that Oakland tv station actually got duped into reporting the fictional names of the Korean pilots who crashed the airliner in San Fran a couple months ago (“Wei Tu Low,” “Ho Lee Fuk,” et al) I’m a little apprehensive about this youth soccer league story.

    Then again, we do live in the Age of Obama.
    And he has no balls.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  30. We must go to war to prove to the world that the President who says if you like your health insurance you can keep it, who said he would close GITMO, and who says he didn’t say red lines, means what he says.

    I am so totally not on board with this.

    Steve57 (35dd46)

  31. Ok, so it was a fake…apparently the Washington Times has a small line at the top of the story that says the Canadian youth soccer story is satire being republished from a website called “”

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  32. ES, don’t know if it was there when you added the link, but the Washington Times article now has an editor’s note saying that it is satire by a site called

    JVW (23867e)

  33. Beat me to it.

    JVW (23867e)

  34. You guys seen Kerry’s little hissy-fit when a congressman from South Carolina suggested that an Administration that botched-up (wanted to use a stronger word there) Benghazi can’t be trusted to get it right in Syria? He reminded everyone that he volunteered for Vietnam.

    JVW (23867e)

  35. JVW, yep. Duncan got under Kerry’s botox’d skin.

    SPQR (768505)

  36. He reminded everyone that he volunteered for Vietnam.

    Only after he left US Navy service, though.

    Rob Crawford (e6f27f)

  37. Oooooo, a nice shot Rob.

    SPQR (768505)

  38. Where’s that damn Magic Hat when he needs it?

    Colonel Haiku (aa8ee9)

  39. Clean up of “seared memories” on aisle 7!

    Colonel Haiku (aa8ee9)

  40. All of what has transpired in Syria over the course of the last few years and Kerry coming in relatively cold, it’s not fair that he has to play ketchup.

    Colonel Haiku (207b84)

  41. Bueller… Bueller???

    Colonel Haiku (a6bc62)

  42. Yesterday Obama said, while visiting the grand synagogue of Stockholm, that bombing Syria to save children’s lives from chemical gas is sorta like Swedish hero Raoul Wallenberg saving 10,000 Jews from the Nazis .

    I have a couple of issues with that logic stream. You?

    elissa (6b3fdb)

  43. Ooooooooh… they’re going to vote on 9/11 on whether to assist the folks who attacked us on 9/11/01?

    Colonel Haiku (5348bf)

  44. Ooooooooh… they’re going to vote on 9/11 on whether to assist the folks who attacked us on 9/11/01?

    Really? Boehner must have a better sense of humor than I previously realized.

    JVW (23867e)

  45. Perhaps teh Prez can recast his lack of shame, embarrassment and his mendacity as virtues to regain the good graces of his lapdog media fanclub?

    Oh… wait…

    Colonel Haiku (5348bf)

  46. Elissa – it is a noxious comparison. Right up his alley.

    JD (69f5e8)

  47. That was a large Squirrel!

    narciso (3fec35)

  48. Obama’s unseemly rush to attack Syria is an overt continuation of his once secret Benghazi gun running and terrorist recruitment and training operation which was disrupted almost a year ago on 9/11 and which cost the life of a US Ambassador and 3 other brave Americans.

    Yesterday’s failed Benghazi operation and today’s proposed Syrian reprisal initiative have the same objective: to assist the Muslim Brotherhood’s al-Nusra Front against Bashar al-Assad’s forces. While the Administration pays lip service to the Free Syrian Army’s democratic virtues, Obama’s weapons have always found their way into the hands of al-Qaeda’s jihadi terrorists.

    Polls indicate the American people don’t trust Barack Obama, and given his record of blatant lies, transparent deceptions, and shifty double talk they would be fools to take this little man at his word. Ronald Reagan said, Trust but verify and we have yet to see verification that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons.

    The proof is in the pudding and so far we’ve seen no proof of Assad’s guilt, none at all.

    ropelight (f86184)

  49. Spot on, ropelight.

    Colonel Haiku (358fb1)

  50. Prompted by a tweet seen elsewhere, before asking Congress to approve killing people and breaking things in Syria, I think Obama and Kerry need to carefully explain the carbon footprint of their plan.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  51. Ok. We’re going to commit an act of war to salvage President Keystone Pipeline’s reputation for decisiveness.

    To back up the words he now says he didn’t say.

    Am I missing anything so far?

    Steve57 (35dd46)

  52. This passage is particularly choice:

    “The fierce watchdogs of the press, confronted with this brazen falsehood, show themselves once again to be Obama’s pet hamsters. Instead of giving a “pants on fire” rating,’s Jon Greenberg claims Obama was “reframing comments rather than denying them.” Greenberg can’t even say the statement is half true, so he withholds a rating altogether. Peter Baker of the New York Times has his own euphemisms, writing that Obama was “citing longstanding international norms” and “trying to break out of his isolation.” The funniest dodges come from Shawna Thomas of NBC News, who on Twitter calls Obama’s whopper “a definite change in tone” and an attempt “to unilaterally widen the circle of responsibility.”

    narciso (3fec35)

  53. Here is what the “next President of the United States” said just a short time ago when she was Secretary of State.

    elissa (6b3fdb)

  54. Comment by elissa (6b3fdb) — 9/5/2013 @ 2:41 pm

    When Bob Gates left the Defense Department, the Obama Administration lost their only competent member.

    JVW (23867e)

  55. we’re in the best of all possible hands, facepalm;

    narciso (3fec35)

  56. Obama can’t even arrive on time for dinner, but maybe that’s appropriate since Putin is going to eat his lunch.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  57. DRJ,

    In some circles it’s fashionable to be late. Perhaps he was confused as to which circle he is currently socializing?

    Dana (6178d5)

  58. Narcisso @ 59,

    Anything but holding this man accountable. The combined power of skin color and political persuasion is stunning.

    Yes , I said it.

    Dana (6178d5)

  59. Syria in a sentence:

    I want Congress to authorize something I don’t believe they need to authorize, and which I reserve the right to do anyway whether or not they authorize it, in order that I might defend the credibility of a red line I didn’t actually draw, so that I may take decisive action that will not in any way affect the momentum of the Syrian civil war or, if it accidentally does, al-Qaeda will the stronger for it, in order that I might have a chance to do what I have spent a decade yelling about other people doing.

    Dana (6178d5)

  60. I’m sure Obama believes in making an entrance by being fashionably late, Dana, although in this instance he might have been meeting with the Brazilians since they were late, too. However, there’s such a thing as protocol and this Administration has never seemed to care about that, but it matters.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  61. President pretend to be is a disgrace to fashionably late people.

    mg (31009b)

  62. If the President and his administration do not feel bound by the U.S. Constitution, then certainly protocols be damned.

    Dana (6178d5)

  63. I like how Kerry referenced Obomby drawing his red line on the same day that Obama denied drawing the red line that he drew.

    JD (5c1832)

  64. They were talking about different shades of red, JD. Please try to keep up.

    Dana (6178d5)

  65. It is like a circus clowncar, Dana.

    JD (5c1832)

  66. Oh dear, I am apparently far more agitated by our President than I realized. Heh.

    Dana (6178d5)

  67. 75- I wonder if that 26 year old expert knows anything about Benghazi.

    mg (31009b)

  68. You guys just don’t like this Obama person because he’s a left wing kook. Or whatever.

    Elephant Stone (6a6f37)

  69. E.S.- I’m jealous of his Nobel Peace Prize.

    mg (31009b)

  70. Obama talking about calculus is like a student radical talking about free money.

    Dirty Old Man (cbe9d5)

  71. he sees a “congressional coalition of the political willing” reluctantly forming. Key to it are the nine Democratic senators still serving who voted against George W. Bush’s request for authorizing war in Iraq in 2002.

    Idiotic and exasperating beyond belief.

    But not just so much because they’re voting for purely partisan reasons, but because they of all people — peace-and-love liberals — presumably should have absolutely no problem in keeping the US military out of Syria. And with very good reason too, one spanning both sides of the political spectrum. After all, Syria and its rebels are a murky mess, with some very opportunistic forces (ie, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc) playing the role of stereotypical imperialists in bed with greedy, trigger-happy capitalists.

    This is so ridiculous that I’d never have predicted it not too long ago. It’s analogous to witnessing a situation where conservatives/Republicans are promoting, for example, sex education classes for kindergartners, minimum wage raised to $20 per hour, and automatic legalization for any person meandering over the US border from Mexico.

    Mark (58ea35)

  72. hf

    Spending on the military isn’t always a bad thing

    EPWJ (bdd0a6)

  73. sequesters are glorious beautiful fragile things

    happyfeet (8ce051)

  74. 77. You guys just don’t like this Obama person because he’s a left wing kook. Or whatever.

    Comment by Elephant Stone (6a6f37) — 9/5/2013 @ 6:05 pm

    You got me. I’d be all for raping the defense budget if a white guy was doing it.

    Also, I’d believe the Littoral Combat Ship wasn’t a piece of crap if a white guy headed the administration that was telling me stake my life on it.

    Steve57 (35dd46)

  75. would change “my calculus” and “my equation,” not the world’s.

    Yes, well, CLEARLY these two are interchangeable.

    I mean, like… &gt&ltDUH!&gt&lt

    He is Teh One. He will shave us all!


    Smock Puppet, Gadfy, Racist-Sexist Thug, and Bon Vivant All In One Package (afdedb)

  76. Depends on just how bad Obama screws up.

    I appreciate the humor about an impeachment.

    I never thought they’d impeach Nixon, either, but when he resigned the Republicans were lining up to do it. Sure, it would have to be an existential choice given the first-black thing and all, but there are situations where it could happen.

    This is a very dangerous game and Obama comes off in it like a child playing with matches.

    Kevin M (bf8ad7)

  77. Wow. Going up against AIPAC? Good for you. Except for going from bigot philo-semitism back to your original anti-semitism, it’s a good call.

    Israel wants to weaken Syria as a way to weaken Iran; a policy goal shared by the Saudis. Let a Jew explain it for you.

    Required name (b5f718)

  78. Cleanup in aisle 86

    SPQR (768505)

  79. Another one.

    Former US Ambassador to Saudi.

    Required name (b5f718)

  80. That’s too stupid for words even for Freeman, Saudi minion,

    narciso (3fec35)

  81. Tom Sowell wrote some pretty strong words about Obama’s leadership style over at Townhall:
    Serious About Syria?, 9/4/13.

    “…When the President of the United States issues an ultimatum to another sovereign nation, he should know in advance what he is going to to if that ultimatum is rejected…
    Like so many people who are masters of lofty words, he does not pay nearly as much attention to mundane realities. Campaigning is his strong suit. Governing is not…”

    askeptic (b8ab92)

  82. Israel supports the Saudis more than Freeman does. He just had the job of dealing with them. Read Adam Shatz

    Saudi Arabia is a catastrophe waiting to happen, and I don’t like monarchies much even if it weren’t.
    We’re backing Al Qaeda again, as a way to control it.
    It’s stupid. I’m as opposed to attack as you are, but then I was opposed to attacks you still celebrate.

    Required name (b5f718)

  83. “Required name” is sleeeeepy aka still sleepy aka serial banned troll. Shocking.

    JD (cf3fbb)

  84. JD – Is sleepy the one who had a relative die in WWII by falling off a guard tower at a concentration camp?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  85. More amusing that the troll:

    P.J. O’Rourke

    SPQR (768505)

  86. Listen kids, I haven’t changed my arguments. Now you’re making them for me.

    You’re welcome.

    Required name (b5f718)

  87. obama used the words calculus and equation,he is self admitted innumerate. You can not take anything serious when he uses those words anymore than when he starts speaking “Austrian”.

    dunce (15d7dc)

  88. It wasn’t him. It was some other Barack Obama who said those things.

    NickM (a11bb6)

  89. Taranto two days later, September 6th:

    Reductio ad Obama

    Sammy Finkelman (6f9f42)

  90. #78 It seems any idiot can get a Nobel Peace Prize. Can’t wait for the Science Prize to go to Global Warming as “settled science.”

    Rodney King's Spirit (ae12ec)

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