Patterico's Pontifications


Hot Teachers

Filed under: General — DRJ @ 5:35 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

A Seattle bar is sponsoring a Hot for Teacher night tomorrow with Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband:

“A teacher who became notorious in the 1990s for having an affair with a sixth-grader is hosting a “Hot for Teacher” night at a Seattle bar — along with the former student, now her husband. Bar owner Mike Morris said Mary Kay Letourneau has served her sentence and it’s OK for the couple to have some fun.”

This will be their third “Hot for Teacher” event. She greets, he DJs, and here’s the poster.


43 Responses to “Hot Teachers”

  1. This should bother me more than it does.

    It is even worse that a man that did the exact same thing as she did would have been vilified, rather than pitied and scorned.

    But, my 6th grade teacher was hot.

    JD (a0720d)

  2. Kinda creepy. I still think the public does not get this: the only thing weirder than getting it on with this kid would be marrying him.


    trentk269 (fc365b)

  3. It started out dysfuctional, for sure. She’s a psycho, for sure. The kid? Who can say? There are societies in the Amazon where boys are taught what to do with girls by their aunts.

    They have two babies to raise and I wish them only well.

    nk (a1896a)

  4. How could you DRJ?

    Mary K was not exactly the kind of prize Vili would have gotten rotator cuff problems accepting high fives from his buddies over if I recall.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  5. I dunno, daleyrocks. Thinking back to Mrs. Blatt…. And don’t let me start on Miss Morris and Mrs. Wine.

    nk (a1896a)

  6. Let’s not pass judgment … As Sen. Webb once wrote about, in some parts of the world, it is traditional to greet a young man by picking him up, turning him upside down, and placing his crank in your mouth …

    JD (a0720d)

  7. You can go ahead and denounce yourself now, JD.

    This gives the whole Phillip Thompson situation an entirely new interpretation.

    Eric Blair (262ccd)

  8. Never worry, I already denounced myself, and I am heading to Confession in the morning.

    JD (a0720d)

  9. This grossed me out, but I wasn’t too thrilled when I heard about Gingrich marrying his former HS teacher, either. That wasn’t gross, just weird. And serving his wife divorce papers on her hospital bed? I mean, come on.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  10. I agree, Dmac. It’s gross and disturbing. Mostly I think about their two children – it’s bad enough they will eventually know of parent’s history but then those same parents have to throw a sleazy Hot for Teacher irony in the mix? As if children didn’t have a hard enough time not being embarrassed to death by their parents. Meh.

    Dana (aedf1d)

  11. It’s pretty gross, but now that DRJ’s posted it, you can’t unsee it. I mean how many of you wanted to see John Wayne Bobbit’s pornos after his wife’s home surgery?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  12. Maybe the local school library there will introduce a politically – correct book when the children reach reading age, something along the lines of “When Heather Has Two Mommies.” Maybe When Heather and Adam Have Two Scumbags for Mommy and Daddy.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  13. They need to feed the kids, Dana. If the bar gig pays more than McDonald’s or Albertson’s ….

    nk (a1896a)

  14. Man, I wanted no part of Bobbit’s bits, thank you. Just the thought of the guy makes me squirm.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  15. The lady served her time. She had a very good judge who gave her a second chance and when she blew it sent her away exactly until the kid was eighteen.

    For this one boy who was “raped” by his female teacher, there will be a thousand boys who will be sent to prison for engaging in drive-by shootings, or dealing crack, or doing their fourth burglary, and be raped by their cellmates. Not females but certainly teachers.

    nk (a1896a)

  16. I met my 5th grade teacher again later on in life. She is still hot.

    JD (a0720d)

  17. I just wonder about her children from her first marriage.

    What does their father say about her and how do they reconcile or rationalize her actions?

    Who was it that said, “You can lead a whore to water, but you can’t make her think?”

    I know that sounds sexist and insensitive, but she had a family that she abandoned, as many men do. But, she had a choice. I can not begin to understand the choice she made.

    Ag80 (7dd7b7)

  18. Oh, she’s a psycho, there’s no doubt about it. But we have any number of weirdos among us and society should only intervene when they threaten society or its protected members.

    nk (a1896a)

  19. “Who was it that said, “You can lead a whore to water, but you can’t make her think?””

    Ag80 – There was a bad joke around the time of Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearings with someone asking him to use the word “horticulture” in a sentence:

    You can lead a whore to culture but you can’t make her think.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  20. I think that was from an SNL skit.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  21. I thought that joke was about Anita hill and the pubes on the Diet Coke can …

    JD (a0720d)

  22. daleyrocks:

    You were on the right track. I got the quote wrong, but it was by Dorothy Parker:

    You can lead a horticulture but you can’t make her think.

    Ag80 (7dd7b7)

  23. I just want to point out an odd set of circumstances, that may just be a coincidence … DRJ keeps posting about DJ’s, D.J.’s, with comments from DRJ, JD, etc … I am sensing a pattern. Or some kind of dog whistle …

    JD (a0720d)

  24. JD,

    Either we’re special people or there are a lot of us out there, which means we’re not special at all.

    DRJ (2901e6)

  25. Oh, there is no doubt about the special part. You are special in that “it is an honor to call you a friend” kind of way, much like D.J. Gregory would be. Myself, I am special in that “Oh, look. He can eat without stabbing himself in the eye with a fork” kind of way. Not quite the same.

    JD (a0720d)

  26. I had Dominican nuns (rough, tough, strong, Irish immigrants) in grade school and I thank God I never had to deal with such distractions.

    Holy shit, my pants are on fire!

    PC14 (82e46c)

  27. My wife’s initials before we were married were JDD.

    Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (14d6a1)

  28. See ? I sense some kind of weird bizarre conspiracy here. Something like the DaVinci Code. If we would just look really closely, at an odd angle, while squinting, there is prolly a hidden message in this thread.

    I have always pictured DRJ as that smoldering hot librarian type … 😉

    JD (a0720d)

  29. Yeah, yeah, yeah … I already denounced myself. Denounced and condemened.

    JD (a0720d)

  30. I’m not buying it, JD, but oddly enough I did have a cutlery incident while cooking tonight.

    DRJ (2901e6)

  31. How is your hubby?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  32. This librarian theme has surfaced before but it’s so not me.

    DRJ (2901e6)

  33. daley – Good one! Lucky for him, he was still at work.

    DRJ (2901e6)

  34. This librarian theme has surfaced before but it’s so not me.

    Well, then you’re only smoldering hot…

    …and yes, I denounce and condemn myself. 😀

    Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (14d6a1)

  35. What is this cutlery stuff of which you speak? If I am extra special good, in 2010 I will get promoted from plastic picnic utensils to hard plastic utensils, maybe they will even let me take the cork off of the tines.

    Think …. Ruprecht, don’t take the cork off of the fork. I fart in your general direction.

    JD (a0720d)

  36. I happen to have a short video of DRJ and she is no librarian. Link safe for adults.

    nk (a1896a)

  37. nk – Is she the one in the white or yellow? I only ask because if she is the one in the white, Better Half is so going to kill me 😉

    JD (a0720d)

  38. DRJ is a blonde you … JD. She has said so so many times.

    nk (a1896a)

  39. I am dummerer than a sack of Andrews, nk. Hell, I have to practice spelling my own name, and painted the letters J and D in bright orange and blue (Go Illini!) so I could find them on the keyboard more easily.

    Lucy Liu … Let’s get back to that whole God discussion. Look at Lucy Liu in that video, and then try to tell me that God does not exist.

    JD (a0720d)

  40. Allright, JD, just think blonde from now on.

    nk (a1896a)

  41. Uma Thurman – Did any of y’all watch one of my all-time favorite movies, Beautiful Women? I am going to go rent that tomorrow. Great show. I blame nk for derailing my thinking.

    JD (a0720d)

  42. This will be their third “Hot for Teacher” event.

    Meanwhile, various courts and legislatures are mandating that same-sex marriage be accepted, and the Supreme Court several years ago was only one measly vote away from forcing the Boy Scouts to change its bylaws and accept openly open gay Troop leaders.

    And I guess it only makes sense that an event celebrating a person like Mary Kay Letourneau–after all, she is a part of recent tabloid history, if not mainstream history in general–would be emceed by someone like a, say, Bill Clinton. Certainly since he also is one of those figures in American history who has greatly contributed to lowering the shock value of everyone. Lowering so far down, in fact, that by the quaint standards of decades ago, what is now required to make people sit up and pause can be found not on the bottom of the barrel, but below it.

    During the making of this movie, [actress Ingrid Bergman] fell in love with [director Roberto Rossellini] and became pregnant with a son, Renato Roberto Giusto Giuseppe (“Robin”) Rossellini (born February 7, 1950).

    The pregnancy caused a huge scandal in the United States. It even led to Bergman being denounced on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Edwin Carl Johnson, a Democratic senator from Colorado, who referred to her as “a horrible example of womanhood and a powerful influence for evil.”

    In addition, there was a floor vote, which resulted in her being made persona non grata.

    The scandal forced Ingrid Bergman to exile herself to Italy, leaving her husband, Dr. Petter Lindström, and daughter, Pia Lindstrom in the United States. Dr. Lindstrom eventually sued for desertion and waged a custody battle for their daughter.

    During Bergman’s time in Italy, anger over her private life had continued unabated in the United States, with Ed Sullivan at one point infamously polling his TV show audience as to whether she should be permitted to appear on his show. Although the audience was mostly in favor, Ed declined to book her.

    Mark (411533)

  43. DRJ – Here’s a recent example of a mom having sex with underage boys out of maternal duty according to the reporting. It’s a whole new spin on taking one for the team!

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

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