Patterico's Pontifications


Santorum Out, Plus, The Trumpertantrum and the Fallout

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:02 pm

Rick Santorum has dropped out of the 2016 presidential race and is throwing his .8% of support to Marco Rubio.

Meanwhile Ted Cruz, responding to Donald Trump’s freakout today, coined a new word: “Trumpertantrum.” Cruz jokingly suggested that Trump is so erratic that the American people might wake up one morning to find that The Donald had nuked Denmark. Skip to 1:10 for the first mention of Trump’s freakout, or to 3:30 for the specific remarks quoted below:

CRUZ: Oh listen, Donald’s insults get more and more hysterical the more upset he gets. And that’s fine. He can do that. I’m not going to respond in kind.

REPORTER: Do you think they’re funny?

CRUZ: I think they’re very funny. I think Donald — I wake up every day and laugh at the latest thing Donald has tweeted. Because he’s losing it. Look, we need a Commander in Chief, not a Twitterer in Chief. We need someone with the judgment and the temperament to keep this country safe. I don’t know anyone who would be comfortable with someone who behaves this way having his finger on the button. I mean, we’re liable to wake up one morning, and Donald, if he were President, would have nuked Denmark. That’s not the temperament of a leader to keep this country safe.

P.S. Ben Carson held a press conference where he kinda sorta not really accused the Cruz campaign of dirty tricks. Meanwhile, as the day has progressed, Trump has even suggested that he will file a formal complaint with Iowa officials. Because this will clearly be in the headlines for the next few days, and will come up at Saturday night’s debate, it’s worth looking at the way this story was reported on the night of the Iowa caucuses:

If you play the video, you’ll see Jake Tapper and Dana Bash explaining that every single candidate was going to go to New Hampshire except for Carson, who would go home to Florida “for several days” — and then would not go to New Hampshire at all. They also said he was going to be going to a prayer breakfast the following week. The two repeatedly called it “very unusual” and added that Carson was going to speak at 9:15 p.m. Eastern no matter what the results were. Bash said that this sent a strong signal to supporters that he wasn’t in it for the long haul.

This was a self-inflicted wound by Carson, and the Cruz team reported it to supporters. Steve King tweeted the following:

And supporters were sent this message:

Carson later said he was just going home to get fresh clothes (apparently delivery services do not deliver clothes from Florida to New Hampshire, and yes, that’s snark). The Cruz campaign did not immediately tell supporters that Carson said he was still in the race.

Carson outperformed polling and the idea that this sunk Trump is ludicrous. Allahpundit has much more.

My prediction: Trump’s whiny baby act will hurt him big. Some mud will slop over onto Cruz, who wasn’t destined to do well in New Hampshire anyway. The victor in all this is Rubio. He has from now until primary night to find another catchy phrase besides “Comeback Kid” for the press to latch onto to trumpet MARCOMENTUM!!!

Tomorrow: Trump’s contradictions (lies) on whether he was surprised by the inadequacy of his “ground game.”

152 Responses to “Santorum Out, Plus, The Trumpertantrum and the Fallout”

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  2. In the current electronic culture,
    everybody wants to out-scoop everybody else and leverage the influence before someone else does,
    its like twitter duel at noon, every instant.

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  3. Patterico, how about those pancakes you are owed?

    Victory pancakes are the best.

    Simon Jester (81b5fb)

  4. Cruz should beware the narrative developing that he plays dirty. First it was the threatening mailer, and now it’s an opportunistic undercutting of Dr Carson’s candidacy. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times in enemy action.

    ropelight (0477f1)

  5. Topped with New Hampshire Maple Syrup.

    mg (31009b)

  6. While the mailer was disturbing to some, (I don’t like that kind of thing) the message was to get people to go and participate, right??

    MD in Philly (at the moment not in Philly) (deca84)

  7. Well, this is a game changer. Rubio has to be considered the odds on favorite now.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  8. ropelight, Trump is a few months shy of 70 years old, yet his lifetime of mistakes doesn’t appear to have any impact upon you. But if either Cruz or Rubio were to sneeze without a handkerchief, I have a suspicion you might actually call the police.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  9. We wouldn’t call the police. We’d call the CDC.

    You’re not dealing with amateurs here.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  10. I think what ropelite is saying is that it looks like “somebody” (the press, media, another campaign) is setting up Cruz as a guy who plays dirty. That is possible.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  11. Like I said. Iowa shows who will cheat to win.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  12. You know whoever the left is most afraid of on our team will be demonized. This may be their exploratory narrative for Cruz to see if it sticks.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  13. Marcomentum-into a ditch, hard. Which is what happens when you drive in high heels, covered with foam.

    Bugg (fa64ec)

  14. It seems that people are missing the FLIPPING POINT of caucuses. They are there to test a campaign’s ability to organize and deliver people to the polls. It is NOT a popularity contest, it is a campaign endurance contest.

    Carson’s people failed by kicking an own goal. Trump’s people failed by not taking advantage of it.

    Cruz’s people and Rubio’s people stepped into the breach rather nicely.

    This is big-league politics, guys, and it is played for keeps. Asking for a do-over because you were asleep at the switch is not only stupid, it’s pathetic. It’s like, I dunno, wanting to move your ball out of the rough in golf.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  15. Like I said. Iowa shows who will cheat to win.

    What cheat? Did someone forge a ballot or hack a file? Carson’s people did something stupid and are upset that others saw it as an opportunity. Trump is pissed because he didn’t.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  16. Question: Who asks for do-overs?

    A. Winners.

    B. Losers.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  17. Agreed, Carson’s camp made an incredibly stupid gaffe during the first primary. It isn’t fraud to try to steal someone else’s voters.

    Dejectedhead (81690d)

  18. yes yes i owe you pancakers

    do not worry in you head

    I’ll make good when i have time to get my ducks in a row

    i’m working late late tonight i have stuffs i have to send out in the morning

    but no I’m not scared of Ted n Heidi and their bag of goldy sacky dirty tricks

    and neither is Mr. The Donald!

    this is why in New Hampshire Ted n Heidi will lose and Mr. The Donald will triumph

    or, conversely, Ted n Heidi will triumph and Mr. The Donald will be very honored to come in second

    advantage: Mr. The Donald

    happyfeet (831175)

  19. Donald “Duck Debate Mr. Mulligan” Trump

    Dejectedhead (81690d)

  20. Cruz should beware the narrative developing that he plays dirty. First it was the threatening mailer, and now it’s an opportunistic undercutting of Dr Carson’s candidacy. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times in enemy action.

    ropelight (0477f1)

    You’re right, Cruz needs to be very careful about that narrative. I do think it’s a narrative more than a reality, though. Folks are finding ways to spin stuff to match it, because they all think they can peel voters that way. That’s why Rubio’s vote shaming mailer and his campaign interpreting Carson’s weird laundry day just as Cruz’s did are not being covered really at all.

    Also, Trump was comparing Carson to a child molester not that long ago. He’s inventing a claim Cruz stole an election. He’s not exactly playing clean. I’m not being snarky to say I guess that kind of below the belt stuff is dog bites man for some candidates, man bites dog for others.

    Dustin (2a8be7)

  21. When I posted about the Carson story breaking on Monday night, I linked to CNN’s Chris Moody, who tweeted:

    Chris Moody
    Chris Moody – Verified account ‏@moody

    Carson won’t go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He’ll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.
    4:43 PM – 1 Feb 2016

    This was before King’s tweet.

    It is perfectly reasonable to infer from the tweet that Carson might be stepping down from the race. Who leaves a campaign on caucus night to go get clean clothes? He will fly from Iowa to Florida to New Hampshire to Washington DC in the span of two and a half dayside?

    My question is, why isn’t Carson hollering at CNN inset of Cruz? I get why Trump is *using* it – he simply can’t handle losing, but it’s surprising, and yet revealing, to see Carson jump on the Trump bandwagon. At the end of the day, a really nice guy is finally showing he’s just another man who believes he could be king.

    Dana (86e864)

  22. Ropelight, a man whose companies have declared bankruptcy 4 times has no call to complain that others play dirty. Welching on your debts is about as dirty as it gets.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  23. Carson proved, again, that he’s a babe in the woods and has no business being the hard man protecting our country. And Cruz, again, proved he is capable of that.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  24. Rubio has been on Spanish Language TV touting legalization before boarder security. He’s the GOP establishment candidate pretending to be conservative because that’s what sells this time around.

    He’s still the front man for the Gang of 8’s comprehensive amnesty plan. He speaks well, but he speaks with a forked tongue. He’s not a natural born citizen and he puts the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of the interests of Americans. Don’t be fooled by his slick tongue, elevator shoes, and bad rug. Rubio’s as phony as they come.

    ropelight (0477f1)

  25. BTW, “Trumpertantrum” may stick. And The Donald is probably not going to think it’s very funny.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  26. Rubio has been on Spanish Language TV touting legalization before boarder security.

    I’ve heard people say that, but they can never seem to find a contemporary video that actually translates as such. Perhaps you can point me to one?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  27. ropelight, your birtherism gets old.
    But at least we know you’re not a phony. You’re the real deal.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  28. ropelight —

    He is actually born in Florida and has lived all his life here. You are just trolling now.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  29. Kevin, check out Jim Hoft’s article at 2/3/16

    MARCO RUBIO: Legalization of Illegal Immigrants Comes First – Then Border Security

    The interview with Univision was in Spanish- Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Univision yesterday that legalization of illegal immigrants will come first and then new border security measures. The Examiner reported:

    In a Spanish-language interview Sunday with the network Univision, Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican on the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform group, made his strongest statement yet that legalization of the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants must happen before any new border security or internal enforcement measures are in place, and will in no way be conditional on any security requirements.

    “Let’s be clear,” Rubio said. “Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.”

    ropelight (0477f1)

  30. Make sure the pancakes are California-legal. The eggs have to be from free range hens.

    nk (dbc370)

  31. BTW, my attitude towards the illegals is differ4ent from most everyone here:

    1. A wall or other effective barrier to illegal crossing of the southern border.

    2. A constitutional amendment that states in its entirety: “No person may be naturalized who has ever entered the United States as an adult, contrary to the law existing at that time.”

    No citizenship. The rest of it is wrangling.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  32. you have a link with that?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  33. i’m a just do a brunch somewheres close to the house i think

    i’m a try to get my ducks in a row in between configurings of these stupid devices

    happyfeet (831175)

  34. ropelight is such a natural born supporter of Trump.
    When ropelight’s not playing the birther card, then he’s bashing someone for their looks. He just bashed Rubio for his footwear and his receding hairline.
    Last week, he was calling Megyn Kelly a “lipstick lesbian” and a “hog.”

    There’s just this natural inclination by Team Trump to attack someone for their appearance rather than for their merit.

    But we conservatives prefer a society based on merit, rather than based on incidental attributes. Then again, Trump did inherit, what, a quarter billion dollars?
    As the old saying goes, ‘He was born on third base, yet he believes he hit a triple.’ And of course, while Trump’s standing proud and tall at third base, he’s cat-calling to the other team’s dugout.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  35. this is the contemporaneous translation of his remarks

    at the time, they were all buying the strichnine in the rnc’s autopsy, the examiner’s link is no longer extant, so one can’t tell if it’s verbatim,

    narciso (732bc0)

  36. So, I went and found the source

    And Rubio is not saying what you say he is saying. He STILL says that any kind of permanent status has to wait until after there is border security.

    But while that is happening, he points out they would not be subject to deportation IF they came in, IF they submitted to background checks, IF they paid whatever fines and back taxes were required, etc. I do not have any problem with that. I did not expect anything else.

    I take it that your position is that la migra should continue to raid businesses and homes until the last brick has been placed in the wall?

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  37. John Hinderaker at PowerLine labels the Cruz campaign’s “big announcement” language as false, and says it reinforces the idea that Cruz will do anything to win and will use Nixonian dirty tricks. That is obviously the media’s new spin but I’m diappointed Hinderaker fell for this without reading the full CNN report. Dana Bash said Carson was going to make a statement that night no matter what the results were. Calling it a “big anouncement” isn’t a stretch and Rubio’s campaign may have done the same.

    Sometimes it isn’t just the media or the Democrats who look for ways to make negative stories come true.

    DRJ (15874d)

  38. Kevin, this is all about bumper stickers, not nuance…let alone fact.

    I agree with you, but you will not convince the True Believers.

    Simon Jester (81b5fb)

  39. And this is why Trump is saying and implying illegality. The new spin is Cruz = Nixon, not Reagan.

    DRJ (15874d)

  40. DRJ, the idea that the press thinks of themselves not as Talking Heads but our betters is now fact. Yet they keeping making boneheaded mistakes.

    But because they are on a screen, people take them seriously.

    They are part of the New Clerisy.

    D versus R isn’t the issue anymore. It’s statists and nonstatists, I believe.

    Simon Jester (81b5fb)

  41. and yet we jump the gun repeatedly, like charlie brown and the football. the better part of valor, would have been to acknowledge that iowa was the best environment conducive to cruz’s pitch, because columbia is fraught with establishment landmines, but there was the obligatory
    ‘spiking the ball’ and one upmanship followed,

    narciso (732bc0)

  42. What was Carson thinking right before the Iowa Caucuses were beginning when he chose to reveal his plans to take a red-eye flight to Florida…rather than to New Hampshire?

    If that info gets misinterpreted or spun, that’s his own darn fault. Why did he feel compelled to put that info out just as people were convening to debate and vote on Monday night?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  43. true, but the reality is there is no power faction, that gains from border security, not the democrat sachems, or the multinationals, one would think the unions, but they have sought a transnational and frankly transemployment pose,

    narciso (732bc0)

  44. But there’s the rub. Campaign manager tells cauci that Carson looks like he is out. The cauci pass that on as a definite, “Carson is out. You need to switch your vote.”

    System of a fraud. Like they were born to it. That’s what you mean when you talk about the adequacy of his “ground game.”

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  45. ok Mr. P check your email make sure your tasty brunch didn’t get caught in your spam filter

    happyfeet (831175)

  46. I’m sick to death of Iowa. More each time I’m forced to use the mandated watered down gas.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  47. I think they were quite faithful to the book, what did you notice amiss.

    narciso (732bc0)

  48. Every campaign makes tactical political decisions. Some use tactics that rise to dirty tricks — I consider the story that Bush supposedly floated in SC about McCain’s illegitimate child to be an example of that — but IMO the things the Cruz campaign have done are basic political tactics and nowhere near dirty tricks.

    The Beltway folks know this better than anyone, so stories like this are another example of the establishment treating and viewing its voters as complete rubes.

    DRJ (15874d)

  49. let’s see um

    one thing i missed very much is we don’t get to meet Chrisjen’s assistant

    you learned so much about her and also her milieu through that relationship – when she consigns him to basic – that’s a big deal or at least I thought so

    what else

    Miller hasn’t spaced anybody and i feel like i should’ve seen that by now – I still have a few episodes left to see

    he needs to become morally compromised to set up that contrast with Mr. Holden

    that’s all that comes to mind right now i should’ve taken notes

    happyfeet (831175)

  50. papertiger, that’s not fraud—that’s just called amateur hour at the Carson campaign.
    What else are people supposed to think when a candidate reveals that information right before people are about to vote?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  51. he does come close, if memory serves, miller is much more careful about the provenance, of information, a timely consideration, holden is more trusting, and that gets him in a heap of trouble,

    narciso (732bc0)

  52. happyfeet, you missed out on sound awake. He was saying the same things about Goldman Sachs that you were saying. He even spelled and punctuated like you! He says he lives in Chicago, as well. You guys should get together and discuss your mutual interest in all things Trump. And pizza, too! 😉

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  53. yes yes he came close

    but he didn’t git r done – i think that’s a very odd choice and makes the station seem much less wild west than i remember it to be

    Havelock isn’t really clicking either btw

    he’s just not bringing anything to the table

    happyfeet (831175)

  54. oh I saw him a lil bit but i was busy

    i actually have to get back to work i am but 40% finished with my task

    happyfeet (831175)

  55. It’s a campaign, papertiger, not a totalitarian security state. Misunderstandings happen, and Cruz even apologized. The Cruz campaign didn’t make this story up; they took published information that was very unusual and came to a plausible conclusion abut Carson that was apparently incorrect. If that’s fraud, then most of these comments and virtually everything on the internet is fraud.

    DRJ (15874d)

  56. it was a big tome, sort of game of thrones, in space, and they managed to adapt it well, dresden just drops in at the end,

    narciso (732bc0)

  57. Pat Toomey joins Tim Scott in endorsing Rubio.

    Both of them Senators.

    Who was it that said Senators who work with Cruz don’t like him? Caught a bunch of grief for saying it.

    I can’t remember. Bad with names.

    It’ll come to me.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  58. Narciso, if you get a chance, the Expanse related novellas are interesting.

    I so enjoyed getting Amos’ backstory. Well, “enjoy” isn’t the right word.

    On the TV show, I love Alex.

    “I need some juice” is what my kids say when it is early and they need to get moving.

    Simon Jester (81b5fb)

  59. CNN pushed this, and yet Carson went after Cruz. It was a perfect opportunity for Carson to stand up to the MSM and call them out on this and add to his conservative creds. He didn’t see the bigger picture. Instead he went off on Cruz while Rump pulled the strings. Have to be savvier than that.

    Dana (86e864)

  60. Oops. Rump = Trump. iPad…

    Dana (86e864)

  61. Most of the Senators hate Cruz, just as Trump said. It would keep Cruz from being confirmedto the Supreme Court but it’s one of the best reasons for making Cruz President. IMO the Senate is corrupt.

    DRJ (15874d)

  62. Well, Trump has a point. Because we all know if Trump had heard that report he would have forcefully warned everyone on his campaign not to mention it until they got a firm and unambiguous announcement from Carson himself. Because Trump [snicker] is the very soul of circumspect [snicker] and unyielding honor and [HAH HAH HAH]

    Oh man, I just couldn’t keep a straight face.

    Cugel (5d1099)

  63. It’s statists and nonstatists, I believe.

    I’ve been looking at it that was since 1990.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  64. That is why the “conservatarian” viewpoint appeals to me, Kevin.

    Simon Jester (81b5fb)

  65. System of a fraud. Like they were born to it. That’s what you mean when you talk about the adequacy of his “ground game.”

    Were was Carson’s man saying ON NO HE ISN’T!!!!! Did someone steal the Trump manager’s phone? Really, this all sounds like the guy who challenged Butch Cassidy to a knife fight complaining about the rules afterwards.

    Some of the people were on the ball, some were not. That is what the caucus is designed to test, and it did so amazingly well.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  66. the Expanse

    I liked the TV version, although I wish they had not stopped halfway though the first book. It’s going to be a LONG time to get it all done at this rate.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  67. Trump saying Cruz is hated by the Washington Establishment so you should vote for Trump, who can get along with the Washington Establishment was called out, because we don’t want to get along with the turds in Washington. We want to flush them.

    John Hitchcock (b09b88)

  68. DRJ–

    If a president nominated Senator Cruz to the Court, I think he’d be confirmed by a GOP majority. The only thing they would not like is his feeling that Art I, Section 8 is a limitation instead of a starting point, but there a lot of that going around — Cruz is hardly unique. Besides, they’d see the back of him.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  69. circumspect [snicker]

    Trump is a schmuck for missing it and a double schmuck for complaining about missing it.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  70. Jimmy Carter had a great insight about Trump and Cruz. Many of you have probably seen it because Steven Hayward highlights it over at Powerline, but for any who hasn’t:

    “If I had a choice of Republican nominees, between Cruz and Trump, I think I would choose. Trump – which may surprise some of you,” he told an audience in the House of Lords.

    “The reason is, Trump has proven already that he is completely malleable. I don’t think he has any fixed opinion that he would fight for.

    “On the other hand Ted Cruz is not malleable. He has far right-wing politics, in my opinion, that would be pursued aggressively if he wins.”

    As an ex-President, I suppose he has to use fifty cent words; my word choice would be courser.

    ThOR (a52560)

  71. I’m not sure if senators endorsing Rubio is such a good thing…for Rubio
    Didn’t they get the idea yet that people are fed up with DC and want an outsider to go in and shake things up, even if one is a poorly suited candidate like Trump or Carson???

    If Toomey wants to soft-sell his conservatism he may find out that he will suffer from low voter turnout come reelection time.

    MD in Philly (not in Philly) (deca84)

  72. Interesting that Carson publicly went after Cruz as if it originated from him or he knew about it all along, and yet said nothing about CNN, but it was a different story to his supporters in a fundraising letter:

    In his most recent email, the retired neurosurgeon called out CNN specifically for leading voters to believe he was suspending his campaign on Monday night. “It was yet another example of creating rather than reporting the news, and it’s wrong,” he said.

    Carson asked supporters to “stand for accountability” by making a donation to his campaign, with two separate hyperlinks that moved users to his fundraising page.

    “Politics is a nasty business. It’s why so many Americans, including me, have been disillusioned. Personal ambition and conflict are often valued more than honesty, substance and solutions,” he said in the email.

    Dana (86e864)

  73. Today, when Barack visited a controversial mosque in Baltimore, he said that Islam “has always been a part of America.”
    Apparently, the longest standing mosque only dates back to 1934, in Iowa, of all places. Again, because it’s “always been a part of America.”

    Aw, Barack…

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  74. Off topic, but regular readers might be happy to read about Brett Kimberlin’s latest thumping, this time in the Maryland Court of Special Appeals, here:

    Aaron "Worthing" Walker (43be7a)

  75. Something to consider? The opinion of man with such a sterling record is hard to discount…

    “HISTORY’S GREATEST MONSTER WEIGHS IN: Jimmy Carter: I’d Choose Trump.”

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. MD,

    Senators supporting Rubio is right up there with NYT endorsing Kasich. Not all endorsements are a good thing for a candidate.

    Dana (86e864)

  77. Everybody’s a RINO! (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  78. So Carson does nothing to stop the Cruz shaming, and even blames him, but when he wants to raise money, he turns to shaming CNN because he knows that Cruz is the second choice of evangelical voters who just might change their minds.

    Dana (86e864)

  79. It’s the circle of life.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  80. ok Mr. P check your email make sure your tasty brunch didn’t get caught in your spam filter

    Aw, happyfeet, thanks! I was just teasin’ you. I didn’t really expect pancakes!

    I could eat pancakes for a month on that!

    Anyway, I appreciate it. Another reason to be happy about Cruz’s win in Iowa!

    Patterico (e2d7ec)

  81. If this were an episode of Star Trek, Kirk would use the Carter endorsement to make my computer explode.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  82. Rubio has been on Spanish Language TV touting legalization before boarder security.

    And you know this how? You’ve seen the interviews, and speak enough Spanish to know what he said on them? You’ve seen reliable transcripts and reliable translations?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  83. By the way, I think boarder security is a great idea. Lodging houses are a hotbed of crime. Do they even exist any more?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  84. ropelight —

    He is actually born in Florida and has lived all his life here. You are just trolling now.

    No, he’s repeating a theory that’s been floating around since 2008, that both parents have to be citizens too, which means Chester A Arthur and Barack 0bama were both ineligible for election.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  85. Jim Hoft is the same one who had first-hand information about Darrel Wilson’s injuries, that turned out to be BS.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  86. A BBC reporter (heavily booed) asked Carter if he had to choose between Cruz and Trump for the nomination.

    Just for the sake of UK socialists. If you want to talk about backhanded endorsement, they took up a petition to bar Donald Trump from entry in the UK.

    Cruz is free to visit without objection.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  87. But there’s the rub. Campaign manager tells cauci that Carson looks like he is out. The cauci pass that on as a definite, “Carson is out. You need to switch your vote.”

    System of a fraud. Like they were born to it. That’s what you mean when you talk about the adequacy of his “ground game.”

    How is that fraud? That’s how anyone hearing the news understood it. I think that’s what it actually meant, at the time; I can’t think of a reasonable explanation for Carson’s actions except that he did intend to drop out, and then changed his mind when he saw how well he’d done. Which means he is the one deliberately lying. In any case, it was the job of his representatives at each caucus to say that he wasn’t dropping out, if that was the current pravda.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  88. And they paid good money for the curse of a Jimmy Carter visit.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  89. Some use tactics that rise to dirty tricks — I consider the story that Bush supposedly floated in SC about McCain’s illegitimate child to be an example of that

    The key word there being “supposedly”. And yes, that is an example of a dirty trick; it was quite dirty of McCain’s people to claim that Bush’s people had spread such a story.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  90. Pretty sure I saw a report of Cruz apologizing to Carson. You don’t apologize for being in the right.

    Unless it’s your wife.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  91. Pat Toomey joins Tim Scott in endorsing Rubio.

    Hmm, that should carry some weight. Toomey is a serious conservative. So’s Scott.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  92. Today, when Barack visited a controversial mosque in Baltimore, he said that Islam “has always been a part of America.”

    Didn’t he once claim that Moslems had discovered America, or some such stupid nonsense?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  93. Jimmy Carter: I’d Choose Trump.”

    Well, he’s peeved at having recently lost the title of “worst president in at least a century”.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  94. Pretty sure I saw a report of Cruz apologizing to Carson. You don’t apologize for being in the right.

    Unless it’s your wife.

    You apologize when you made a mistake, even if it was a reasonable one to make.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  95. Jimmy Carter is the last time Iowa’s caucus picked the eventual president. For what it’s worth.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  96. Pretty sure I saw a report of Cruz apologizing to Carson. You don’t apologize for being in the right.

    Carson said today in his press conference, which I watched, that Cruz had apologized to him — and told him that he hadn’t known it had happened.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  97. #80: Mr. Feet, a true gentleman always pays his debts. I applaud this action very much, and believe it speaks well of your character.

    My opinion does not matter; I am simply honoring your action.

    Simon Jester (81b5fb)

  98. I don’t even think he owed a “debt” since really he just offered a bet that I didn’t accept and thus put myself on the hook for. So it’s just a nice gesture. Which also speaks well of his character.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  99. Canada crud is a nastier version of richard nixon with out the charm! tricky dick(rafael) strikes again!

    trumpet (888f14)

  100. In giving his support to Alfalfa, Santorum just proved he is a amnesty loving dolt.

    mg (31009b)

  101. Toomey is a serious conservative. So’s Scott.

    Milhouse (87c499) — 2/3/2016 @ 10:11 pm

    Toomey at 62%, Scott 82%. When my generation that was school, that would have been an F and a C, respectively.

    Rock solid serious, those two are.

    Toomey is one half of my Senatorial delegation, the dumbass and the dick. Toomey is not dumb.

    Matador (57a586)

  102. Sorry, it didn’t look like that in the preview…

    Matador (57a586)

  103. McCain seems to blame Bush for the smear, Milhouse, although he got past it.

    DRJ (15874d)

  104. #89 Milhouse has it exactly right. Carson’s people had every opportunity to set the record straight anywhere the reported rumor was being pushed as a reason to support somebody other than Carson. Since Carson did a little better than expected they must have done just fine.

    CNN may have started the rumor and the Cruz team may have spread it but who gave @moody the story in the first place? Who would know the details of Carson’s early departure and 72 hour schedule but his own people?

    It must be a total coincidence that Trump prefers the Clintonian politics of personal destruction and platitudes to a serious debate on the issues.

    crazy (cde091)

  105. Well, Trump has a point. Because we all know if Trump had heard that report he would have forcefully warned everyone on his campaign not to mention it until they got a firm and unambiguous announcement from Carson himself. Because Trump [snicker] is the very soul of circumspect [snicker] and unyielding honor and [HAH HAH HAH]

    A captious person* might point out that the media is Trump’s campaign.

    (*But Milhouse didn’t, so I will.)

    nk (dbc370)

  106. McCain seems to blame Bush for the smear, Milhouse, although he got past it.

    Yes, of course he does. And you believe him why?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  107. Except a local weasel, sullivan, who is now working for Rubio was responsible.

    narciso (48ecae)

  108. Toomey at 62%, Scott 82%.

    Club For Growth has Toomey and Scott each with a lifetime score of 92%, though for 2014 their scores are only 86% and 90% respecively.

    Cato’s scorecard is a bit dated, but it has Toomey at 100% and has not yet rated Scott

    Milhouse (87c499)

  109. How about the staff that all defected to rubio, at least in new hampshire, cui bono.

    narciso (48ecae)

  110. I believe it because the family business is politics and using a push poll to influence voters is part of politics. And Bush was desperate, and desperate people do things like that. But I could be wrong. It’s just my opinion, not a fact.

    DRJ (15874d)

  111. “Uncle Bernie/Admiral Ted”

    We’re so sorry Uncle Bernie
    We’re so sorry if it all has been in vain
    We’re so sorry Uncle Bernie
    But there’s no one left to fool
    And we believe she’s gonna reign
    We’re so sorry but there’s never been a way
    We’re so sorry Uncle Bernie
    But she’s prison-bound for certain if we’ve anything to say
    We’re so sorry Uncle Bernie
    But she hasn’t said a bloody thing all day
    We’re so sorry Uncle Bernie
    But her temper’s on the boil and we all hope she’s gonna pay
    Hands in cuffs they oughtta (oughtta)
    (Put her) Head under the axe
    Hands in cuffs they oughtta (oughtta)
    (Put her) Head under the axe

    Admiral Ted’s first instinct was flee
    He had too many drinks and he kilt Kopechne
    He took a little swim and lost his memory and he told a lie
    (The auto wouldn’t float so he had to tell a lie)

    Sent from my iPhone

    Colonel Haiku (209597)

  112. you’re welcome Mr. P I’m very very impressed with your iowa call

    that was perspicacious!

    happyfeet (831175)

  113. Rubio is the GOP establishment’s public face for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (legalization). Elect him and no wall will be built, the millions of illegal aliens will remain here and more will come, most of which will immediately apply for the entire array of benefits enacted for citizens but foolishly extended to illegals.

    These parasites will overwhelm the nation’s ability to supply them with free – food, housing, utilities, telephones, medical care, and legal services. Once they get the vote, the USA as we know it will be reduced to a 3rd world hell hole with the likes of Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Carlos Danger in place of Uncle Sam.

    ropelight (b3812c)

  114. DRJ, have you considered the alternative explanation that I gave — that it was McCain’s dirty trick rather than Bush’s? Do you not think McCain capable of such underhandedness?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  115. Speaking of Bush in 2000, I wonder how things might have turned out had Jeb Bush defeated Lawton Chiles for Governor in 1994, the same year that GW defeated Ann Richards in TX.
    Chiles beat Jeb by a painful sliver of a margin. Of course, Jeb came back to win in ’98, but that didn’t give him the requisite time to accrue a governing record which would enable him to run for Prez in 2000.

    My point is merely that Jeb was generally considered the brainy potential political heir among the family. I don’t think the left could ever have gotten away with the same “Bush is dumb” memes they eventually were able to paint GW with.
    I’m just hypothesizing that if JEB had won in ’94 and therefore been the Bush to run for Prez in 2000 with his solid governing record, we probably would not have had the whole “Florida was stolen!!!” quagmire because Jeb would have likely won the state by a decent enough margin. I realize it’s all just a bunch of “what if…” but it’s still a little fun food for thought.

    I’m also thinking how things might have turned out had Reagan chosen Jack Kemp as his running mate in 1980 (he was on the shortlist) rather than GHW Bush, but that’s for another day.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  116. ropelight, Rubio is in favor of securing the border and you know it. You seem to employ this little parlor game of ignoring every flip-flop of an issue by Donnie Trump, yet holding his primary opponents to their unpopular OLD stance on an issue rather than their current position.

    But if you want to be fair, you should still consider Hillary Clinton to be a Goldwater Girl, right?

    And Donnie Trump should still be considered a Hillary Clinton Guy, right?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  117. If Reagan wanted a football player for VP, he would have picked one with good knees. Bush Sr. (CIA, first ambassador to China) was a great choice of VP for a guy like Reagan with great foreign policy ideas but no foreign policy experience.

    nk (dbc370)

  118. #117 nk, Oh yes, I agree that Bush Sr was probably the most logical choice for VP at the time, as you say, with his foreign policy chops. I was just surmising what having Jack Kemp as the heir to Reagan would have done for the party. Bush Sr lacked the “vision thing.” On the other hand, Kemp was so good at communicating, particular on issues of climbing the economic ladder, and he would have been able to deflect the “you elitist old white guys don’t care about black people” label that has been affixed to the party.

    There’s a multi-part documentary that the NFL Network did several years ago about the AFL, it’s called, “Full Color Football,” (available to see on YouTube) and I seem to recall an old player speculating how good a quarterback Kemp COULD have been had he spent half the time studying the playbook and game film that he was actually spending reading about economics. Apparently, when Kemp was on the airplane or the team bus, his head was always buried in books about economics and history.

    Kemp was close with Art Laffer going all the way back to the early 1970s, and I think I read somewhere that Kemp was the guy who may have actually introduced Laffer to Reagan.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  119. #117, Yeah, nk, great idea – pick a CIA guy for VP who was up to his chinny chin chin in the Bay of Pigs fiasco, one who was involved in the CIA’s assassination of JFK, and one who when he saw a shortcut to the Oval Office for himself rolled the dice.

    Bush was the worst mistake of Reagan’s life and that’s what it damn near cost him – his life.

    ropelight (b3812c)

  120. #119 ropelight, so now Bush Sr is partially culpable for the assassination of JFK? Oh goodness. Why am I not surprised that you’re a Trump guy. For an encore, will you reveal that Bush Sr helped smuggle Amelia Earhart back to America where she quietly re-invented herself as a receptionist at a dental office in Fargo, South Dakota?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  121. Milhouse,

    It’s possible, but the Bushes have a history of doing whatever it takes to win. I don’t say that as a criticism — more as a compliment, actually. Even though I think the McCain push poll was wrong, politics is a dirty business and I want politicians who fight to win. Foreign affairs is even dirtier so these are useful skills, from that perspective.

    The Bushes are personable but intellectually average people who have used their networking abilities to make the most of their opportunities. Those are valuable skills for politicians to have, and they include having people who are willing to do whatever it takes to win. I think the Bushes will go further to win than McCain would, but you are certainly free to reach a different conclusion.

    DRJ (15874d)

  122. The Bushes are personable but intellectually average people who have used their networking abilities to make the most of their opportunities.

    Sounds kinda like Marco Rubio.

    Patterico (86c8ed)

  123. Yeah, the turtle on a fence-post quip.

    nk (dbc370)

  124. #119 ropelight, so now Bush Sr is partially culpable for the assassination of JFK? Oh goodness. Why am I not surprised that you’re a Trump guy. For an encore, will you reveal that Bush Sr helped smuggle Amelia Earhart back to America where she quietly re-invented herself as a receptionist at a dental office in Fargo, South Dakota?

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 2/4/2016 @ 7:36 am

    He seems to be saying Bush tried to assassinate Reagan.

    Gerald A (5dca03)

  125. #124 GeraldA, Yeah, so ropelight’s got GHW Bush responsible for a hand in JFK’s death, as well as almost successfully having Reagan murdered. By next week, he may assert that GHW Bush helped plan James Garfield’s assassination, too.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  126. My recollection is that Reagan’a choice of Bush over Kemp was designed to bring the party together. GHWB had been Reagan’s fiercest critic (voodoo economics, etc). Seems like it worked out until GHWB was free to be himself in the ’92 election.

    The more Trump continues his campaign of personal destruction against his republican rivals the less it seems likely the party can come back together against Hillary in the fall. Maybe that’s his real objective. His politics and his money have always been closer to the Clinton’s than the average republican.

    crazy (cde091)

  127. Ask yourself who would have benefited from Reagan’s assassination. Then ask yourself what prior connections did Bush have with the family of Reagan’s would be assassin.

    If you’re interested.

    ropelight (b3812c)

  128. Pattern Co 122,

    I hadn’t thought of that but it could be true. The problem with politicians is that, for many, their motivation is themselves. They rationalize it by saying that what’s best for them and their families will also help other families, or that they have to protect themselves so they can stay in office and “help” other people, or that (what I call the Kennedy approach) politics is a career so doing what’s best for themselves is the American way!

    It’s also interesting to see politicians,especially Republic Lucan politicians, turn this against Cruz when they claim that he is only in this race to promise himself. All politics is about the candidate at some level, but I think it’s mostly projection. They think Cruz has no motives other than his own success because they have no other motives.

    DRJ (15874d)

  129. Heh. Patterico, not Pattern Co.

    DRJ (15874d)

  130. Try again:

    It’s also interesting to see politicians, especially Republican politicians, turn this against Cruz when they claim that he is only in this race to promote himself. All politics is about the candidate at some level, but I think it’s mostly projection. They think Cruz has no motives other than his own success because they have no other motives.

    Tablets are so handy but autocorrect is killing me.

    DRJ (15874d)

  131. Down the rabbit hole you go, that tidbit came from Jefferson morley, who is deep into the crazy.

    narciso (732bc0)

  132. ropelight, you’re missing the obvious. Sure Bush 41 had the most to gain and I’ll take your word for his connection to Hinckley. But the best evidence that it was a Bush operation is 1) that it failed 2) causing more collateral damage to innocent bystanders than it did to the intended target.

    nk (dbc370)

  133. you can disable autocorrect in settings at least in android i’m not a big apple guy

    happyfeet (831175)

  134. That’s true, hf, and you have told me that before but it’s handy sometimes. What I need to do is refine the list of words/names it recognizes, but there’s always something better to do.

    DRJ (15874d)

  135. Republic Lucan is good.

    nk (dbc370)

  136. I have it on good authority that ropelight is none other than James Ellroy…

    Colonel Haiku (209597)

  137. Ask yourself who would have benefited from Reagan’s assassination. Then ask yourself what prior connections did Bush have with the family of Reagan’s would be assassin.

    If you’re interested.

    ropelight (b3812c) — 2/4/2016 @ 8:18 am

    This is someone who is incapable of stepping back and thinking about what they’re saying.

    John Hinckley’s Jr.’s father, John Hinckley Sr., was a Texas oilman who supported Bush’s Presidential run in 1980. From that we’re supposed to infer that Bush was behind the assassination attempt. So we’re supposed to believe Bush told Hinckley Sr. to get Reagan killed, and the method this wealthy businessman came up with was to tell his son to do it. You’d think this businessman could figure out some way to do it that did not involve getting his own son jailed, and one that would not draw any attention to himself.

    The fact that that scenario seems plausible to ropelight speaks volumes.

    Gerald A (5dca03)

  138. One at a time. #132, nk, same problem at the Bay of Pigs. Look up the names of the transport and supply ships at the Invasion de Playa Giron where the brave men of Brgada Asalto paid the price for our government’s treachery.

    ropelight (b3812c)

  139. ropelight, did Hinckley JR admit to this conspiracy when you were residing across the hallway from him in the institution? (LOL)

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  140. It was probably more like

    “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Bush family to the Hinckley family.
    George, Barbara and the boys.

    PS Have you heard the rumor that Reagan is screwing Jodie Foster? Right in the Oval Office, too.”

    nk (dbc370)

  141. #137, Gerald, you have to look beyond the surface, the waters are so dark and murky it’s difficult to see unless you wait for the detritus to settle, and since the conspirators have salted the historical record, well, let’s just say connecting the dots is not a linear exercise.

    If you take the time to look back into the relationship between HW Bush and the Hinckley family you’ll find that Hinckley was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and was only saved at the generous involvement of HW Bush. Without Bush’s intervention Hinckley was doomed to the poor house.

    Additionally, on the day after the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan (which would have put HW Bush in the Oval Office) Bush’s oldest son was scheduled to meet with Hinckley’s brother for supper at the home of mutual friends.

    Taken at face value none of the 3 events seem sufficiently related to draw any firm conclusions. Taken at the level of CIA involvement in the selection of America’s chief executives since the murder of JFK, you’d be a fool to assume the White Hand couldn’t possibly be involved.

    ropelight (b3812c)

  142. Gerald A (5dca03) — 2/4/2016 @ 9:24 am

    You’d think this businessman could figure out some way to do it that did not involve getting his own son jailed, and one that would not draw any attention to himself.

    The fact that that scenario seems plausible to ropelight speaks volumes.

    But if it was his son’s idea, and he didn’t tell his father, it kind of makes sense, though. That would mean he wasn’t so crazy, after all. Except that he couldn’t do it undetected, but maybe he figured – what could he figure?

    Sammy Finkelman (dbec95)

  143. The Bushes knew the Rockefellers, too. That whole “Michael Rockefeller disappeared near New Guinea in 1961” story was never believable, anyway.
    We shouldn’t rule out Bush’s involvement in that. In fact, he might have facilitated the JFK murder two years later in order to throw people off of the Rockefeller investigation.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  144. Additionally, on the day after the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan (which would have put HW Bush in the Oval Office) Bush’s oldest son was scheduled to meet with Hinckley’s brother for supper at the home of mutual friends.

    ropelight (b3812c) — 2/4/2016 @ 10:05 am

    Yes I saw that the conspiracy wackos think that means something. What it’s logically supposed to mean, I have no idea.

    Taken at the level of CIA involvement in the selection of America’s chief executives since the murder of JFK, you’d be a fool to assume the White Hand couldn’t possibly be involved.

    Some kind of loony circular reasoning going on.

    Do you just spew random thoughts? I thought the Hinckleys were behind it. But now it’s the CIA. Why did the Hinckleys have to get involved?

    As I said ropelight, you’re someone who is incapable of stepping back and thinking about what you’re saying.

    Gerald A (5dca03)

  145. Yeah, nk, great idea – pick a CIA guy for VP who was up to his chinny chin chin in the Bay of Pigs fiasco, one who was involved in the CIA’s assassination of JFK,

    Since when was Bush a CIA guy? He was CIA Director for less than a year, more than 12 years after JFK and nearly 15 years after the Bay of Pigs. What other involvement did he ever have with the CIA?

    Milhouse (87c499)

  146. “Cruz jokingly suggested that Trump is so erratic that the American people might wake up one morning to find that The Donald had nuked Denmark. ”

    To clarify: are we saying that’s a good, or a bad thing? 😛

    scrubone (c3104f)

  147. If Trump is so erratic, why did Rubio adopt Trump’s positions?
    Stuff Rubio promises voters.

    He even copied the “Make America Great Again” line three or four times.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  148. If Trump is so erratic, why did Rubio adopt Trump’s positions?

    You do realize that makes the opposite of sense, don’t you? If Trump is erratic, then it’s impossible not to adopt positions that have been, or will be, Trump’s.

    Milhouse (87c499)

  149. papertiger, Trump has held every position of every issue. So as Milhouse infers, eventually there will be an intersection of Trump sharing a position with another candidate.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  150. Mllhouse-

    Some rumors Poppy’s Zapata Oil was a a CIA front in the Middle East and Latin America. No proof, whispers only. Seems very odd for a very connected very rich Senator’s Yalie son from Connecticut to become a Texas wildcat oil guy.

    Bugg (db3a97)

  151. That’s true, hf, and you have told me that before but it’s handy sometimes.

    Android’s autocorrect LEARNS and about the 3rd time you type “Patter” it has “Patterico” on prompt.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  152. I have it on good authority that ropelight is none other than James Ellroy

    I doubt that.

    1) Mr Ellroy would write better.
    2) His conspiracy theories would be MUCH better
    3) He would not spend a lot of time here.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

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