Patterico's Pontifications


Bill from INDC Blogs from Fallujah

Filed under: General,War — Patterico @ 7:42 am

If you’re not reading Bill from INDC nowadays, you should be. He’s blogging from Iraq. The latest entry begins:

I just got back from a first mounted patrol/IED hunt in and around Fallujah. It was interesting, long and uneventful in the violent sense, though another patrol was hit by two IED’s as we headed back to base. No serious injuries, some rattled nerves and superficial damage to Humvees, thankfully.

Sitting here in my trailer, I just heard a loud explosion go off. Sounded like massive firecracker with an unusually powerful echo. I assume this was an IED, but having never heard and identified a mortar yet, I confess that I can’t say for sure. It was a disconcerting sound, whatever it was.

Go to his main page, keep scrolling, and consider a donation.

Also, keep reading Badgers Forward and the excellent but less frequently updated Acute Politics, for another set of articulate takes on the military point of view.

I also have another interesting find from the other point of view, but I want to study it further before blogging about it. More later.

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