Patterico's Pontifications


Remembering the Victims of 9/11/01

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:10 am

There is no more fitting way to remember 9/11 than to go here here and browse through some of the tributes to the thousands who died on September 11, 2001.

UPDATE: Here you can read about Kevin Cosgrove, whose harrowing 911 call has been heard by many of you. The tribute also tells us about the good times he had with his family:

He loved indulging his children. “Mommy, it broke my heart when Daddy died because he was a good snuggler,” said 4 year old Elizabeth Cosgrove. Wendy Cosgrove simply held her daughter close and said, “I know.” He was also famous for his backward dinners. “Mommy, Daddy let us eat dinner backward,” the kids used to say to me when I would come home after they had spend a day with him,” Mrs. Cosgrove recalled with a chuckle. “We had brownies and ice cream before dinner. I would tell him that it made me look like the bad guy because I made them eat dinner. It was funny.”

He told the 911 operator: “I got young kids.” He wanted to go home and see them again. That’s why he told her: “We’re young men. We’re not ready to die.”

You also can and should read about people you probably never heard of, like Fred Kelley:

Mrs. Kelley remembers her husband as an emotional man with great empathy. What might he have said to friends grieving a loss such as the Kelleys’? “He would have been the type that was crying with them … ”

Religion was important to Fred Kelley, a Catholic. “I can honestly say, I think, as he got older, it became more important to him. I guess that’s not unusual.” She says, regarding her children, “Hopefully he’s guiding them. He was a lot less intense than I … he was a more happy-go-lucky person, you know. The kids would go to him to talk about troubles more than me, because they knew I took it so seriously. So I’m sure they’re missing that a lot. And they’re stuck with me … I have wonderful children. They have been so supportive and wonderful; it’s been a great reward.”

Read about Jakki Young, who was a rabid Temptations fan. Or Justin Molisani, who told his wife Jodi that he was helping co-workers evacuate moments before United 175 hit Tower 2. Or Amy Toyen, who lived and worked in Massachusetts, but was attending a technology conference in the World Trade Center on September 11.

These are just random names I selected. You should read about others.

I’ll probably never have time to read about them all, but I want to.

Remember these people.

13 Responses to “Remembering the Victims of 9/11/01”

  1. There is no shortage to remarkable tributes. I am humbled to have participated in the project.

    Joe (62d5be)

  2. We have to also remember the group of people who hijacked the planes.

    rab (fb89bf)

  3. […] Others remembering: Michelle Malkin, HotAir, Gateway Pundit, The Anchoress, SisterToldjah, FloppingAces, Gina Cobb, StopTheACLU, Wizbang, Atlas Shrugs (must see photos), Jawa Report, LaShawn Barber, Ed Driscoll, Outside The Beltway, Patterico, RightWing News These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

    California Conservative » 9/11: Never Forget, Always Remember (f55714)

  4. Web Reconnaissance for 09/11/2006…

    A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, today focusing on 9/11/01…

    The Thunder Run (59ce3a)

  5. Unfortunately this is behind the NYTimes wall, but you can read a poignant Joe Nocera column at the link below. Ruthless capitalists, indeed.

    Eddie Barrera (f4e0b3)

  6. I was an expectant father. A little bit advanced in years so we had done pre-natal testing to check the health of our baby.

    I was defending a commercial case. I had a very aggressive opponent who had gotten under my skin and I was overworking the case to teach him a lesson in law. We had one of the best judges in the civil division who kept his patience with our antics but nonetheless would eye us warily as we walked up to the bench.

    I was driving to court on a contested motion (non-dispositive but even those were contested) when I started hearing on the radio what at first I thought was a joke broadcast along the lines of “War Of The Worlds”. It took me about thirty-five minutes, culminating with the collapse of the second tower, to grasp that it was genuine. I just could not believe it.

    The first thing I did when I parked, I called my parents and my brothers to make sure they were all right and to tell them to stay home that day because, as I told them, “World War III has started”.

    They turned us back at the courthouse. They told us to check back for our next court date. A judge I knew was outside. There must have been something showing in my face because he shook my hand and told me “take care of yourself”.

    I went back home and turned on the TV and watched over and over the attacks on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the downed plane in Pennsylvania. In the midst of it I got a telephone call from our doctor. The baby’s chromosomes were entirely normal and she was XX which means a girl. I could not help the thought: “My baby, what kind of world am I bringing you into?”

    I want them all dead. Every filthy jihadist who could possibly hurt my baby.

    nk (47858f)

  7. Years ago my husband worked at the tower. He watched the second one built.We could not believe they came down. The people in this country need to come together. Politics is low class, we should be above that. United we can stand, if we continue to be divided, I fear we will fall, The enemy is betting on this. GOD BLESS AMERICA

    Patricia Long (772096)

  8. Patterico, thank you for linking my tribute to Fred Kelley.

    Unfortunately, the server that hosts has gone down. I don’t yet know why or what DreamHost is doing to resolve the problem.

    I do know I will be moving to a new hosting company this week. The move was already planned before this, but this just puts the nail in the coffin. DreamHost is unreliable and unhelpful, and I am furious that this happened on the day when my blog was contributing to a huge network of 9/11 memorials.

    Anwyn (d24425)

  9. seems to have come back up. I expect it will be touch-and-go the rest of the day. My apologies to anybody trying to click through.

    Anwyn (d24425)

  10. We were attacked by faceless cowards and fantaics and why dont we go and bomb the terrorists training camps and cutting off their finances?

    krazy kagu (a6e311)

  11. FYI: while my site remains up, the home site of the 2,996 project has exceeded its bandwidth and is down. That’s a shame, and I hope the hosting company rectifies it soon.

    Anwyn (d24425)

  12. I have a fully searchable and clickable pdf version of the 2.996 list.

    I remembered Paul Pansini FDNY Engine 10.

    kimsch (127da6)

  13. todos bapekono gykma
    topu [url= ]xydi[/url] rehud

    ma589588 (30b2b5)

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