Patterico's Pontifications


Another Reason I Hate the Terrorists

Filed under: General,Humor,Terrorism — Patterico @ 10:38 pm

They prefer Pepsi to Coke. From today’s New York Times magazine article on Guantánamo:

For detainees who obeyed the rules, the military offered new perks. Exercise time was extended once more. On Hood’s instructions, Gatorade and energy bars were given out during recreation periods. Wednesday became pizza night. Guard officers suggested soccer and volleyball tournaments to the compliant detainees in Camp 4. The detainees came back asking that a prize — two-liter bottles of Pepsi — be awarded to the winners. (The detainees disdained Coca-Cola, guards said.)


16 Responses to “Another Reason I Hate the Terrorists”

  1. This is serious. They are bastards. What do you say to this, Actus? They prefer undercarbonated oversweetened liquid candy to “the real thing”.

    They have no shame and must be crushed.

    Christoph (9824e6)

  2. Didn’t the new CEO of pepsi insult us and say Americans give the middle finger to the world. Also, Coke markets in israel and is thus banned in the Arab world.

    alert reader hank k. (be6f74)

  3. I know this makes me a terrorist sympathizer and everything, but I actually prefer Pepsi. Except at restaurants. A fresh fountain Coke is awesome. The stuff that comes in a can is overcarbonated, undersweetened crap. If I want something that doesn’t taste very sweet, I’ll have a cup of coffee, thanks.

    Sean M. (db71f3)

  4. They are probably Victims of the story that Coke contains coke, and are simply upholding their religious traditions, and we should honor them for it.

    (I was channeling actus above.) 🙂

    Besides, if they were really civilized, they’d ask for Mountain Dew!™

    Dana (3e4784)

  5. They are probably Victims of the story that Coke contains coke, and are simply upholding their religious traditions, and we should honor them for it.

    I did hear that coke was the drink of the death squads. But I don’t know if that reached gitmo. Maybe it needs to reach the interior ministry in baghdad.

    actus (10527e)

  6. I did hear that coke was the drink of the death squads.

    There is an association here. But what of the correlation and or causation?

    Polymer (6946e1)

  7. their religion prohibits them from demanding pilsner urquell or anchor steam.
    we pagans view beer as a gift to us from nature. i started brewing my own beer this year. it must suck to be a muslim or an adherent of any religion which forces you to decline nature’s gifts.

    assistant devil's advocate (c6012c)

  8. I hear that Liberals prefer Pepsi, too. Coincidence? I think not.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  9. Sean–

    The only way to buy packaged Coca-Cola is in the old-style bottles. The thermal mass of the bottle keeps it a constant temperature far longer, and the glass doesn’t interact chemically so the taste is unaffected.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  10. “They are probably Victims of the story that Coke contains coke…”


    Coke actually does contain cocaine, even today.

    “Today’s Coca-Cola uses “spent” coca leaves, those that have been through a cocaine extraction process, to flavor the beverage. Since this process cannot extract the cocaine alkaloids at a molecular level, the drink still contains trace amounts of the stimulant1. The United States DEA oversees the importation of coca for Coca-Cola, and later sale of the extracted cocaine to the drug industry2.”

    1 Rielly, Edward J (2003). Baseball and American Culture: Across the Diamond. Haworth Press, 133. ISBN 0-7890-1485-8
    2 Miller, M. “Quality Stuff: Firm is Peddling Cocaine, and Deals are legit” Wall Street Journal 27 October 1994

    Source: Wikipedia

    Christoph (9824e6)

  11. […] While I am at it this really bugged me from Patterico’s site as well: They prefer Pepsi to Coke. From today’s New York Times magazine article on Guantánamo: For detainees who obeyed the rules, the military offered new perks. Exercise time was extended once more. On Hood’s instructions, Gatorade and energy bars were given out during recreation periods. Wednesday became pizza night. Guard officers suggested soccer and volleyball tournaments to the compliant detainees in Camp 4. The detainees came back asking that a prize — two-liter bottles of Pepsi — be awarded to the winners. (The detainees disdained Coca-Cola, guards said.) […]

    A Second Hand Conjecture » Isikoffed (f55714)

  12. Here’s some more information on cocaine in Coca-Cola (you’ll have to cut and paste it for me to bypass the spam filter, but it is well worth it…

    For the record, above, when I was talking about Pepsi vs. Coke and the terrorists being bastards for preferring the taste of Coke, I was joking.

    My recollection is that Coca-Cola did “taste” better and the reason above, coca plant flavouring (and perhaps even the minute quantities of cocaine alkaloids remaining), may be part of the reason.

    I consider Coca-Cola and its ilk (including Pepsi) to be a horribly addictive drug using sugar or, worse, recently high fructose corn syrup to hook people and destroy their health.

    I believe it causes diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, tooth decay, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and death. It leads to a weakening of our respective countries’ national security for the above reasons. It reduces the amount of potentially fit and healthy military personnel to draw upon, drives up medical cost, and causes untold billions in lost productivity while reducing the quality of life for millions.

    I believe these people and companies kill more people per annum than the tobacco companies ever did.

    I consider their product to be hideously evil. Yes I used to use it. No longer.

    Christoph (9824e6)

  13. Isn’t there some “quaint” clause in Geneva about not forcing detainees to drink Coca-Cola?

    I thought so. Just another sign of the Bush administration’s arrogant distain for international norms.

    Cassandra (c9069a)

  14. shorter Christoph: Precious Bodily Fluids! Vital Natural Juices! Purity of Essence!

    pst314 (20d3ed)

  15. Are you talking about Coca-Cola or women?

    Wait… I didn’t just say that, did I?

    Christoph (9824e6)

  16. Coca-Cola refused to oblige itself to the arab boycott of firms selling to Israel while Pepsi did. The boycott is (officially) gone but the Pepsi’s and Coca-Cola’s responses to it have not been forgotten.

    seePea (85f202)

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