Patterico's Pontifications


Boycotting Arizona (Updated)

Filed under: Immigration — DRJ @ 6:41 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

In response to the neighboring state’s new policy on illegal immigration, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering a resolution to end all city contracts with Arizona-based companies and stop doing business with the state. Read and comment on aunursa’s post at The Jury and, if you want, vote on this poll:


UPDATE: An activist calls on baseball fans to boycott the Arizona Diamondbacks:

“The Diamondbacks are like ambassadors from Arizona to the rest of the country, and the world for that matter, and we want fans to stay away until the law is rescinded or neutralized,” said Tony Herrera, an activist with a national group calling itself the Great Arizona Boycott 2010.

Herrera said his group is urging fans to refrain not only from going to Diamondback games, but also from buying the club’s T-shirts and other merchandise. He said activists would form picket lines to pressure fans not to attend a game in Chicago against the Cubs scheduled for Thursday.”

There you go. Make Chicago suffer.

35 Responses to “Boycotting Arizona (Updated)”


    Patterico (c218bd)

  2. I live approximately 75 miles away from Baghdad-by-the-Bay and if I want to experience human waste in building doorways, aggressive panhandling, junkie shooting galleries, high-priced ethnic food and fog, it’s just a short drive.

    GeneralMalaise (0a752b)

  3. I’m probably going to decide to go to a convention in Tempe the first week of June after all.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  4. I was going to be in Scottsdale and Phoenix this summer (I had not choice in the scheduling), and if the leftists and the NY Times and the rest do attempt to boycott, I will extend my stay and do only touristy things like golf, eat out, rent a car, stay in nice hotels, etc. to maximize my tax footprint while there.

    JD (c1a2b8)

  5. I updated the post.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  6. I have no qualms with boycotting the Cubs.

    JD (c1a2b8)

  7. JD, you always take the easy way out.

    Hey, if you are going to be in Phoenix/Scottsdale the first week of June, kick me an email.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  8. You can never go wrong with making fun of the Cubs, SPQR. And I will do so.

    JD (c1a2b8)

  9. JD, You need to go to You Tube and search for a 23 second-long video titled: Ian Loves the White Sox.

    Ian makes a brief comment about the Cubs as well.

    elissa (b8aaf9)

  10. elissa – I will listen to Goodman’s song about the Cubbies while doing so, I think it is called “Do They Still Play the Blues in Chicago”, or “A Dying Cubs Fan’s Last Request”

    Oh, here it is …

    You can listen down at the bottom of the page.

    You are welcome.

    JD (c1a2b8)

  11. Hey, if there’s a boycott when Az plays in Philly I’ll take advantage and go see a game. Usually the place is packed, and I’ve never been to the new baseball stadium.

    MD in Philly (0f793a)

  12. JD, if you are gonna be around in Phoenix in early June, perhaps some of us should consider an Ace of Spades type moron hook up. What say you Arizonans? Cave Creek man, myself.

    gazzer (7588eb)

  13. I am still waiting on the dates, but I will let you guys know. Scheduling is pretty much out of my hands.

    JD (c1a2b8)

  14. well, if CA passes the new gun registration law, AZ will be the nearest place to buy toys, and HRH has been mumbling about going there to buy ammo anyway…

    i wonder how an initiative to pass this law in CA would go over?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  15. I hear Mexicans are going to boycott traveling to Arizona.

    Kevin Murphy (5ae73e)

  16. If this law results in fewer liberals visiting and/or moving to AZ, then I say “Hurrah!”

    Icy Texan (0cfaa3)

  17. Chicago is already suffering. Now mayor Daley wants to sue gun manufacturers in the World Court because, you know, those gangbangers wouldn’t commit any crimes without the evil gun manufacturers.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  18. Rochf – Sounds like the National Guard should move in. Decades upon decades of mealy-mouthed liberal policies results in a war zone in the streets, and they are surprised? I blame guns.

    JD (d55760)

  19. I stopped going to SF when I realized the whole city smells like urine.

    Because it’s covered in urine.

    Patricia (5f1523)

  20. The media will now give accurate and balanced coverage of the Arizona immigration bill, thanks to new marching orders from a journalism professor who has absolutely no political agenda.


    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  21. I was hoping the Packers were playing the Cardinals at Lambeau this year. No such luck. Maybe with the boycott, I could have gotten a ticket from a Liberal fair weather fan.

    Now will have to be content on perhaps a car trip to visit relatives in AZ. Could I get fortunate enough to meet Sheriff Arpaio without committing a crime?

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  22. San Francisco has always been a beautiful city. And that’s why it gets colonized by every trash possible. It took an earthquake and a fire to get rid of the Barbary Coast and its lowlifes. Maybe it’s time for it to happen again. Where are you, Gaia?

    nk (db4a41)

  23. JD–I was listening to a a call-in radio program–one of the callers asked, if the National Guard is deployed in Chicago, and they shoot someone, will the guard be subject to a military court, civil court, or something else. Of course, the crazy headline-seeking Chicago pols haven’t thought that far ahead.

    On the other hand, Chicago senator Sandoval is going to conduct hearings on why the evil University of Illinois, to whom the State owes about $450 million, is raising tuition. The STate of Illinois continues to be in good hands. sarc/off.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  24. I feel for you, Rochf. Once my alma mater lost the protection of Sen. Weaver and Rep. Johnson, it was only a matter of time until the State effed it up.

    JD (d55760)

  25. So San Francisco is run by anti-American traitors.

    They should name high schools after Julius Rosenberg and Benedict Arnold.

    Now mayor Daley wants to sue gun manufacturers in the World Court because, you know, those gangbangers wouldn’t commit any crimes without the evil gun manufacturers.

    When did he want this?

    San Francisco has always been a beautiful city. And that’s why it gets colonized by every trash possible. It took an earthquake and a fire to get rid of the Barbary Coast and its lowlifes. Maybe it’s time for it to happen again. Where are you, Gaia?

    If only American patriots can colonize it.

    Secret Squirrel (6a1582)

  26. GO DBACKS!!

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  27. Comment by redc1c4 — 4/27/2010 @ 10:45 pm

    The new long-gun registration scheme should be nowhere as draconian as to what we deal with with handguns,
    but it is a start down the inevitable slippery slope, and needs to be defeated.
    There are already too many long-guns not available in CA because they fall under the pernicious dictates of the various A-W bans that our enlightened betters in Sacramento have passed down upon us.
    But, since they have solved the financial difficulties that the State once faced, minor legislation like this will be taken up to occupy their time.

    AD - RtR/OS! (ecaeda)

  28. A damning indictment:

    “We protect the borders of other nations better than our own,” added Cong.Ted Poe (R-Texas).
    H/T- FoxNews.

    AD - RtR/OS! (ecaeda)

  29. Who is that at your link, Brother Bradley?

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  30. DRJ,
    That is Tim McGuire, a journo professor at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Ariz. State University.

    My sense is that McGuire doesn’t much like the Arizona law. I get that from the overwrought, guilt-tripping preachiness with which he approaches the topic, despite the formulaic invocations of neutrality. McGuire’s use of loaded framing language such as: “The state of Arizona has been down the road of national race controversy before,” and avoiding “cheap repetition of prejudiced beliefs” gives away the agenda.

    So to McGuire, this is a story about racial controversy, and challenging “prejudiced beliefs.” Not about securing borders against violence that threatens to spin out of control.

    McGuire uncritically recites the New York Times’ framing that:
    “The political debate leading up to Ms. Brewer’s decision, and Mr. Obama’s criticism of the law — presidents very rarely weigh in on state legislation — underscored the power of the immigration debate in states along the Mexican border. It presaged the polarizing arguments that await the president and Congress as they take up the issue nationally.”

    Under that formulation, Obama and Congress are just passive players, they “await” the polarizing arguments. But Obama is actively polarizing the debate, making nasty slurs against a state suffering from the federal government’s neglect of its duties.

    McGuire also seems not to know his left from his right. He claims that both sides of the spectrum condemned Seth Meyer’s odious SNL Nazi comparison, but McGuire’s link to the alleged left went to a site that criticizes the left. Couldn’t McGuire find an actual leftist who condemned that hateful fantasy?

    Also, McGuire used the word “illegal” just once, while using the weasel euphemism “undocumented people” twice.

    And his concluding words, although written in pseudo-neutral language, spell out McGuire’s purpose:

    Last week much was made of the fact that 70 percent of Arizonans supported the signing of this bill. Some believe that poll was the catalyst behind the governor’s signature. As the national spotlight glare intensifies that number could harden or it could deteriorate. How Arizonans respond to the national portrayal of the state will be a crucial part of this story. It is crucial for Arizona media to report the evolution of that national attention aggressively and responsibly.

    Translation: If the media makes Arizona look bad enough in the eyes of the public, maybe it will repeal the law.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  31. I got that feeling from reading the link but your analysis makes it clear. Thanks, Bradley.

    DRJ (d15e92)

  32. How Arizonans respond probably has a lot more to do with a real threat as opposed to perceived threat.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  33. DRJ,
    You’re welcome. Being in the field, I’m aware of the various stunts pulled to feign neutrality. Sad thing is, McGuire’s cub journalists probably think his agenda represents ideologically fair journalism. Just what we need: more brainwashed hacks to further undermine public confidence in journalism.

    BTW, KFI radio’s John and Ken will be broadcasting Tuesday from Phoenix. You probably know about them — Patterico certainly does. They are LA-based talk show hosts who tend toward libertarianism. They are outrageously hyperbolic for entertainment purposes but also dead-on serious about issues of personal liberty and restricting government. They strongly support the Arizona illegal immigration law.

    I highly recommend their podcasts.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  34. McGuire retired in June of 2002 as editor and Senior Vice President of the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. He served in that position since 1992. Prior to that, he was managing editor of the Star Tribune. He joined the company in 1979 as managing editor of the Star.”
    ASU bio info…

    Certainly all the trademarks of a balanced journo, which I’m sure will be confirmed by the guys at Powerline.

    AD - RtR/OS! (ecaeda)

  35. more brainwashed hacks to further undermine public confidence in journalism.

    what confidence? that its hopelessly skewed misinformation and that we are being lied to for someone else’s gain?

    i have 100 percent confidence in that scenario.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

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