Patterico's Pontifications


Barney Frank “Lashes Out”

Filed under: Media Bias,Politics — DRJ @ 5:01 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

A recent Boston Herald article reported that former DNC head and current Massachusetts Senator Paul Kirk, Jr., confirmed he will vote for ObamaCare, while Republican candidate Scott Brown has vowed to vote against it. Thus, if Brown is elected, his vote could imperil the passage of ObamaCare … but maybe not, if there is a delay the certification of the election by State Democratic officials:

“The U.S. Senate ultimately will schedule the swearing-in of Kirk’s successor, but not until the state certifies the election.

Friday, a spokesman for Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin, who is overseeing the election but did not respond to a call seeking comment, said certification of the Jan. 19 election by the Governor’s Council would take a while.

“Because it’s a federal election,” spokesman Brian McNiff said. “We’d have to wait 10 days for absentee and military ballots to come in.”

Another source told the Herald that Galvin’s office has said the election won’t be certified until Feb. 20 – well after the president’s address.”

A Washington Times’ reporter asked Barney Frank to comment on the possibility of a delayed certification. Here is my transcript of the audio of Barney Frank’s response:

REPORTER: Congressman, excuse me, let’s switch gears for a moment and turn to the Massachusetts Senate race that’s going on right now … particularly Scott Brown’s comment that it’s not Mr. Kennedy’s seat or it’s not the Democrat’s seat.

BARNEY FRANK: Of course not. Whoever said it was? It’s the people’s seat. Of course it is.

REPORTER: What about the assertion that …

BARNEY FRANK: We’re the ones who say … I was all for an election, so what is there [unintelligible].

REPORTER: What about the assertion that if Mr. Brown were to win that Massachusetts would find a way not to certify the election?

BARNEY FRANK: That is the stupidest thing I’ve been asked in a long time. Who do you work for?

REPORTER: Washington Times.

BARNEY FRANK: I’m not surprised. That is insane, the suggestion could only come from a demented right wing source. There isn’t the slightest possibility of it happening—a way of doing it. That is conspiracy theory at its most contemptible.

Take that, you demented right-wing conspiracists at the Washington Times and Boston Herald.

Of course, it’s true that no one thinks this was Ted Kennedy’s seat … as long as you don’t count CNN, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Time, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and


29 Responses to “Barney Frank “Lashes Out””

  1. I wonder what Franks response would have been to a reporter from CNN.

    I’m so done with Franks.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  2. Let’s see if I understand this.

    Barney Frank called someone insane?

    Eric Blair (ddbceb)

  3. I don’t hate any politicos, except one – and that’s Bawney Fanks. Just the sound of his Mr. Magoo voice and bloviating expectorant every time he speaks makes me ill.

    Dmac (539341)

  4. When you say lash out, are you talking about what Barney does to his latest roommate?

    I’m not from Boston or D.C. so I may be mistaken on some hidden subtext.

    MU789 (514c52)

  5. Barney Frank is a bully. He has parlayed that “it was so hard to be a gay teenage male in the repressive 1950s” patter and made all his silly bedroom-community-upper-middle-class-college-educated-white-liberal-guilt constituents buy into it, so they continue to elect him to his nice little House sinecure. Meanwhile, he uses his clout and his ability to suddenly turn into the indigent put-upon public servant to browbeat and bullyrag anyone who dares to ask him a tough question* or otherwise cross him in some manner. Because the media is dominated by people who either think like Frank or are cowed by him, no one ever calls him on it. I am trying so dammed hard not to hate him, but he is the number one Democrat I would like to see escorted out of the House chamber in handcuffs by federal marshals.

    *Such as, “Was it appropriate for you to use your House post to fend off any investigation of Fannie Mae while your ex-live-in lover was an executive there?”

    JVW (48cbba)

  6. Well, the guy gave Bawney an out in the way he asked the question and you know Bawney. He said “find a way not to certify the election,” and not what he should have said which was, “delay certification.” You know that if you offer Bawney the smallest hole, he will slip through it, or slip something in it, or whatever.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  7. I love the faux-outrage, coming as it does, from a man who represents a state that changed the Senate succesion rules in 2004 when it looked like a Republican Gov might be able to appoint a Republican replacement should Kerry have prevailed. The same state who then changed them back in 2008 (2009?) when Teddy was about to buy the farm and it was deemed necessary for the now Democrap Gov to immediately appoint a replacement to serve the interests of the people of Taxachussett(e)s. Albeit not important enough for the Fat Drunk to step down when he was too ill to appear. Those people disgust me.
    Wake up Massachussetts!

    Gazzer (e940fc)

  8. “Thus, if Brown is elected, his vote could imperil the passage of ObamaCare … but maybe not, if there is a delay the certification of the election by State Democratic officials:”

    The other if is if the House just passes the bill that has passed the senate. Now that’s a big if, and a problem, because the House bill is quite a bit better and the House dems may not want to give that up. But the Senate has already passed a bill. If the same bill passes the House, it goes to the president, per our constitution.

    imdw (c5488f)

  9. And another, even less likely if, would be the changing of the filibuster rules. The “constitutional option” as it used to be called.

    imdw (c5488f)

  10. I dunno if anyone has ever noticed this, but Bahwney Fwank is a leftist moron.

    Just sayin’.

    KingShamus (fb8597)

  11. It is painfully clear that Barney Frank needs a full neurological workup.

    Kevin Stafford (abdb87)

  12. Who do you work for?

    He got that line from Michael Meehan.

    Tully (4dce1a)

  13. how can the house pass the senate’s bill? It wouldn’t have originated in the House, and it is a massive spending bill.

    Dustin F (b54cdc)

  14. “how can the house pass the senate’s bill?”

    By voting on it.

    “It wouldn’t have originated in the House, and it is a massive spending bill.”

    It did originate in the House. The house already passed a bill back in November. The Senate took it up, and amended it. Now the House can either amend it again, or just pass the senate version.

    imdw (e66d8d)

  15. Yes, all it takes is for House Democrats to check their egos at the door.

    That should be easy.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  16. Democrats are Olympic champs at stealing and rigging elections. It’s common knowledge. So why is Barney so offended by this question ? And Massachusetts is the leader of the free world in corruption…….I know, I USED to live there. Poor Barney, maybe he’s worried about his corrupt little seat in Congress someday going away.

    DaveinPhoenix (2bd6c3)

  17. imdw, I think you’re wrong. I think the senate bill originated in the Senate. The house passed a completely different bill.

    Oh well, I’m sure they would use your explanation. It’s not like the GOP wouldn’t do the same thing. But this isn’t how it’s meant to work. The House should come up with a bill it likes, vote on it, and the senate either votes on that bill or uses a conference committee to rectify the two bill which is then passed again in the house. This is to give the people’s representatives, not the senators, initial say over our spending.

    It’s a significant thing, in my view, but I understand things don’t work properly.

    Dave, Barney’s defensive because he knows he is lying. The idea that the democrats would play games with swearing in is no conspiracy theory. Hell, Frank was there at the swearing in for Rep Myers… the absentee ballots hadn’t come in yet then, either. That was so they could pass the House’s version of the health care bill as soon as possible.

    He knows. Hell, they ran a brothel from his house, and he covered for Fannie Mae. He knows a lot. When he says ‘I’ve never heard anyone say this is the Ted’s seat’, he is actually saying ‘I think you are really stupid.’

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  18. “imdw, I think you’re wrong. I think the senate bill originated in the Senate. The house passed a completely different bill.”

    The senate bill has an “HR” numbering. It originated in the house and the senate amended it to make it different. It can change the bill as much as it wants. The bill just has to originate in the House.

    “The House should come up with a bill it likes, vote on it, and the senate either votes on that bill or uses a conference committee to rectify the two bill which is then passed again in the house.”

    No I think conference comes after the senate passes its version. I don’t think “originate” means the senate has to pass the same thing as the House and after the House.

    “This is to give the people’s representatives, not the senators, initial say over our spending.”

    The reps would have more say if we got rid of the filibuster, as it would make the Senate less of an obstacle.

    imdw (f7b257)

  19. Someone should ask frank if he’s a c**ksucker and see what the response would be.

    Jim (582155)

  20. The reps would have more say if we got rid of the filibuster, as it would make the Senate less of an obstacle.

    Comment by imdw — 1/13/2010 @ 9:21 pm

    you can’t fix stupid: you can only stand back, take a swig of your drink, shake your head and say “DAMN.”

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  21. Someone should ask Barney Frank who he works for.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  22. imdw, if what you’re saying is true, I certainly stand corrected.

    Of course, you usually make stuff up, right? Can you provide some link to substantiate what you’re saying?

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  23. Maybe this explains it for you?

    imdw (88bc1e)

  24. No, I need a better link that that, please.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  25. What’s lacking there? I don’t know what you still don’t get.

    imdw (77c755)

  26. If I had been the reporter I would have told him that who I worked for was not relevant. I would have said I was a taxpayer so in reality, he was working for me so I would have demanded he answer the question…fat lying faggot tub-of-lard and waste of space!

    emma (2db7c8)

  27. He gives gays a bad name.

    emma (2db7c8)

  28. emma,
    The problem with Frank is his corruption, dishonesty, and stupidity. Why bring the rest into it and with such offensive language. You make conservatives look bad. Are you a Moby?

    Machinist (9780ec)

  29. Yes, Machinist, I am pretty sure that “emma” is just Melvillin’ around.

    Eric Blair (ddbceb)

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