Patterico's Pontifications


Obama’s Rules of Order

Filed under: Health Care,Obama — DRJ @ 4:00 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

One of President Obama’s favorite philosophers is Reinhold Niebuhr who is famous for his Serenity Prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,” he began, “the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

DRJ’s Addendum is that it helps to make fun of things you don’t like but can’t change … which in my case is Obama’s health care legislation and summit. That’s probably why I like Obama’s Rules of Order courtesy of Ace.


9 Responses to “Obama’s Rules of Order”

  1. pass the Val-U-Rite!

    i’m pretty sure Gabe complied those, btw…. %-)

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. You’re correct. Ace says at the link that Gabe wrote the first 4 rules and he wrote the 5th.

    DRJ (6a8003)

  3. Cool rules.

    HeavenSent (c3c032)

  4. 60 ccs is little more than a double shot, two ounces. I can’t believe that our health care system cannot cover that even for 104 year olds. That is terrible and I think the Democrats may have won a point with this one.

    nk (db4a41)

  5. If they aren’t in campaign mode any more then why are they still lying?

    Amphipolis (17a9b7)

  6. Obama’s answer? “We’re not in campaign mode anymore.”

    He doesn’t answer the charges. He just claims that to talk about how corrupt the process is would be unhelpful.

    Unhelpful for him, he means.

    Obama’s Rules of Order: As noted in an update to an earlier thread, Gabe has been keeping track of “rules” Obama keeps setting down in order to secure a rhetorical advantage for himself:

    1. Democrats get more time because “I’m the President.”

    2. Republicans may not criticise my bill. They can only talk about things on which we agree.

    3. Republicans may not use the word “Washington” because it tips the scales.

    4. Republicans may not use or reference an actual copy of the Senate bill. That’s a “prop” and it’s unfair.

    And add to that 5:

    5. We’re not in “campaign mode anymore,” by which he means McCain cannot mention his dirty dealings.

    On the other hand, Democrats are allowed to introduce props — some guy just showed a three-page Blue Cross pre-existing-condition-exclusion list — and of course can use their favorite rhetorical tactic of telling a story of, say, Sally Mae Hirshberg, a spry, elfin great-grandmother, 104 years young, recently forced to eat cat food because her health care provider refused to cover her for the 60 cubic centimeter breast implants she so desperately needed.

    Cantor… …is definitely in campaign mode. He’s talking up all the increased taxes and how that will cause people to lose their coverage.

    JD (b537f4)

  7. Because if they ever told the truth, nobody would ever vote for them, ever!

    AD - RtR/OS! (116c8a)

  8. Oh, my comment was from Ace/Gabe’s post. I just wanted to put that in the comments for the people on their Crackberries and I-phones that do not feel like clicking on linkies.

    JD (b537f4)

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