Patterico's Pontifications


Dashcam Humor

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:40 am

Via Orin Kerr, this is hilarious. The cops take the bank robber’s stick-em-up note from his pocket and put it in the car . . . right near his mouth. Before you know it, the evidence is gone:

As Kerr notes, the look on the guy’s face around :33 is priceless.

You’d think it’s made up, but it’s apparently quite real.

18 Responses to “Dashcam Humor”

  1. They need a general surgeon and quickly ! I once retrieved a guy’s drivers’ license from his esophagus after he swallowed it. It’s harder now that they are embedded in hard plastic.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  2. Well, since it was caught on the dash cam, and since I presume there are witnesses in the bank bank security videos, plus he probably was apprehended with the cash from the robbery, he now gets to add obstruction of justice and evidence tampering to the list of charges he will have to face. I’m sure Patterico could add far more additional offenses as well, since that is his area of expertise.

    Way to go, Einstein.

    Bugz (22f877)

  3. Is not this video evidence?

    Amphipolis (b120ce)

  4. Pity the poor officer assigned to follow that paper trail.

    political agnostic (fe97ae)

  5. Pity the officer having to watch that from the witness stand.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  6. Passing an NG tube might just retrieve it. Then you would have the issue of chain of evidence and somebody would have to touch it. Ugh.

    Nurse ? Would you come over here a moment, please ?

    That’s a joke.

    MIke K (2cf494)

  7. Amphipolis,

    You’re quite right. This video is enough to convince any reasonable jury that this man is guilty.

    Still… what a world.

    Dustin (cf255c)

  8. Why do we presume that it was the bank robbery note? Maybe it was a love poem to his girlfriend that he was embarassed about.

    nk (f086e6)

  9. Roses is red
    Violets is blue
    You is one hot mama
    With great big t–s too.

    nk (f086e6)

  10. You have your way of getting fiber intake. I have mine. Don’t mean I’m guilty. 😛

    lorien1973 (d7022e)

  11. Of course it’s evidence, if the paper devoured was itself evidence (based on police testimony, presumably). It shows consciousness of guilt.

    Mitch (890cbf)

  12. nk, that sounds like a great jury question.

    This on its own is bad, but not up to criminal burden proof.

    Combined with the rest of the evidence of the robbery, it’s actually worse than a note, since it’s obstruction and evidence tampering.

    And the worst thing for a criminal like this is winding up on youtube before his trial. Whoever is prosecuting him will want to be a hardass about it.

    But you have as good a defense for him as I’m aware of.

    Dustin (cf255c)

  13. Ah, but is passing a NG-tube, let alone endoscopy, “reasonable” search and seizure, with or without a warrant? His lawyer could advise him to say, “I gag and vomit too easily, I would rather be waterboarded than have someone stick something down my throat!”

    MD in Philly (227f9c)

  14. Roses are red,
    Violets are blue
    Hand over the money
    And there will be no trouble.

    JayC (1c4ed5)

  15. “that’s not mine… oh, wait… mmmbbmmbmm mmmbbmbmm”

    I’ll bet hat stainless(stainless? please) steel drinking fountain has never looked so good

    SteveG (97b6b9)

  16. That cop on the right is never gonna hear the end of it…

    DaveP. (ccf981)

  17. Hey, maybe he was just hungry.

    looking closely (eb062f)

  18. This is hilarious, especially “the look.” Too bad he didn’t think to eat the money, too.

    DRJ (dee47d)

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