Patterico's Pontifications


Obama: Year Two Begins

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 12:00 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

Barack Obama was sworn in as President of the United States on January 20, 2009, and today marks the beginning of his second year in office (*). In an ABC interview yesterday, President Obama says he worked hard for the American people during his first year in office but he didn’t communicate enough:

“If there’s one thing that I regret this year is that we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises that were in front of us that I think we lost some of that sense of speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values,” Obama told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview at the White House.”

Meanwhile, CBS reports that in his first year in office, President Obama gave 411 speeches, comments and remarks, conducted 42 news conferences, appeared at 23 town hall meetings, 7 campaign rallies, and 28 political fundraisers, and granted 158 interviews … plus trips to 30 states and 21 nations, and meetings with 74 foreign leaders.

If that’s not enough communicating for one year, imagine what 2010 will bring.

H/T Drudge Report.


43 Responses to “Obama: Year Two Begins”

  1. I’m sure there are date purists who consider 1/20/2010 the first day of Obama’s second term. You’re probably right but I’m going with 1/21/2010 anyway.

    DRJ (84a0c3)

  2. For year 2 he’s probably planning to make it out to all 57 states.

    Icy Texan (01c224)

  3. Bee Ho: “we were so busy just getting stuff done”

    — Tell that to SNL.

    Oh, wait. Maybe he DOES need to communicate better. He can remind SNL about all of his accomplishments at the same time that he’s wagging a finger at NBC for giving Conan $40 million in bailout funds.

    Icy Texan (01c224)

  4. If that’s not enough communicating for one year, imagine what 2010 will bring.

    more lies, bullshit and willful misstatements?

    (you gotta make these pop quizzes harder, DRJ %-)

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  5. redc1c4,

    In posts like this, I think of myself as more of a straight man than a teacher.

    DRJ (84a0c3)

  6. i thought you were a librarian, not a teacher, and they intimated you were female…. will the duplicity of the legal world never end?

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  7. Year “Screw” Begins.

    Oh, wait. That was last year.

    [Last time I checked, DRJ was still a female. Not that I’ve lifted her tail and looked, mind you, but . . . you know what I mean.]

    Icy Texan (01c224)

  8. good ol’ Icy Texan: delightfully tacky, yet unrefined. %-)

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  9. Don’t forget to include “Late Night Talk Show Appearances.”

    Steve B (5eacf6)

  10. That’s what it says on my eHarmony profile!
    Delightfully Tacky

    Icy Texan (01c224)

  11. Two points:

    1. Too bad CBS didn’t list how many rounds of golf he played.

    2. Communication is a two-way street. Hard to know what the American people want if you’re doing all the talking and none of the listening.

    Rich (d1ea68)

  12. Hard to know what the American people want if you don’t give a damn about the people in the first place.

    Really truly, I do not think Obama has ever thought of himself as an “American”. He is his own greatest fan, and that love affair with himself turned out not to be just a summer thing after all. I think Obama seeks to rule the world. Though, I don’t think he has any of the skills required to do that under any measure. I don’t remember where I read it, but Obama has never really had to face defeat – up till now he’s always gotten exactly what he wanted with very little effort or productivity. As has been pointed out endlessly – he’s never actually HELD a job, he’s just been INTERVIEWING for the past 30 years and getting promoted endlessly because he gives a good interview.

    He expects us to listen to him and worship.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  13. Hilarious blog from Fred Grandy. I love that I get to listen to him every morning. Half the time he makes me laugh so hard I snort my coffee.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  14. A year ago today I was looking forward with great anticipation to the presidency of Barack Obama. I thought that this may very well be the “new age” that I have been looking forward to for most of my life. What a difference a year makes. Thus far, as you might imagine, I have been let down by this president. That is why it is so funny to see him labeled by the Right a “radical socialist”. If Obama were half as radical as the Conservative media is trying to portray him, people like me wouldn’t be one tenth as disappointed in him as we are.

    Don’t misunderstand, I am still grateful that he was elected last year. I thank God every day that John McCain will not be sleeping in the Executive Mansion tonight and that Fascist Barbi will not be a heartbeat away from the presidency. While it is true that he has not yet given us the “change we can believe in”, it is still too early in his term to make any final assessment. There is some time for optimism – although that time is dwindling rapidly. Still, the alternative to Obama’s election last year is just too weird to even contemplate. We should be grateful for that – I guess – and for the fact that Dick Cheney is no longer running the country.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt once said of the American Plutocracy, “They hate me and I welcome their hatred.” Obama needs to take a cue from FDR. Instead of trying to “reach out” to the right wing, he needs to understand that they are not his friends; that their political fortunes rest on a single strategy: that his administration is a complete failure. They don’t care a thing for the welfare of the people they are supposed to represent. The only thing that concerns them is the corporate constituency they act as hand maidens for. You would think that after a year in office the president would have learned this lesson, wouldn’t you? Perhaps he has. We shall see.

    Tom Degan

    Tom Degan (b3e878)

  15. What does it matter what Obama says? All of it so far has come with an expiration date, so why should it be any different going forward?

    People are beginning to realize that what Obama says simply doesn’t matter…he misinforms, he lies, and tellingly, fails to make logical sense when it comes to specifics. There seems to be no coherent explanation for trying Kalid Sheik Mohammad, 9-11 mastermind, in Federal Court in NY, nor for Abdulmutallahab, the pantie bomber.

    His rational for the stimulus sounded plausible in January 2009, but the resulting plus 10 unemployment rate and the distribution of money to his political cronies has not impressed anyone.

    He has shown himself not only to be a serial liar, but also somewhat of an emperor who now has no clothes, naked for all to see.

    And his ass is not just in the wind domestically. On foreign policy, his serial apologies have not impressed anyone overseas, though it has not had any appreciable impact on Iran’s quest for nuclear armament. He seems to have encouraged Russian aggression and a hard line from China.

    Copehagen, the Chicago Olympics, both clear failures, underline the lack of gravitas that Obama’s Presidency brings to his influence on international affairs.

    Foreign leaders know that Obama is an empty suit.
    We know him to be an emperor with no clothes.

    Generating simultaneous impressions like that is an accomplishment in itself.

    Jack (e383ed)

  16. Actually, I think Obama knew what he wanted to do. Fortunately for us, he doesn’t know how to get it done. The one place where he seems to be competent in getting his plans through is homeland security where nobody could explain to the Senate committee yesterday just how the decision was made to treat the panty bomber as a civilian defendant, lawyer and all. The Holder DoJ is staffed with political appointees who, one year ago, were defending Gitmo detainees. They have not changed their beliefs and they were put in charge of our defense.

    I think we will be attacked again and it is a matter of chance whether it succeeds because none of what TSA is doing is effective. Our only defense is passengers.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  17. President Obama will either 1) learn form his mistakes and show improvement in his decision-making, or 2) continue his tailspin and show Americans just how bad “bad” can be.

    My money is on #2.

    GenralMalaise (4e6eee)

  18. Talk about an overweening narcissist, when I first saw that I coupled Obama’s thoughts with the rest of his fellow ilk yesterday and they’re all still singing from the same hymnal. It’s still all Bush’s fault, the problem lies not in ourselves (pardon the shameless pilfering here), but in everyone else.

    I actually hope they keep this up, and that he goes on more non – stop media tours where he never shuts up, never says anything of actual importance, and the rest of the country grows ever more weary of his constant presence, eventually tuning him out forever. He’ll never realize that he’s already turned into a worse version of Carter, and that he did it in world – record time.

    Dmac (539341)

  19. I think it’s great Obama feels a need to tell us what our values are ‘cuz were all such stupid red necked racists and forgot or something.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  20. The same short attention span that won over many of his voters in 2008 is coming back to bite him now that he is in charge. Glibly referring to “the last 8 years” just won’t get the traction it did before. Many of his youth voters are struggling to find jobs and have other things on their mind now.

    voiceofreason2 (8e6b90)

  21. Well, Obama has been, and is, lying to himself as well as to the country. The buffoon will not listen to anyone and will end up flushing himself down the toilet.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  22. Oh, the dumbass is still trying to figure out the pickup truck.

    Watch him and his elitists requisition one from GM and then try to outfit it like a limo. Only thing is, there’s no back seat or chauffer, let alone Waygu beef canapes.

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  23. It wasn’t that he didn’t give enough speeches, interviews, conferences; it’s the fact that he had nothing to say. He provides a big 0 in leadership. The only transparancy is he himself.

    More and more people are seeing though him – that he is an empty suit; interested only in praise and idolization. He will soon being a deity unto himself only.

    (/ vent )

    Corwin (ea9428)

  24. we were so busy just getting stuff done and dealing with the immediate crises

    That is the most definitive proof ever seen that Obama has no idea of the job of chief executive.

    It’s the statement of a rookie manager after his first promotion from line work. He focuses myopically on tactics and reactions to events, strategy is ignored, and scoping the direction and cadence of the organism’s future efforts is beyond his comprehension.

    The MSM could have predicted this, if it hadn’t had its blindfold so securely tied on beginning in about 2007. Obama’s glibidity and anti-Bushism were sufficient credentials for their Messiah, and they’ve pursued his siren song, ignoring or rejecting all the clear warning signs, right onto the rocks.

    Insufficiently Sensitive (8906ed)

  25. Keep in mind that the “last 8 years” now entails 7 Bush years and one Obama year. The longer B.O. is in often, the worse I’m going to feel about the preceeding eight years.

    Steve B (5eacf6)

  26. Obama’s communicating is telling us what he will do to us, instead of keeping his campaign promises. He is a liar!!! No transparency at all.

    TryTransparency (ea4bfa)

  27. Too bad CBS didn’t list how many rounds of golf he played.


    GOLF: 29 rounds of golf
    • Most frequent courses: Fort Belvoir 11 times; Andrews AFB: 8 times.
    • George W. Bush played golf 7 times his first year.

    If I recall correctly, he’s played more golf in 1 than W played in 8. Actually, the country’s better off with him on the back 9.

    Red County Pete (be1b17)

  28. “core values are and why we have to make sure those institutions are matching up with those values”

    Note to Barack: our core values do not include redistribution of wealth or coddling terrorists. Check with the new guy in the Senate if you have any further questions.

    Patricia (b05e7f)

  29. we lost some of that sense of speaking directly

    Typical Lefty speak. He over uses the phrase “sense of” time after time. It’s like these people get paid per word. The more they drone on and pad their speeches with meaningless drivel like that, the more the proles are lulled into sudmission through boredom. For an alleged world class orator, his word usage is dreadfully boring.

    Gazzer (c213bd)

  30. He needs to listen more and talk less. Babbling, with or without a teleprompter, is not doing.

    htom (412a17)

  31. Um, “…not enough time speaking directly to the American people…”?? Come again?

    Roll tape!

    *delivered 52 addresses or statements specifically about health care.

    *used his TelePrompTer at least 178 times.

    *five formal solo news conferences, however, four in prime-time.

    *news interviews – 158 – 90 on TV, 11 radio, the rest for the ink-stained press.

    *46 out-of-town trips to 58 cities and towns in 30 states.

    I’m getting tired just keeping count.

    furious (71af32)

  32. Talk about being out of touch, if he actually believes it, Barack Obama said he should spend more time “…speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are…”

    Obama’s record proves that if he knows what the core values of Americans are, he doesn’t respect them. The only values he’s shown interest in are antithetical to the traditional values Americans revere and which are enshrined in our Constitution.

    The reason Democrats are in trouble now is because they have either ignored or undermined the values they swore an oath of office to protect and defend.

    Fancy words and photogenic piety may be good enough for the sycophant media, but they aren’t good enough to fool the American voters again. The bright light of a new day’s sun is shining in Washington DC, and the cockroaches are running for cover.

    ropelight (1d3970)

  33. If that’s not enough communicating for one year, imagine what 2010 will bring.

    Your list of stats, as well as the big O’s statement itself in the interview, show a rather drastic misapprehension of the difference between communicating and talking.

    The latter is often a direct impediment to the former.

    rtrski (b47753)

  34. OH, and if the White House was really interested in “Communicating”, with a press corp that was notably soft on them to begin with, would we be reading reports of a press secretary like this one?

    Exactly what part of Gibbs’ stand-up routine qualifies as ‘transparency’ aside from the transparent disdain for the fourth estate and anyone and everyone who, by proxy, is listening through them?

    rtrski (b47753)

  35. […] at the arrogance of the The Won, via DRJ at Patterico’s [emphasis mine]: “If there’s one thing that I regret this year is that we […]

    Obama And The Dems Are Going To Need More Than One Lesson - scipio62’s blog - RedState (8eaf85)

  36. […] at the arrogance of the The Won, via DRJ at Patterico’s [emphasis mine]: “If there’s one thing that I regret this year is that we […]

    Obama And The Dems Are Going To Need More Than One Lesson - scipio62’s blog - RedState (8eaf85)

  37. let alone Waygu beef canapes.

    Don’t forget about the Arugula.

    Dmac (539341)

  38. Let’s just hope that he continues to try to communicate more so that Republicans continue to pick up seats. I’m sure there’s more than enough time for him to say that health care will be negotiated on C-Span 8 more times, or try to explain his incoherent policy on trying the terrorists.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  39. With the many speeches and interviews and golf and other non-presidential activities, how did Barack Obama have time to be president?

    Tanny O'Haley (8762b9)

  40. Actually, I think Obama knew what he wanted to do. Fortunately for us, he doesn’t know how to get it done. The one place where he seems to be competent in getting his plans through is homeland security where nobody could explain to the Senate committee yesterday just how the decision was made to treat the panty bomber as a civilian defendant, lawyer and all. The Holder DoJ is staffed with political appointees who, one year ago, were defending Gitmo detainees. They have not changed their beliefs and they were put in charge of our defense.

    I think we will be attacked again and it is a matter of chance whether it succeeds because none of what TSA is doing is effective. Our only defense is passengers.

    During World War II we put to death German spies who entered the United States and they didn’t even get to try to set off a bomb.

    I really don’t understand why Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is in the civilian system. I really fear for our safety.

    Tanny O'Haley (8762b9)

  41. I think, and God knows that can be trouble, that the President and his advisers misjudged people who actually vote.

    He ran a Reagan-perfect campaign. He was going to bring hope and change and that appealed to a great many people who don’t read Kos or HuffPo or Patterico or Instapundit because he is extremely charismatic.

    He was elected along with a majority in both the House and Senate. And he made the same mistake that many, both GOP and Democratic, always make. He thought he had a mandate to make America into a new idea.

    But all he really had was a mandate to not be Bush and the crony-infested GOP.

    Not being Bush didn’t mean 2,000-page health reform bills, cap and trade, budget-busting stimulus schemes, Newsweek cover stories, vacations in Hawaii, New York dates and golf.

    All of the pundits, all of the MSM, all of the advisers and all of the intelligentsia forgot one thing:

    People who care enough to vote, as long as they are not dead or winos, are not stupid. You can try to sell us a sow’s ear as a silk purse, but condescending insults to our intelligence is not a winning strategy. Especially when the future of our children is at stake.

    Ag80 (1592cc)

  42. He thought he had a mandate to make America into a new idea.

    But all he really had was a mandate to not be Bush and the crony-infested GOP.

    Well stated, Ag80 — your entire comment @41, but these two are my favorite, and your ending:

    …]. Especially when the future of our children is at stake.


    Pons Asinorum (1f16cc)

  43. […] win in Massachusetts: that the public is angry and frustrated with American politics, and he didn’t communicate enough. Today we learn Obama wasn’t just talking about the American public. House Democrats complain […]

    Patterico's Pontifications » Democrats in Disarray (e4ab32)

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