Patterico's Pontifications


Scheduled Maintenance, 6-7 p.m. Tonight; UPDATE: Er, on July 26, That Is

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:48 pm

Hopefully we’ll be back at 7.

UPDATE: Oh, you thought I meant tonight? No, I meant July 26. I didn’t know that’s what I meant, but that’s what I meant!

21 Responses to “Scheduled Maintenance, 6-7 p.m. Tonight; UPDATE: Er, on July 26, That Is”

  1. I can’t work like this.

    happyfeet (c75712)

  2. Is it maintenancing now?

    I can’t tell the difference.

    happyfeet (c75712)

  3. Well, it’s 9:44 PM Real Time, which makes it 6:44 PM on Left Coast, and it seems to be working.

    The Dana in the Eastern Time Zone (474dfc)

  4. Is maintenance some codeword to disguise your corporate racism?

    Or, is maintenance a codeword for I am going to f*cking nuke this damned super-cache into hell hell hell.

    JD (5375e6)

  5. Hillary may call and asked you to postpone.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  6. I cannot see International Man of Parody’s comment. Is it safe to assume that it is the same old drivel?

    JD (593b0c)

  7. I am sure that maintenance is a racist codeword. I am watching you, buster.

    JD (5375e6)

  8. RE- update. Apparently, Hillary did call after all.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  9. JD,

    By bringing up race, you may not be a racist, but you are making a comment that could be interpreted as racist. That is because any comment about race can be interpreted as racist. Therefore, you may not be a racist, but you don’t have to be a racist to say racist things, or to work within a racist paradigm, or milieu, if you will, in which you are subsumed by your immersion in the totality of this racist society. You can be racist without even knowing you are a racist.

    I don’t blame you for this. You can’t help it.


    Patterico (cc3b34)

  10. Patterico – I was going to ask for proof of your scurilous charge of racism, but we have recently learned that denying a baseless charge is a codeword that proves the baseless charge is the truth.

    Excuse me while I go denounce myself.

    JD (593b0c)

  11. I turned the Super Cache off for now. But you’d rather have it on than have the whole site going down like it constantly did in October.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  12. My milieu just got profiled.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  13. Actually, I think DCSCA is a codeword.

    Eric Blair (204104)

  14. I denounce your denouncement. We learn that kind of thing in Whiteness Studies (I always thought that was some kind of seminar on white supremacy groups, but it turns out we are pretty much all white supremacists and don’t know it).

    Eric Blair (204104)

  15. learned that denying a baseless charge is a codeword

    but it’s never baseless.

    steve sturm (3811cf)

  16. Denouncing yourself is a codeword for concealed homoerotic misogynistic tendencies.

    I drink your milkshake!

    daleyrocks (718861)

  17. Correction

    Denouncing yourself is a codeword for concealed homoerotic misogynistic RACIST tendencies.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  18. #13- Actually, I think know DCSCA is a are codeword code letters.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  19. Yes, DCSCA is codeword for serial fabulist and incoherent liar.

    JD (e0ced2)

  20. #13- Actually, I think know DCSCA is a are codeword code letters. Sorry for the double posting. But then stereo is nice.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  21. It’ll be tonight eventually.

    tim maguire (4a98f0)

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