Patterico's Pontifications


Happy Easter

Filed under: Miscellaneous — DRJ @ 2:13 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

It’s a little strange to wish everyone Happy Easter, both because not everyone that reads this blog is Christian, and also because, while Easter is a time to rejoice, it is not a festive event.

However, almost everyone remembers Easter as a happy time for candy, Easter egg hunts and the Easter Bunny. So Happy Easter!

And remember, we can all use a few kind words. Even the Easter Bunny has a bad day now and then.


12 Responses to “Happy Easter”

  1. . . . not everyone that reads this blog is Christian or Catholic. . .

    You don’t mean to suggest that the two are mutually exclusive, do you DRJ?

    JVW (98d7d8)

  2. Actually, Easter is a festive event.
    Seems like a good reason to celebrate to me.
    Happy Easter to you, too.
    OBTW, Easter season lasts 50 days, so we have absolutely no reason but be anything but happy
    for that time.

    KobeClan (49560d)

  3. JVW,

    Not at all but after recent conversations, I’m overly sensitive about leaving anyone out of the mix.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  4. That’s what I figured. I tend to be overly-sensitive on this point — just last week I heard a (presumably) Protestant make the statement “He’s not a Christian; he’s Catholic” and I tend to get a little riled up at such ignorance. Sort of like those who argued during Romney’s run that Mormons are not Christians.

    Happy Easter to you and yours too.

    JVW (98d7d8)

  5. Easter was another of those holidays (along with Christmas) adapted from pre-existing pagan holidays. Ever wonder what the Easter Bunny has to do with Jesus?

    Well, the festival originally was a pagan celebration of the spring equinox, and the name Easter comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (descended from older Greek mythologies), who represented the dawn and the coming of spring, as well as the new cycle of birth. Rabbits and eggs are traditional symbols of fertility, so they became staples of the celebration as well. Jesus fit right in there.

    So now we have a kind of hodgepodge of a holiday.

    Russell (5ecf4a)

  6. I’m exercising my editorial prerogative to remove “or Catholic” from the post. Better someone complain that we forgot to include Catholics than someone complains that we’re claiming Catholics aren’t Christians.

    Patterico (4bda0b)

  7. I don’t think it’s significant enough a change to merit explaining it in the post.

    Patterico (4bda0b)

  8. Thanks. I’ve never really understood why it matters so much to some but I know it does. As for me, when I’m late to services at my Episcopal Church, I drop in at the nearby Catholic Church services that start 15 minutes later. There may be some slight doctrinal differences but the services are the same.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  9. Patrick, Seamus and Fergus are playing on the sidewalk, when the Episcopalian minister happens to walk by. Fergus says politely, “Good morning, Father”. Patrick whispers fiercely, “He ain’t no Father. He’s got five kids.”

    nk (34c5da)

  10. Five kids? That’s what I mean by “some doctrinal differences.”

    DRJ (a431ca)

  11. I hope you’ve all had a good day. We drove down to the farm, had dinner with my wife’s family. Some days are just, well, nice.

    Happy Spring!

    htom (412a17)

  12. Retur to EASTER VACATION and quit this SPRING BREAK poppycock bull kaka

    krazy kagu (3e8790)

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