Patterico's Pontifications


Iowahawk: I Am Bill (Ayers)

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 5:00 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Read it. Then laugh and/or weep.


12 Responses to “Iowahawk: I Am Bill (Ayers)”

  1. Pleasant thinking this creature will, without doubt, have access to the President of the United States. We know they are simpatico simply because of their activties together (Wood Foundation, CAC etc, etc.) The media has allowed Obama to conceal years of his life and all of his friends. What year did he stop smoking crack, or did he? Ayers/Obama 08

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (620731)

  2. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so true.

    Some here, even if they deign to read it, will not understand.

    Another Drew (fd3d4b)

  3. Here is an newly-unearthed interview from Chicago Public Radio in 2001 (WBEZ-FM) where State Senator Barack Obama discusses the redistribution of wealth, and says that the tragedy of the Civil Rights movement was that it lost track of how to get power to effect “redistributive change.”

    Official Internet Data Office (95411a)

  4. Data Office, your posts are always great, thanks for the link.

    Vermont Neighbor (c91cfe)

  5. On the weep part:

    Poll: 25 percent of liberals have favorable opinion of Ayers

    zmdavid (872d28)

  6. Hey! We just saw Bill at Kimbark Plaza on, what was it Fri night? Kissing a woman who did not want to be kissed. I always cringe when I see him.

    And Maria? Use open secrets — we see her, too, daily — she be hilary fan!

    Obama's Neighbor (f28dac)

  7. obama talks about redistributing your wealth on wbez interview2001 radio interview

    qwfwq (70da09)

  8. Just more reasons why Obama is dangerous.


    Reagan Revolution (81c111)

  9. An interesting tidbit: A real live working pollster says McCain is totally on track for victory.

    [via Hot Air]

    Official Internet Data Office (95411a)

  10. OIDB, its hard to say if that tidbit has any substance, but Obama was back in Colorado today, where supposedly he already had it wrapped up. So I think that Obama’s own internals track that.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  11. I was up in Northern California this weekend and I stopped by a local bar for a beer and to watch college football. This idiot 50-something year-old guy was telling the bartender that if McCain wins this election then “it will be all over.” He vowed to get some guns and commit “suicide by cop,” and he talked about maybe loading his truck up with fertilizer and blowing it up in front of the police station. I am quite sure he was just a stupid lefty drunk talking out of his a**hole, but I literally had to pick up my beer and walk to the other side of the bar because had I heard any more of his talk I was going to accost him and I probably would have had my first fist-fight in about 20 years. Had it been my local bar in my town I can assure you it would have been on, but since it was his local bar in his town I just walked away.

    And the sad thing is that there are a whole lot of turds out there just like him. I think the next few weeks are going to be pretty ugly.

    JVW (f93297)

  12. Obama’s 2001 public-radio interview endorsing redistribution of wealth (linked in post #3 above) has just popped up as the lead story, above the logo, on DRUDGE.

    Official Internet Data Office (95411a)

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