Patterico's Pontifications


Some Great Blog Posts About My Court Victory Over Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:58 am

I wanted to take a moment to thank a few people who took time out of their schedule to post about my court victory over convicted bomber and perjurer Brett Kimberlin.

WJJ Hoge, as always, had the news early on and provided the documents. His post noted a curious silence about the summary judgment at the Kimberlin propaganda site Breitbart Unmasked — a silence that appears to continue today. Hoge also today publishes a list of Kimberlin’s court losses, here.

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection reminds us that one of Brett Kimberlin’s targets was Mandy Nagy, who suffered a horrible stroke from which it appears she may never fully recover. As difficult as this experience was, talking to Mandy about it regularly was one of the things that made it bearable. I miss our conversations.

Ron Coleman had his own interesting writeup about the affair. He has a particularly fascinating (and distressing) story about how people tried to “help with” (read: take over) the Slants case once it was clearly headed for a high-profile victory . . . yet when he was looking for pro bono local counsel in Maryland on this case, the sound of crickets was loud indeed — until my hero Bruce Godfrey came along.

Scott Greenfield expands on Ron’s observations, and reminds us that while some free speech causes seem to motivate the public into action, others (like mine) become largely ignored. The job is then left to stalwarts like Ron Coleman of Archer & Greiner and the Likelihood of Confusion blog, and Bruce Godfrey of Jezic & Moyse LLC, to step in and defend free speech.

Eric Turkewitz also gives a tip of his hat to Coleman and Godfrey. I think it’s worth noting that I am not a political kindred spirit of Greenfield or Turkewitz — but as Turkewitz says: “[T]hat is not the point. The First Amendment doesn’t belong to the right or the left, it belongs to all of us. When the rights of one are curtailed then the rights of all of us are.”

Robert Stacy McCain had this post, which reminds the reader that he and several other Kimberlin critics were SWATting targets. Stacy’s perpetrator was caught. The perpetrators of most of the others have not.

If I have missed any posts, let me know. Thanks to those who took the time to write about this, or to leave a comment, or send an email of congratulations. And again, thanks to people like commenters Dianna and Dustin and others (you know who you are) who have stood by my side for years while this unfolded. Folks like you made it easy to keep slogging forward when it seemed like the rest of the world had forgotten.

[Cross-posted at The Jury Talks Back.]

97 Responses to “Some Great Blog Posts About My Court Victory Over Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  2. Congratulations again. Hopefully there are more write ups in the future and this gives others the courage to come forward and support freedom of speech and speaking out for the truth against those who try and harm us.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  3. Still waiting for Breitbart Unmasked to comment.

    They were relentlessly untruthful about Patterico, Ace, Popehat, RS McCain etc.

    harkin (140d0a)

  4. Ron Coleman is a classy guy:

    I emailed Ronald Coleman of Archer & Greiner, who argued for The Slants at the Federal Circuit, to see what he thought of the team’s cert petition. “We’re just reviewing these papers now, so we’re not in a position to comment,” he wrote back. “In any event, however, in all likelihood our response will almost certainly be reserved for the court.” [emphasis mine]

    nk (dbc370)

  5. Loved this from RS McCain (just after he encourages people to visit here and congratulate you):

    “First Amendment freedom has won,
    and the Speedway Bomber has lost.”

    harkin (140d0a)

  6. No congratulatory call from the president?! Not even a tweet? Sad!

    Dave (445e97)

  7. Patrick – hit me with an email at the one you have re help with an appeal if he files a notice. Frankly, I dub the will, but having done about 50 fed appeals, I’ll help out.

    Shipwreckedcrew (8898a2)

  8. “Doubt”

    Shipwreckedcrew (8898a2)

  9. Anyone know if Kimberlin’s screen name is ‘Dave?’

    ropelight (a7d89c)

  10. “First Amendment freedom has won,
    and the Speedway Bomber has lost.”

    harkin (140d0a) — 7/25/2017 @ 8:16 am


    Dustin (ba94b2)

  11. Great to see this.

    As a lawyer and the victim of wilfully and outspokenly frivolous legal proceedings I’m interested in your take on how to solve this issue.

    The ability of well funded and determined bad actors to tie up opponents indefinitely in the courts is the main reason the US legal system has a bad name. I’m interested to know how it could be fixed without limiting the legitimate need for legal redress.

    Bob (d98963)

  12. Patrick’s antagonist wasn’t even “well-funded,” was he?

    Dave (445e97)

  13. Congrats, Best of luck going forward.

    Juiceman (c0e1c2)

  14. Anyone know if Ted Cruz’s dad’s screen name is “Lee Harvey Oswald”?

    Leviticus channeling ropelight (efada1)

  15. Trumpenfuhrercare gets 50 votes…build the scaffolding..

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  16. When the Hangman gets you…you hang!

    Ben burn (b3d5ab)

  17. How’s it going on getting Kimberlin declared a vexatious litigant in Maryland?

    Ingot (e5bf64)

  18. Congratulations. Hard fought and well deserved.

    Tom Maguire (50daac)

  19. Temerity to 10th power!

    The anti speech blogger congratulates Patterico. Only the Bold do that.

    Ben burn (864baa)

  20. Harkin.

    Maybe you’ll like this. Speed is life.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  21. I need to meet a nice Jewish girl.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  22. Now I see. Maguire sees himself as harassed by untoward opinions and is happy about the squishing not the constitutional issue. That’s settled.

    Ben burn (864baa)


    A-WA – Habib Galbi – Official Video

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  24. @14. Surely it’s Gracias Knoll.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  25. @15. Meh. 7 years to get to vote to plan to discuss how to make a plan.

    It only took 8 years to put men on the moon.

    “That other America; they did things differently.”- Dan Rather, CBS News, ‘The Moon Above; The Earth Below’ CBS TV, 1989



    “I said right from the beginning healthcare would always be difficult.” – President Donald J. Trump, Rose Garden presser, 7-25-17

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  26. Patrick’s antagonist wasn’t even “well-funded,” was he?

    Dave (445e97) — 7/25/2017 @ 11:22 am

    Depends on who you ask. One of the weird aspects of this.

    And yes, Patterico should write a book.

    Dustin (ba94b2)


    A-WA // Yemenite Rain Song

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  28. Anyone know if Ted Cruz’s dad’s screen name is “Lee Harvey Oswald”?

    Leviticus channeling ropelight (efada1) — 7/25/2017 @ 11:43 am

    HAHAHA. Nice. I kinda wish we could put the hostility away for a thread or two, put away the passive aggressive threadjacks, and just be happy that we can all agree something good happened. I guess it’s partly because to me the politics era is over. Bad guys won, and I’m not going to let it ruin my day.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  29. What will their version look like? 8 years of twaddling and procrastinating leads us to a scenario..

    Slot machines in hospital lobbies…poker tournaments for lucky patients.

    Pleas for non profit donors to fill the health gap with oodles of charity boners. Public sympathy downfalls explaining why they had to burn the Village to save it. Compassionate conservatism..

    Ben burn (864baa)

  30. Compassionate conservatism…

    Meh. You mean compassionate capitalism, don’t you…

    “Business bad? “F-ck you, pay me.” Oh, you had a fire? “F-ck you, pay me.” Place got hit by lightning, huh? “F-ck you, pay me.” – Henry Hill [Ray Liotta] ‘Goodfellas’ 1990

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  31. It is about preserving capitalism as they weakly understand. Purposely planted IEDs to hasten demise. Why not negotiate drug prices..?


    Ben burn (864baa)

  32. Remember, one of the Obamacare sales pitches was our health care could be just as great as in the U.K.

    “Patients are having to plead with the NHS for hip replacements, cataract surgery and other routine treatments that were once provided without question, an investigation has found.

    There has been a surge in the number of special requests made by doctors on patients’ behalf for procedures to be funded.

    In total, some 73,900 requests were made in 2016/17. Out of these, half were rejected as they were not deemed cost effective or beneficial.”

    Socialism, doing nothing but making more people dependent on big government and almost everyone more miserable.

    harkin (d6175a)

  33. Vox even said with Obamacare our health care would be as awesome as that provided by the VA.

    harkin (d6175a)

  34. The real topic here is so great. Good people standing up for what is right. Congratulations again, Patterico. You stand up for others—you have for me!—I’m so pleased to see others stand up for you.

    Simon Jester (7ee612)

  35. Well said, Simon. Patterico deserved the great help from Mr. Coleman and others, and he would do the same. We all see opportunities in our life to stand for something right, with some risk of conflict or hassle. If we do this, we are creating society and civilization, and if we do not, we are wasting our lives, at least a little bit.

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  36. Congrats, Patterico. Every once in a while the good guys win. This time a truly good guy won.

    JD (ec3581)

  37. 🙂

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  38. JD!

    Dustin (ba94b2)

  39. Sight for sore eyes, there

    Leviticus (dfb457)

  40. Nice to hear from you, JD. Hope things are well.

    JVW (dadb0c)

  41. In the first days of May 2016, Donald Trump, candidate for the GOP nomination, called into morning TV show ‘Fox & Friends.’ He drew attention to the splashy front page headline from a supermarket tabloid, the National Inquirer: Ted Cruz Father Linked To JFK Assination.

    At the time Trump and Cruz were fierce contenders in the GOP primaries.

    The identification of Rafael Cruz handing out ‘Fair Play for Cuba’ leaflets with Lee Harvey Oswald in front of Clay Shaw’s NOLA ‘Trade Mart’ building was made by Mitch Goldstone, president and CEO of ‘Scan My Photos’ by using new digital technology to compare old photos of Rafael Cruz to Oswald’s companion.

    Goldstone concluded “there’s more similarly than dissimularity…It looks like the same person, and I can say as much with a high degree of confidence.”

    Trump complained, that although the National Inquirer reported the stunning revelation, that news media were ignoring it. “I mean the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this? Right? Prior to his (JFK’s) being shot. And, nobody even brings it up. I mean, they (The establishment media) don’t even talk about it – that was reported. And, nobody talks about it.”

    ropelight (a7d89c)

  42. if harvardtrash ted stepped up and relieved poor little jeffy sessions of this bewildering burden I might could be ready to take a chance again

    ready to put my love on the line with Ted

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  43. I think the people up here are up to no good.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  44. why are the nice planes the same colors as the mean planes

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  45. just seems like it could be confusing

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  46. In the first place, both Giuliani and Cruz said that Axios pulled the rumors out of his hat.

    In the second place, ain’t no way Cruz is going to work for Trump.

    In the third place, ain’t no way nobody not 1) looking to go slumming for a few months or 2) desperate for employment is going to work for Trump.

    In the fourth place, this is the wrong thread for “Trump, Trump, Trump, alla tima Trump”.

    nk (dbc370)

  47. Let’s show the Harvard trash something.

    I’m Hispanicked.,13476,701286,00.html

    Mexican Expeditionary Air Force 201st Fighter Squadron. And I can tell you where to get get the T shirt

    P-47s over Luzon. That’s got to violate who knows how man international laws.

    Steve57 (0b1dac)

  48. Hello, JD. It is great to see you.

    DRJ (15874d)

  49. Belated congratulations, sometimes a prick is a prick and needs to be dealt with.

    urbanleftbehind (ef6d32)

  50. You and your team deserve Victory.
    A round of attaboys for all.

    mg (31009b)

  51. I don’t like guys who bomb things, ok?

    Pinandpuller (a67f49)

  52. @46 nk

    Is there a staffing firm for lawyers? Or Trump could be waiting for a recess appointment.

    Pinandpuller (a67f49)

  53. How wonderful to see a comment from JD.

    Thank you, JD.

    I wish I saw more comments from you here. We miss you. It’s not the same without your humor.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  54. if harvardtrash ted stepped up and relieved poor little jeffy sessions of this bewildering burden I might could be ready to take a chance again

    ready to put my love on the line with Ted

    What an idiot Cruz would be to take that job.

    Anyone who works for Trump knows it is likely they will be humiliated. Therefore, they deserve it and I do not feel sorry for them, at all.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  55. Congratulations, Pat. Seems well-deserved and long overdue.

    LYT (0a256f)

  56. Hi to JD!

    Dana (023079)

  57. Hey jd how has the ironman gone?

    narciso (d1f714)

  58. It doesn’t surprise me to see JD post a note to Patterico in this thread.

    JD is a quality human being, and I miss seeing his comments.

    Simon Jester (31c1ee)

  59. well whatever i can do to incentivize Ted I’m on it like a chicken on a cheeto

    this Jeffy Sessions guy’s a dud (at best)

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  60. It’s an even bet that Trump’s “squabble” with Sessions is like his theater with Amazon turdlord Jeff Bezos who is selling Trump’s MAGA schlock for him. They put on this phony-baloney public show, then they laugh all the way to their private vault at Deutsche Bank where they give each other big wet sloppy kisses and cuddle on a pile of your money.

    nk (dbc370)

  61. that’s too cynical i think

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  62. It’s realistic. At their age, cuddling is about all they can do. Anything more strenuous would threaten their health.

    nk (dbc370)

  63. Possibly but Bezos 600 million contract with the company probably overrules.

    narciso (d1f714)

  64. Guys, you think so little of Sessions? If this was for real, and if I were Sessions I would:
    1. Clean out my desk at DOJ.
    2. Invite the media to a press conference at my private venue.
    3. Tell them, “Ladies and gentlemen of the press, please tell the demented baboon in the Oval Office, for me, that I quit as Attorney General. I won’t give the orange-skinned pansy the courtesy of a resignation letter, and I don’t have Twitter”.
    4. Then I would add a few choice comments about Trump’s sanity, intelligence, appearance, morals, personal hygiene, and manhood.

    nk (dbc370)

  65. Except for the fact that she did commit multiple criminal infractions yet she can’t be touched, because the fmr director worked for the mob bank, his deputy was also in hock to her, so is his subordinate. For similar reasons voldemort can’t be hE torments our host.

    narciso (d1f714)

  66. Similarly the da in Philadelphia made a pledge to prosecute Cosby, because they got all their stuff together down there. Weiner walks with a slap on the wrist where others would serve serious time.

    narciso (d1f714)

  67. Lawfare has a hundred ways to get at you, and a hundred ways to protect the guilty.

    narciso (d1f714)

  68. Take effendi damache a citizen of one country was plotting terrorism in another country gets extradited to a third and now a forth, similar to the lahmar case.

    narciso (d1f714)

  69. Will the victims of Chisholm get any kustice, how about Ronnie Earle, one sees how they are still proceeding against daleidin, based on the misrepresentations brought by fusion.

    narciso (d1f714)

  70. the recusal was cowardly and gave credence to a vile and petty fbi scheme

    the asset forfeiture thing is fundamentally un-american

    and he has yet to demonstrate that he’s established meaningful operational control over his portfolio

    cowardly, fundamentally un-american, and feckless is a good way to get off on the wrong foot Mr. nk

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  71. We should have seen this coming, it is the Plame playbook.

    narciso (d1f714)

  72. Yeah, Trump hired him to obstruct justice not to enforce it, and now he’s piqued that Sessions was not the stooge Trump thought he’d be, that’s what it looks like.

    nk (dbc370)

  73. he’s not made of the right stuff he’s just rolling over to the Bad Actors

    at the very least someone with extra credit card points should send him a pick-me-up bouquet

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  74. The dems got their vig from Deutsche bank before the bell, but that outfit had a lot of claimants Prince talal owns 3% of outstanding shares.

    narciso (d1f714)

  75. You don’t get it, if Rudy was appointed they would point to the time he campaigned in Brighton beach, they would come up with something ridiculous for Ted, meanwhile the talisman at the dnc is bleeding the parties coffers like a Russian princeling

    narciso (d1f714)

  76. You can also look at the trial by ordeal is going through in the dc courts against Steyn, they havec dragged that case so long many of his key witnesses have died.

    narciso (d1f714)

  77. Senators voted 43-57 on a procedural hurdle for the measure that included the GOP repeal and a replace bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act, as well as proposals from GOP Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Rob Portman (Ohio).
    The Texas Republican’s provision would give insurance companies more flexibility on what kind of health insurance plans they provided, as long as they sold some plans that met the ObamaCare requirements. ”

    Ouch! Repeal the Art of the Schlemiel.

    Ben burn (a862b7)

  78. #66, well, nk, take note that Jeff Sessions was raised as a Southern gentleman and as such is culturally discouraged from participation in the sort of disgraceful behavior you fantasize about.

    No matter if Sessions feels greatly wronged by President Trump he would not sully himself with low-brow smears, and certainly never in public.

    Southerners traditionally leave those embarrassing displays of unrestrained pique to hot heads and publicity seeking scalawags.

    ropelight (a7d89c)

  79. “Southerners traditionally leave those embarrassing displays of unrestrained pique to hot heads and publicity seeking scalawags.”

    Truppmppppump Tower is North right?

    Ben burn (a862b7)

  80. Esquire

    Mike Pence grabbed the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion with both hands. Now, he was the deciding vote in the first real test of whether the Republican congressional majorities will eviscerate Medicaid entirely. That was really ugly, too.

    But the ugliest thing to witness on a very ugly day in the United States Senate was what John McCain did to what was left of his legacy as a national figure. He flew all the way across the country, leaving his high-end government healthcare behind in Arizona, in order to cast the deciding vote to allow debate on whatever ghastly critter emerges from what has been an utterly undemocratic process. He flew all the way across the country in order to facilitate the process of denying to millions of Americans the kind of medical treatment that is keeping him alive, and to do so at the behest of a president* who mocked McCain’s undeniable military heroism.

    Ben burn (a862b7)

  81. Pitchforks tuning up..

    Plain Dealer..

    “Portman, a suburban Cincinnati Republican, had said that protecting Ohioans would be a key guide on his vote.

    It didn’t prove so.

    Given what McConnell’s proposals seek to do, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates nearly 860,000 Ohioans could lose Medicaid coverage through 2029 – as our earlier editorial noted, that’s more than the population of Portman’s Hamilton County.

    Ben burn (a862b7)

  82. Given what McConnell’s proposals seek to do, the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates nearly 860,000 Ohioans could lose Medicaid coverage through 2029 – as our earlier editorial noted, that’s more than the population of Portman’s Hamilton County.

    What fraction of those losses would be voluntary?
    (i.e. people no longer being mandated to purchase insurance they don’t want)

    Dave (445e97)

  83. We know the cbo was 16 million off on their projection, I imagine Kaiser had a similar differential.

    narciso (d1f714)

  84. It’s Medicaid. They must apply. You weren’t ever ‘forced’

    Ben burn (a862b7)

  85. medicaid lol

    that’s not the same as health care

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  86. 87.It’s Medicaid. They must apply. You weren’t ever ‘forced’

    What? They MUST apply but they aren’t FORCED? That makes no sense.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  87. BTW, Medicaid is welfare not health insurance and not health care.

    Rev.Hoagie® (630eca)

  88. It’s an option, unlike social security and Medicare part a,

    narciso (d1f714)

  89. People can be virtually forced into Medicaid by the Obamacare individual mandate. Of course they could pay the tax which is not being collected, though. That still may be better than getting a $15,000 bill from New York State for getting a job and not cancelling the Medicaid. It’s not enough not to use it, since now it is an HMO.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  90. #66, well, nk, take note that Jeff Sessions was raised as a Southern gentleman and as such is culturally discouraged from participation in the sort of disgraceful behavior you fantasize about.

    No matter if Sessions feels greatly wronged by President Trump he would not sully himself with low-brow smears, and certainly never in public.

    Southerners traditionally leave those embarrassing displays of unrestrained pique to hot heads and publicity seeking scalawags.
    (emphasis nk’s)

    It’s refreshing to hear that from a Trump supporter, ropelight. Any number of other Trump supporters here say it’s ok when Trump does it. Cause, you know, you gotta play to dirty to WIN.

    nk (dbc370)

  91. 87. 90. “must apply” means applying is a condition of getting Medicaid. Of course anyone stuck with a big hospital bill will do it – the hospital will do all or most of the work. That was before Obamacare, which encouraged people to enroll even without a bill, and also earlier people with CHIP were steered into Medicaid (without being properly warned of the pitfalls)

    It is not like Food Stamps which may be hard to apply for. The State of New York is now trying to making it easier by creating a mobile app.

    About 1.7 million people in New York City receive food stamps. To qualify, they must produce dozens of documents to prove their eligibility, including birth certificates, pay stubs, leases and children’s school records.

    Gathering, copying and bringing the documents to a social services office, and then waiting to be seen by a worker can take many hours, an arduous process that the city’s welfare agency, the Human Resources Administration, is beginning to ease with the help of a new cellphone app.

    Now, those seeking food stamps can take pictures of the required documents with their phones and upload the photos to the app, similar to how customers use banking apps to make deposits.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  92. Ahaaa, sweet success, got your goat nk, you Chicago dishrag.

    ropelight (a7d89c)

  93. Be sure to water it regularly in this weather.

    nk (dbc370)

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