Patterico's Pontifications


Obama Drones: Stimulus Not Designed to Bring Recovery

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:38 am

The latest Obamalie (via Hot Air — where else?):

Turns out the $787 billion “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” (AARA) was not designed for full economic recovery, but rather to “stabilize” the downturn. That’s the word from White House officials today, who held off-camera briefings with reporters on how the AARA is working so far.

Slublog asks:

If the stimulus wasn’t meant to stimulate economic recovery, why is the website called

Good question.

213 Responses to “Obama Drones: Stimulus Not Designed to Bring Recovery”

  1. Next they will tell us that the Obama Administration was not designed to govern the United States.

    Amphipolis (b120ce)

  2. Right, it was designed to govern the world.

    Alta Bob (88e720)

  3. Economic stability comes first before recovery. He also said that this economic problem would not be resolved as soon as everyone would like. That it would take some time. Before healing a wound, you must first stop the bleeding. That is what is being done now. Recovery becomes a natural sequence. Give it time folks. The economic crash did not happen under Obama’s watch. But we hope a full recovery will occur as soon as possible. So, stability is good news.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  4. Somebody needs to find a video of Pee Wee Herman saying “I meant to do that.”

    Except the Obama administration isn’t as smart as Pee Wee. And they’ve been jerking everyone else around instead of…

    Steverino (69d941)

  5. Bullshit, emperor liar, coward and worm. The Obama administration said the stimulus plan would revive the economy.

    Don’t believe me? Then believe Time Magazine

    Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

    [note: fished from spam filter]

    Steverino (69d941)

  6. Barack Obama is unembarrassed and unruffled and just calmly hitches up his mom jeans and goes on with his day after we walk in and catch him in the act of raping our little country’s treasury. That’s just how he rolls.

    happyfeet (c75712)

  7. Yeah, it’s not his fault at all, but he won by campaigning on how quickly he could fix it, via his supreme awesomeness. So now he owns it, all of it – and any future attempts to deflect it on his predecessors will go the way of Carter’s tenure. Those who make enormous promises have only themselves to blame when they don’t come close to living up to them.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  8. …and he still throws like a big girl.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  9. The patent dishonesty is almost unbelievable. And the ability of the trolls to swallow the latest load and regurgitate it with a straight face would be admired by the most experienced porn star.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  10. Between Barcky and Biden, they are a fountain of imbecility when it comes to the economy.

    JD (a5d4c8)

  11. Obama is just not very smart or experienced.

    Say what we will of Clinton — he had a grasp of reality albeit very self serving one.

    Obama is like pahote fiend trying to use monopoly at the Bellagio.

    Everyone is like “is this like an episode of hidden camera?”

    HeavenSent (641cde)

  12. “Barack Obama is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.” — the MSM and his numerous sycophants in the blogosphere

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  13. Is this not the bill that was too important to even be read? Was this not the program that was going to limit unemployment to 8% and would be a disaster if notl passed? How much longer do we have to put up with this lying piece of sh*t? Were are the videos of the statements he made getting this passed?

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (57cae1)

  14. “Economy Rapidly Approaching Arafat Levels of Stability”

    mojo (8096f2)

  15. You never supported his candidacy. Never rejoiced at his Presidency. Wished him failure at the outset of his administration. Condemn every move he makes. Mock at every little progress he makes. What does that make you? An angry, bitter member of an opposition, largely responsible for the mess we are in. A sore loser. Now, shut up and enjoy the ride! It’s gonna be a tough, long, hard one. But we will come out of this. I know we will cos we can. YES WE CAN!

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  16. The economy is approaching stability in the sense that Generalissimo Franco’s heart rate is stable.

    Steverino (69d941)

  17. You never supported his candidacy. Never rejoiced at his Presidency. Wished him failure at the outset of his administration. Condemn every move he makes. Mock at every little progress he makes. What does that make you?

    In this case, it makes me right.

    You cheerlead his every movement, excuse his every failing, and won’t acknowledge his most flagrant back-pedalling. What does that make you?

    Aside from a lying cowardly worm, it makes you a sucker.

    Steverino (69d941)

  18. And the list gets longer. “Lying cowardly worm, who also is a sucker.” It’s all good. Just be happy.
    I am happy to support someone who at least has a grip on what needs to be done and has the leadership to do it. George Bush should be happy.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  19. “shut up and enjoy the ride”

    Was that directed to happyfeets post?

    Anyway, I want to remind everyone that spending=stimulus regardless of where the money actually goes.
    Think of it as a giant Katrina debit card scheme in which wealth gets redistributed to others who spend it on useless short term goods and services.

    Sooner or later the smart people wind up with the majority of the money again… less that which snagged in government bloat.

    SteveG (97b6b9)

  20. The Emperor, you have no evidence that Obama has a “grip” on what needs to be done. That they are redefining the terms of the stimulus package is a good clue to the contrary. And Obama has no leadership at all, he’s not leading on anything. He did not “lead” on the stimulus bill itself, having nothing to do with its contents, nor with the healthcare legislation.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  21. I thought the crash did happen on Obama’s watch… He was a US Senator for two years with the Democratic Party in charge of both houses.

    Or, because being senator is one of the government patronage/”no show” jobs–that Pres Obama is excused from responsibility (and Clinton, and McCain, and Biden, and etc.).

    It not like Pres Bush II had a whole bunch of sustained vetoes that frustrated the will of congress (~6 in those two years).

    If “Stability” is his first goal–I guess an economy that is shedding ~500,000 jobs a month for the last year is a stable economic indicator… What–in approximately 20 months, every private sector job will be gone leaving about 25 million workers relying on Government Jobs (all gov+military).

    Hate the heck to see what the definition of recovery is. Perhaps it is #4 from the dictionary:

    4. The act of obtaining usable substances from unusable sources.

    Sort of like they recovered some jewelry from the wreck of the Titanic using a deep diving submersible.


    BfC (5209ec)

  22. I am happy to support someone who at least has a grip on what needs to be done and has the leadership to do it.

    Since the economy isn’t doing what Obama thought it would do, how can you possibly claim that he has a grip on what needs to be done?

    Unless you want to argue that Obama is deliberately doing the exact opposite of what he knows should be done….

    Steverino (69d941)

  23. Whoops–dropped a zero in typing–that should have been 200 months (a bit less than 17 years).

    BfC (5209ec)

  24. When you listen to Obama speak now,it is like he is only speaking to the pathetic cultists that hang on his every word, no matter how full of hypocrisy and dishonesty they are filled with.

    No thinking person based in reality could possibly believe anything this failed community organizer has to say anymore.

    Besides the many speeches by Obama and the constant talking points delivered by the Obama administration and his cheerleaders in the press that stated this 1.3 million “stimulus” (when paid for) was needed “now” to jump start the economy and create jobs now (create or “save” 3.5 million)
    we are supposed to ignore all that an believe the new talking points of “it saved us from impending doom” that no has any way to measure of calculate.

    New talking points:

    “This legislation was designed to cushion the downturn,” said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. “That’s why we have always talked about this as one function of economic recovery.”
    Robert Gibbs Press Conference
    July 16, 2009

    Complete and utter BULLSH!T Gibbs.

    Here is what Obama’s own financial gurus not only stated in public,but put in writing:



    Christina Romer: Chair – Nominee- Designate
    Council of Economic Advisors

    Jared Bernstein: Office of the Vice-President

    G. Conclusions

    This study has sought to investigate the likely job creation effects of the American Recovery and
    Reinvestment Plan currently under consideration. As emphasized at many points in the analysis,
    there is substantial uncertainty around all of our estimates. Nevertheless, we believe they can
    provide useful guidance as we go forward. Among the key lessons from the analysis are:

    . The recovery plan needs to be large to counter the tremendous job loss that is likely to occur.

    . The plan needs to include a range of components, such as direct government spending, state fiscal relief, and tax cuts to ensure that jobs are created quickly and throughout the economy.

    . The range of components is also important for ensuring that both male and female workers benefit from the program.

    . An aggressive recovery program is important for protecting all Americans from job loss, but
    particularly for aiding those groups disproportionately hurt by the rise in the overall unemployment rate.

    . A well designed recovery plan will not only create numerous jobs, but also many jobs paying good wages and providing full-time employment.

    Ignore all of this and the talking points delivered by the “smart ones”over and over and over and over by the Obama administration about jump starting the economy and creating jobs.

    This is the Iraq War political slight of hand the democrats pulled during the Bush Administration by claiming they were “tricked” and “lied to” concerning Saddam’s WMD and ties to al-qaeda even though they spent most of the 90’s and up until voting for war saying all the same things Bush said.

    But with the help of the press,democrats want to create new talking points,send all of the previous statements and speeches down the memory hole and get back to blaming everything on Republicans.

    The democrats on the Hill are nothing but a criminal organization posing as a political party.

    Only an absolute idiot would follow these people.

    Baxter Greene (af5030)

  25. Where are the jobs? Why is unemployment at 9.6%? Why is the GNP down by over 2.5%? Why is Obama such a smirking chimp?

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  26. It should have been the “Downturn Stabilization Act”, with the same name for the website.

    Audaciously not-hopeful!

    tom (6b78e0)

  27. Obama Lied, The Economy Died!

    Sounds kinda catchy to me…

    Maybe we should all march in Lafayette square with giant paper-mache ears repeating that mantra…

    Bob (99fc1b)

  28. Amrican People; “Obama Lied, The Economy Died!

    Obama; “Why do you hear that, I can’t believe my ears!”

    Me; “I can’t believe them either Barry…”

    Chimpmeister ObamaMussoliniSorosGE!

    Bob (99fc1b)

  29. @21.
    Give it time. It’s only six months into Recovery effort. First, stop the bleeding, then heal the wound. The man said it would take time. It took a long time to get this bad. It might take longer to get out. It gets very bad before it gets better. Obama is no magician.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  30. OT, but I would just note that it’s a little hard to get conservative to oppose Obama’s initiatives when certain conservative groups PROFIT from doing side business with Obama’s supporters:

    Brad S (9f6740)

  31. Obama is no magician.

    Well, in that case maybe what we need is a magician.

    Official Internet Data Office (ffa378)

  32. I am happy to support someone who at least has a grip on what needs to be done and has the leadership to do it.

    Only a liberal could view this as having a “grip” on what is going on in this country right now:

    is there anybody in there.
    Just nod if you can hear me,
    is there anyone at all???????????????????????

    “We are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression”

    Barak Obama
    Feb. 2009

    “They’re (the economy)not as bad as we think they are now.”

    Barak Obama
    Mar. 2009

    White House Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag declared that “fundamentally, the economy is weak.”
    Peter Orszag
    Mar. 2009

    White House Budget Director Orszag: “Elevated Deficits Are Beneficial”

    White House Budget Director
    Peter Orszag, Feb. 26, 2009

    Economic adviser Christina Romer. When asked during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if the fundamentals of the economy were sound, she replied: “Of course they are sound.”

    Christina Romer (Obama Economic Advisor)
    Mar. 2009

    During the fall campaign, Obama relentlessly criticized his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, for declaring, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” Obama’s team painted the veteran senator as out of touch and failing to grasp the challenges facing the country.

    Barak Obama
    Nov. 2008

    “‘Chinese assets are very safe,’ Geithner said in response to a question after a speech at Peking University, where he studied Chinese as a student in the 1980s.

    Tim Geithner
    Speech in China, 2009

    “It will be helpful if Geithner can show us some arithmetic.”

    Chinese response to Geithner concerning
    their assets being safe.

    Unemployment is in double digits,Deficits in the trillions,Taxes going sky high,The Dollar becoming null and void,Foreign investors pulling out of America,GM,Chrysler,and Banks being taken over by the government ,and the President has this to say about his failed stimulus:

    In a little over one hundred days, this Recovery Act has worked as intended…

    Obama statement regarding the stimulus
    Saturday radio address,July 11, 2009

    “I’m absolutely, positively confident we are on the right track,” he said of the $787 million package.

    Joe Biden, July 16, 2009
    J Sargent Reynolds Community College

    (On failure of the Stimulus)
    “The figures we worked off of in January were the consensus figures and most of the blue chip indexes out there,” Biden said. “We misread how bad the economy was,

    VP Joe Biden on ABC’s This Week,
    July 5,2009

    “Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.”

    Joe Biden,AARP meeting
    July 16, 2009

    The Obama administration has no clue what is going on or what the hell they are doing.
    “Yes We Can!!!!”

    Let’s not forget that great “grip” Obama had when he cried for surrender in Iraq:

    Obama’s position in January 2007:

    OBAMA: We cannot impose a military solution on what has effectively become a civil war. And until we acknowledge that reality, uh, we can send 15,000 more troops; 20,000 more troops; 30,000 more troops. Uh, I don’t know any, uh, expert on the region or any military officer that I’ve spoken to, uh, privately that believes that that is gonna make a substantial difference on the situation on the ground.

    Obama to troops: “You got the job done” in Iraq

    Thanks in great measure to your service, the situation in Iraq has improved. Violence has been reduced substantially from the horrific sectarian killing of 2006 and 2007. Al Qaeda in Iraq has been dealt a serious blow by our troops and Iraq’s Security Forces, and through our partnership with Sunni Arabs. The capacity of Iraq’s Security Forces has improved, and Iraq’s leaders have taken steps toward political accommodation. The relative peace and strong participation in January’s provincial elections sent a powerful message to the world about how far Iraqis have come in pursuing their aspirations through a peaceful political process…

    Baxter Greene (af5030)

  33. @30.
    Sorry to disappoint you.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  34. The Emperor, what is disappointing is that you continue to make statements that make it clear that your beliefs are not based on reality.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  35. Why should I rejoice in the candidacy, election, and administration of a buffoon?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  36. The underground economy is blossoming like a little flower. Cause of the dirty socialist taxings and regulatings. They’re so stupid.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  37. What does that make you?

    It makes us intelligent, sentient human beings who can actually discern complete and utter bullsh-t from the cultists who act like lambs led to the slaughter. If you think he’s really all that and a bag of chips, then I have a simple suggestion to prove your ultimate fealty: next April 15th, check the box on the IRS form that allows you to contribute more than minimally indicated. 25% extra off the top would convince me – anything less you’re just a fart in the wind.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  38. @18
    “shut up and enjoy the ride”

    Was that directed to happyfeets post?

    No it was not particularly directed at happyfeet. It was directed at folks who like to whine.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  39. Whatever. Barack Obama and his dirty socialist media like the NPR and the Newsweek are majority shareholders in Grievance Inc. Nobody but nobody whines like a dirty socialist NPR hoochie or Joe Klein. Except maybe M’chelle.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  40. I think that when people notice that the Democrats have used the excuse of stimulating the economy on a borrowed trillion dollars that was not in fact stimulus, but Democrat pork, that complaining about that is not “whining”.

    But then, the Obama cultists don’t seem to understand dissent now that Obama is in the White House.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  41. oh. Joe Klein is with the dirty socialist TIME magazine one now. Whatever. Same same I think.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  42. @36
    Don’t tell me you are such a pessimist. I have seen you show more optimism about the future. It’s gonna get better. We have a President who is actually doing something about it. Better than folks who advocate that he does nothing but to sit down and hope it goes away. Not his mess but surely his task. Let us pray for him to succeed. He will. For everyone’s good, he must!

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  43. The Emperor, Obama is not doing anything to make the economy better. His own numbers in justifying the stimulus package prove that.

    Things will get better, but despite Obama not because of him. Especially with the outrageous deficit spending he is advocating for the future.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  44. It’s gonna get better.

    Of that, I am sure. This is America. But it will get better in spite of Obama, not because of him.

    We have a President who is actually doing something about it.

    You’d have to be a damned fool to believe that. Exactly what has Obama done that has helped?

    Better than folks who advocate that he does nothing but to sit down and hope it goes away.

    “Nothing” is often a wise thing to do. Had Obama done nothing at all, the economy would be in the same shape it is today. Only without $780 billion in excess federal debt.

    I’d say doing nothing would have been far better than what Obama did.

    Steverino (69d941)

  45. Barack Obama isn’t “doing something about it.” He’s fanning the flames of crisis so he can exploit it for his dirty socialist Hungarian sugar daddy. He hates our little country something fierce. Baleful and scrunty little man that he is.

    We’re in big big trouble.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  46. We have a President who is actually making it worse. Doing something almost always makes it much worse. The discredited Keynesians think that, by doing something, they can claim that they had good intentions, and defer the negative repercussions well into the future. But here we have the laughable spectacle of President Jiveass failing, and then arguing that he didn’t fail because he never intended to succeed right away.

    Official Internet Data Office (4f51fb)

  47. The national debt (the DEBT, mind you, not spending) will be at 100% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 10 years.

    You call that “doing something”?

    My car has a scratch on it, so in your world, I should take it and drive it over a cliff?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  48. here we have the laughable spectacle of President Jiveass failing, and then arguing that he didn’t fail because he never intended to succeed right away.

    That is very very precisely correct. If Barack Obama ever read a book in his life you can bet it was the tipping point one by that Malcolm guy. He’s dead set on tipping our little country into a dirty socialist third worldy oppressive nightmare from which there will be no returning. I give it maybe eight more months and then it’s pretty much over for the America we knew. He’s on a mission.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  49. But then, steve, you would be showing leadership and doing something, according to Emperor.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  50. Well, I didn’t volunteer to run for President, which is apparently a position that should exempt you from analysis and criticism, because you are “doing something.”

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  51. Yes, steve, unless you are doing something to prevent Americans from being killed by terrorists, then you must be continually criticized, usually by making things up.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  52. People forget that all this damage our little country is currently taking is almost entirely inflicted by the anti-American dirty socialists in congress and the one in the White House right now. So far the world has been conspicuously quiescent and oddly gentle with us. You don’t attack your enemy when it’s defeating itself is why. Our enemies abroad are just waiting for when Barack Obama finishes weakening us to where they can start inflicting damages of their own at no risk and with little cost. And you know what? There’s really not a lot to be done for it but to watch our little country sink into a dirty socialist oblivion.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  53. By the way, I don’t think Teh One™ is a fool because he is a member of the Democrat Party, because there are plenty fools in the Republican Party.

    I think he is a fool because his actions and his words (words, words, words, words, WORDS! They are endless and they are scripted) show him to be a fool.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  54. More people should learn about the life and history of Ezekiel Bulver before they criticize based on who is speaking rather that what they are speaking.

    The Life and History of Ezekiel Bulver (wikipedia)

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  55. Better than folks who advocate that he does nothing but to sit down and hope it goes away

    Clinton did nothing during the recession in his 1st term, and the economy recovered splendidly, so much so that even “Monicagate” couldn’t prevent his second term. James Carville always said that if he had a chance to come back in another form, he’d come back as the Bond Market, since Clinton’s economic advisors considered that the true barometer of the economy’s health. He was stymied in his tax and spend plans (including Hillary’s healthcare boondoggle) by a GOP – led Congress, and yet the economy still recovered smartly.

    There is no, I repeat no – excuse or rational explanation behind Obama’s incredible deficit spending. They’ve failed to make a economic case for it, and their own CBO has laughed their numbers right out of the ballpark. People at the tea parties aren’t demonstrating because they hate Obama, they’re demonstrating because they realize the peril this POTUS and his cronies in Congress are putting this country in, and they want to stop it – now.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  56. Wrong thread, I know, happyfeet, but I will build you a California bowie, not origami, for our next getogether. Don’t know about the sheath, though. Might not be strappable.

    nk (2fa2d4)

  57. Dmac: Re, No. 36. Sorry, I don’t see much intelligence reflected in this thread. Maybe y’all are having an off day.

    And HappyFeet: The one book that former law professor Obama read in his life was not The Tipping Point by Gladwell but Rules for Radicals by Alinsky.


    A specimen such as yourself should be well-versed in the Wingnut Talking Points. No excuses.

    Myron (98529a)

  58. Oh, hi Sarah (No. 55). I wasn’t ignoring you. We posted around the same time. You know how we have that connection.

    Look forward to your daily claptrap. Toodle-oo.

    Myron (98529a)

  59. Hi, Sarah. What will you build for our next (first) get-together?

    Myron (98529a)

  60. former law professor Obama

    He was a guest instructor. “Professor” means something and the little bastard spawn of a Kenyan bigamist and underage Kansan hippie was never that.

    nk (2fa2d4)

  61. Dmac, I think that this says it all…

    That’s just how trolls roll….

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  62. Hi, Sarah. What will you build for our next (first) get-together?

    Comment by Myron — 7/17/2009 @ 11:40 am

    A shrine to Obama with a sink and plumbing so that you will not make too big a mess while you masturbate in front of his picture.

    nk (2fa2d4)

  63. I think it is time that we demand that Obama craft an “exit strategy” for his economic adventurism.

    JVW (ebabe2)

  64. How about an economics 101 course for him?

    I can dream, can’t I?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  65. Only a little dickhead, riding his bicycle without the seat but still with the seat-post, would think that calling me Sarah Palin is an insult.

    nk (2fa2d4)

  66. And this is ironic:

    “…It was directed at folks who like to whine….”

    Why, just a couple of years ago, “whining” was called “dissent.” And dissent was triumphantly called the highest form of patriotism.

    Depending on the letter in front of a President’s name, I guess.

    Yet more alphabetism.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  67. Well, now the he is Teh One™ we were waiting for, all dissent and criticism must stop. Because he is sensitive & can be hurt easily, I guess.

    Funny, Palin should just take it like a man, but Teh One™ must be shielded.

    What a crazy world.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  68. Myron – Enlighten us. What was the purpose of the Reinvestment and Reocvery Act? Why would they call it if its goal was not to recover? How do you spend more to avoid bankruptcy?

    JD (7510a7)

  69. The First In A Relentless Series Of National Strikes Against The Dictator Has Been Called For Wednesday, November 4th.

    “This is not a one-day event. We are going to shut this country down. You heard about ‘A Day Without A Mexican’? Try a day without an American.‘”

    Official Internet Data Office (4f51fb)

  70. Sarah said: He was a guest instructor.

    OK, Sarah. This is a minor point. But just FYI, according to the school that employed him, he was both.

    But you probably know better than the school that employed him, Sarah. Forgive me if I’ve been presumptuous.

    Myron (98529a)

  71. “Spending more but enjoying it less?” — Joe Biden

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  72. Comment by SPQR — 7/17/2009 @ 10:58 am
    YeahHHHH! Look, Obama has based his presidency on recovery of the economy. That is to say; if the economy does not recover by 2012, vote him out of office. That to me is a very serious thing for a politician to say. Risky too. Don’t you think that of all people, he ought to be the one worrying about this problem? Why not wait till then to vote him out if he fails? It’s only been 6 months! Chill out folks.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  73. No. 66: Yes, calling a man a woman is ALWAYS a compliment. Calling a man an incompetent, anti-intellectual woman — that’s even more of a credit to him.

    Myron (98529a)

  74. But hey, we should not criticize Teh One™ because it makes baby Barack cry.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  75. But you probably know better than the school that employed him, Sarah. Forgive me if I’ve been presumptuous.

    Comment by Myron — 7/17/2009 @ 11:52 am

    The same “school” who gave his wife a $300,000.00 a year job when he was elected Senator and then eliminated the position when she became First Sasquatch. Like my sufija Latina said, “Muerda me”.

    nk a/k/a Sarah (2fa2d4)

  76. So, Myron is just going to call names today.

    Teaching a course that involved an aspect of constitutional law does not make him a constitutional scholar. This, he has shown.

    JD (7510a7)

  77. that sounds like a good idea, Mr. nk. It would be very dangerous to be as complacent as Myron I think.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  78. OK, Sarah. Let’s not fight. He was an instructor. Let’s just say he was the janitor or maybe a cook. That’s even better, no?

    But please, let’s move on.

    Myron (98529a)

  79. No. 66: Yes, calling a man a woman is ALWAYS a compliment. Calling a man an incompetent, anti-intellectual woman — that’s even more of a credit to him.

    Comment by Myron — 7/17/2009 @ 11:54 am

    Let’s see, Myricon. You have called Sonia Sotomayor nonwhite. And you think that calling me Sarah Palin is an insult. I get it. You’re a white puto Kennedy.

    nk a/k/a Sarah (2fa2d4)

  80. JD: Cut and paste where I said he was a constitutional scholar. Barring that, apologize to me for lying. Barring that, follow the golden rule of “keeping silent and being thought ignorant rather than opening your pie hole and removing all doubt” etc etc.

    Myron (98529a)

  81. And the point is, what, exactly? That a so-called professor of the Constitution is now spending trillions of dollars for a recovery that’s not happening, and we can’t criticize that, but instead we should call him by the correct title?

    Are you perhaps missing the point? We will be at 100% of GDP in DEBT in a few years given Teh One™’s level of spending, and we should just sit back and let it happen?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  82. But hey, if you want to try to change the subject from Miserable Failure to “stop calling names when it suits me,” then hey, go ahead.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  83. And you think that calling me Sarah Palin is an insult. I get it.

    Are you just getting that now, Sarah? Mmm. I’ll have to dumb it down even further I see for us to see eye-to-eye. Get right down level with the ground, I suppose.

    But for you? The world!

    Myron (98529a)

  84. No comment on Mr. Professor bankrupting the U.S. for generations?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  85. Steve Miller: Read my original post and trace your finger over the words if it helps. I was addressing happyfeet specifically and his comment about the one book Obama may have read. My implication was that a law professor probably has read more than one book.

    Geez Louise, it’s speak-and-spell around here today.

    Myron (98529a)

  86. When pigs fly out of unicorns asses, I will apologize to Myron. You were promoting Teh One beyond his station, as you and your ilk are known to do.

    I asked you several direct questions each of the last 3 days, all of which went unanswered except for saying “look at her resume” and claiming we are “hostile to minorities”. So, again, I await your response.

    JD (7510a7)

  87. It’s gotta be a bitch to have an itch and not have Obama scratch it for you, eh, Myricon? Take my advice, build up good karma, and maybe in ten reincarnations or so you can be a pubic louse in his underwear.

    nk a/k/a Sarah (2fa2d4)

  88. 21 Democrats sign up to oppose Pelosi/Obama’s bankrupt-the-US-plan

    At least there are 21 sane Democrats in the House.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  89. Let’s see if we can focus like a laser: this topic is about Teh One™ and his multi-trillion dollar spending spree that will send the U.S. debt through the roof — up to 200% of the gross domestic product by 2032 (20 years from now).

    That’s completely unsustainable, and the CBO says it’s unstoppable if Teh One™ gets his way on spending for health care.

    Now, go ahead and quibble about whether Teh One™ is a lecturer or professor. I’m sure the captain of the Titanic sent out for tea after being told they were about to hit an iceberg.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  90. By the way, note that the CBO isn’t saying “spending will be 200% of GDP”; it’s saying DEBT will be 200% of the GDP.

    That means that even if the Democrats succeed in finally taxing everyone at 100% of income, we will still be short by 50%, and this is just to pay off the debt, not to do other things required for good government such as junkets to Las Vegas for stress reduction and humor consultants to help keep civil servants happy.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  91. We just need to spend a lot more to avoid bankruptcy.

    JD (7510a7)

  92. Or we need to arrange for our new Chinese overlords to lend us some more money.

    I wonder what the dollar bill will look like with Hu Jintao’s portrait on it.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  93. When pigs fly out of unicorns asses, I will apologize to Myron.

    I know that, JD, of course. Because you’re ultimately disingenuous. The very definition of a hack. You don’t care if you’re spinning the truth or fiction, as long as it’s in service of your side’s narrative.

    I catch you blatantly misrepresenting a statement of mine, and you can’t man up. My words are just up-thread, partner.

    I see your kind getting pimped on every street corner and at any number of blogs. But let me ask you: Are you paying the ACU/CPAC or are they paying you? Hard to tell which way the payola’s going these days.

    “The party of ideas.” P’shaw!

    Myron (98529a)

  94. Hey, let’s stay focused here on Teh One™ and not on who’s feelings are getting hurt, m’kay?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  95. #14 — Comment by The Emperor — 7/17/2009 @ 8:44 am

    Strange rant

    You never supported his candidacy.

    Not sure who “you” is, however all American citizens who have the right to vote, may do so for their candidate. Not certain why or when this became a bad thing.

    Never rejoiced at his Presidency.

    Rejoicing at any presidency is lunacy. They work for “We The People”.

    Wished him failure at the outset of his administration. Condemn every move he makes.

    Who are you addressing this too?

    For me, I genuinely wished him success on his goals of transparency in government, not hiring lobbyists in the cabinet, and a new Great Communicator (not Great Apologist) for the voice of our country (will not mention the Teleprompter dependency).

    Also his promise of bringing a new standard of honesty to government (which I guess he did, but I was hoping for a higher standard, not lower) has proven most disappointing.

    If he could have delivered on these simple items, then I for one, certainly would have him the benefit of the doubt on larger issues.

    Mock at every little progress he makes.

    What progress?

    What does that make you? An angry, bitter member of an opposition, largely responsible for the mess we are in. A sore loser.

    No, rather an American who is saddened for his country, especially for future generations of Americans that must suffer for this man’s mistakes and stupidity.

    In short; a realist.

    Now, shut up and enjoy the ride!

    The nation is NOT an amusement ride. The nation that contains the hope of Freddom and Libberty for the entire world, but don’t worry if you do not understand this.

    It’s gonna be a tough, long, hard one.

    Our nation is in rough times already. President Obama’s policies have delayed recovery, deepened the economic downturn, and condemned future generations.

    *using your vernacular, how about this: your hero shuts-up (your words) until he puts-up. Then he and you can tell me what a great man he is, which reduces the hypocrisy of your hero and the ridicule of your praise.

    But we will come out of this. I know we will cos we can. YES WE CAN!

    Yes, but no thanks to President Obama (his followers, minions, worshippers, thugs, etc ).

    In our history, our country always comes out of tough situations. We throw-out the incompetents, clean-up the mess, and rebuild.

    “We” always have.

    Pons Asinorum (17be9f)

  96. I see you just are going to be Myron the sycophantic sophist again today. Sad, seeing as though you are one of the few trolls who can spell. The projection with this one is strong.


    Añyone know where we can find out how much we have spent in Iraq, to date?

    JD (7510a7)

  97. maybe here, JD?

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  98. About $1 trillion for the past 5 years, but it’s hard to get the numbers just for Iraq. It’s mixed in with Afghanistan, Europe, Korea, and others.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  99. Stiglitz is a dirty socialist kumquat though what lies and lies. You have to remember also that most of the money we paid to ourselves and also that the dirty socialists in Congress – including the Barack Obama when he was there – they work overtime to make war as expensive as possible. They really really hate our little country. I’m taken back sometimes how much they hate our little country. Raw venomous hate.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  100. So that spending in Iraq was bad, evil, a disservice to the Nation, but about the same spent without even reading the legislation was a good and necessary thing that has made things worse than if we did nothing at all, and the only way to fix that is to do even more of what did not work the last time?

    JD (7510a7)

  101. “Look, Obama has based his presidency on recovery of the economy. That is to say; if the economy does not recover by 2012, vote him out of office.”

    That’s a about as tough as betting on the sun rising in the morning. “LOOK BOSS, LOOK WHAT I DID. I MADE THE SUN RISE!”

    So far, Obama is 3 million jobs in the hole. This is the worst job performance of any President since Hoover.

    Keep drinking the koolaid.

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  102. “I think it is time that we demand that Obama craft an “exit strategy” for his economic adventurism.”


    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  103. “Clinton did nothing during the recession in his 1st term, and the economy recovered splendidly”

    Ahem – there was no recession in Clinton’s first term. Clinton ran on a ‘weak economy’ but in fact Q4 2002 GDP growth was 4%! The recovery had started before the election, but the media helped the CLinton/lib narrative.

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  104. ““Nothing” is often a wise thing to do. Had Obama done nothing at all, the economy would be in the same shape it is today. Only without $780 billion in excess federal debt.”

    And if he disbanded the Congress tomorrow and announced no liberal initiatives this term, the stock market would jump 10% and the recovery would begin.

    Travis Monitor (cfa2f1)

  105. Absolutely Travis (12:35 pm). The Clintonistas have always tried to sell everyone on the idea that their man inherited a recession and turned things around. In reality, by the time Clinton was inaugurated in January 1993 the economy had been growing for something like five or six consecutive months, and by the time his economic plan passed in August of that year it had been thirteen or fourteen months of growth. But the truth never matters when there is a progressive icon to worship.

    JVW (ebabe2)

  106. Truth only matters if it’s an (R) next to the name.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  107. This is gonna make the Barack Obama very very angry.

    The same state budget crisis that could shutter 220 of California’s state parks and beaches, may also open the door for the first new offshore oil leases in state waters in forty years. That is, if a proposal floated in the closed-door state budget negotiations on Thursday wins approval from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    If approved, the deal would pave the way for the first offshore oil leases in California state waters since the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the California Sanctuary Act. In so doing, it would effectively bypass the current regulatory process for formalizing the leases.

    You won’t like the Barack Obama when he’s angry.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  108. Travis/JVW, actually during the Clinton administration, the White House website would take credit for X months of economic expansion, and amusingly the “X months” were always greater than the amount of time Clinton had been in office.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  109. Anyone who is arguing that the economy is “stabilizing” or “not as bad,” and that we are seeing “green shoots” is out of their mind or lying.

    Port and trucking traffic is down from last year–that means goods are either not being shipped here for eventual consumption, or are sitting in dock with no buyers.

    Consumer sales reciepts are also down from last year. When 70% of the country’s GDP is based on spending, that is BAD.

    Rates on 1 month, 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year Tbills are all down dramatically from this time last year, even after the rates bottomed out completely at the end of last year. On top of this, China failed to meet it’s debt-target sales for the third time in two weeks, so the chances of them calling in the debt they bought from us goes up dramatically.

    Despite all the “new starts” on housing, there is still a huge inventory of foreclosed or empty homes on the market right now. The debt on those homes hasn’t gone away, it’s just not being put on the banks balance sheets so it “looks” like they are running a profit. Oh, and OptionARMS are appearing more and more frequently on the list of delinquencies and foreclosures–the odds that these will be the “subprimes” of 2009 are looking pretty good right now.

    The U6 on unemployment is running about 16% right now, and even Obama and his team are now predicting that the U3 is going to be at 11% by the end of the year.

    The leftists can clap their hands, stomp their feet, and swing a dead cat around their head by the light of the full moon, but their assertions and those of the media that things are getting better are patently false.

    Obama and his administration lost their hedge bet that the economy was simply in a recession and that things would get better this summer; they hoped that when it went on the upswing, they could promote the stimulus as the primary driver behind the recovery. That’s why Obama was arguing that most of the money would go “immediately” and “directly” to fund “private sector” jobs. Instead, states are using it largely to cover their budgetary shortfalls this year (never mind that they will still need to cover them again next year, so they are simply kicking the can), rather than using the money to develop jobs in the private sector. The fact that the stimulus had NO impact whatsoever at stabilizing the U3 at 8% is why Obama and his mill of propogandists have changed their story that the stimulus was meant to work “over time,” and that “things are getting better!”

    Obama and the administration is lying–plain and simple. They’re just hoping enough people will buy it long enough to get re-elected.

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  110. Sounds like Teh One™ had better speed up the show trials of the wreckers and kulaks. All this attention paid to his disastrous performance may lead to his minions becoming un-minious.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  111. Economic Freefall Over!

    Larry Summers says we can rejoice hallelujah because the economy is improving.

    Proof? “The number of people searching for the term ‘economic depression’ on Google is down to normal levels.”

    I am not making this up.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  112. That’s just a function of the language Barack Obama’s dirty socialist media like the MSNBC and the NPR choose to use. This Summers person is stupid and godawful fat to where it looks like he may have recently quit smoking.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  113. We had a depression right up until the Barack Obama passed his treasury-rape package what was explicitly definitely not designed to stimulate the economy on purpose cause that’s what they meant for it not to do.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  114. #

    Truth only matters if it’s an (R) next to the name.

    Comment by steve miller — 7/17/2009 @ 12:59 pm

    My thoug

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  115. CBO Says the Economy Will Blow Up with Obamacare

    …As a result of those deficits, federal debt held by the public will soar from 41 percent of GDP at the end of fiscal year 2008 to 60 percent at the end of fiscal year 2010. This higher debt results in permanently higher spending to pay interest on that debt.

    Emphasis added so nutroots can pay attention.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  116. @118.
    oops, clicked “submit” mistakenly.

    Truth only matters if it’s an (R) next to the name.

    Comment by steve miller — 7/17/2009 @ 12:59 pm

    My thoughts exactly, Steve. If this President had an “R” to his name, what would we be saying now? And don’t tell me no Republican President would have done what Obama did. Bush did the same thing late last year. Even John McCain, abandoned his campaign to rush back to the senate to shore up support for the stimulus bill. It’s better to be on the other side. At least you get to criticize your opponent. Even when you know you would do the same thing in his shoes. I understand that aspect of the human nature.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  117. – there was no recession in Clinton’s first term. Clinton ran on a ‘weak economy’

    True – but I mischaracterized the accuracy regarding the claim of recession; Clinton ran on it, the media lapped it up, and he got elected because of it. And in like manner, Obama ran on “the worst economic crisis in our nation’s history,” the media lapped it up, and he got elected because of it. The difference in what Clinton didn’t do (because he was blocked by Congress) and what Obama is doing right now is still a study in opposites.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  118. I am not making this up.

    Comment by steve miller — 7/17/2009 @ 1:52 pm
    No you are not. But you are deliberately “leaving things out” when you fail to paste the full body of his statement. Like,

    We pledged at the time the Recovery Act became law that some of the spending and tax effects would begin almost immediately.,” Summers said in prepared remarks. “We also noted that the impact of the Recovery Act would build up over time, peaking during 2010 with about 70 percent of the total stimulus provided in the first 18 months. Now, five months after the passage, we are on track to meet that timeline. “

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  119. Comment by Another Chris — 7/17/2009 @ 1:12 pm

    Great comment. And I believe you are right – they are lying.

    But they’re very shrewd and smart about it: they know that people’s desperate need to believe in the Hope ‘n Change miracle is what will keep them buying the bill of goods they’re being sold – therefore, no close inspection of said goods is necessary – nor really would they want to look too closely. Believers can’t afford to discover their gods are nothing but corrupt men with feet of clay.

    Obama and his administration know their target so well and have neatly isolated it without any heavy handedness necessary. Like sheep to the slaughter. For now, anyway…

    “Anyone who is arguing that the economy is “stabilizing” or “not as bad,” and that we are seeing “green shoots” is out of their mind or lying.”

    Joe Biden, yesterday,

    “I say, ‘Don’t let your opposition to the Recovery Act blind you to its results. Come see what I see everywhere I go: workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classroom, progress toward getting our economy back on the move.’”

    Apparently he didn’t notice that climbing 9.8% unemployment rate or the 600 layoffs this week at Cisco Systems…. and as someone else noted, both Biden and Obama are studiously avoiding the mention of Caterpillar…

    Dana (57e332)

  120. Come see what I see everywhere I go: workers rehired, factories reopened, cops on the street, teachers in the classroom, progress toward getting our economy back on the move.’

    Who knew Potemkin was still alive?

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  121. If Bush did this (and he did with TARP), then he should be – and was – criticized.

    Bush was no saint when it came to economics and social issues. But he was good to excellent on protecting America, and his pushing for tax cuts restarted an economy stalled by terrorism.

    Please point out where I have said Bush is above criticism. In fact, one of the frustrating things about Bush was how little he responded to criticism, and how much he kept his eye on the goals.

    Bush tried to push through Harriet Miers, a nice lady but not Supreme Court Justice material. He tried (and failed) to get Social Security fixed.

    Bush didn’t plan on a successor – a major failing.

    How does this make the current president somehow in a free zone where he should be admired for his efforts and not criticized for what he has decided to make an effort to do?

    I think he (The One™) is a fool. A quickly shrinking minority of Americans still think he is above reproach, but he is a public servant who fully deserves to be criticized when he does foolish and destructive things.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  122. “This legislation was designed to cushion the downturn,” said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. “That’s why we have always talked about this as one function of economic recovery.” – Robert Gibbs Press Conference July 16, 2009

    =yawn= The penchant for ‘instant C-Street-styled gratification’ by conservatives these days makes for stimulating news coverage.

    Read up on FDR’s struggles with the Great Depression era conservatives who wrecked America. Then take some cold showers.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  123. You might want to read Larry Summers more closely before quoting him inaccurately. He is talking about how ARRA is a success because some of the money is being spent.

    Is that the measure of success? That we’re spending money?

    The economy has stalled. Unemployment is near 10%, with hidden unemployment (people who’ve just given up) far higher. We are going to go multi-trillions of dollars into debt. We have a “Constitutional Scholar” inventing non-constitutional leadership positions (Have a Czar!), and somehow you think this is success?

    If this is success, what does failure look like?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  124. The Emperor writes: “Even John McCain, abandoned his campaign to rush back to the senate to shore up support for the stimulus bill.”

    You are confused yet again. The issue that McCain suspended his campaign for was not the stimulus bill. It was the bailout for the financial services industry.

    You really need to start paying attention to how much the “facts” are wrong that your opinions rely upon

    SPQR (5811e9)

  125. Well, cushioning the downturn has made it 20% worse.

    Yeah, that’s a success.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  126. Who knew Potemkin was still alive?

    Oh c’mon, we all know it takes a village

    Dana (57e332)

  127. DCSCA, what utter bilge. It was FDR who wrecked America. America would have been out of the Great Depression years earlier – ie., it would not have been “Great” – were it not for his disasterous policies.

    As for Gibbs rewriting history, it is not the instant gratification culture that is to blame for the expectations of the faux stimulus bill, it is the expectations that Obama himself set for it.

    Sheesh, what a loon.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  128. “This legislation was designed to cushion the downturn,” said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. “That’s why we have always talked about this as one function of economic recovery.” – Robert Gibbs Press Conference July 16, 2009

    =yawn= The penchant for ‘instant C-Street-styled gratification’ by conservatives these days makes for stimulating news coverage.

    Gibbs, and you, are lying.

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  129. You really need to start paying attention to how much the “facts” are wrong that your opinions rely upon

    SPQR, it isn’t what emperor sleaze doesn’t know that worries me, it’s what he knows for a fact that just ain’t so.

    Steverino (69d941)

  130. The “stimulus” has not even lived up to what Teh One and the Dems promised. Period. Full stop. In fact, things are worse than what they claimed would happen if we did nothing at all.

    JD (a8f5e7)

  131. “As I made clear at the time it was passed, the Recovery Act was not designed to work in four months – it was designed to work over two years,” Obama said. “We also knew that it would take some time for the money to get out the door, because we are committed to spending it in a way that is effective and transparent.”
    Barack Obama.

    Read more:

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  132. The stimulus bill was not spent putting people back to work with “shovel-ready” projects. President Obama and his administration lied. Now it is damage control time and a new “promise”.

    (from Yahoo AP, by R. Beck, 07/17/09):The official U.S. unemployment rate is at 9.5 percent and climbing, and it stands at a startling 16.5 percent when you add in discouraged Americans who have stopped looking for work and those who want to work full time but can only find part-time jobs.

    (from, 07/17/09): Unemployment is likely to rise in the months ahead, National Economic Council Director Larry Summers warned, as the full impact of the $787 billion economic recovery plan is not likely to be felt until 2010.

    (from Yahoo AP, J. Aversa, 07/17/09): The Federal Reserve this week projected that the national unemployment rate, currently at a 26-year high of 9.5 percent, will pass 10 percent by the end of the year. Most Fed policymakers said it could take “five or six years” for the economy and the labor market to get back on a path of long-term health.

    Pons Asinorum (17be9f)

  133. Well, yeah, they’re trying to change the facts, and some of the acolytes are lapping it up, but remember, it had to be passed right away!

    And yet, here we are, 6 months later, and the economy is tanking. So why would waiting a few weeks to read and study the bill have hurt? I thought it was an EMERGENCY!

    Most of the money will be spent in later years, coincidentally in time for the midterm elections. I wonder – is that a coincidence?

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  134. “We also knew that it would take some time for the money to get out the door, because we are committed to spending it in a way that is effective and transparent.”

    Jan 28th 2009–“Most of the money we’re investing as part of this plan will get out the door IMMEDIATELY and go DIRECTLY to job creation, generating or saving 3 to 4 million new jobs. And the vast majority of these jobs will be created in the private sector—because, as these CEOs well know, business, not government, is the engine of growth in this country,” he said.

    Obama, and you, are lying.

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  135. Emperor points to simply meeting some spending goals as a positive?

    JD (a8f5e7)

  136. Here’s a link for the Obama quote in Another Chris’s comment #138.

    DRJ (6f3f43)

  137. That’s a pretty damning quote, Another Chris.

    I think I’ll save that so I can shove those words down the sycophants’ throats when they bleat “but we knew it wasn’t going to work when we passed it.”

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  138. Thanks, DRJ–I guess I just assumed everyone had seen the quotation by now.

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  139. We must destroy the village to save it.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  140. Lovey – Here’s a nice shiny new ad from youtube which exposes you and your idol as lying sorry sacks of stuff.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  141. From the link,

    “I don’t expect 100 percent agreement from my Republican colleagues, but I hope that we can put politics aside,” he said after the meeting.

    Putting politics aside? Heh.

    Dana (57e332)

  142. The new meme from the Obama-bots is apparently, “Don’t pay any attention to all the quantifiable economic conditions that Obama promised if the stimulus, uh, recovery, uh, stabilization bill passed. Instead, focus on those brief asides where he mentioned it might take several years before we returned to normal.”

    JVW (ebabe2)

  143. “In a little over one hundred days, this Recovery Act has worked as intended. It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession. It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and businesses. Without the help the Recovery Act has provided to struggling states, its estimated that state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs – layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”

    Barack Obama.
    Read more:

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  144. Another Chris,

    I think you’re right most people here are familiar with that quote.

    DRJ (6f3f43)

  145. The Emperor,

    Most Americans want jobs, not hand-outs, but your last link shows Obama is giving us hand-outs and telling us they are as good as jobs.

    DRJ (6f3f43)

  146. #131- It may seem that way to anyone who worships Hoover, Coolidge and Harding.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  147. Without the help the Recovery Act has provided to struggling states, its estimated that state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs – layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”

    The fact that you actually believe this statement tells me you’re even stupider than anyone imagined.

    Show us some numbers to back up that claim.

    Steverino (69d941)

  148. Let’s not forget these things:

    (a) DCSCA has stated that his intent here is just to rile people up. He’s not interested in an honest debate, and he never fails to mischaracterize the statements of others.


    (b) emperor has admitted he’s a liar and a coward.

    Those two facts should be the starting points for any interaction with these two idjits.

    Steverino (69d941)

  149. Dana (3:18), I probably don’t need to tell you this, but here is a brief Glossary of Terms as used by our friends on the Left:

    “Bi-partisan” — Democrats passing bills with one Republican such as Specter, Collins, or Snowe; could also include losing a Democrat or two along the way.
    “Partisan” — Republicans passing bills without “aye” votes from Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer, and/or Ted Kennedy
    “Playing Politics” — not rolling over and voting in lockstep with Democrats
    “Mainstream” — acceptable to the ACLU, NARAL, Handgun Control, Inc., the SEIU, and every race, ethnic, gay, and labor lobby
    “Spending Restraint” — (a) cutting money from Defense or (b) spending a lot of money upfront with the idea that you won’t need to spend very much down the road

    JVW (ebabe2)

  150. California’s deficit would be 55 billion? Really?

    I do know that my state, Washington, eagerly lapped up the free money. Thanks, great-grandkids, for taking on the repayment to your Chinese masters.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  151. I think we should just tax everyone who makes more than $250,000 a year 100% of their income.

    After all, it’s only fair. Plus, it would pay for free health care.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  152. DRJ – Comment with a long link in the filter.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  153. I would recommend avoiding one of DCSCA’s irrelevant deflections down memory lane of which he is so fond.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  154. In January, Obama’s advisers produced this chart giving a picture of their projected unemployment rate with, and without their stimulus plan (blue lines). But as you can see, the actual unemployment rate (plotted in red) quickly leaped higher over either of the administration’s projections.

    [Full article here.]

    The chart is a graphic representation of the epic failure of an incompetent adminitstration.

    * * *

    “The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift”
    –Obama, in his Inaugural Address, January 20

    “We must move swiftly and boldly to put Americans back to work, and that is exactly what this plan begins to do.”
    –Obama, January 28 (CNN link in #140)

    Official Internet Data Office (4f51fb)

  155. Well, OIDO, you are just quoting facts. The sycophants are expressing their feelings and their hopes.

    Kinda just a big Cargo Cult.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  156. OIDO (3:50), I think at this point all the Administration can plausibly say in their defense is, “Well, our employment-rate chart without the stimulus is probably every bit as wrong as our employment-rate chart with the stimulus.”

    JVW (ebabe2)

  157. Comment by DRJ — 7/17/2009 @ 3:26 pm
    I agree. But you will also agree that it is better to take steps towards saving jobs by spending money on those institutions that actually create these jobs. Barring which would have led to even worse jobless figures than we have seen. Like I have maintained on this thread, first, stop the bleeding, then start the treatment. Even you would agree that 3 to 4 months is not enough to assess the success of this last effort. I understand the frustration and disappointment being expressed here. I am simply saying, is it fair to pass judgement this early?

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  158. DRJ – Nevermind. It appeared.

    Emily Litella

    daleyrocks (718861)

  159. You are free to make up imaginary scenarios.

    What you are not free to do is to posit these imaginations as facts.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  160. I especially love how the media just eats it up.

    Teh One™ comes out and sternly warns them that he’s not irrelevant, and the media doesn’t even have a flicker of laughter.

    Imagine their response if Bush had to come out and say “I’m still the President, dang it!”

    No, when Teh One™ comes out and stamps his feet, they agree he is pow’fully angry. Because those stupid Americans don’t want to be taxed to death, and some have the temerity – the TEMERITY! – to push back on his infallible plans.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  161. “I am simply saying, is it fair to pass judgement this early?”

    Yes – Especially when the Stimulus Bill was sold as something entirely different than the current spin and the fierce urgency of getting something passed which didn’t actually kick in until 2010 for the most part prevented people from reading it. When Republic alternatives were dishonestly portrayed as doing nothing but actually were plans that had much more immediate impacts on the economy, the answer is an EMPHATIC YES.

    OBAMA THINKS YOU’RE STUPID. If you keep accepting his rushed bills, nonsensical explanations of plans, flips flops in policies, etc., you will prove him true.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  162. btw, institutions just don’t create “jobs” because someone gives them money.

    If that were true, then the government could just give business money – lots of money – and jobs would magically appear.

    Instead, businesses create jobs because they (the businesses) create something that gives value to others who will exchange money to receive the value.

    The government can corrupt this relationship, but only to a certain point. If handing out money makes “jobs,” then businesses would make the most profit by having jobs that produce nothing.

    I’m sure you know this. Why you don’t act on it I don’t know.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  163. Well, of course Teh One™ thinks these sycophants are stupid, because they keep acting stupid. Or, perhaps just co-dependent. (Maybe if they keep their death rictus, he’ll come after them last.)

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  164. “I am simply saying, is it fair to pass judgement this early?”

    Of course it’s fair: from the get-go this bill was a bad, bad idea, built on a false premise and sold as something other than what it was, then from the get-go it should have been soundly judged – and rejected.

    If by chance, the grace of God, or some weird bit of karma, it actually produces something other than a generational disaster, then hallelujah. But, until then…

    Dana (57e332)

  165. The Emperor:

    I was in favor of the initial TARP payments to stabilize the financial sector, and I still think that was appropriate. I don’t support what’s been done since then. The multiple bailouts are, by definition, supporting the weakest and least efficient businesses. Thus, instead of maximizing new job creation, we’re pouring massive amounts of money into failing concerns that are the least likely to create or save jobs.

    DRJ (6f3f43)

  166. Surprise! Stimulus bill doesn’t spend money where it’s needed

    I know; it’s not the Heritage Foundation, but MSNBC, but still, there you are.

    But Gibbs played down the significance of steering money to economically distressed counties, saying workers there could drive to jobs in neighboring counties.

    I guess as long as you have a car, you are welcome to take advantage of the stimulus money in another county.

    Too poor to own a car? Too bad!

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  167. “. . . saving jobs by spending money on those institutions that actually create these jobs”

    That’s only done by diverting money away from other institutions that could create jobs, or by adding to the debt-service burden of taxpayers and businesses, which will also prevent other jobs from being created. Creating new jobs is visible, but the eventual destruction of other jobs is hard to discern. This is straight out of Henry Hazlitt.

    The current stimulus program didn’t stop any bleeding. The administration has no treatment in mind, except more stop-the-bleeding procedures. Their programs on health and energy would cause massive new bleeding.

    Official Internet Data Office (4f51fb)

  168. I agree that to an extent, the rush with which he pursued this bill back in February-March opens him up for criticism now. He should have allowed everyone to be carried along. Given more time for legitimate dissent. He took a risk on the success of this bill. In that you are all correct. I believe he is wiser now. That said, I still think, apart from politics, we need to give it time. He also prophesied that things will get worse before they get better.

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  169. #147 –Comment by The Emperor — 7/17/2009 @ 3:22 pm

    “In a little over one hundred days, this Recovery Act has worked as intended.”

    That is a lie; see President Obama’s (meaningless words and empty promises) statement in DRJ’s link and Another Chris’ comment #138 and #140 respectively.

    “It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession. It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and businesses.“

    Rather than create jobs (look right, we’ll go left).

    “Without the help the Recovery Act has provided to struggling states, its estimated that state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs – layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”

    The estimate made by President Obama is irrelevant because he will not release the methodology or means in which that conclusion was derived (not that I blame him, because that is probably a falsehood as well). Therefore the figure is highly speculative and without substance.

    Pons Asinorum (17be9f)

  170. When you say give it time Mr. Emperor person all that means is wait until the baseline settles to peasanty third world levels and claim victory when the cabbage crop comes in. I’m gonna suck at being a peasant and I even like cabbage. I just got very non-peasanty giorgio armani rectangle glasses. I’m gonna look like an idiot.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  171. feets – I’ve heard yurts can be very nice. Talk to some Mongolians.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  172. We just need to spend more money to avoid bankruptcy. That worked wonders with GM and Chrysler. And the stimulus. What could possibly go wrong?

    JD (a8f5e7)

  173. Emperor (4:20 pm), that’s a fair and honest comment. Kudos for admitting what we have been complaining about: that Obama rushed through a questionably-conceived “stimulus” bill (to quote Gov. Mitch Daniels, “every public spending program that had been languishing in David Obey’s desk drawer for 16 years”).

    We can do nothing now but hope it all works out, but given the way he handled the “stimulus” bill, why should any of us trust that he knows what he is doing with cap-and-trade or health care? Imagine how you guys would have responded had we said, “Bush learned his lessons from Iraq; so now we should trust his invasion plan for North Korea.”

    JVW (ebabe2)

  174. Thus, instead of maximizing new job creation, we’re pouring massive amounts of money into failing concerns that are the least likely to create or save jobs.

    Comment by DRJ — 7/17/2009 @ 4:14 pm
    You have a very legitimate point there, DRJ. I will not argue with that. Surely, mistakes have been made. You don’t help a bad business by pouring more money into it. You simply let it fail. I agree with your point. But like the President said, money spent to help some states out of soaring deficits that would have led to more layoffs, was necessary. Everything has not been done right. But let us not throw away the baby and the bad water. (or something like that.)

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  175. Are yurts the ones you have to remember to leave a hole for the smoke to get out?

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  176. I’m gonna suck at being a peasant and I even like cabbage. I just got very non-peasanty giorgio armani rectangle glasses. I’m gonna look like an idiot.

    LOL!! My Grama Stella and her family worked awfully long and hard to come to America and never have to live the peasant life again. And now it looks as if we’ll all eventually end up wearing those unbecoming kerchiefs, and working the fields where no one looks happy. Meh.

    Dana (57e332)

  177. Happyfeet – Armani looks great with burlap.

    JD (a8f5e7)

  178. Being the best-dressed peasant is kinda like being the prettiest guy on your cell block I think.

    happyfeet (c75712)

  179. That depends on whether you want to get your salad tossed.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  180. That’s never not a deeply disturbing expression no matter how many times I hear it.

    happyfeet (c75712)

  181. O)bama, too bad his brain isn’t alive. How is it Bush was able to rescue us from the Clinton recession and Obama is turning the recession he got into a Depression.

    9.6 and climbing. I understand it will hit 13.5% before it gets better. I assume this means after we get rid of Presidente Zero.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  182. Here’s some jobs news that highlights how Barack Obama sucks at creating jobs or saving jobs or whatever it is a Barack Obama does with respect to jobs.

    The Obama administration has not adopted a plan for future drilling, and Salazar has not appealed the court order vacating the Bush plan.

    happyfeet (c75712)

  183. Manufacturing money will do nothing to relieve any economic crisis.

    Individuals investing money into manufacturing will create jobs and wealth.

    Ag80 (a71b80)

  184. DCSCA, #150, you continue to demonstrate your dishonesty and wilful ignorance of history. I’ve often pointed you to research by economists that establish exactly what I’ve stated above.

    I’ve pointed you to this very link to coverage of the work of UCLA economists that establish my point. Instead of realizing that you are the one who is worshipping a myth – that of FDR – and that I’m the one with actual scholarship backing my opinions, you continue to repeat your ignorance.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  185. “money spent to help some states out of soaring deficits that would have led to more layoffs, was necessary”

    I’m curious. What data points to the fact that it was “necessary”? The jobless rate is 20% higher than projected. Their data is apparently fatally flawed to start with, so what do you base your belief upon? Feelings?

    steve miller (11b06b)

  186. Yes. Feelings. I am taught not to base my judgment upon data alone. My gut tells me that weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. I feel good right now. How about you?

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  187. But like the President said, money spent to help some states out of soaring deficits that would have led to more layoffs, was necessary.

    I’ve asked before for some data to back up this assertion. Where is your proof that the money spent prevented layoffs?

    Steverino (1b3695)

  188. The economic downturn would have been over by now if it were not for the bad policies of the Dems, Obama, and the idiot bailout and bad lending supporting Republicans. They have all tied trillions of dollars to economic losers, and have sunk the entire economy for a very long time as a result.

    The democrats have zero visibility on the economy’s trajectory. They are flying completely blind toward some fogged in mountains. If anyone wants to see how it will end up, look at CA and start watching a few other emerging state level economic disasters. Watch as interest rates, inflation, and unemployment all climb under liberal inspired stagflation.

    Ray (c25c62)

  189. As Ray points out, the data suggests that wild spending sprees do not result in success.

    However, your feelings are that you can wish something to happen.

    I prefer data to feelings, thank you.

    steve miller (11b06b)

  190. @193.
    I never said feelings should take the place of rational thinking and concrete facts. I am saying that sometimes data and facts have been proven wrong. We have seen that again and again. Especially this year. No one knows what might await us in the next turn of life. Anything can happen. This economy could prove all known data wrong and make a sudden, unexplainable, forceful u-turn for the better. Yes, keep your eyes on data, but don’t rule out the unexpected. I believe in miracles.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  191. Comment by Ray — 7/18/2009 @ 6:33 am

    Philadelphia has announced that they are suspending payments to all vendors.

    AD - RtR/OS! (ff0870)

  192. I believe in unicorns. You can believe in shinyhopeychangey all you want, but that is no substitute for pointing out the fact that things are worse off today because of the course of action chosen by Teh One, and will only get worse if the rest of shinyhopeychangey is rammed down our collective throats.

    JD (f52b33)

  193. I am saying that sometimes data and facts have been proven wrong. We have seen that again and again.

    Since you have offered no data and no facts, how can we tell what has been proven wrong?

    All you’ve done is lead cheers for Obama. You offer absolutely no substance. Your posts are the very definition of “sophomoric”.

    I will again ask you for data supporting Obama’s claim that he’s kept states solvent and kept unemployment lower than it would have been otherwise. Either admit you have no data (which we all suspect is the case), or provide it.

    Steverino (69d941)

  194. Steverino, I merely posted a quote from the Presidents address on the economy. If you have problems with it, I suggest you take it up with him. The burden of proof lies with him and not I. Or better still, provide evidence that contradicts his claims. Prove that the stimulus spending has done nothing to help any state reduce layoffs and control deficits. Prove him wrong! Prove that no state that received this money has any good report to give from it.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  195. Your claim, your burden of proof, lovie. You follow the common trollish tactic of posting some claim, yet offering no support. What we do know, for a fact, is that the economic conditions have not followed Teh One’s prior statements, and in fact, we are in worse shape than he claimed we would be had we simply done nothing.

    JD (5ea885)

  196. Not everyone is buying that negative Republican propaganda. After all, they are still the party of “do nothing” and no ideas. I wonder the rush to pass judgment so soon? Are they afraid it might succeed eventually? Mmmmmmgh.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  197. How hard is it for the damn trolls to simply be honest? Is it that damn difficult?

    JD (5ea885)

  198. #198 — Prove that no state that received this money has any good report to give from it.

    Proof was offered here, then ignored by you. Indeed, numerous links have been offered by several commenters’, but to no avail.

    Feel free to ignore these facts, but at a minimum, be honest and do not pretend as though they do not exist.

    In another comment, I mentioned: “The estimate made by President Obama is irrelevant because he will not release the methodology or means in which that conclusion was derived (not that I blame him, because that is probably a falsehood as well). Therefore the figure is highly speculative and without substance.”

    This was also ignored by you. Facts and knowledge offered to a closed mind is like telling a child that Santa Clause does not exist.

    Respectfully, maybe it’s time to take off the blinders.

    Pons Asinorum (17be9f)

  199. I merely posted a quote from the Presidents address on the economy. If you have problems with it, I suggest you take it up with him. The burden of proof lies with him and not I. Or better still, provide evidence that contradicts his claims

    That is breathtakingly disingenuous of you, worm.

    You’ve been cheerleading Obama throughout this thread, and now your act is, “Well, that’s what Obama says, you’ll have to take it up with him.”

    The fact is that unemployment has gone well above Obama’s projections. So, that’s enough to disprove his claims.

    By the way, the side making the claim is the one upon whom the burden of proof lies.

    Steverino (69d941)

  200. So, emperor, you admit that you have absolutely no evidence to support your belief in Obama’s words.

    I have faith in God, but not Obama’s words, since he has show a tendency to “revise” his statements as the need arises.

    Put not your trust in princes….

    Steverino (69d941)

  201. Prove that the stimulus spending has done nothing to help any state reduce layoffs and control deficits.

    1) Obama had to change his story because he LIED about where the money was going the first time.

    Jan 28, 2009–“Most of the money we’re investing as part of this plan will get out the door IMMEDIATELY and go DIRECTLY to job creation, generating or saving 3 to 4 million new jobs. And the vast majority of these jobs will be created in the private sector—because, as these CEOs well know, business, not government, is the engine of growth in this country,” he said.

    When this bill was being debated, Obama NEVER sold this as a means for states to cover their budget shortfalls this year. Never. Not once. This was promoted as a means to CREATE JOBS in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Now that states are using the money to cover state services rather than actually create jobs, Obama’s lying about what the original intent of the bill was in order to cover the fact that his hedge bet on the economy’s recovery was a big fat bucket of FAIL.

    2) Those states will have those same budget shortfalls NEXT year. Where is the money going to come from?

    Anyone who is defending Obama’s statements on the stimulus is either lying or is ignorant of the facts in this case. There’s no “happy medium,” there’s no alternative explanation that is remotely tied to reality. Obama lied, and continues to lie, about his economic plan and its impact.

    And this congenital liar is the kind of person the left wants to be in charge of determining the nation’s healthcare and their energy usage. Given these facts, anyone who promotes Obama’s agenda cannot be trusted, period.

    Another Chris (a3bb8f)

  202. The only unemployment that the Stimulus money has prevented is the unemployment of government workers, since very few (if any) of them have been terminated, or furloughed, due to the recession. OTOH, I believe that the data is out there that government employment numbers – overall, at all levels – has actually gone up since the “official” start of the recession in Dec.-07!

    As to the GOP being the party of “no ideas”?
    The only ideals being heard today are the same old – same old, Socialist/Statist crap that has been around for over a hundred years and has failed everywhere it’s been tried.
    “Heard” is the operative word, since the “state run media” (Rush comes up with some great phrases, doesn’t he?) has put a virtual blackout on any positive news from the GOP side of the aisle.
    How much discussion has there been of Jeb Hensarling’s suggestion made during the campaign to suspend payroll and capital-gains taxes for a few years to encourage economic growth and job-formation? That’s right: Nothing! Yet, these are exactly the approaches that are needed to end a recession: Investors must be encouraged to create new economic endeavors, and business owners need to be encouraged to expand and hire workers. The only thing they get from the Obama Administration is the tired Big Government pablum of higher taxes, expanded regulations, and greater costs of doing business – 180-degrees away from what is needed to enervate the economy and to put people back to work.

    AD - RtR/OS! (ff0870)

  203. Another Chris, what’s really funny is that the people who are swooning over Obama’s statements would be screaming “LIAR” if George W. Bush said the same things in a similar situation.

    Steverino (69d941)

  204. “… the people who are swooning over Obama’s statements would be screaming “LIAR” if George W. Bush said the same things in a similar situation…”

    …and, many of Teh One’s statements were previously made by GWB!

    AD - RtR/OS! (ff0870)

  205. The evidence in the dems and Obama’s economic failures are in the very performance of the economy versus what they promised when they enacted their policies. Nothing they said would happen economically (more employment, improved housing market, improved banking industry, improved auto industry) has actually happened , and no one is more surprised than they are. Now they are just making stuff up out of thin air, and can not point at a single economic example to support their false claims.

    They are without a clue, and now they are scared, angry and are on a path to do as much economic destruction as possible while they still have power. They do not have a single program that will provide a net economic improvement, not one. One day perhaps they will be charged, tried and convicted for the intentional economic malice they are imposing on the citizens of this country. Their actions are becoming criminal.

    Ray (c25c62)

  206. […] wasn’t designed for recovery in the first place is the height of disingenuousness. After all, you named the stimulus website, didn’t […]

    Larry Summers uses Google search numbers in stimulus defense « Wellsy’s World (fb05f5)

  207. let’s see, that would be the same Emperor who confused the TARP and the stimulus bills …

    SPQR (26be8b)

  208. There’s no Santa Claus? How depressing.

    Loved the peasant picture, Dana.

    Just thinking of what Obama has done to this country gives me a headache.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  209. So, we’ve always been at war with Eurasia, right?

    Cowboy is a compliment (874456)

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