Patterico's Pontifications


Sotomayor: Did I Say That? I Didn’t Mean That. Or That.

Filed under: General,Judiciary — Patterico @ 7:38 am

A fairly brutal AP analysis via Bookworm via Instapundit:

Fingers splayed, palms flat, hands bouncing up and then deliberately pressing down to the table, Sotomayor elaborated, clarified, expanded, retracted.

She drew loopy circles on her paper; she ran rhetorical circles around her past words.

“I didn’t intend to suggest …” she explained.

“What I was speaking about …” she offered.

“As I have tried to explain …” she parsed.

“I wasn’t talking about …” she demurred.

She was a tough critic at times.

“I was using a rhetorical flourish that fell flat,” she averred.

“It was bad,” she said. Of her own words.

What a bunch of nitpicking. It’s not like she’s applying for a job where the exact wording of the English language is import — [man leans onscreen, whispers in Patterico’s ear] . . . oh.

Never mind.

117 Responses to “Sotomayor: Did I Say That? I Didn’t Mean That. Or That.”

  1. If a conservative white male performed the way Sotomayor did yesterday, the libs would be howling to the moon for him to withdraw and would certainly be voting against him based upon lack of honesty. The most blatant Lie she told was when she said she agreed with Sandra Day O’Connor when if you look at the quote she was specifically disagreeing with O’Connor!

    J. Raymond Wright (d83ab3)

  2. This really screams of overconfidence to me (albeit with a solid dose of incompetence). It reminds me of a student who thought they were prepared for a test and then came out wondering what hit them. She (and her White House handlers) know she has the votes to gain confirmation, so it’s as if they mailed in the prep. Very discouraging choice that hopefully people remember during the next election.

    Cankle (8aa31a)

  3. But the exact English wording of the Constitution, legislation or precedent is completely unimportant if your empathy is what guides you. The “spirit” of the law and one’s “sense of Justice” should not be constrained by the petty hobgoblins of exact meanings.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  4. The problem here is that many of the fools that voted for Obama don’t have the attention span to look back at the constant inability of this administration to present ANY competent individuals for important positions.

    The ADD/ADHD kids have spoken, and the rest of us will continue to pick up the tab….

    Look!! Bunnies…..

    the bhead (a31060)

  5. Yes, and they’re sprinkling Pixie-dust everywhere!

    AD - RtR/OS! (002e28)

  6. I am tending to the view that Sotomayor is a gift to conservatives for the Supreme Court. Because she is such a second-rater that she will have no influence on, and likely no respect from, any other Justice. She will be the 8-1 or the 5-3-1.

    nk (5b6872)

  7. I tend to agree with nk as the vacancies Obama is likely to have to fill in his one term will all be due to retiring lefties like Ginsberg and Stevens. She is obviously not the intellectual her credentials suggest, or she is not a very good liar. I suggest both.

    She makes Clarence Thomas look like John Jay.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  8. Kevin – Ironicially, she walked away from Teh One’s position, and her prior positions, about just that.

    JD (1ecb57)

  9. Someone remind me again how Bork’s “temperament” made him unfit for the Supreme Court?

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  10. This should have been embarassing for her supporters. Was it? Sadly, No!

    JD (c26e0b)

  11. Bork’s detractors were not fit to carry his briefcase, but he dumbed himself down way too much to become the front-runner, among Conservatives, for appointment. “The Ninth Amendment is nothing more than an inkblot on the Constitution”? Please.

    nk (5b6872)

  12. She is doing fine during the hearings, except to right-wingers who hated her from the get-go. She shows a calm demeanor, easily handling the umpteen silly queries about “wise Latina.”

    I do, however, think the GOP senators have overall handled themselves well, smartly ignoring the shrill voices heard here and on the GOP organ, FoxNews.

    Orrin Hatch had some good questions, as well as Jeff Sessions (who should nonetheless, with his white robe, not be lecturing anyone on matters of race. Anything’s possible in America!)

    This well-qualified, wise Latina will win easy confirmation. 70+ votes, and 80+ if Republicans are fair. Deal with it. Life goes on.

    Instead of peeing your pants on this done deal, focus your energies on health care — your party still has a small but actual chance of gutting the bill, through typical intimidation and scare tactics.

    I’d say good luck, but wouldn’t mean it.

    NK, you as usual, have no idea what you’re talking about. “Second-rate” my arse. She probably did more before age 35 then you’ll ever do, if you had seven lifetimes.

    Why you comment on any blog is beyond me. You’re the Sarah Palin of this site.

    Myron (98529a)

  13. If anyone complains about Sotomayors treatment by the Senators this week, smack them upside the head, and direct them to some of Teddy “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy’s dramatic masterpieces leading up to, and during, the Bork nomination hearings…

    None of the current crop can hold a candle to him…

    Although I will say the Graham-nesty handled himself pretty well yesterday, definately underscoring the racial, and I think political, double standard that exists in our society today…

    Will she be confirmed? Probably…

    Will many on the left be made to squirm by not only her performance, but more importantly, the unmasking of the ideals of their party and this President? Yes they will…

    And in view of the current splits in congress, that’s nearly as good as a win…

    Bob (99fc1b)

  14. Comment by Myron — 7/15/2009 @ 8:46 am

    Myron, please leave me alone. If I want to be nagged by some bitchy broad with permanent PMS, I will call up a girlfrirend I dumped thirty years ago.

    nk (5b6872)

  15. Sotomayor still leaves me worried that she is all smooth and reassuring on the outside but “Constitution? Consititution? I don’t need no stinking Constitution” on the inside.

    This administration is becoming it’s own caricature of itself by saying one thing and doing the exact opposite.

    vet66 (9d1bb3)

  16. Orrin Hatch using Obama’s words on Roberts to basically say why Sotomayor is a poor choice was a winner for me.

    that being said, I think Harriet Myers was more competent in terms of ability. I went to school with Sotomayor types–the chip on the shoulder that became their life goal, protected by people so they never had to change their viewpoint, and ultimately successful because it looks right.

    I’m still waiting for the question “Have you ever meant anything you said”

    Hawkins (3d318d)

  17. Orrin Hatch had some good questions, as well as Jeff Sessions (who should nonetheless, with his white robe, not be lecturing anyone on matters of race. Anything’s possible in America!)

    Just couldn’t make a post without a smear, could you? Jeff Sessions is not and was not in the KKK. The same could not be said about Robert Byrd.

    Steverino (69d941)

  18. I totally agree with #6.

    Sotomayor is incompetent compared to the
    other justices. She is going to look like
    an idiot.

    So my guess is that she will be hiring
    clerks to do her work for her.

    jack (d9cbc5)

  19. Meh, I meant Alito, not Roberts

    Hawkins (3d318d)

  20. Myron – Just call everyone a racist and get it over with. I have to admit your sycophantic cheerleading is amusing.

    JD (5fba8c)

  21. What the heck is up with the blinking? I’ve seen a one-eye twitch — link Col. Klink from Hogan’s Heroes or Inspector Cluseau’s boss. But a two-eyed twitch? Somebody should hand her some marbles and she can do a Capt. Queeg.

    hortense (aka horace) (411ef0)

  22. “This well-qualified, wise Latina will win easy confirmation. 70+ votes, and 80+ if Republicans are fair. Deal with it. Life goes on.”

    The above should read [emphasis added]:

    “This poorly informed, obviously unqualified Latina will lose confirmation. 30+ votes, and 20+ votes if DEMOCRATS are HONEST. Deal with it, Life goes on.”

    GM Roper (85dcd7)

  23. Excessive blinking….Could be a “tell”!

    AD - RtR/OS! (002e28)

  24. Look at the bright side–she’s at least paid her taxes, which puts her ahead of a good chunk of Obama’s nominees for other positions.

    Excessive blinking….Could be a “tell”!

    Typically, something like that is a tell of some sort, if it’s not a part of their normal tics and mannerisms.

    I didn’t see the hearings, but if she didn’t do this compulsive blinking during other interviews or during other responses at the hearing, then I’d say she was lying her ass off. If it was something she did all the time, though, the tic in an of itself probably not that big of a deal.

    When one examines the substance of her responses and compares them to the record, it’s pretty clear you don’t need to analyze her facial expressions to tell that she’s being deceptive.

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  25. Why you comment on any blog is beyond me. You’re the Sarah Palin of this site.

    That’s big talk coming from the Joe Piscopo of this site.

    Another Chris (2d8013)

  26. When does evasion become lying to Congress?

    She is morally and intellectually bankrupt.

    bill-tb (365bd9)

  27. This woman is an embarrassment to even her own people. Under the bus with you, racist!

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  28. That’s big talk coming from the Joe Piscopo of this site.

    Whatever happened to Joe Piscopo?

    hortense (aka horace) (411ef0)

  29. The Republicans are upset because for them a “Wise Latina” is a woman who irons their shirts, scrubs their floors and is nanny to their children.

    Sotomayor is apparently unqualified for such tasks.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  30. Whatever happened to Joe Piscopo?

    I think I saw him in some panel on FNC.

    AD - RtR/OS! (002e28)

  31. He changed his name to Myron and went mad.

    Gazzer (fceaf3)

  32. “Sotomayor on guns: ‘I have friends who hunt’

    Does that rise to the same level as:
    “Some of my best friends are Black”?

    AD - RtR/OS! (002e28)

  33. “I have friends who hunt.” Did she really say that??? LOL That’s hilarious.

    Hey, a member of my staff (less grandiose than it sounds) was a part of making this video. I think y’all will find it a palate cleanser, as AP says. It’s a music video for when Obama requires everyone to drink the Cool Aid.

    Gesundheit (47b0b8)

  34. Very discouraging choice that hopefully people remember during the next election.

    Speaking of which, there was an off-year election yesterday in the Los Angeles area for a House seat, to fill a vacancy created when the previous Representative (a Latina, btw) was chosen for a position in the current White House. The Congressional district, east of Pasadena, northeast of LA, is predominantly Latino, mostly so-called working class.

    The chief difference this time around was that the Democrat candidate was an Asian woman. The candidate running against her as the Republican also was an Asian woman (and, in fact, related to the Democrat).

    The seat is considered automatically safe to any person who runs as the representative of the Democrat Party. And yesterday was no exception.

    I don’t think it takes too much psychic ability to predict that voting trends oozing with perennial mindless (if not also sloppy) liberalism combined with demographics bogged down by far too much mediocrity and dysfunction — IOW, a powerful one-two, knock-out punch — guarantee that if a society similar to, say, Mexico can’t become like the US, the US can become like a Mexico.

    And all the limousine liberals throughout America will nod with approval and even cheer while packing up and driving to greener pastures elsewhere.

    Mark (411533)

  35. 31.“Sotomayor on guns: ‘I have friends who hunt’”

    Yup, she said it.

    AD - RtR/OS! (002e28)

  36. Hawkins said: “that being said, I think Harriet Myers was more competent in terms of ability”

    Classic example of blind, ignorant, wing-nut partisanship. The only other reason someone would write this is ignorance.

    Which is it, Hawkins?

    Myron (98529a)

  37. Steverino:

    Yes, Jeff Sessions only praised the KKK. My bad.

    Myron (98529a)

  38. Way to go Myron you assume I like Myers…I just said she’d more competent

    She could at least say something she actually meant.

    Hawkins (3d318d)

  39. Sarah said: “If I want to be nagged by some bitchy broad with permanent PMS, I will call up a girlfriend I dumped thirty years ago.”

    Sarah, as if you ever had a girlfriend. P’shaw!

    Myron (98529a)

  40. Classic example of blind, ignorant, wing-nut partisanship. The only other reason someone would write this is ignorance.

    Which is it, Hawkins?

    Comment by Myron — 7/15/2009 @ 11:39 am


    Your comment is a classic example of frothing, moonbat idiocy. The only other reason someone would write this is brain damage.

    Which is it, Myron?

    (That is your format, right?)

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  41. Yet another TLE writes:

    “… The only other reason someone would write this is ignorance….”

    This merely proves projection is still an issue with the progressive loyalists. It’s ironic to watch them attack others for what they perceive as blind adherence to talking points…while blinding adhering to talking points.

    Karl, in another thread, puts it best: the moderates have the upper hand. They just don’t know it yet. But they will, in 2010.

    Eric Blair (57b266)

  42. JD said: “Myron – Just call everyone a racist and get it over with.”

    Not sure where you’re getting that from. Who did I imply was a racist on this blog? (Unless Jeff Sessions is on this blog, and I didn’t see him slip in.)

    I made a simple observation that Sotomayor is qualified to sit on the Court, and probably about 70+ to 80+ senators will agree with me and not the over-heated opinions expressed here.

    Myron (98529a)

  43. Take some Midol, Myra.

    nk (5b6872)

  44. But Hawkins: What is your evidence that she’s more competent? Her lack of bench experience or her thinner resume?

    Switch the “R” and “D” and you’d be praising Sotomayor and dissing Miers. Be honest with yourself.

    Myron (98529a)

  45. That’s big talk coming from the Joe Piscopo of this site.

    I don’t really get this comment. But I do wonder what happened to Joe Piscopo.

    Anyhow, don’t come between me and Sarah. We’ve got a thing going on, like Me and Mrs. Jones. (It’s R&B. Look it up.)

    Myron (98529a)

  46. Myra is not the Joe Piscopo of this site, he’s the Ruth Buzzi of this site.

    nk (5b6872)

  47. She is morally and intellectually bankrupt.

    Talking point alert: Shut off brain. Engage rhetoric. Sit down at keyboard. Fire.

    Myron (98529a)

  48. Eric: It’s Republicans who don’t know moderates have the upper hand. Why else is the party attempting to purge everyone who is not a doctrinaire Palinista?

    You guys have a civil war in your house. Let me suggest that this civil war is a mite bit bigger problem than Sotomayor’s sure-fire confirmation.

    Myron (98529a)

  49. Sarah said: “Take some Midol, Myra.”

    Thanks for the tip, girlfriend.

    Myron (98529a)

  50. Myra, you would really be a lot more popular down on your knees in the men’s room atthe bar if 1) you stopped talking while sucking and 2) you learned how to swallow.

    nk (e3dc5c)

  51. Ruth Buzzi? Where did you exhume that name from? Sarah, I’m impressed with your pop culture references.

    Myron (98529a)

  52. Talking point alert: Shut off brain. Engage rhetoric. Sit down at keyboard. Fire.

    Myron, you’re not supposed to cut and paste the instructions.

    Mars vs Hollywood (f062b9)

  53. Why else is the party attempting to purge everyone who is not a doctrinaire Palinista?

    Comment by Myron — 7/15/2009 @ 12:06 pm

    Because we don’t mind annoying picklebiters?

    nk (5b6872)

  54. Switch the “R” and “D” and you’d be praising Sotomayor and dissing Miers.

    Huh?! First of all, some of the strongest opposition to Harriet Miers emanated not from the left, from opponents of Bush, but from the right, from Republicans unsure about Bush’s choice of a person with glints of ideological squishiness.

    As for Sotomayor, she appears to be a really scroungy liberal — the two words do seem to go hand-in-hand in the world of 21st century “progressivism” — perhaps similar in integrity to the woman who claimed she, as First Lady, had to dodge sniper fire while visiting a Bosnian airport.

    Mark (411533)

  55. We’ll take Sarah Palin. You can have AIDS.

    nk (5b6872)

  56. It is like Myron is not even trying anymore.


    JD (5f9cc7)

  57. Myron is apparently quite comfortable with a SC nominee not understanding fundamental Rights, basic holdings of recent cases like Kelo, dishonest and evasive answers in her hearings, and a crap record of being overturned by the SC. It is all about power and Teh Narrative to them.


    JD (5f9cc7)

  58. Hey, Myron:

    “..Why else is the party attempting to purge everyone who is not a doctrinaire Palinista?…”

    Been asleep the last few years?

    Tell me again the moderate agenda of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi? How about Charlie Rangel? How about Murtha? Tell me how the moderate wing of the Democratic party has been treated? We’ll all wait.

    I realize that it is better for progressives like yourself to try to focus all the attention on Sarah Palin..but why not clean up your own thieves and idiots? And don’t even start on Palin until you use the same laser like critical faculties on Joe Biden.

    What? That’s different? Looks like the public is waking up.

    And that’s good.

    By the way, how about that Burris fellow? Remember? The guy in Obama’s Senate seat, whom they have ON TAPE offering money to Blago’s brother? Why is he sitting in his seat, while all this attention is being placed on Republicans you don’t like? Just curious?

    Yep. Those darned Republicans are so corrupt and crazy. You betcha!

    Eric Blair (57b266)

  59. “I made a simple observation that Sotomayor is qualified to sit on the Court”

    Silly liberal, confusing observation with opinion.

    I will make a simple observation: Any Judge who cannot recognize the plain and real individual right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights has no business being a Judge in any courtroom, let alone SCOTUS.

    oh yeah, and trying to fob that off with ‘I have friends who hunt’ is as stupid as denying the fundamental freedom of the press in the First Amendment and trying t ofob it off with “Well, I have friend who blog”.

    Travis Monitor (483b36)

  60. 54.We’ll take Sarah Palin. You can have AIDS.

    Comment by nk — 7/15/2009 @ 12:24 pm

    Ever so classy, nk.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  61. Sotomayor is a juvenile Type I diabetic. Those people are tough and disciplined. But age takes its toll. Let’s see how she is in her first term, second term, third term …. Like I said, she is a gift to conservatives.

    nk (5b6872)

  62. “that being said, I think Harriet Myers was more competent in terms of ability. I went to school with Sotomayor types–the chip on the shoulder that became their life goal, protected by people so they never had to change their viewpoint, and ultimately successful because it looks right.”

    That sounds like Mr and Mrs Obama as well. Soto-liar threw her old comments under the bus the same way Barack Obama threw Rev Wright under the bus. We know she is being dishonest, but the libs will take it for the team and keep a stiff upper lip on it “for the cause.”

    Travis Monitor (483b36)

  63. Didn’t Sonia say she didn’t have the best test scores to get into college. It seems to me she is proving that point during these confirmation hearings.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  64. Comments appear to be taking a while to show up again.

    JD (848a9f)

  65. Travis… you said

    Silly liberal, confusing observation with opinion.

    I will make a simple observation: Any Judge who cannot recognize the plain and real individual right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights has no business being a Judge in any courtroom, let alone SCOTUS.

    Not to get pickey (well, a little bit picky) but an observation would be “Ginsburg is shorter than Roberts) an opinion is “…has no business being a judge in any courtroom….”

    Just sayin’!

    GM Roper (85dcd7)

  66. Okay. I am sorry for calling her a racist. She is no racist. She is a very good changer of her initial statement. Is there a word for that?

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  67. shows a calm demeanor

    I agree – particularly when she couldn’t stop pawing at the table top and gesticulating when the umpteenth “my remarks were taken out of context,” and “that’s not what I meant” brilliant retorts flew out of her mouth.

    easily handling the umpteen silly queries about “wise Latina.”

    Yeah, she sure handled those well, didn’t she? Why, it was amazing that she refused to even utter the words she’s already stated in public seven farking times. Funny, that.

    How come she wouldn’t even say in public the words she was forever backtracking on, Myron?

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  68. She is a very good changer of her initial statement. Is there a word for that?
    Comment by The Emperor — 7/15/2009 @ 1:45 pm

    Actually, it takes two words.

    “President Obama”

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  69. @67
    Be nice.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  70. I normally just ignore you Lovey, but I couldn’t resist. Just don’t expect more attention in the future, it’s unpredictable.

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  71. Man nk, I was going to make a joke about not worrying about Sotomayor as she looks super unfit and really shaky up there, and me being me, how so many of ‘La Raza’ are genetically prone to diabetes. (They are, but its usually the more Indian Latinos, like Mexicans)

    Now I feel bad.

    hortense (aka horace) (411ef0)

  72. Ok. hortense (aka horace). The La Raza thing. If you think Puerto Ricans are not proud of their heritage and think they are Mexicans or Mexicans are not proud of their heritage and think they are Puerto Ricans that’s a fallacy the Democrats try to push on them and the idiocy the Republicans follow.

    nk (5b6872)

  73. And Puerto Ricans are part Indian. Arawak. The Caribs, who gave us the word canibal, kept them as food. (The Caribs, BTW, so horrified the Spanish that they entirely exterminated them.)

    nk (5b6872)

  74. JD: I accept none of your premises from No. 56, and I expect 70+ to 80+ of the Senate reject them as well. I would put her resume and body of work up against anyone who has been confirmed to the Court.

    Myron (98529a)

  75. I want Sotomayor confirmed, too. God help us if she is rejected and we get Jennifer Granhola who is intelligent, competent, young, and healthy, instead. Ginsburg would follow her out of sheer ideology, and the seven old men would follow her for the smell of her undies.

    nk (5b6872)

  76. Eric: The Democratic party has cracks in its coalition, like any large coalition.

    But if you mean to suggest that the Dems are as disorganized and in the midst of a civil war like the GOP, then the GOP is in even worse shape than I thought. Because the first step toward a cure is proper diagnosis of the problem.

    Stray away from sites like this occasionally and read Red State or ANY OTHER CONSERVATIVE SITE.

    There are parts of the base that absolutely HATE the GOP leadership. They’d string ’em up, if it were socially acceptable (and legal). Once respectable Republicans like Crist, Powell, Noonan, Douthat, Brooks, McCain, Ridge et al are berated worse than the Democrats. Even as a lib, it’s sometimes hard to watch (though mostly fun).

    If you think that this disunity — coupled with hostility toward minorities and cityfolk in an increasingly brown and urban country is the path back to power … my friend, you’re in for a very rude awakening.

    Even one of your ex long-ball hitters, Tom Delay, said he had never seen a coalition as organized as today’s Dems.

    I’m not naive. I know it won’t last. But it helps extend the potential dynasty when the opposition is in many respects a national joke, led by the top jester, Sarah (not nk, the real Sarah).

    Now I see Huckabee is out begging her not to leave the party.

    Myron (98529a)

  77. Jennifer *Granhold*

    nk (5b6872)

  78. And Eric: My side has been wide awake the last few years. We saw what was going on.

    That’s why your side is presently being “posterized” on a weekly basis, and I’m expecting same on health care.

    Myron (98529a)

  79. PatAZ: She was summa cum laude from Princeton. How does YOUR academic record look?

    Myron (98529a)

  80. I think that the American people are smarter than that, and if we give them a choice between a strong national defense, a strong foreign policy, and keeping their hard-earned money in their own pockets, they will choose against welfare leeches, mortgage deadbeats, bowing down to foreign tyrants, and gay marriage.

    nk (5b6872)

  81. “I would put her resume and body of work up against anyone who has been confirmed to the Court.”

    Oh my God, Myron is psychotic! 🙂

    GM Roper (85dcd7)

  82. Myron – I said nothing about her resume in #56. Your response was to praise her resume. Do you approve of her lying or misremembering about the full context of her wise latina making a better jurist than a white male comments? Are you proud that your nominee does not understand that 2nd Amendment is fundamental, and got the idea of incorporation backwards? Is it cool with you that she did not even understand the holdings in Kelo? Are you pleased with the fact that it was 9-0 against her in Ricci?
    Hostility towards minorities – Myron is nothing if not predictable. RACISTS !

    Note how all of the “respectable” Republicans he lists are RINO’s …

    JD (0fd3fc)

  83. Sarah said: “Sotomayor is a juvenile Type I diabetic.”

    Yeah, and some people are holding out hope that something will come of John Roberts’ mysterious fainting spells.

    No one knows their time or hour, Sarah, and wishing for stuff like this is pretty low.

    Myron (98529a)

  84. MoronMyron,

    You must be a real MyronMoron to both assert that her CV is equal to some of the current Justices, and keep cutting and pasting that “70+ to 80+” part of your comments…

    I personally see her recieving 60 odd votes in the whole Senate with a small but significant number of Democrats opposing. Of course the majority of the 60 odd votes will be Democrats voting in lockstep with Obama regardless of what Judge Sotomayor says in her testimony, but the rest will come from RethugliKKKanz-all of whom aren’t RINO’s…

    You see, strange thing amongst actual supporters and proponents of the Constitution, ones that admire the wisdom of our founders, versus the hate/blame America franchise that constantly diminishes the document as a “flawed” compact that was written by a bunch of racists…

    No, folks on the right side of the spectrum usually feel that barring any serious wrongdoing or drastically flawed ideology, that the appointment of a judge or justice is the purview of the sitting President; just like the constitution says-SHOCKAH! And as such, ill not be so petty as to disqualify candidates simply on partisan ideological leanings…

    Unlike the Democrats, who refused to even allow votes on Booooooosh! administration appointments to the federal bench below SCOTUS level because, you know, they probably would just appoint a bunch of white guys who are racist…

    Like Estrada!

    Bob (99fc1b)

  85. JD said: Note how all of the “respectable” Republicans he lists are RINO’s …

    Man, you brilliantly proved my point.

    I don’t line up perfectly with Evan Bayh and most of the Blue Dogs. In fact, they can grate on my nerve. But I don’t berate them as DINOs. I call them Democrats, who we need to keep the totally negative forces out of office.

    Myron (98529a)

  86. To continue, JD: That’s the difference between a majority and a permanent minority. You can’t win with just the Palinistas. Learn it or go the way of the Whigs.

    At least Eric Blair understands the battle is won in the middle. The middle thinks Palin’s a boob.

    Myron (98529a)

  87. Just the facts, ma’am. And please do take that Midol. And also, if you cannot leave me alone, learn how to give a proper BJ.

    nk (5b6872)

  88. Myron is a one-man strawman wrecking crew today.

    BTW, those were not premises, Myron. They were facts. We already know that facts to you and your ilk are like holy water to vampires. Good of you to admit that it is easier to simply reject facts as opposed to dealing with them. It makes it much easier, no?

    JD (0fd3fc)

  89. Bob said: “I personally see her recieving 60 odd votes in the whole Senate with a small but significant number of Democrats opposing.”

    We’ll see.

    But you seem to imply — correctly — that Republicans aren’t as political in this nomination process as Democrats. I readily concede that point. Ruth B. Ginsburg got 97 votes. Breyer got 89, and this was after the 94 GOP revolution.

    But this makes the case for my estimate, not yours. I believe some Republicans, more than one might think, will vote for Sotomayor.

    Myron (98529a)

  90. Myron really must not want to talk about the topic, given his desire to talk about RINO’s and Palin. That, and the mounds of savaged strawpeople left in his wake.

    JD (0fd3fc)

  91. JD: I’ll own the “wrecking crew” part. I’m honored to be the one entertaining everybody today. Being the adult in the room is always a privilege.

    Myron (98529a)

  92. nk said: “And also, if you cannot leave me alone,”

    I can’t quit you, Sarah. You know that.

    Myron (98529a)

  93. What is moderate or in the mushy middle about Pelosi, Reid, or Teh One?

    JD (0fd3fc)

  94. OK, I’m done playing the dozens for now. Gotta go. I’ll check in later for any mop-up snark anyone wants to lob my way — but otherwise, there’s no more chew in this particular gum.

    My original idea stands unchanged: Sotomayor’s getting in, and the inaccurate vitriol here against her is wasted.

    Peace and hair grease

    Myron (98529a)

  95. I can’t quit you, Sarah. You know that.

    Comment by Myron — 7/15/2009 @ 3:00 pm

    Well, ok, just go practice that deep-throat thing. Just be sure to bring the money home, bitch.

    nk (5b6872)

  96. JD: Saw your comment before logging off.

    I would say The One’s whole foreign policy is moderate to a fault. It’s Bush 2.0 in many respects.

    Pelosi is a liberal. I don’t know about Reid.

    But the point is that they have Blue Dogs as part of the coalition.

    The Repubs have elements (Club for Growth, talk radio, etc.) whose sole goal appears to be to kick out the party moderates. There is no pretty way to say it: That’s a stupid strategy in a democracy, where most votes wins.

    Myron (98529a)

  97. I am pretty certain that was an asspull, as Bush would not have stood on the sidelines while the Iranians slaughtered protestors, and would not have stood for a socialist wannabe dictator in Honduras. With the exceptions of the duplicitous positions on the war, detentions, etc … Teh One’s foreign policy is pie-in-the-sky pray for utopia BS.
    I would vote for confirmation, as she meets the Constitutional requirements. But that is all. I would never nominate her, and after yesterday’s fiasco, I would have withdrawn the nomination. What is this “inaccurate vitriol” you speak of?

    Oh, and you still never answered any of my questions, unless saying she has a nice resume counts as an answer in your book.

    JD (9e41b2)

  98. I would put her resume and body of work up against anyone who has been confirmed to the Court.

    Of course, Myron runs away like the Big Girl he is when challenged on his many inanities – notice how he didn’t actually name another justice to compare the Wise Latina’s record. BTW, still waiting for your answer on why the Wise Latina wouldn’t repeat her awesome words of encouragment again when requested, despite publicly saying it on seven separate occasions.

    I would say The One’s whole foreign policy is moderate to a fault. It’s Bush 2.0 in many respects.

    Except for the World Apology Tour, the insane and disgusting treatment of our loyal allies the Brits, and the insane and disgusting treatment of our loyal allies the Israelis. So yeah, he’s quite moderate in that regard (Asshat).

    Pelosi is a liberal. I don’t know about Reid.

    Folks, you can’t pay for this kind of one – man dumb act entertainment. In Myron’s left – of – Mao World, he actually isn’t sure about whether or not Harry Reid is a Liberal. Hilarious.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  99. Actually, Dmac, Myron is unintentionally funny. Here are two gems from this thread alone:

    “..I’m not naive….”

    Oh, do tell. To be direct, a naive person generally doesn’t find him or herself to be, well, naive. That is a judgement made by other people, not the subject.

    “The middle thinks Palin’s a boob.”

    Um. I think that Myron has transcribed that inaccurately. And I’m not even talking about polls here.

    Just trollin’ around, I guess.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  100. As for determining Harry Reid’s political leanings, well, there is this thing called the Internet:

    “A method that some political scientists use for gauging ideology is to compare the annual ratings by the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) with the ratings by the American Conservative Union (ACU). Reid has scored a lifetime conservative rating of 19% from the ACU, and a 2008 liberal rating of 70% from the ADA. Other independent ratings include a 100% rating from NARAL in 2001, and a 57% rating by Planned Parenthood in 2006.”

    That’s from hated Wikipedia, but the sources from ADA and ACU check out.

    Yup. That Harry Reid is sure a right-winger or moderate.

    But then, I actually checked before posting.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  101. In the old days (I’m 60)if a bunch of old white man patted me (woman) on the head and said to everyone within hearing, I didn’t mean a thing I just said, just disregard it…..they would have been toast. But now, in our evolved times, with the help of our liberated, NOW-inspired women and their co-conspirators, the old white men, we just witnessed that, in our congress, with the whole world nodding in agreement. How far women have come.

    J (5fe0a1)

  102. Once respectable Republicans like Crist(Kinda RINO, Maybe gay), Powell(Turncoat RINO), Noonan(Campaigned for Obama RINO), Douthat(Soft RINO), Brooks(Obama gives me a leg thrill RINO), McCain(Demonstrated LOSER), Ridge(Soft RINO) et al…”

    Why am I not surprised that MoronMyron fond these “Republicans” respectable and acceptable..?

    Ever met any modern Democrats that are unacceptable? What about that clown Al “Did you learn law from Perry Mason” Franken..?

    Hmmmmm Myron?

    Bob (99fc1b)

  103. She was summa cum laude from Princeton…

    Red Herring alert!1!!1!eleventy

    Summa cum Laude is based on ranking within a particular graduating class. So, if her classmates all had “C-” averages, like Gore and Kerry, well then, it wouldn’t really mean a whole lot…

    What do Obama’s grades look like MoronMyron?
    Oh, wait, that’s right;Nobody effin’ really knows! Because he is alone amongst the modern President to keep all of his background information secret even after the election…

    I wonder why that is MoronMyron?

    Bob (99fc1b)

  104. She was summa cum laude from Princeton

    Red Herring Alert!1!!1!eleventy

    Summa cum Laude merely refers to her ranking amongst the peers in her graduating class. So, if they all had “C-” GPA’s, like Gore and Kerry for instance, well then, it wouldn’t mean all that much would it…

    I mean, what were Obama’s grades MoronMyron?

    Oh, wait, that’s right…Nobody effin’ knows do they! Because Obama’s the only modern president, at least of the late 20th century, that was never compelled by the press to release all of his background information; and still hasn’t to this day!

    Wonder why that is, MoronMyron? Aren’t you astounded that he would get such a free pass? Wonder why Sotomayor is also?

    Bob (99fc1b)

  105. “What is moderate or in the mushy middle about Pelosi, Reid, or Teh One?”

    Yeah have they ever capitulated to the GOP or business interests?

    [note: fished from spam filter]

    imdw (24ad22)

  106. Myron, I’m waiting for you to actually establish anything “inaccurate” being said about Sotomayor … guess I better not hold my breath.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  107. Myron: I didn’t say her scores exiting college were less than impressive. Please try to read for comprehension. Obviously you are so busy trying to come up with snark for everyone, you aren’t taking the time to get everything right. As if you could.

    Thanks for the info, Bob.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  108. Sorry about the multiples. It appears that I’m the MyronMoron…

    Bob (99fc1b)

  109. #103


    Its been a long time since I left school but in my time magna or summa had nothing to do with class rank but rather was awarded if one achieved a certain grade point average. Has this system cchanged. In my day the average grade was a C, it appears that since the 1980s its hard to get less than a B. If true such distinctions mean little.

    Its like the HS honor roll, you find out over half the students have made it. They have made an academic distinction a joke.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  110. TJ,
    In college it was based on class ranking, Although it can vary depending on the school. And, I too have been out a while…

    Best Wishes

    Bob (99fc1b)

  111. in my time magna or summa had nothing to do with class rank but rather was awarded if one achieved a certain grade point average

    Right, but in most law schools grades are curved, which means that achieving a certain grade point average is in practice closely related to class rank.

    aphrael (9e8ccd)

  112. Wharton awarded this based on class rank and there were no curves. Failure you achieve a B was serious, a C+ meant problems, a C was a serious problem and a C- disaster, especially if on scholarship in the graduate program. But that was long ago.

    Thomas Jackson (8ffd46)

  113. Myron at 88 – And Sotomayor will get the votes (as a minimally qualified nominee) because Republicans are honest and principled, unlike the Demcratics who voted against a vastly more qualified and intellectual gifted judge like Thomas.
    I stated from the start that Republicans should give Sotomayor the same consideration that Obama gave Alito and Roberts.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  114. i agree with nk #6. let her on. she’s proven herself to be intellectually inferior to most of the others on the court. cj robets and j alito not to mention j scalia will run circles around her. she’s not very bright and if she’s the best dems can do, i look forward to the next nominee.

    if i were to hazard a guess i’d say 68 votes. rino’s who vote for her will have a hard time with those who don’t. we don’t need to defer to the president. we need to stand up to the president. grow some balls guys.

    ktr (c921b5)

  115. I parroted it, although I am now very inclined to believe it. From Beldar, I think.

    nk (8d88c9)

  116. […] as Patterico put it…. Fingers splayed, palms flat, hands bouncing up and then deliberately pressing down to the […]

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