Patterico's Pontifications


Saddam Judge: Saddam Was Not a Dictator

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 4:03 pm

Saddam wasn’t a dictator. How do we know this? The judge overseeing his trial says so:

Questioning a Kurdish witness Thursday, Saddam said, “I wonder why this man wanted to meet with me, if I am a dictator?”

The judge interrupted: “You were not a dictator. People around you made you (look like) a dictator.”

“Thank you,” Saddam responded, bowing his head in respect.

Prosecutors have been saying that the judge is biased. I wonder why.

I hope he doesn’t conclude the trial by saying: “You are not a murderer. All these damn witnesses in the courtroom claimed you were a murderer. But you are not. I hope you carry out your threat to crush their heads. Case dismissed.”

10 Responses to “Saddam Judge: Saddam Was Not a Dictator”

  1. The judge interrupted: “You were not a dictator. People around you made you (look like) a dictator.”

    Apparently Baskin Robbins has been serving their top secret 32nd flavor lately, nutcase conspiracy theories. Me, that’s why I go to Cold Stone.

    Joel B. (a418b2)

  2. Sure, Saddam wasn’t a dictator, OJ is innocent, and Bill Clinton never had sexual relations with that women. Oh, and Algore won in Florida, there were no WMD’s in Iraq, and Al Qaeda didn’t have anything to do with 9/11. Osama was actually busy building day care centers in Afganistan.

    MSM is objective and wants to make sure you get all the facts. Democrats are really, really, interested in national security, and John Kerry didn’t fake his way to 3 Purple Hearts in only 4 months. Patrick Kennedy was on his way to vote, Uncle Teddy doesn’t drink and drive, and Hillary is the smartest women in America.

    The moon is made of green cheese, and ants can move rubber tree plants. Isn’t life grand?

    Black Jack (507b6e)

  3. … and French foreign policy (appeasement) works well with terrorists like al Qaeda.

    DRJ4 (ccb97e)

  4. I guess this is judicial nullification.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  5. of course he was a dictator, but he was **our** dictator, we propped him up as a counterweight during iran v. iraq, george bush senior “41” let him go when he had him in the palm of his hand, the only reason he invaded kuwait was because our ambassador april glaspie told him it was ok (!!!). he was a secular, relatively stable dictator, not like the insane theocracy in iran. yes, he gassed kurds, tortured his own olympic soccer team and gave his sons unlimited violent and sexual license. that’s what dictators do.

    assistant devil's advocate (597708)

  6. Way, way, way too much is being made of this.

    First off, the statement was not in English, so we miss all the implicit connotations. Second, the crucial part of the statement “look like” is attributed from context.

    It’s possible, even likely, that what the judge meant was that his cronies made him a dictator by carrying out his orders in brutal fashion. Take out the misleading “context” and it says “they made you a dictator,” which is perfectly sensible.

    Why does the prosecutor object and make it seem like a big deal? Because that’s what lawyers DO! It’s the Chewbacca strategy.

    Ellers Ellison "Ellsberg" McWilson (f22734)

  7. Is a speedy trial and shooting him in the head promptly really too much to ask? What a joke. This is humiliating to the US and our friends in Iraq who deserve a better country.

    Wesson (c20d28)

  8. With judges like this, who needs Gitmo?

    Trickish Knave (eb59d4)

  9. And im sure there several thousand irais who would call the judge a incompetent idiot and baffoon

    krazy kagu (9a4519)

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