Patterico's Pontifications


Judge Acquits Yagman of Some (But Not All) Counts, Delays Sentencing

Filed under: Crime,General,Scum — Patterico @ 12:01 am

It appears that Federal District Judge Stephen V. Wilson has granted a motion by Stephen Yagman for acquittal as to six of the nineteen counts of which he was convicted.

Read Judge Wilson’s order here.

For those of who are subtraction challenged, thirteen felony counts remain. The sentencing has been moved to November 5.

10 Responses to “Judge Acquits Yagman of Some (But Not All) Counts, Delays Sentencing”

  1. As a prosecutor (albeit not a federal one), perhaps you can tell me why sentencing in federal courts takes months after conviction.

    Dana (3e4784)

  2. Maybe you could also tell us what you think of the judge’s reasoning and if the judge’s acquittal of charges can (& will) be appealed by the prosecution… sorry, but the judge’s order is too legalese for me to make any sense of…

    Susan (91adca)

  3. As one who was frivolously sued by Yagman, a number of years ago (he didn’t get a penny)it’s refreshing to see the law catch up to him at last. The legal system he has abused for so long is now holding him accountable. Don’t drop the soap, Yagman.

    Retired Vice Cop (dde475)

  4. Dana, Before I retired the typical sentencing time in the CD/CA for a convicted defendant in custody was 3 weeks from plea or verdict. For a defendant on bond, 4 weeks.

    I don’t know why the Yagman sentencing has been delayed.

    Stu707 (adbb5a)

  5. The probation department must work up a fairly extensive background report on Mr. Yagman before the judge passes sentence. The judge will use that report as a basis for the sentence. That is why it takes so long.

    Having said that, Yagman was railroaded, plain and simple, for going after dirty cops and judges.

    Johnny Vegas (6a39fe)

  6. I sincerely hope the U.S. Probation Dept. contacts some of the “victims” Yagman created to gain his current status. Having dealt with U.S. Probation in the past, they are not the most thorough and in certain cases, have a “biased” report.

    Having said that, to say Yagman was “railroaded,” really shows the stupidity of some people….plain and simple!

    See you in November “Stevie!”

    Jerry LeFrois (dd380b)

  7. Jerry have you had your ass sued off lately????

    Johnny Vegas (6a39fe)


    Jerry LeFrois (dd380b)

  9. [This user has been banned for his threatening comment.]

    Johnny Vegas (6a39fe)

  10. Has anybody heard what the sentence was?

    Interested (f2e736)

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