Patterico's Pontifications


Video of George Washington Carver at Tuskegee University

Filed under: General — Dana @ 5:03 pm

[guest post by Dana]

I love this video of George Washington Carver that is making the rounds:

It’ unsurprising that these wise words are attributed to Carver, given the life he lived and the history he made:

“How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.”

(Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.)


62 Responses to “Video of George Washington Carver at Tuskegee University”

  1. peanuts cause cancer

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  2. Very wise words.

    Colonel Haiku (fd5d8b)

  3. @1. It killed Charles Schulz, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  4. oh dear

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  5. That was a very wise man, along with Booker t Washington, unlike Dubois despite his phds

    Narciso (77eab3)

  6. @4. The appropriate response is “Rats!”, Mr. Feet.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  7. Good grief!

    nk (dbc370)

  8. Nice change from politicians and their antics, Dana. Thank you!

    nk (dbc370)

  9. it seems like if that squatting figure stood up it would be ridiculously tall compare to the gentleman

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  10. *compared* i mean

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  11. Stop spamming Marty the last time I had to purge your links as malware.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  12. Dr. Carver’s statement is a fine example of the attribute of grace. Would that we had similar examples from today’s leaders.

    John B Boddie (66f464)

  13. Seems the Armitage story worries you Narciso.


    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  14. Eye Doctor (fdedbc) — 2/15/2019 @ 6:01 pm +

    Give it a rest, dude.

    felipe (023cc9)

  15. He wears out his welcome, quickly felipe.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  16. Dude? Are you stoner or 12 years old?

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  17. Felipe is a very patient person. Theres a reason the new template locked you out, as with ward.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  18. Narciso

    Didn’t you argue that Mueller did not tell Armitage to keep his mouth shut?

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  19. We all know Clarice did, and has been protecting Mueller for years.

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  20. Mr Optometrist, the story you linked does not prove anything.
    Unless you think the only people working at DoJ and the FBI were Mssrs Comey and Mueller.

    But it restores my faith in Narciso to see that there are Deep State fantasies even he won’t buy.

    Kishnevi (65f98d)

  21. The sad news is how many urban youth are even informed in a serious way about men like Carver washington, what is the toxic gruel they are fed, it’s much the same with Latinos sadly.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  22. On the other hand, they probably know more about Carver than I did at their age…

    Kishnevi (2dabdc)

  23. IOW: All Lives Matter.

    Love it.

    harkin (c314b6)

  24. Kishnevi

    Those are documented facts. You are the one believing fantasies.

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  25. Narciso knows it’s true

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  26. You can spam on other threads,

    Narciso (77eab3)

  27. You continue to dodge, Narciso

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  28. AOC just put her doofus boyfriend on the govt payroll. Almost as brazen as Trump this one is.

    JRH (fe281f)

  29. There was a time you insisted the FBI did not ask Armitage, Taft and Powell to keep their mouths shut. Why not now?

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  30. You people don’t deserve nice posts.

    nk (dbc370)

  31. ok not payroll. He just gets house perks.

    JRH (fe281f)

  32. Compared to her Indian fascist worshipping chief of staff, the other green apparatchik rhiann wright.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  33. If I’ve breached protocol let me know. I’m kinda new here. I think Geo Wash Carver was awesome. watched the video it was quite nice.

    JRH (fe281f)

  34. Narciso

    Are you defending Mueller?

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  35. Who are the future carvers Edison westinghouses, that ingenuity is what this country was built on, and an app really isnt the be all and end all.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  36. “You people…”
    nk (dbc370) — 2/15/2019 @ 7:39 pm

    If JD were here…

    Matador (39e0cd)

  37. Narciso

    Tell us what you think about Mueller.

    Is he honest?

    Eye Doctor (fdedbc)

  38. Hes probably on one of his iron man endeavours.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  39. You people don’t deserve nice posts.

    nk (dbc370) — 2/15/2019 @ 7:39 pm

    When you hope that a small post honors a larger than life individual and compels readers to reflect on the individual because…

    Dana (023079)

  40. “I suppose if AOC’s constituents thought they would be “exploited” by Amazon they wouldn’t have to apply for jobs there. Now, they don’t have the choice.

    Whether New York should have given Amazon incentives necessary to cement the Long Island City deal is debatable. As a conservative, I might say No. So, putting aside the idiotic Marxist rhetoric, there is nothing wrong with saying adios to Amazon. This is where Ocasio-Cortez went off the rails and took a deep dive into stupidity:

    You know, I think it’s really important that we understand that we need to invest in our economy, but we need to invest in our people, and to give away $3 billion to a company that has a history of worker exploitation that’s paying below what the cost of New York City is not acceptable for us.

    Of course, New York wasn’t going to “give” Amazon anything, let alone $3 billion. The $3 billion is an estimate of foregone tax revenues. In other words, money that Amazon won’t pay New York, not money that New York will pay Amazon. This is childishly simple, but apparently too much for AOC:

    What’s great is that our economy, our local economy, is already growing. So I firmly believe that if we want to take that $3 billion dollars that we were willing to give to Amazon and invest it in our local community, we can do that. We can make those jobs. We can make 25,000 jobs. But we don’t have to give away and allow our subway system to crumble so that Amazon essentially owns a part of New York City. We can create 25,000 jobs with Mom-and-Pops; we can create 25,000 jobs with companies that are willing to come to the table, but we should not be giving away our infrastructure, our subway system, our schools, our teachers’ salaries, our firefighters’ budgets, to a company that has not shown good faith to New Yorkers.

    This is almost unbelievably stupid. Obviously, there is no “$3 billion dollars that we were willing to give to Amazon.” No one ever proposed to give money to Amazon. Those were dollars that “we” hypothetically would have refrained from collecting from Amazon. Those dollars do not exist. They are not in the possession of New York State or any other public entity. They cannot be “invest[ed] in our local community.” The absence of those funds will not “allow our subway system to crumble.” No one has ever proposed “giving away our infrastructure, our schools, our teachers’ salaries, our firefighters’ budgets,” to Amazon or anyone else.”

    harkin (c314b6)

  41. Carver was known as the plant doctor. During World War I, Carver was asked to assist Henry Ford in producing a peanut-based replacement for rubber. Also during the war, when dyes from Europe became difficult to obtain, he helped the American textile industry by developing more than 30 colors of dye from Alabama soils. The man was what America is about.

    mg (8cbc69)

  42. Exactly mg, he grew up in the brief interluds of rwconstruction, he didnt let the bourbon redeemer steel his dream and his hopes.

    Narciso (77eab3)

  43. Thanks, Dana. Lovely video. Kind of sad too–when you realize so many heroes for the young today are less wholesome than Mr. Washington.

    Patricia (3363ec)

  44. Bourbon redeemer?

    Kishnevi (2dabdc)

  45. The real power, the Klan were the enforcers, but the policy came from elsewhere like the tweedy Woodrow Wilson. Who came into power in prt because of Dubois

    Narciso (77eab3)

  46. Bourbon redeemer?
    Kishnevi (2dabdc) — 2/15/2019 @ 8:26 pm

    Demon booze. The false g*d of drunkards.

    felipe (023cc9)

  47. They were like the citizens councils at the tale end of Jim crow,

    Narciso (77eab3)

  48. Thank you for this post, Dana.

    Simon Jester (548267)

  49. Awesome. He certainly did a lot with his life!

    Nic (896fdf)

  50. At Iowa State, Carver was the first African American student to earn his Bachelor of Science in 1894. His professors were so impressed by his work on the fungal infections common to soybean plants that he was asked to remain as part of the faculty to work on his master’s degree (awarded in 1896). Working as director of the Iowa State Experimental Station, Carver discovered two types of fungi, which were subsequently named for him. Carver also began experiments in crop rotation, using soy plantings to replace nitrogen in depleted soil. Before long, Carver became well know as a agriculture scientist.
    The man was genius.

    mg (8cbc69)

  51. “There is no shortcut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation – Veneer isn’t worth anything”

    “Learn to do common things well; We must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill the dinner pail is valuable”

    George Washington Carver

    Learned a lot about this man in Ag classes in high school.

    mg (8cbc69)

  52. Dr. Carver’s statement is a fine example of the attribute of grace. Would that we had similar examples from today’s leaders.

    but it’s patently false

    how far you go in life has absolutely nothing to do with these things he mentions

    he’s engaging in some kind of humblebrag here cause of how he himself did go far in life, and he’s saying this is cause of how i’m so kind and sweet to everybody

    but as far as aphorisms go this one’s phony as bingle-bongle boo

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  53. “Learn to do common things well; We must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill the dinner pail is valuable”

    he nailed this one though

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  54. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, happyfeet.

    nk (dbc370)

  55. did you know you can whisk peabnut bubber into yogurt in just seconds and it makes an easy super-tasty dip for green apple slices

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  56. I suppose Carver could have said, “How far you get in life depends on how big a real estate fortune your daddy left you, with enough cash reserves and enough competent employees to make it prosper and grow even more, while you chase floozies in an effort to come to terms with your latent heterosexuality”, but that was not Carver’s life experience, it was someone else’s.

    nk (dbc370)

  57. president trump’s a big success that’s for sure

    i’m agog!

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  58. When I was in Jr High I read a “Landmark” book on George Washington Carver. A simple book but did it pack a punch. An amazing man.

    LYNN HARGROVE (740caa)

  59. So back in my drinking days, I’m sitting in a bar, nice place downtown, sipping a whiskey on the rocks, when I hear: “Nice tie.” I look around, there’s nobody talking to me. Then I hear: “Nice jacket.” Same thing, I look around, nobody’s looking like they want to talk me. Then I hear: “Nice haircut.” I’ve had enough. I call over the bartender and tell him, “I’ve had enough, I’m hearing voices”, and then tell him what I heard. He smiles and says: “Don’t worry about it. It’s the peanuts. They’re complimentary.”

    nk (dbc370)

  60. I dont think those were peanuts

    Narciso (fe5c67)

  61. 61… ha!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

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