Patterico's Pontifications


Harry Reid: Obama Was “Light Skinned” and “With No Negro Dialect”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:46 pm

Which reassuring facts, I guess, were offered to soften the blow that Obama’s one a them, you know, black guys:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) apologized today for referring to President Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect” in private conversations during the 2008 presidential campaign.

“I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words,” said Reid in a statement. “I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans for my improper comments.”

Why admit it now? Apparently a book coming out Monday was going to reveal it anyway.

But did he “intend” racism?

I demand to know the context! Maybe there is a perfectly good explanation for why he used a phrase like “with no Negro dialect”!

. . .

. . .


UPDATE: Karl already posted on this here, and has more insight and links.

89 Responses to “Harry Reid: Obama Was “Light Skinned” and “With No Negro Dialect””

  1. Dude.

    Karl (cc4af5)

  2. Reid’s remarks sound like little more than the plain truth to me. Come to think of it, I am also light-skinned with no Negro dialect.

    dchamil (ca7622)

  3. He should have just said he was “clean and articulate” – he would have been Vice-President!

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  4. When you think about it, black celebrities, the kind that get positive ink, do not look like Samuel L. Jackson or Brock Peters.
    Even OJ, when he was younger, had a kind of round, adolescent face. Tiger Woods doesn’t look as if he’s graduated from high school. Will Smith is good looking in a non-threatening, not-quite adult way.
    Morgan Freeman has looked like a grandfather for decades.
    Reid was right, or right enough to be referring to enough votes to swing the election.

    Richard Aubrey (27b8a7)

  5. Perhaps Reid should have merely praised Obama for marrying a black woman — thus sparing Americans the “altogether natural revulsion” that so many “rational people” feel upon seeing interracial couples.

    Instead he had to go and say something racist instead.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  6. The only widespread revulsion that I know of in regard to Black men marrying White women, is found in the ranks of Black women.

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  7. But wait, there’s more! Ben Smith at Politico has found another remarkable passage in the book. He says

    “One of the enduring mysteries of the 2008 campaign was what got Ted Kennedy so mad at Bill Clinton. . . I’ve finally gotten my hands on a copy of Game Change, in which Heliemann and Halperin report:

    “[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

    [emphasis his]

    Official Internet Data Office (2748b2)

  8. Drew, I’m told that a number of “perfectly rational people” feel the same way.

    Hopefully people see the tongue planted in the cheek here.

    Patterico (2b3377)

  9. Democrats are like their original Racist organization, the KKK, they do it but want it kept quiet. They’re still wearing the sheet and hood.

    Scrapiron (996c34)

  10. Bill has very low standards as to who can bring him coffee.
    You would think that he would want someone with a track record of accomplishment and a demonstrated good work ethic.

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  11. Comment by Patterico — 1/9/2010 @ 2:09 pm

    Just watch where you’re planting that tongue.
    I’ve been told our host wants to keep the discussion above board.

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  12. Remember how Reid said Scalia was so much better than Thomas … and when pressed for specifics, cited Scalia’s dissent in a case where Scalia wrote no dissent.

    Patterico (2b3377)

  13. . . .which I see now that Karl had already posted a few minutes ago. (We regret any inconvenience this may have caused.)

    Official Internet Data Office (2748b2)

  14. The full quote from The Dingy One was,
    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

    Emphasis mine, but slightly more damning, docha think?

    Gazzer (e940fc)

  15. it is not lie which he say. so Mr official Internet Data office don’t care about it.

    brain (080f47)

  16. He’s a Democrat. They can do no wrong.

    Techie (43d092)

  17. Emphasis mine, but slightly more damning, docha think?

    Yes. Sounds more like “that nigger’s so damn smart he don’t even talk nigger ‘less he wants to!” than anything else. You know, like back in Antebellum when the planter aristocrats would have their little get-togethers and they’d be standing around getting drunk and gossiping about each other’s slaves. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if old Dingy Harry has some less-than-respectable general opinions regarding blacks.

    chaos (9c54c6)

  18. “… when the planter aristocrats would have their little get-togethers…”

    You mean, when they would convene a Democratic Party Fund-Raiser?

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  19. Trent Lott and Don Imus demand satisfaction.

    Techie (43d092)

  20. George Allen also wants in.

    Techie (43d092)

  21. Stuff (Old) White People Like

    imdw (795ee1)

  22. I’m waiting to hear what The Honorable Robert Byrd (D-KKK) has to say about this.

    Old Coot (d2bd0f)

  23. I just made this same comment at Karl’s post:

    The Atlantic story is very interesting. It also drops the tidbit that Bill Clinton has been having an ongoing romantic relationship with a women other than Hillary. According to this book, the HRC campaign put together a war room to deal with it during the primary, though it never became an issue.

    JVW (ec5e37)

  24. You mean, when they would convene a Democratic Party Fund-Raiser?

    Well the exact period I had in my mind the was the Golden Age of the Slaveocracy, the 1830s, when there was an equal chance it could have been a Whig fund-raiser (back before the Whigs splintered and crumbled and died over their anti-slavery faction or even had an anti-slavery faction really).

    But to bring it back to Mr. Reid, “Negro”? You said “Negro dialect,” Mr. Reid? This is 2009, not 1952 or some other time when “Negro” was the polite term for blacks. Coming from an old man like Dingy Harry, “Negro dialect” = “nigger talk,” plain and simple.

    chaos (9c54c6)

  25. I don’t think the Whigs were ever a political force south of the Mason-Dixon Line, since they were the result of the break-up of the Federalists who were a New England/Middle Atlantic political force.

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  26. I don’t think the Whigs were ever a political force south of the Mason-Dixon Line, since they were the result of the break-up of the Federalists who were a New England/Middle Atlantic political force.

    The Whigs did pretty well in the South for about a decade of their existence, which was only two decades anyway.

    chaos (9c54c6)

  27. Give the old guy a break, he apologized, his bishop forgave him, temple recommend was not taken back he can still wear his special undies too.

    Besides it’s not like he said something like, “niggardly” ya know?


    Any apparent defense of Ried, the shoe man, above would be purely mistaken.

    Stick a fork in him, He is done.

    Nov bye bye to the old guy!

    May all of his friends join him in the sewer after the big flush!

    TC (0b9ca4)

  28. Here’s a quote from the “Golden Age of Slaveocracy”:

    “If blacks were given the right to vote, that would “place every splay-footed, bandy-shanked, hump-backed, thick-lipped, flat-nosed, woolly-headed, ebon-colored Negro in the country upon an equality with the poor white man.”
    –Rep. Andrew Johnson, (D., Tenn.), 1844
    President, 1865-69

    From the WSJ Opinion Archives
    The racist history the Democratic Party wants you to forget. by BRUCE BARTLETT
    Monday, December 24, 2007 12:01 A.M. EST

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  29. This was phrased in a clumsy way using an antiquated term. Harry Reid may be many things, but slapping the “racist” label on him isn’t right. People forget 10 years ago ‘Ebonics’ was almost considered a language by the CA Dept. of Education. Everybody here knows what Reid means; pretending otherwise is disingenuous.

    TimesDisliker (5c0dd3)

  30. Well, considering the recent history of education in CA, I suppose after Harry is tossed, he can be the next Super at the LAUSD –
    he couldn’t do any worse than Roy Romer, and those Ebonics fools!

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  31. …more Whigs:
    “…In their heyday, in the 1840s, the Whigs had strong support in the manufacturing Northeast and the border states…”(Wiki)

    They were primarily an Anti-Jackson party, advocating Congressional Supremacy over Presidential Power.

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  32. Reid’s obvious desperation is the *only* thing that drove him to make the apology. It has absolutely nothing to do with regret or remorse. If it had, he would have made the apology immediately after the gaffe and certainly come clean because his own seared conscience compelled him to – not because an upcoming election and a tell-all book were cornering him. This is a pre-emptive strike and damage control, nothing more.

    Thankfully, most people are smarter than Reid and aren’t sucked in by a CYA mea culpa. It just reveals what and who Harry Reid really is: a man without honorable character.

    To further confirm who Harry Reid *really* is, Politico has a fun list of his greatest gaffes.

    Dana (f64b7d)

  33. Charles Johnson managed to post on it without declaring Reid a white supremist.

    harkin (f92f52)

  34. Man, just based on what has been published or leaked so far from that book there was a hell of a lot of stuff “known” by journalists during the 2008 campaign that never saw the light of day at the time. Apparently just snuffed. It makes me all the more furious about the “John McCain was sorta possibly maybe coulda been super friendly with a lady lobbyist” rumor that was of such importance to the Republic that it made national headlines even tho both of those supposedly involved denied any impropriety whatsoever. Nope, no bias there.

    elissa (19139c)

  35. Everybody here knows what Reid means; pretending otherwise is disingenuous.


    He’s white enough and does not speak hip hop!
    White folk might cast a positive vote for him.

    Crystal clear!

    TC (0b9ca4)

  36. Course, Old Harry is a piker compared to Prince Phillip, who said, amongst many other stupid things,
    You managed not to get eaten then?
    Said to a British student in Papua New Guinea;

    For more of his mad diplomatic skillz, click here

    Gazzer (e940fc)

  37. …and who can forget,
    “You look as if you’re ready for the bed.”
    Philip’s greeting for the Nigerian secretary-general of the Commonwealth, who has dressed up in his ceremonial robes for a state dinner.

    OK, I’m done now.

    Gazzer (e940fc)

  38. Bill has very low standards as to who can bring him coffee.
    You would think that he would want someone with a track record of accomplishment and a demonstrated good work ethic.

    Comment by AD – RtR/OS! — 1/9/2010 @ 2:11 pm

    You mean like Monica ?

    Mike K (2cf494)

  39. Exactly!

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  40. Oh BTW, I think there are still cannibals in New Guinea.

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  41. You go to HuffPo and it’s all ‘Palin sucks!’ and ‘Republicans are racists!’ but Palin never said anything like we hear from the Democrats and I bet Reid’s statment is completely ignored there. I loved it when they told me that Republicans are racists. I always replied – ‘You mean Republicans like Senator Robert Byrd? The Klan Kleagle?’ Then I’d get some stupid response like ‘Palin sucks!’ and it’s back to square one.
    So I stopped going to HuffPo. You can only hear ‘Palin sucks!’ so many times.

    Metallica (e4735c)

  42. What does self-styled racism expert Charles Johnson have to say?

    Patricia (b05e7f)

  43. The issue for me is the double standard and hypocrisy of the Dems and their head pat, lap dog propagandists (MSM). Trent Lott comes to mind, as well as the firestorm his comments created. Believe I read a few of Obumbler’s comments *from that time). Among others, he felt, the GOP should drive Lott out.

    I’m waiting Mr Present. Oh? You already accepted his apology? Won’t force Reid out? Never mind.

    MDr (fd1f4b)

  44. #30 – AD – so true. No matter how much money is squandered, LAUSD just cannot get the high school graduation rate above 50%.

    #35 – TC – not quite. Pretending that talking like Flava Flav is ok, and just as valid as any other english speaker, has led to issues like the
    Chicago Police scrapping the entrance exam.
    If Obama spoke like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, would you think it is better, worse, or the same? Just asking for your opinion, you don’t have to speak for all ‘white folk’.;-)

    TimesDisliker (5c0dd3)

  45. Patrica @ 42, not much. He conveniently sidestepped the racist part, making one comment about the posted issue.

    I think what this shows, more than Reid’s racism, is his casual contempt for voters — even Democratic voters — since he’s assuming that Obama’s ability to “speak white” is going to influence them.

    Dana (f64b7d)

  46. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

    Comment by Official Internet Data Office

    I’d dismiss the interpretation of that as necessarily racial if it weren’t for incidents reported by, in one case, an ex-girlfriend of Bill Clinton. She said during his time as attorney general in Arkansas the two of them were driving down the street when they happened to see a well-known local black activist walk by. Clinton retorted to her something really crude along the lines of “that’s a troublemaking nigger!”

    Liberals like Clinton — referring to either Bill or Hillary — are such flakes and frauds, I wouldn’t put anything past them.

    As for Harry Reid’s “negro dialect,” that phrase has such a clumsy, archaic quality about it, like something that would have said during the early 1960s or before, when “negro” was considered a proper and courteous adjective or noun. Reid also comes off sounding patronizing and not even accurate. In fact, there have been occasions when Obama raises the volume of his voice and starts doing a preacher-man style of speaking — similar to what goofball Al Gore has done in certain speeches — and what I characterize as a “black dude’s dialect” comes to the surface.

    Mark (411533)

  47. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Comment by Gazzer

    I just read that comment and have to retract my statement above. Reid, at least when he’s behind closed doors, apparently can be accurate in describing the speech patterns of Obama.

    As for his comment being tinged with way too much out-and-out racism? To be using “negro” in the context of today’s era suggests a candor that is very patronizing and, yes, racist.

    Reid is the type of liberal that I immediately think of when I theorize that if 80-plus% of black America, instead of being liberal, were truly centrist to rightwing in their politics, a lot of liberals would start growing misty eyed for the era of Jim Crow and a blatantly segregated society.

    Mark (411533)

  48. “If Obama spoke like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, would you think it is better, worse, or the same?”

    It would probably equal… unelectable.

    I’ve no comment on the rest of your bait.
    😉 Err however you say that in times speak.

    TC (0b9ca4)

  49. Well, if Mark cites a random report by a Bill Clinton girlfriend then it must be true. Don’t worry about sourcing.

    intelliology (00d844)

  50. I’m picking up on the “doesn’t even have a Negro dialect unless he wanted to” part of Reid’s statement.

    Before 1950 it was common for ignorant fools in the North (say Illinois) and the South–and the West to tell “Negro dialect” or “rastus” jokes. But if you were born much past 1925 and were supposedly educated, you didn’t tell those jokes anymore. Harry seems stuck in a time warp at least 15 years older than he actually is.

    As for the Illinois part–I had a late friend whose father was Illinois State Treasurer in the 1930’s (i.e. he was born about 1890)–as my friend told it, his dear old dad could tell “rastus jokes” for a coupla hours straight.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  51. Anyone remember Hillary talking “Black” at that church during the campaign?

    Huey (b957d9)

  52. […] PDRTJS_settings_824259_post_939 = { "id" : "824259", "unique_id" : "wp-post-939", "title" : "A+Quote+To+Remember", "item_id" : "_post_939", "permalink" : "" } HT AD […]

    A Quote To Remember « Truth Before Dishonor (5c299c)

  53. […] Here are some of the book’s bombshells: The Harry Reid quote discussed earlier by Karl and Patterico that Obama is a “light-skinned” African American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to […]

    Patterico's Pontifications » The Scandals of Game Change (e4ab32)

  54. Harry Reid-my white niggah!

    Robert Byrd (ac62c3)

  55. It’s not for nothing that he’s known as
    “The Dim-Bulb of Searchlight!”

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  56. That is THEEE deep dark secret in the donkey party the paternal racist feeling towards blacks comin straight from tha deeeeeeeeeep south from hundreds of years ago to today. Blacks will always be the scared abused little children who need taken care of and shown how to behave and who to vote for – thats what blacks are to liberals, what they always have been, all they EVER will be. The fake anti racism of the left has definitly been picked up on by the younger generation.

    chaos (7c068a)

  57. That’s not racist that’s an appropriate way of placing the little president man in the historical and political context of our little country’s African-Americanesque presidential contenders.

    The bigger problem with Reid is him being a dirty socialist whore what has betrayed his little country and condemned her to a future of obscene debt and impoverishment and general malaise and low self-esteem and a diminution of her freedoms.

    happyfeet (e9e587)

  58. Sorry. I mean that’s not racist unless maybe someone on Team R says it.

    happyfeet (e9e587)

  59. I’m going to go way out on a limb here and say something that’s obvious to me, but doesn’t seem obvious to a whole lot of others.

    Capitalism is, by its nature, is non-racist. Wealth flows wherever it can to achieve the goal of more profit. It doesn’t matter how profit is generated because it doesn’t care. Exploitation can be a means to an end, but it isn’t the only means to the end. It can’t be racist, because it doesn’t care. Of course, politics, religion and human nature trump its natural course.

    Socialism is, by its nature, racist. It can only be successful by defining an underclass and exploiting it to achieve its goal for equality, regardless. It has to be racist because it cares and exploitation is the only means to the end. Of course, politics, religion and human nature trump its natural course.

    So, I’m never surprised by the racial utterings by either side of the political spectrum.

    Nor, am I surprised by the willful subjugation of the working class by those who claim to represent them.

    Ag80 (76c798)

  60. Bawney – Good Advice but wrong thread. Barcky’s going to get those whiggers out of Gitmo eventually, or so he says. Peace, bro.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  61. If Obama looked like Bernie Mac (RIP) and talked like Snoop Dogg, many rational (black) people would have felt an altogether natural revulsion at the ballot box. The whole “son in law” thing might have taken a hit too.

    The “racist” part of what Reid said is the skin color reference… although blacks themselves discriminate towards lighter skin tones (although this cuts both ways, it cuts deeper in favor of the lighter skin tone).

    Reid is an ass, but he is old.
    Negro means black. Learn some history.
    Obama is light skinned… so what? It may not be fair that his skin color increases his chances of election, but saying so isn’t racist.

    If you are in a job where you can’t say these types of things aloud and are a guy, just go sit down and pee.
    Watching folks willingly turn themselves into palace eunuchs because their career would crumble if they uttered the word “negro” would be funny if it wasn’t such a waste.

    SteveG (11baba)

  62. Oh yeah… “no negro dialect” means “he doesn’t talk like 50Cent” which is, at it’s worst, stereotyping. Not all stereotyping is racist. Patronization isn’t always racist.
    These things can be individually offensive, but geniuses out there pontificate these things out to the extreme… or rather paint themselves into the corner of accepting and amplifying the narrative charge of racism. Then they turn into their own version of Mad King Charles.

    SteveG (11baba)

  63. Comment by Ag80 — 1/9/2010 @ 9:50 pm

    Actually that is only true if the person who is evaluating the systems (in this case, you) assumes that the underclass will be one certain race and not a relatively heterogeneous group of people.

    intelliology (00d844)

  64. I say bring back Nat King Cole, the fitty cent of his generation.

    The man had class.

    Generalmalaise (68a574)

  65. People also need to remember that Reid used to out-Tancredo Tancredo on immigration before his wife reportedly slapped him upside the head.

    “”Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs,” Reid said. “The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement.

    “Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits often without paying any taxes.

    “Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. “Even worse, Americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally,” Reid said.”

    August 5, 1993

    The Office of Sen. Harry Reid

    daleyrocks (718861)

  66. More Harry Reid classics, during 2008, responding to criticism of Obama using advisers on his campaign directly tied to the mortgage meltdown, Reid responds the only thing tying Franklin Raines and Obama together is that they are both African-American.

    Suhweet! Race card politics 101!

    Invoking Rodney King at the end of the health care deform debates in December and asking ridiculously at that point for everyone to get along.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  67. In light of the Dems protecting their own, it’s at least nice to see Steele come out swinging this morning on the talk shows,

    “There is this standard where the Democrats feel that they can say these things and they can apologize when it comes from the mouths of their own. But if it comes from anyone else, it’s racism,” said Steele, who is black. “It’s either racist or it’s not. And it’s inappropriate, absolutely.”

    Dana (f64b7d)

  68. People also need to remember that Reid used to out-Tancredo Tancredo on immigration before his wife reportedly slapped him upside the head.

    Then she slapped out of him the small bit of common sense in that mind of his.

    Whenever a person of the left makes a point that’s both sensible and candid in an accurate way, I immediately thing of the phrase of “even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day.”

    BTW, 17 years later since Reid’s quote and the impact of illegal immigration, if anything, has increased in dimension. One interesting aspect of that are statistics that indicate Los Angeles County now has a population consisting of fewer non-Hispanic whites than at any time since the 1940s.

    (It was common several years ago for news broadcasters on LA TV stations to remark before or on January 1st about how the sight of Pasadena on national TV would prompt people from other parts of America to move to the LA area. I rarely hear local news people say that anymore. A big guffaw should be inserted here.)

    Mark (63f90e)

  69. “There is this standard where the Democrats feel that they can say these things and they can apologize when it comes from the mouths of their own.

    People of the left love to think their crap don’t stink when it comes to tolerance and compassion, but most of them are, in essence, the prototypical limousine liberal—regardless of their income level. IOW, they talk out of both sides of their mouth and, even more than conservatives, often are guilty of “do as I say, not what I do.”

    Regrettably, the pervasive and simpleminded pro-Democrat-Party, pro-liberalism that roils a high percentage of the black populace makes for ideal fodder for the left and the joy it gets in patronizing and infantilizing the African-American community.

    Mark (63f90e)

  70. #60 Ag80:

    but doesn’t seem obvious to a whole lot of others.

    I think it obvious to most capitalist conservatives, who recognize capitalism as the most democratic form of distributing wealth.

    Definitely not obvious to the socialist idiots, like the one commenting at #64 as idiocy.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  71. You’re right. I am an idiot for pointing out that ag80 believes that all poor people are african american.

    intelliology (00d844)

  72. […] Harry Reid: Obama Was “Light Skinned” and “With No Negro Dialect” Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:46 pm […]

    Common Sense Political Thought » Blog Archive » They don’t like the results of free elections, so they want to change how we vote and who is eligible to run for election (73d96f)

  73. intelliology, no, you are an idiot to think we fall for arguments like yours that are based on putting words in others’ mouths.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  74. #72 — Comment by intelliology — 1/10/2010 @ 11:01 am
    You’re right. I am an idiot for pointing out that ag80 believes that all poor people are african american.

    No, your idiocy is because you believe that is what ag80 stated.

    Word search results on #60 — ag80:
    “African”: zero
    “Black”: zero
    “poor”: zero
    “poverty/pov”: zero
    “all”: zero

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  75. Beat me to the punch SPQR 😉

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  76. Actually I came to the only logical conclusion that one could come to based on what was said. If a system is ‘racist’ because it lends a helping hand to an underclass (his words, not mine), then obviously he believes that the referenced underclass is mostly one particular race.

    intelliology (00d844)

  77. Nothing about your attempt to put words in ag80’s mouth was logical.

    Pons, that will teach you to write such wordy comments … 😉

    SPQR (26be8b)

  78. Comment by SPQR — 1/10/2010 @ 12:04 pm

    Actually it is completely logical. I know that is a bit embarrassing to be caught posting something that is inadvertently racist, but he typed it out so he should explain what exactly he means by that statement. I came to the only possible conclusion to be reached from his statements.

    intelliology (00d844)

  79. You’re right. I am an idiot for pointing out that ag80 believes that all poor people are african american.

    Comment by intelliology

    Actually, your post is the one that brings up race since any underclass would tend to respond positively to the something-for-nothing party. In fact, the permanent underclass in this country tends to be black and a lot of people are trying to figure out how to fix it. In England, they have very similar behavior patterns, except for guns, in a white urban underclass in the midland cities.

    You could read one of Theodore Dalrymple’s books to learn a bit about thus subject.

    But you won’t. Jumping to conclusions is your favorite exercise.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  80. I am an idiot for pointing out that ag80 believes that all poor people are african american.

    Oh, and what you accuse ag80 of, is it all that different from the many folks on the left who when talking about — and bleeding their hearts over — scholastic underachievement, and the problem of major high-school drop-out rates, and the low percentage of certain types of young adults in colleges throughout society, immediately think of blacks and Latinos, and not whites and Asians?

    In a similar vein, the LA Times yesterday had an article with the headline “New data show young, minorities disproportionately hit by H1N1 in L.A. County.”

    Absurdly and inaccurately, even though the same report noted that “Los Angeles County is 47% Latino, 29% white, 13% Asian and 8% black,” the fact that a large number of people with H1N1 in LA happens to be Latino doesn’t affect the thrust of the article. Which is the notion that something must be terriby amiss because LA County’s “minority” is most impacted by the swine flu. Minority?! Minority to what or whom?

    Another textbook example of the left’s love of patronizing and infantilizing certain people they deem worthy of calculated and phony-baloney liberal compassion and tolerance.

    Mark (411533)

  81. #80 – Mike K – “You could read one of Theodore Dalrymple’s books to learn a bit about thus subject.”

    Mike K, your suggestion is a great one, and went by so quick I wanted to make it easier for anyone curious about it. The elite upper class are constantly searching for victims, and trying to persuade the underclass they have no control over their lives. Dalrymple’s book “Life At The Bottom” is well worth anyone’s time who is interested in this subject.

    TimesDisliker (cf565f)

  82. I thank the other posters for defending my comment against intelliology. I took leave of the board shortly after posting, knowing full well some racist troll would be along to prove my point.

    The need for an underclass in socialism also transcends race. The greatest social experiment in history didn’t have, or need, race to exploit the underclass. But, it did need a scapegoat and it used the oldest in recorded history.

    Also, and I’m addressing intelliology here, what you infer says much more about you than me. Don’t put words in my mouth you stinking, racist troll.

    I only say that, in the kindest way possible, because you and your ilk must be called out for what you are.

    Ag80 (76c798)

  83. I actually feel kind of bad for him, Ag80. He cannot argue in an intellectually honest manner. Nor can he afford to objectively assess your words and fairly consider your conclusions. He dare not, unless he is willing to risk his political viewpoint.

    I suspect intelliology’s worldview is absolute and intolerant of any logic or argument that challenges its moral position.

    If unable to debate in sincere terms, he imposes his own assumptions and words, and then argues against those assumptions and words (strawman fallacy 101).

    Perhaps this statement by intelliology says it all (emphasis mine):

    I came to the only possible conclusion to be reached from his statements.

    I feel for him and hope he finds his way.

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  84. Pons Asinorum:

    I know, as well as you, what he was trying to do. Most trolls, in their fevered imaginations of those who oppose them — and in the darkest corners of their shriveled hearts — believe what they project.

    And, in all honesty, I don’t know if he/she really stinks. I should not have said that.

    Ag80 (76c798)

  85. No way to know.

    From my limited experience, I can think of maybe two liberal (or at least liberal leaning) persons who genuinely wanted to debate and carefully weigh ideas.

    I lost track of the number of trolls.

    BTW: I strongly agree with your comment @60. I too believe that socialism (and socialistic policy) constitute a particularly insidious form of racism.

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  86. He should have called Obama “morenito”. The affectionate form of “little brown guy” with added bonus of word play on “little brown” as in not very brown.
    “Negrito” might have been patronizing… my new take?
    When in doubt about insulting minority’s sensibilities in the USA, use the romance languages

    SteveG (6fa662)

  87. Pons Asinorum:

    You’re probably right. Good user name by the way.

    Ag80 (76c798)

  88. (heh)

    Thanks, Ag80.

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

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