Patterico's Pontifications


How Likely is Another U.S. Terror Attack? (Updated)

Filed under: Terrorism — DRJ @ 9:29 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Time for a poll:


UPDATE — Compare our results with these Rasmussen poll results:

September 1, 2009 — “Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that there will be a significant terrorist attack in the United States in the next year.”

December 28, 2009 — “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 79% of U.S. voters now think it is likely there will be another terrorist attack in the United States in the next year. That’s a 30-point jump from the end of August when just 49% of Americans felt that way.”

28 Responses to “How Likely is Another U.S. Terror Attack? (Updated)”

  1. is that Ear Leader “just air-raiding villages and killing civilians”, or the other bastards killing civilians because the lieberals went out of their way to make it possible for them to get away with it?

    either way, its a given that its gonna happen again and again, starting real soon.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Not for a second did I ever believe teh Won had it in him to take the War on Terror seriously. Leftists cannot believe in evil. They simply cannot understand there are some who like to watch the world burn just for the sake of it.

    Until we can stop with the pc nonsense, the lawfare and the automatic lawsuit reaction, we’ll be in danger of more and more terror attacks.

    wherestherum (d413fd)

  3. I’ve updated the post with two Rasmussen polls that show Americans are more concerned about the threat of terrorism.

    DRJ (84a0c3)

  4. David Shushter on MSNBC is trying to get promoted to the upper echelon of mendoucheous moonbats while filling in for Olbergasm. He has some work to do if he wants to catch Olberfckface and MadCow.

    JD (e5521e)

  5. Shuster, all the obtuseness of David Gregory, without the charm of Keith Olbermann.

    AD - RtR/OS! (32080e)

  6. Bull’s eye, AD, ya nailed the Snoozer!

    ropelight (0bdde5)

  7. Is there somewhere where I can say 100% likely?

    Dmac (a964d5)

  8. If I can’t drive there, or El-Al doesn’t fly there, I ain’t goin’!

    AD - RtR/OS! (c7228f)

  9. If you look like a victim, you invite attack.

    mojo (8096f2)

  10. Obama has been dismantling our defenses for a year now. No one in the world really believes he will defend us. I do think the KSM trial will probably not happen. New York cannot afford to hold the trial and the security issues it will bring. Maybe Obama can move the trial to Chicago. I also think that Gitmo-North will probably never open. This will be the year that most of his initiatives founder as Democrats start to hear the coming train. They know they had better get out of the tunnel before it gets here or they will be run right over.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  11. The polls jump up after every attack. Nothing new here.

    As for KSM, the trial will be in federal court and the US govt will pay for it.

    JEA (498d87)

  12. As for KSM, the trial will be in federal court and the US govt will pay for it.
    Comment by JEA — 12/31/2009 @ 9:03 am


    And who will pay for the closing down of NYC for 6-10 blocks around the Federal Courthouse in Lower Manhatten?
    Who will pay for the lost man-hours of productivity (should be in the 10’s of millions of m/h’s) that will ensue from people not being at their desks during the time that they are stuck in the gridlock that will grip Manhatten?
    Are you a fool?
    Or do you just portray one here at PP?

    AD - RtR/OS! (c7228f)

  13. Since 9/11, how many significant terrorist attacks have there been in the United States?

    I guess it depends on the definition. I don’t count failed attacks as significant.

    Is there any indication that the next year is going to be more or less likely to have a terrorist attack than average of the last 9 years?

    Put me down in the not likely.

    TomHynes (2e563b)

  14. Someone boarded a passenger jet with enough explosives to bring it down and the intent and attempt to do just that and that’s insignificant? How brain-dead can some people be?

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  15. and the US govt will pay for it.

    Comment by JEA — 12/31/2009 @ 9:03 am

    Yes, you know, that self-sustaining, revenue generating entity know as the “US Govt”.

    Oh, wait. That would be “We the people” will pay for it, whether we like it or not, with some dough we will borrow from our enemies, since we are kinda strapped right now.

    Matador (176445)

  16. Comment by TomHynes — 12/31/2009 @ 10:30 am

    Well, just this year there have been two successful attacks (Little Rock & Ft. Hood), plus the bungled attempt on Christmas – which did result in casualties.

    AD - RtR/OS! (c7228f)

  17. And who will pay for the closing down of NYC for 6-10 blocks around the Federal Courthouse in Lower Manhatten?

    Don’t bother him with details.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  18. But of course, TomHymes was incapable of the integrity required to answer the question asked. Typical leftist.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  19. Oh, and throw in a little hidden “Blame Bush” to his rephrasing.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  20. #8 looks familiar….. %-)

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  21. Of all the airlines I’ve flown, and they’ve all been domestic, I’d fly Hawaiian or Delta before the rest. They’re much more flyer-friendly than the others, in my opinion. I don’t think this is a carrier issue in the least but rather a “let’s not offend anybody” issue. There are certain characteristics in appearance, garb, actions that are red flags. And I can fit into some of them with my beard and hat (which says CHEMICAL), or my at-the-airport change in flight at one time.

    (But I’d rather not be full-body-scanned by a woman if I could help it, ya know? That whole modesty thing.)

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  22. Comment by John Hitchcock — 12/31/2009 @ 1:56 pm

    “And he has so much to be modest about!”

    AD - RtR/OS! (c7228f)

  23. It would be hilarious to watch the pathetic spin, reactions, and daily fabrications of the Big Zero’s finger-pointing administration minions if… well, if it wasn’t quite so pathetic and dangerous.

    GeneralMalaise (68a574)

  24. #13 — Comment by TomHynes — 12/31/2009 @ 10:30 am

    Since 9/11, how many significant terrorist attacks have there been in the United States?

    Two, under the Obama Administration.

    I don’t count failed attacks as significant.

    Wow, stunning! The attempted murder of 300 people which was only stopped by an act of hand-to-hand combat between the terrorist and a private citizen, does not count.

    Is there any indication that the next year is going to be more or less likely to have a terrorist attack than average of the last 9 years?

    Yes, ever hear of an organization called al Qaeda? Guess what, they are at war with us. Worse, they know our President isn’t. That combination alone guarantees more attacks.

    They know that they have forced him to close Gitmo, that he is prosecuting our CIA, he does not respect our military, he appoints incompetent security chiefs, he delayed troop movements, and (most damning)they know he hasn’t a clue about how to stop them.

    Yeah, they’re on there way.

    Put me down in the not likely.

    If only ignorance, stupidity and cluelessness could be harnessed like a shield, then we have nothing to worry about.

    Pons Asinorum (ea2afc)

  25. I don’t count failed attacks as significant.

    …and it is precisely this sort of confused combination of naivete and ignorance that Al Quada continues to count on.

    Dana (f64b7d)

  26. “That’s a 30-point jump from the end of August when just 49% of Americans felt that way.”

    No doubt fueled by the sheer stupidity exhibited by the TSA in its response to the Undie Bomber.

    Blacque Jacques Shellacque (76097c)

  27. With former President Bush, there was no doubt who the enemy is and that we were going to fight them.

    With President Obama, just the opposite.

    He has all but invited them to attack.

    Pons asinorum (ea2afc)

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