Patterico's Pontifications


Andrew Sullivan Still Hot on the Case of Trig Palin’s Parentage

Filed under: Buffoons,General — Patterico @ 1:01 am

Even at this late date, Excitable Andy can’t let Trig Trutherism go:

Maybe Michelle Malkin is right that this is truther, tin-foil hat territory. . . . Maybe I am crazy to even wonder.

Ain’t no “maybe” about it, son.

27 Responses to “Andrew Sullivan Still Hot on the Case of Trig Palin’s Parentage”

  1. That boy is deranged.

    Pablo (99243e)

  2. I went to Jack Bog’s site (where Andrew got his photo) and asked him point blank these questions:

    Are you (Jack Bog) saying, for the record, that Sarah Palin’s personal physician falsely certified Sarah’s five pregnancies?

    Are you saying, for the record, that the attending physician at Trig’s delivery falsely certified Trig’s parentage?

    Are you saying, for the record, that the attending hospital staff are participants in this criminal conspiracy.

    ‘Ol Jack didn’t answer my questions. In fact, he deleted them. I think we all know why. So I posted them again, twice.

    I don’t anticipate those staying up, either.

    Larry Gwaltney (35ae8a)

  3. From the referenced article:

    For a photograph of Palin pregnant with one of her previous children, see below. Compare and contrast. Remember that, as a general rule, pregnant mothers show more with each successive pregnancy.

    Am I the only one who thinks Sara is the person on the LEFT side of
    this photo? I don’t think Andrew is making the point he thinks he is making…


    Maybe I am crazy to even wonder. Or maybe we have witnessed one of the biggest frauds in American political history and the biggest failures among the American media in a very, very long time.

    On this we may agree, but for wildly different reasons.

    ChuckAtPodunkOutpost (6816b0)

  4. Between the kooks having seizures over Obama’s birth certificate and the Troofers having the excitables over the birth of Trig Palin, it’s obvious some folks had issues with popularity and the “cool kids” clique in high school and college.

    Sarah Palin is a dumb lightweight, right Andy? She only exists to step in it, right Andy? Or do you see something else when you bark at the moon about Trig?

    Brad S (b5b919)

  5. Not only does he not understand biology, but he actually seems to be hostile to it.

    Amphipolis (e6b868)

  6. Amphipolis wrote:

    Not only does he not understand biology, but he actually seems to be hostile to it.

    Ya think? 🙂

    I don’t understand this; why is he going off this very deep end? Mr Sullivan is slowly — or not so slowly — sullying his own reputation; who other than the whackos has any respect for the 9/11 Truthers?

    Governor Palin was not elected Vice President. She may run for president in 2012 or 2016, but even if Mr Sullivan could corroborate his unusual notions, he’s got plenty of time in which to get that done.

    The baffled Dana (556f76)

  7. Remember that, as a general rule, pregnant mothers show more with each successive pregnancy.

    How much experience with pregnancies does Dr. Andy have?

    Darleen (187edc)

  8. Not only does he not understand biology, but he actually seems to be hostile to it.

    There’s something up with Sullivan and women’s biology. The way he got so creeped out by the fake menstrual blood was the first indication something was really wrong there.

    MayBee (d82a30)

  9. I got it, I got it, I got it! Stop the presses!

    Trig and Obama are both changelings. Trig was the child born to Ann Dunham but the fairies stole it away and replaced it with one of their own — the one we know as Barack Hussein Obama. Since time moves much more slowly in Fairyland, 48 years was only a few subjective days to Trig. Fairies are flighty and irresponsible and as soon as the novelty of Trig wore off they got tired of taking care of him and left him at the Palins’ doorstep.

    For sure Obama cannot be President because he is not even human let alone a natural born citizen of the United States. As for Trig, the Palins are in violation of any number of child custody and welfare laws.

    nk (5fa892)

  10. but he actually seems to be hostile to it.

    Well, at least to the notion of reproduction. 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  11. You’re all just a bunch of damn Breeders!

    Dmac (e30284)

  12. There’s a great exchange in Milk

    Dan White (James Brolin): Homosexuals can’t reproduce.

    Harvey Milk (Sean Penn): Not that we stop trying!

    David Ehrenstein (15795c)

  13. “Please make me look like an idiot for asking these questions.”

    Actually Sully you’ve looked like an idiot for quite a long time. Even when standing still and saying nothing.

    David Ehrenstein (15795c)

  14. I really think this is an obsession he just can’t let go of. Even given his extremely limited understanding of reproductive biology, he’s got to realize that in another month or two, Bristol Palin is going to give birth, most likely to a healthy, full-term baby, and then what? Is he going to demand those obstetric records? If it were me he were doing this to, I’d mail him the placenta and tell him to do the DNA testing his own damn self.

    Nancy (7a89f2)

  15. Remember that, as a general rule, pregnant mothers show more with each successive pregnancy.

    This has nothing to do with Trig’s birth but everything to do with Sick Sully’s perverted longing for a uterus to call his own.

    Dana (79a78b)

  16. “This has nothing to do with Trig’s birth but everything to do with Sick Sully’s perverted longing for a uterus to call his own.”

    Dana – Didn’t Wal-Mart have a special on those uterus thingers on Black Friday? Being an uber liberal, however, Sully probably wouldn’t be caught dead, heh, in Wal-Mart.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  17. There is certain class of people in this world that think “The X Files” was a documentary.

    tyree (a9cd3c)

  18. Cage death match, Jack Bog vs Powerglutes. A pay-per-view bonanza! Philip Berg can referee with Alex Jones on the play by play.

    Bill M (a48bed)

  19. Both Jack and Excitable Andy got their info from the ultimate Trig Truther site: (run by a lady named ‘Audrey’ I think). Take a moment and prepare yourself if you decide to visit. If you look back through the posts on the Truther site and look back through Andy’s you will find a couple of posts that say flat out that the two of them have been in direct contact with each other.

    red (463815)

  20. Even though Andrew Sullivan, at least for a while, seemed like one of the few gays who isn’t totally unreliable when it comes to various socio-political issues (ie, at least 80 to 90 percent of them are of a nonsensical liberal bent), he does end up verifying my suspicions.

    Sorry, but I still think the part of the brain that makes a person “homo,” may adversely impact their common sense and logic in general.

    Mark (411533)

  21. I do wonder if Powerglute’s issues with female anatomy developed before or after he discovered his sexual preference.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  22. It is sick and unnatural for any man not a gynecologist to be so obsessed with female biology. Believe me, when the subjects of reproduction/pregnancy/childbirth come up, normal men (and many women) run in the opposite direction. Sully has more than a few screws loose. Should he have had a sex change operation a decade or 2 ago? Not that my gender would ever admit him.

    Peg C. (48175e)

  23. David Ehrenstein wrote:

    “Please make me look like an idiot for asking these questions.” — Andrew Sullivan

    Actually Sully you’ve looked like an idiot for quite a long time. Even when standing still and saying nothing.

    OK, case closed! When Mr Sullivan has lost even Mr Ehrenstein, he’s done, finished, toast.

    The titilated Dana (556f76)

  24. […] Her first grandkid. Or, if you’re an Atlantic reader, her second. […]

    Hot Air » Blog Archive » Awww: Palin’s a grandma (371ae1)

  25. […] bogus reports during the Sarah Palin character assassination during the election cycle, its her  second, the first having been born to the same woman, er, eight months ago. Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old […]

    Congrats to Grandma Sarah Palin! | Fire Andrea Mitchell! (20d20a)

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