Patterico's Pontifications


To Sacramento Democrats, the Law Is Apparently Just a Nuisance to Be Skirted

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:41 am

When even the L.A. Times calls your scheme “brazen,” you know it’s bad.

Democrats in California are planning to illegally raise taxes through a simple shell game:

The proposal would employ an arcane loophole in state law that lets legislators pass a tax bill with a simple majority vote — if the bill does not raise more revenue.

The Democrats intend to do two things: eliminate some existing fees, including those on gasoline, and substitute tax increases that would include a 9.9% levy on oil extraction and the income tax surcharge.

Under the proposal, the Democrats would then reimpose the gas fees at higher levels; fees can be raised with simple majority votes. The gas money would go to roads and transportation. The net effect would be billions of dollars in new revenue for the state.

Like I said: a shell game. And, yes, “brazen.” It’s clear that the Democrats’ attitude is: to hell with the law that says you can’t do this.

Anyone who supports this scheme doesn’t respect the law. It’s that simple.

9 Responses to “To Sacramento Democrats, the Law Is Apparently Just a Nuisance to Be Skirted”

  1. Anyone who supports this scheme doesn’t respect the law. It’s that simple.

    Does that mean the taxpayers can elect to avoid paying the tax? Seems fair.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  2. Probably not, but lawsuits are guaranteed.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  3. According to official Democrat talking points and MSM headline generators, isn’t George Bush who ripped up the constitution and ignores the law?

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  4. I blame term limits because this kind of awkward and unconstitutional shennigan never would have been attempted under the Willie Browns and Jess Unruhs of California. Don’t get me wrong they would have done the same thing but with much greater skill and have left no bruises visible.

    Pat Patterspn (f44efe)

  5. You simply don’t understand. How can the Democrats continue to buy votes without new revenue?

    Ken Hahn (e78d45)

  6. Maria must have slipped up – Arnold found his backbone, and announced he’s going to veto this budget mess.

    Another Drew (efe318)

  7. The lefties need a little good news. They should get an orgasm from this NY Times parody. Can’t you see them dreaming that this is true ?

    I just hope real estate prices will rebound a little so I can sell my house and beat it to Arizona before the California house of cards collapses. I can’t see this bunch holding off BK much longer.

    Mike K (531ff4)

  8. F@#$ them all!

    jake (66d8f8)

  9. The LAT would have called it merely “bold” had it included a bailout for them.

    Patricia (ee5c9d)

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