Patterico's Pontifications


Here Are Some Pictures of Joe Biden

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:24 pm

Today, Joe Biden spoke with CNN’s Gloria Bolger and predicted that Democrats would hold the Senate.

This is a picture of Joe Biden.

Biden 1

This is a picture of Joe Biden.

Biden 2

This is a picture of Joe Biden.

Biden 3

This is a picture of Joe Biden.

Biden 4

This is a picture of Joe Biden.

Biden 5

This is a screenshot of Joe Biden from his interview with Gloria Bolger today.

Biden of the Remarkably Smooth Forehead

It’s always nice to meet new people, even if they’re old friends.

UPDATE: Since a few people are asking, allow us to be explicit: These are 100 percent photos of Joe Biden (the one you are thinking of—the Vice President), from Google images, correctly identified as Joe Biden. Other than that, there is nothing remarkable about them.

45 Responses to “Here Are Some Pictures of Joe Biden”

  1. If you don’t get it, click the link in the faux UPDATE.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. you are alleging botox?

    elissa (7ec47c)

  3. could be latex and pan makeup. Left over from Halloween perhaps.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  4. Quotable from Allahpundit: “While you mull, enjoy Joe Biden and his surprisingly, unnaturally taut forehead project[ing] that Democrats will shock the world by retaining control of the Senate.”

    Patterico (9c670f)

  5. To see the real Joe you need to find a photo taken from behind. Those show that his hair transplants are all in front. Those photos are very rare.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  6. Patterico (9c670f)

  7. Bruce Jenner thinks Joe Biden looks great.

    Bugg (f0dbc7)

  8. Unlike Renee, Joe’s forehead wrinkles.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  9. 5. Mike K (90dfdc) — 11/3/2014 @ 7:37 pm

    To see the real Joe you need to find a photo taken from behind. Those show that his hair transplants are all in front. Those photos are very rare.

    That’s where they took the hair from!

    You are telling is that so much was taken it is visbly missing there in the back?

    What needs an explanation is why that hair knows where it really belongs, and so stays on his scalp, even after it is transplanted. And why hair that is in the place it belongs can’t be taught to stay on the scalp.

    Sammy Finkelman (d062db)

  10. Yeah but he still looks like the same doofus to me.

    Whereas Zellweger looks quite different. And that’s the story;

    why someone in an industry where the participants rely heavily

    on physical attributes and facial recognition will sometimes

    change those attributes to the point where they’re unrecognizable

    as the same person.

    Joe looks different in those pictures but he still is

    recognizable as Joe Biden.

    Another good example is John Kerry.

    He had work done that makes his new face borderline unrecognizable.

    (and I was a shipmate with him in the Navy, which IS like living with someone.)

    He’s still recognizable But the change is quite noticeable.

    Or what’s her face from Dirty Dancing.

    Has she ever worked again since she got that new face?

    That’s the controversy; why someone would do that.

    And it probably works against women more than men.

    jakee308 (d409c2)

  11. It’s called a hair transplant but it’s really skin grafts, Sammy. They take out plugs of skin with healthy hair follicles from the back of the head, dig corresponding holes in front where the hair follicles are dead, and transplant them there. The way you re-sod a lawn after a grub infestation. Skin grafts are usually very successful.

    nk (dbc370)

  12. Not that I would know personally. Full head of hair, ladies. Gray, but still there.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. All wrong… no plugs, no transplant. He had a patch of Velcro surgically attached to his pâté. He can swim, golf, play tennis, lie, grift, plunder under cover of authority, plagiarize and act the buffoon with confidence and aplomb. The hair will remain unmussed and unmoussed, the latest in AstroTurf technology.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. What does he store in that space between eyes and hairline? Beer?

    Kevin M (d91a9f)

  15. What does he store in that space between eyes and hairline? Beer?

    I think the word for that space is a “fivehead.”

    Patterico (9c670f)

  16. a grub infestation, lol… very good!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  17. Rufus is a pretty funny guy.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  18. Urban Dictionary goes to elevenhead.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  19. That picture looks like it was taken in Madame Tussauds a few hours after the air conditioning broke.

    elissa (7ec47c)

  20. Slow Joe *had* a grub infestation…

    they starved to death.

    redc1c4 (2b3c9e)

  21. After the way he comported himself in that VP debate, he’ll always be a $hitbag in my book. Joe Bidet.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  22. Where’s Sammy? Sunlight does kill grubs. They shrivel up like movie vampires as soon as you lift up the dead grass whose roots they’ve eaten and uncover them.

    nk (dbc370)

  23. 14, 15, heh. He seems to inspire many. Just not in the way he’d like.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  24. The LAT on St. Joe, his endless stamina on the campaign trail:

    Biden has taken a personal interest in what might be viewed as a thankless endeavor, emerging as a patron saint of the embattled House Democrat.

    The vice president clearly revels in his time on the campaign trail.

    To follow Biden along a campaign rope line is to endure an endless number of selfie requests, bear hugs and kisses and close-talking. “My turn! My turn!” one giddy woman shouted to Biden as she got in position for a picture. “Fire away!” he answered.

    Mostly, I loved Bill Clinton’s quote about the campaign trail:

    “Every election season I feel like an old racehorse,” Clinton said at a recent event in Kentucky. “They come in and give me an extra bale of hay, somebody comes in and brushes my coat, then they drag me out to the track and they slap me on the rear to see if I can get around that track just one more time.”

    Heh… just an old stud.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  25. Just a little spackle and paint on the one-percenter old war horses of the Democrat Party and they will be able to run as the defenders of the down-trodden and hip to these kids today.

    I am really dreading Hillary’s makeover.

    Ag80 (eb6ffa)

  26. (and I was a shipmate with him in the Navy, which IS like living with someone.)

    jakee308 (d409c2) — 11/3/2014 @ 7:47 pm

    Jake were you one of the Swift Boat Vets who ended old horseface’s run at the White House?

    Bring the best whiskey for Jake. We don’t want our hero drinking the watered down stuff.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  27. Biden’s probably the only person in the administration who I’d drink a beer with.

    But I do indeed pray for Barack Obama’s health — and then I pray for forgiveness for and assistance with the cognitive dissonance that creates within me.

    January 2017 can’t come soon enough, but today turns a big corner toward it.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  28. I’m guessing Jake might have been on the USS Gridley, a fine ship whose officers & crew Kerry routinely slighted later, but among whom Kerry served before volunteering for the Swift Boats. One of my own all-time favorite posts is about Kerry’s service on the Gridley, in part because it generated a ton of really perceptive and interesting reader comments.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  29. Those were good times, Beldar. Thank you for a trip down memory lane. And thank you for your service, jakee308.

    DRJ (a83b8b)

  30. Drooping eyebrow dead giveaway. Botox head.

    SarahW (267b14)

  31. If you ever wonder how to tell if a person got botox, and too much of it, look for fallen eyebrows.

    SarahW (267b14)

  32. He also got some cheek filler but that usually works out a little better; they go easy in men and try not to feminize the face.

    SarahW (267b14)

  33. He might even have gotten some fat transfer. That usually looks best. And his skin got a light chemical something

    SarahW (267b14)

  34. Maybe its just some of that HDTV airbrush makeup, which is light and looks like skin, mostly.

    SarahW (267b14)

  35. Am I the only one who thinks that last picture looks frighteningly like Max Headroom?

    Mr. Bultitude (35d5df)

  36. it rubs the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  37. SarahW – I figured he just forgot to take off his Halloween make up in the latest picture.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  38. In at least one of them, he resembles The Joker. That’s a good sign you’ve gone overboard with the Botox.

    SukieTawdry (a02e10)

  39. Like your handle, Sukie.

    Mackie M. (dbc370)

  40. I see dead people.

    NukemHill (6c7775)

  41. He got a little su’im-su’im in his hair, too.

    NukemHill (6c7775)

  42. Anybody have a photo of Jeff Dunham’s ‘Walter?’ It looks like they could be separated at birth.

    Bobber1019 (37eaa7)

  43. I’m pretty sure that’s Max Headroom.

    tek (2063de)

  44. Barack made him do it. Biden’s Barack’s bitch.

    Hepcat (e1fd6a)

  45. It ruins him. His expressiveness is his only charm.

    SarahW (267b14)

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