Patterico's Pontifications


Adam Liptak to Replace Linda Greenhouse for NYT Supreme Court Coverage: Somehow, It Seems Fitting

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 9:34 pm

Yes, it’s old news, but it happened while I was on vacation (around April 4). So I just noticed it.

In June 2007, I wrote a post titled: Does Adam Liptak Really Get Paid to Write About Legal Matters?? (Plus a Defense of Peremptory Challenges).

I think I made a pretty strong case that he completely misrepresented the state of the law on peremptory challenges.

I should have guessed they’d pick him.

5 Responses to “Adam Liptak to Replace Linda Greenhouse for NYT Supreme Court Coverage: Somehow, It Seems Fitting”

  1. As a prosecutor, I always kick journalists off my juries.

    I remember a newspaper reporter for the Daily News writing a column about 20 years ago. He wrote about his experience on a jury and about how dumb the jurors were. The vote was 11 to 1, he revealed.

    Alta Bob (fbc991)

  2. Too bad there aren’t more Jan Crawford Greenburgs out there.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  3. I’ll second that.

    Patterico (4bda0b)

  4. Liptak is just another reason not to read the NYT.

    Except for the examples of faulty reasoning.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  5. The NEW YORK SILMES is just looking for a better left-wing propegandist they can afford to get

    krazy kagu (2afdbd)

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