Patterico's Pontifications


Political Strategy According to Gloria Steinem

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 6:31 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Feminist Gloria Steinem campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Texas today. Here are a few excerpts from the New York Observer:

[Note: All excerpts are quotes from The Observer summarizing Steinem’s speech. Items in quotation marks are quotes from Gloria Steinem.]

> Barack Obama benefits — and Clinton suffers — because Americans view racism more seriously than sexism.

> … one reason to back Clinton was because “she actually enjoys conflict.”

> … if Clinton’s experience as First Lady were taken seriously in relation to her White House bid, people might “finally admit that, say, being a secretary is the best way to learn your boss’s job and take it over.”

> Steinem raised McCain’s Vietnam imprisonment as she sought to highlight an alleged gender-based media bias against Clinton.

“Suppose John McCain had been Joan McCain and Joan McCain had got captured, shot down and been a POW for eight years. [The media would ask], ‘What did you do wrong to get captured? What terrible things did you do while you were there as a captive for eight years?’” Steinem said, to laughter from the audience.

McCain was, in fact, a prisoner of war for around five-and-a-half years, during which time he was tortured repeatedly. Referring to his time in captivity, Steinem said with bewilderment, “I mean, hello? This is supposed to be a qualification to be president? I don’t think so.”

> Steinem’s broader argument was that the media and the political world are too admiring of militarism in all its guises.

“I am so grateful that she [Clinton] hasn’t been trained to kill anybody. And she probably didn’t even play war games as a kid. It’s a great relief from Bush in his jump suit and from Kerry saluting.”

Steinem also sullied JFK, stating “from George Washington to Jack Kennedy and PT-109 we have behaved as if killing people is a qualification for ruling people.”

It sounds like Steinem managed to offend just about everybody. What’s that old saying? ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman …’ Well, you know.


28 Responses to “Political Strategy According to Gloria Steinem”

  1. Barack Obama benefits — and Clinton suffers — because Americans view racism more seriously than sexism.

    Apparently that includes the ever-brilliant Ms. Steinem herself. After all, she was the one who said that as long as he ceased when asked to, it was OK for Bill Clinton to expose himself to and/or grope a woman without her consent.

    M. Scott Eiland (b66190)

  2. Gah. I knew better than to click the link and read the full article. Some things never change and that includes Steinem and her uncanny ability to sanctimoniously lay blame at the feet of any who don’t see the world as she does. This self-serving arrogance has never done much to bolster her arguments. Quite the contrary.

    While her comments re McCain’s imprisonment were reprehensible, I believe she is no longer relevant to the big picture – winning the campaign. And if Hillary is now compelled to drag out an angry 73 year old flamethrower singing the same old song, it just seems desperate, sad and perhaps bordering on the pathetic. Except in Steinem’s own eyes.

    Dana (209ba2)

  3. At first, I got angry and started to utter the regressive ‘c’ word. But then I realized, hey, she’s a nothing now. She’s done her damage, and young women today REJECT her. How beautiful is that?

    Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a once prominent bullshit artist being recognized for what she truly is.

    Enjoy your waning moments. I won’t miss you.

    MagicalPat (32fc69)

  4. Precisely what I might expect from this aging harpie. I’d like her to cite exactly where McCain has ever claimed his POW experience qualifies him for office. McCain, in fact, has more or less downplayed his Viet Nam experience during his campaign.

    the wolf (3cd7f8)

  5. McCain has already been accused of doing a number of things that he shouldn’t have while being a POW, too (and as far as I know, all of the accusations are false.)

    htom (412a17)

  6. How long has McCain (I’m not a supporter) been in congress vs Shrillary and/or Hussein Obama? Talk about two totally unqualified people.

    Scrapiron (d671ab)

  7. “I am so grateful that she [Clinton] hasn’t been trained to kill anybody. And she probably didn’t even play war games as a kid.”

    Does Steinem belive because of this that Hillary is therefore qualified to be president?

    If one does play war games as a kid, or is trained in the military to kill, does that instantly disqualify them?

    And if George Washington (and so many others)hadn’t been trained to kill and/or actually killed people, we would not even be having this discussion!

    Dana (209ba2)

  8. The radical feminists were in the right place at the right time to advance women’s rights. Their contributions cannot be denied. If nothing more, they changed the culture and way of thinking. But they have been left behind by intelligent, capable women who are now scientists, doctors, lawyers, astronauts, generals, U.S. Senators and candidates for President.

    nk (7b0075)

  9. The thing that amazes me about Clinton-supporting feminists is how quickly they fall out of character. In my opinion, it doesn’t help Hillary Clinton for Steinem to compare her years as First Lady to her being the “boss’s secretary.” It’s an old-fashioned, stereotypical image that suggests the only way a woman can make it up the ladder of success is if a man pulls her up.

    DRJ (d8934e)

  10. I thought Gloria Steinem was dead.

    daleyrocks (906622)

  11. Daleyrocks wrote: I thought Gloria Steinem was dead.

    Not dead–just brain dead.

    But let’s go back to the point of McCain’s imprisonment as a POW. There’s absolutely no doubt that he acquitted himself honorably while a “guest” of the Hanoi Hilton.

    But let’s also be fair; his fellow fighter jocks at the time thought that the only reason he went down into Hanoi was because he screwed up.

    Mike Myers (31af82)

  12. A click over to JammieWearingFool says:

    “The Clinton campaign sends over the following statement from Howard Wolfson: “Senator Clinton has repeatedly praised Senator McCain’s courage and service to our country. These comments certainly do not represent her thinking in any way. Senator Clinton intends to have a respectful debate with Senator McCain on the issues.”

    Adriane (09d132)

  13. Well, exactly how is being a POW a qualification to be President?

    Steve J. (661d12)

  14. Well, exactly how is being a POW a qualification to be President?

    If McCain said it was a qualification, this would be a fair question to ask. So far, he has not. What is true, however, is that McCain’s life would completely blast away the “chickenhawk” meme.

    Military experience is only important to the Democrats when their nominee has some. Look at every election since 1992 (heck, even 1988).

    Steverino (2c9e20)

  15. Can someone explain to me why public school students have to read Steinem as if she is one of our great thinkers?

    Go open your kid’s textbook and see if I am right.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  16. “because Americans view racism more seriously than sexism”

    I don’t think that’s true. I think feminism is much worse than racism.

    Kevin (3efe14)

  17. I don’t get the argument that McCain made a mistake to get shot down. A far as I know, he was following orders. If you know different, let us all know.

    Can we raise enough money to keep Steinem campaigning for Hillary ? And if Obama is the nominee, can we ask that Steinem be kept on the campaign trail ? She is a secret weapon.

    Mike K (86bddb)

  18. This bimbo has it backwards, doesn’t she. The majority of countries around the world do the killing to rule (control) people and the West, Americans generally get killed defending them. Where was this b@#%h when Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. killed 100’s of millions? Lying around at home pretending to care!! She finally got around to marrying some fool not too long ago. I guess she wants, in her old age, the benefits of marriage she disdained for so many decades.

    Sue (4177f3)

  19. Don Surber thinks Hillary needs to apologize for Steinem’s remarks as she (Steinem) was speaking for Hillary at the rally. If Hillary had a serious chance to take the nomination it would be smart. But all things considered, it probably doesn’t matter all that much.

    “The good news is that the geezer feminists like Hanoi Jane Fonda and Steinem are dying out.”

    Dana (b4a26c)

  20. Referring to his time in captivity, Steinem said with bewilderment, “I mean, hello? This is supposed to be a qualification to be president? I don’t think so.”

    Steinem’s broader argument was that the media and the political world are too admiring of militarism in all its guises.

    “I am so grateful that she [Clinton] hasn’t been trained to kill anybody. And she probably didn’t even play war games as a kid. It’s a great relief from Bush in his jump suit and from Kerry saluting.”

    Any US citizen with military experience has made a commitment to defend this country with their life. Anyone who served during time of war understands the stakes both personal and for the country as a whole. No one who has been in a war-zone wants that to happen here. Veterans have direct experience of the costs of war.

    Former POWs like McCain also have direct personal experience with despotism and its effects.

    The President is more than an executive, the President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military. I prefer that that be someone with direct military experience who has first-hand knowledge of how dangerous the world is. There is no substitute for direct experience.

    Chuck S. (ed54e8)

  21. Was Steinem wearing a Playboy bunny outfit when she made the comments?

    daleyrocks (906622)

  22. Putting down George Washington? Now, Gloria, that’s what I call a winning campaign strategy!

    Techie (ad1b41)

  23. Steinem refers to “the gynocide.” That must be all those female babies aborted for sex selection.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  24. “I don’t think that’s true. I think feminism is much worse than racism.”

    What with the jim crow and the lynching.

    stef (d46171)

  25. The point that is being missed here is that McCain’s POW time does not “qualify” him for anything. It shows a quality of character which we can use to judge the man. It shows a love and dedication to his country. Putting others ahead of himself. He did his duty. He did it honorably. The question I would ask is: Would ¡Hilary! do the same? How ’bout Obama?

    rudytbone (93b68e)

  26. That’s right DRJ. According to this Washington Post Op-Ed, women are just dumb in the first place. So why should we pay attention to her stupid rants anyway?

    But I have to give credit to Hot Air for showing how foolish Charlotte Allen is. (Bless her little heart…)

    Psyberian (d18acc)

  27. That was a rather shocking op-ed, Psyberian. As for this post, I was struck by the fact that Steinem’s support for Hillary seems like the antithesis of feminist-based thinking. Instead, it sounds like she supports Hillary solely because she’s a woman.

    DRJ (d8934e)

  28. Charolette Allen will not be making any friends with that one. Ouch.

    JD (626b4c)

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