Patterico's Pontifications


Video: Mentioned on Hannity

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:55 pm

People are telling me that Michelle Malkin just mentioned the blog on “Hannity.”

Thanks, Michelle!

My kingdom for a video clip.

I don’t know if a TV mention translates into Internet traffic, but if anyone new is visiting from Hannity or anywhere else, please bookmark the main page. And thanks for stopping by.

UPDATE: I owe DRJ my kingdom, such as it is, as she has passed along the code for the video clip:

The “dramatization” will have you on the edge of your seat!

UPDATE x2: Michelle also has the story of a newspaper chain apologizing for running the Ellie Light Astroturf:

A woman named Ellie Light (if that is her real name) recently duped dozens of newspapers around the country, including some here in Wisconsin, into printing her letter praising President Barack Obama as if she were a local resident.

The letter appeared in three Gannett Wisconsin Media newspapers, including the Door County Advocate. As a result, it also appeared on the Green Bay Press-Gazette’s Web site.

…People intent on duping us are using more sophisticated methods all of the time. We catch many mass-mailed form letters, but this person managed to get past editors with a simple misstatement of fact.

Like many newspapers, the Press-Gazette already requires writers to provide a street address and phone number (not for publication) for verification purposes.

We still believe in the inherent honesty of many letter writers, but this case will find us reviewing the incident to determine whether additional safeguards are necessary.

We apologize that this letter appeared on our Web site.

Well handled. Now how about the rest of the 60+ papers that ran this junk?

39 Responses to “Video: Mentioned on Hannity”

  1. Set your DVR for FoxNewsChannel @ 2100 PT.

    AD - RtR/OS! (a1830d)

  2. She commented on your excellent reporting of the Ellie Light astroturfing.

    Ira (28a423)

  3. that’s very neat congratulations would you like a musics?

    here are the young dirty hippie children with their marijuana and their tattoos singing The Supremes for you and trying very very hard to do it unironically but if they succeed I cannot say

    happyfeet (e9e587)

  4. people still watch TV?

    /amazed by the idea……

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  5. here’s the link to today’s show, but from the layout of the webpage, clips may not be available until tomorrow…

    i don’t see a mention of M2 in the blurbs either….

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  6. Ms. Malkin mentioned “Patterico” twice, and pronounced it correctly both times.

    furious (71af32)

  7. Michelle Malkin is on at about the 30 minute mark.

    aunursa (a1573d)

  8. It is an untold story how much DRJ and Stashiu helped with the posts on this issue. It’s too bad they didn’t get a mention on the show, but I can at least mention it here.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  9. Malkin mentioned the site and the address. She then talked about your identification of Donald Trump and David Axelrod types of astroturf.

    Positive mention in all respects.

    ropelight (45eaed)

  10. that jason feller too

    happyfeet (e9e587)

  11. In a fair world, it would make Hannity’s day to be mentioned on this blog.

    But oh well. Congrats on the recognition! It’s not like you people didn’t earn it by working several stories.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  12. Will you still talk to us when Fox hires you as a special correspondent? When you are guesting hosting for Beck?

    EricPWJohnson (65ba3e)

  13. I FOUND YOU! First I thought it was Pat A’rico, but a couple of searches and I got it right. Do you have a twitter page too?

    politicaljules (56ad7e)

  14. If you Google “Ellie Light”, this site comes up 7th (was higher yesterday).

    aunursa (a1573d)

  15. Welcome, politicaljules. Here’s Patterico on Twitter.

    DRJ (84a0c3)

  16. Does Malkin come up with phrases like “Ally McBeal law enforcement” on her own?

    Who is going to understand that reference?

    WTFCI (8b7ab3)

  17. Patterico, will you admit you knew us, “Back when..?”

    On a semi-serious note, I hope Mr. Trump does not take offense at the use of his name. He seems to have some sense of humor.

    7.Michelle Malkin is on at about the 30 minute mark.Comment by aunursa Thanks for the heads up

    MD in Philly (d4668b)

  18. That dramatization was hilarious. I also love Michelle saying that they “resurrected Plouffe to help this flailing White House”.

    exceller (88c906)

  19. […] original here: Video: Mentioned on Hannity […]

    Video: Mentioned on Hannity | Liberal Whoppers (d16888)

  20. I just can’t listen to that woman’s voice.

    happyfeet (e9e587)

  21. I gotta find me a woman like Michelle Malkin. Her aesthetics, both visual and audible, her intellect and her political acuity are all major pluses for me. I gotta find me a woman like that.

    Oh, and congrats, Patterico, for your continued mentions all over the media. I hope you remember me when you sign that mega-million-dollar contract. I’m your long-lost cousin.

    John Hitchcock (888da3)

  22. Too cool! Congrats Patterico, DRJ and Stashiu.

    Pons Asinorum (1f16cc)

  23. So whens the first Patterico autograph going up on E-bay….


    File all this harassment under the – no good deed goes unpunished – section

    EricPWJohnson (65ba3e)

  24. Now how about the rest of the 60+ papers that ran this junk?

    How much time are you willing to devote to waiting?

    Blacque Jacques Shellacque (efef8c)

  25. Caught it in the wee-hours rerun and lept out of bed, still in my pajamas, to blog about it!

    Keep up the great work!

    Putting the Astroturf Ellie Caper into proper perspective

    Sissy Willis (33a2d0)

  26. Putting the Astroturf Ellie Caper into proper perspective…

    “The ‘dramatization’ will have you on the edge of your seat!” quips Patterico, whose detective work in the Astroturf Ellie Caper was hailed by Michelle Malkin on Hannity last evening. We caught the show and the screenshot above in a……

    sisu (0436bf)

  27. Gotta say that I’m with you on this one, Mr. Hitchcock, although I’m still ticked at you for trash-talking Rush (the band, not the man). Michelle is welcome in mi casa

    Icy Texan (858a9a)

  28. Awesome Patterico (and DRJ and Stashiu too). Congrats and whoo hoo!

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  29. Hey, Pat, You were mentioned on the Michael Smerconish radio show this morning. He had “Ellie Light” on, but being the in the bag Obama supporter, he didn’t press her for her real identity and investigate any ties to Cass Sunenstien (SP?). I don’t know why I care about their names as they butchered yours badly.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  30. “I just can’t listen to that woman’s voice.

    Comment by happyfeet”

    Really? What’s so bad about it? That’s what most assertive women sound like around me, so maybe I’m just used to it.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  31. PCD, he had her on but didn’t discuss the heart of the story?

    What, did she just repeat the thesis of her letter or something? Now that’s just obnoxious. She took space that 60+ people could have used to talk about the issues, and all she wants to do now, when the people want some answers about astroturf, is to rub it in their faces by telling us everything’s the GOP’s fault.

    Did anything new come up? Is it clear it’s her? What did she sound like (I don’t think Michael’s show is online)?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  32. Just saw this in the WSJ WashingtonWire “Dodd on Health Care Bill: Let’s Take a Breather” comments section:

    2:02 am January 26, 2010
    republicanblack wrote:
    Speaking as a republican and a conservative I thought at first that the health care legislation and reform effort was being forced down our throats and a debt to our children. But then I saw this article and it explained how we conservatives have framed the debate has crippled our ability to see it for what republicans in the past would have seen it. Now I have changed my mind I hope you will take a look and think about it too

    I’m thinking Astroturf. Figured you guys would want to know.

    Todd, the Sofa King (54df94)

  33. How did they know about my hat?

    SarahW (692fc6)

  34. I mean, your hat.

    SarahW (692fc6)

  35. Micheal Smerconish cannot pronounce “Patterico.”

    Some broadcaster he is.

    Christopher Calandro (3149d0)

  36. Dustin, I heard the interview. It sucked. Smerconish is an Obama hickey giver, and I think this “Ellie Light” was being coached in the background. Of course the “Phony from Philly” wouldn’t get to her real ID, but did get her to admit that this wasn’t honest on “her” part.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  37. Hey, maybe we ought to give Warren Bluhm a few notes of thanks for acknowledging what happened in Gannett Wisconsin.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  38. Yes, heard about from Michelle Malkin, on Hannity. Great site.

    KarenNV (10629a)

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