Patterico's Pontifications


CNN Should Not Have Fired Jeffrey Lord

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:30 pm

I despise shameless Trump enthusiasts who routinely make laughable arguments on Trump’s behalf. Jeffrey Lord falls squarely in that category. In a way, I can’t believe I’m about to defend Jeffrey Lord.

But I’m about to defend Jeffrey Lord.

CNN fired Lord today because he sarcastically tweeted “Sieg Heil” at someone he considers to be a fascist.

That’s a bad reason to fire someone.

Here’s how CNN reported the story:

CNN severed ties with Jeffrey Lord on Thursday, hours after he ignited controversy by tweeting the words “Sieg Heil!” at a prominent liberal activist.

“Nazi salutes are indefensible,” a CNN spokesperson said in a statement. “Jeffrey Lord is no longer with the network.”

To call Lord’s tweet a “Nazi salute” requires one to deliberately blind oneself to the context.

Here’s what really happened. Lord wrote a column about Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters. See if you can discern Lord’s opinion about Carusone and Media Matters from certain subtle clues hidden in the following passages from Lord’s column:

Over there at Media Matters — aka Media Matters Fascists, the anti-free speech bigots who, in typical fascist style, make it their mission to shut down speech they don’t like — MMF’s Angelo Carusone has come to my Twitter feed to respond.

. . . .

I am even happier that he has put his fascist spirit out there in reprintable form.

. . . .

You have been playing this fascist game for years with others — Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly etc etc. If there is a conservative with an audience of any size your fascist instinct is not to debate honestly but to simply silence the opposition. Period.

. . . .

This is America, Angelo. Not Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany or Communist Russia.

Did you catch that? I went ahead and put the clues in bold in case it was too understated.

I think maybe Lord thinks Carusone is a fascist.

I’m not saying it’s great writing. Lord could try consulting a thesaurus every now and then. But I sense a certain theme to the passage. And that theme is: “Angelo Carusone is a fascist.”

So then, today, the following Twitter exchange occurs:

Lord tweets out his column. Carusone tries to bust Lord’s chops, and Lord responds by saying “Sieg Heil.”

It’s . . . kind of obvious what’s happening there, isn’t it? For CNN to say that’s a “Nazi salute” is to suggest that Lord meant it unironically. But you can’t possibly be familiar with the context and think that.

This is just the latest example of the left calling for someone’s head on a platter by ignoring the context of what they said, and imposing a completely unreasonable meaning on the words.

As much as I despise Lord, I despise this worse.

[Cross-posted at RedState and The Jury Talks Back.]

53 Responses to “CNN Should Not Have Fired Jeffrey Lord”

  1. If you are on the Right at the MSM, you stand on thin ice. If a leftist had said this, it would ahve been understood as sarcasm and nothing would have been done. This is wrongful termination based on political discrimination. Which may or may not be a thing in Georgia.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  2. That being said, Lord should have noticed the thin ice and not been jumping up and down so hard.

    Kevin M (752a26)

  3. CNN must be jealous of all the attention Google is getting for being so woke.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  4. Words are words. People have to be responsible for them, stand behind them, and the anonymity of social media (and the distance between people at different computers) does not help.

    But we are almost to a place where the word matters more than the intent. Bumper sticker thinking uber alles.

    Whoops. I used German.

    You call someone a vile name, you need to be held accountable in some fashion (though not by firing). My solution is to make the person speak in real life to their target (to make it personal). But we have gotten weirdly 1920s Russia about language.

    It’s like our language can antirevolutionary or something.


    Simon Jester (bcb31a)

  5. To call Lord’s tweet a “Nazi salute” requires one to deliberately blind oneself to the context.

    Context is everything. Jeff Lord ain’t Mel Brooks.

    Flashback: German class, London, 1971. Requirement of the day; German only spoken for the hour.

    A new student in from the states, Master Bates (yes, every time he was called on snickers arose) was asked by the teacher to read a passage of text. He stood up by his desk, clicked his heels, lifted his right arm and said ‘Sig Heil!’

    The class chuckled– for about three seconds.

    Mrs. Swaizey, the German teacher married to our Jewish math prof, went wide-eyed, got up from her desk, pulled Bates’ arm down and in a raised voice so loud I can still hear it ringing in my ears over 45 years later, shouted: “NEVER! NEVER do you EVER do that in this classroom again! Do you understand me?!” A stunned Bates was escorted to the headmaster’s office. Suspended three days.

    We didn’t learn much German that day but did learn something else that’s stayed with me half a century. A sobering lecture about how there’s a time and place for everything and what may be a glib to some is not so funny to others. Master Bates wasn’t a Mel Brooks either.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  6. pathetically sad

    mg (31009b)

  7. Same leftists that want to impoverish every non-leftist voice for “hate speech” demand Colin Kaepernick get a NFL job for being so “woke.” Free speech for he, but not for thee.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  8. cnn has to do something to fool their viewers so the dmc e-mails leaked from inside not hacked story is spiked.

    guccifer (ccecff)

  9. Yes Simon, media matters is more Stalinist but like heidegger student marcuse
    (I learned that from d’souza) loves some gleishastaung.(sic) it was more doubleplus ungodd thinking they didmt need.

    narciso (d1f714)

  10. No employee has the right to have his political views offend his employer’s customers. CNN is a business, and if it thinks an employee’s speech or behavior is hurting its business, then it might have no choice but to fire him, as the more business-like alternative to trying to defend him or explain him.

    nk (dbc370)

  11. Verstehen Sie?

    nk (dbc370)

  12. As a matter of fact, on this very site, I have seen a campaign to ban a commenter for the reason that he is driving away other commenters. A long-term, persistent, multi-front campaign.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. CNN is not a business, it’s an ongoing tax,loss.

    narciso (24d099)

  14. Very few are familiar with gramsci, who is the continental alynski. Dsouza makes the point that fascism derived from sorel is about state control of the economy.

    narciso (24d099)

  15. There are tax losses and there are tax losses. Trump’s near $1 billion paper “tax loss” has given him a net profit of as much as $600 million in tax write offs from his cash-in-the-pocket income.

    nk (dbc370)

  16. Like Carlos slims in 20q4, he’ll make for it in volume?

    narciso (24d099)

  17. If I knew all the tricks, I’d be a billionaire and probably Secretary of Education.

    nk (dbc370)

  18. Back on topic. The use of irony and sarcasm. Here, I like Trump:

    That’s the way to do it, Mr. President!

    A lot of cognitively underprivileged lefties and humor deficient will go with the NYT’s “Trump Is Defending Putin”, doubling the joke on them.

    nk (dbc370)

  19. Patterico, ‘Did you catch that?…in case it was too (much, hard, difficult – to) understand.’

    ropelight (072508)

  20. Modern leftist elites adopted ‘Fascist’ as an alternative to smearing conservatives with the ‘Nazi’ label after the unmistakable collectivist origins of ‘National Socialist Workers Party’ were thrown right back in their two faces.

    Leftists resent being exposed as the ideological descendants of yesterday’s Nazis. They’re foreclosed from getting

    all decked out in those snappy uniforms and shinny jackboots
    nd respond by

    ropelight (072508)

  21. CNN is like Google.

    Whether the disparity manifesto or this harmless tweet, the left feels no need to even fake the truth anymore. They just project their own hate and intolerance, demand that heads roll and the herd brays in support and glee.

    harkin (536957)

  22. My #20 above is an inadvertent premature post…but you get the point.

    ropelight (072508)

  23. this is how we get more bloviating politically incorrect outsiders challenging the palace guard of the liberal kingdom, not less as they think

    crazy (11d38b)

  24. Meanwhile China fired their AI chatbots when they departed from the party line.

    crazy (11d38b)

  25. Is NK an acronym for North Korea? Asking for a friend.

    Andy (11847a)

  26. Patterico, ‘Did you catch that?…in case it was too (much, hard, difficult – to) understand.’


    Patterico (c22a91)

  27. Patterico, my mistake, 1000 pardons.

    ropelight (072508)

  28. Sometimes one can take satisfaction from just walking away from — instead of engaging in — all the comedic opportunity inherent in the phrase “inadvertent premature post.” I’mma take a walk now.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  29. As a matter of fact, on this very site, I have seen a campaign to ban a commenter for the reason that he is driving away other commenters. A long-term, persistent, multi-front campaign.

    De-lurking as I come here for the contrarian comments and having been in technology hinterlands and such lately…looking at the last several posts, what happened to a few commenters whose names begin with ‘H’? Haiku, Hoagie, Happyfeet? Was there an H-bomb/purge? Some other non-h’s seem to have disappeared as well but not sure who.

    CFarleigh (094b61)

  30. CF, I think that some people quit. Other people cannot help but slide into personal attacks. And in the final analysis, it’s up to Patterico. It’s his site.

    Simon Jester (c8876d)

  31. I’m guessing it’s short for nikolaus

    narciso (e0a714)

  32. @10/11. Sehr gut.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  33. Disco duck and dana ward seem perfectly acceptable over here.

    narciso (e0a714)

  34. Andy @ 25 was meant for me? It stands for Nikita Kyoshiro, a Russian-Japanese professional baseball player famous for the triple play Everasu to Tinkerov to Kyoshiro.

    nk (dbc370)

  35. CNN’s done with Lord’s usefulness, he was only brought in as a Trump explainer after their bet on Ana Navarro as a Jeb! explainer being useful for the long haul fell through. This was back in the day when CNN was plumping for Trump, giving him all the free airtime he could possibly want on the assumption that they could do Trump like they did McCain and Romney, make the worst GOP choice seem like the reasonable choice in the primaries only to “discover” in the general that the guy’s literally Hitler and then turn on him. Lord was supposed to be for entertainment purposes only, a sideshow clown for the clown sideshow, a distraction to Jeb!’s inevitability. Somewhere along the line, the joke stopped being funny, didn’t it CNN? But it was great for ratings and that’s all that matters.

    Jerryskids (3308c1)

  36. Lurkers “unmasked”.

    Which one of you is Susan Rice?

    Pinandpuller (bc7318)

  37. It matches what had been found in other outlets

    narciso (7b41aa)

  38. For CNN to say that’s a “Nazi salute” is to suggest that Lord meant it unironically. But you can’t possibly be familiar with the context and think that.

    Details, details…

    The blogosphere doesn’t know that.

    Media Matters shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this.

    If there ever was a case for suing someone for slander this is it. It doesn’t matter that actually all the facts are out there. A straw man argument can be slander – at least if it has these kinds of consequences.

    Sammy Finkelman (02a146)

  39. It was a poor choice of words.

    narciso (7b41aa)

  40. Beldar, don’t go all Nelly on me now. You got something moderately urgent on your mind, then out with it.

    ropelight (072508)

  41. They should have fired him for suggesting that Ariana Grande was partially responsible for the deaths at the Manchester concert. I would have cheered if one of her male relatives had given him a solid punch to the nose for that. But yeah, it was stupid to fire him for that–particularly at a moment when the left is throwing around “Nazi” to label anyone to the right of Lenin.

    M Scott Eiland (b16b32)

  42. De-lurking as I come here for the contrarian comments and having been in technology hinterlands and such lately…looking at the last several posts, what happened to a few commenters whose names begin with ‘H’? Haiku, Hoagie, Happyfeet? Was there an H-bomb/purge? Some other non-h’s seem to have disappeared as well but not sure who.

    happyfeet was given a week off for saying the following about Beldar:

    you so poopy plus you has a law degree

    are you single baby

    I made the decision 2017/08/07 at 9:03 pm. Privileges are restored 2017/08/14 at 9:03 pm. Or as soon thereafter as I get around to it.

    Haiku could not abide any criticism of Donald Trump and became a persistently negative influence who did nothing but emit passive aggressive whiny comments about me. I did not ban him but I told him I was tired of it. He left on his own. I miss the old Haiku. The new one was a drag.

    I did not realize Hoagie had left but I see a flounce on July 27, here. I don’t understand the comment and did not see it at the time. Here is what he wrote:

    21.That #20 above, is much more antisemitism than Hoagie has ever wrought. Guilty as charged.
    urbanleftbehind (5eecdb) — 7/27/2017 @ 11:16 am

    Another one on the band wagon. For those of you who are not aware my maternal grandfather was Jewish. I was raised in a heavily Jewish area and many of my friends and girlfriends were Jewish. I attended many of my friends bar-mitzvahs. Finally, my first wife was Jewish. The wife whose hand I held as she died of brain cancer at Jefferson Hospital at the ripe old age of 40. To this day my former in-laws come over for dinner and barbeques, sometimes bringing their kids, my God Children, with them. If I am an anti Semite then so is God. Just because Dustin says I am does not mean it’s true.

    Apparently Dustin likes to apply a standard to me that I’m sure he would not apply to himself. That is, he won’t accept a respectful heart-felt apology from me but I’m sure unless he’s Jesus Christ himself he has said or done things in his life he asked forgiveness for. That would make him a hypocrite.

    Thank you for allowing me to comment here but the time has come for me to leave. I will not spend one more minute apologizing or another comment explaining. Thanks again and good luck.

    Dustin had not commented in the thread so I’m not sure what he was on about. I see a flap about an apology in a previous thread, but once again I don’t know what it’s about.

    That’s a shame. I like Hoagie. I may email him.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  43. I like Hoagie and wish him good health and would welcome his return. We agreed sometimes and we disagreed agreeably sometimes. If you email him, tell him that, if you think of it. I don’t know what to say about Col. H, except that we certainly disagreed more, with less productive interchange, as he became more supportive of Trump and critical of any who dared flag in supporting Trump. But he wasn’t on the list of commenters whose remarks I automatically skip through by any means.

    Beldar (fa637a)

  44. Well we know who is welcome apparently, I warned you what he would who he has hurt among my friends

    narciso (d1f714)

  45. I can seldom understand the overall “take home” lessons of your posts, narciso, but do get many of your quite arcane references.

    Simon Jester (8aea69)

  46. Well we know who is welcome apparently, I warned you what he would who he has hurt among my friends

    English, please.

    Patterico (115b1f)

  47. The communists took put the social democrats per stalins orders, because they thought
    They were the direct obstacle, Jan valtin was the witness to this. Gramsci thought culture was the gateway to political domination

    narciso (d1f714)

  48. 10.No employee has the right to have his political views offend his employer’s customers. CNN is a business, and if it thinks an employee’s speech or behavior is hurting its business, then it might have no choice but to fire him, as the more business-like alternative to trying to defend him or explain him.

    If memory serves, similarly, recall that Gilbert Gotfried, who was the voice of the Aflac duck in TV ad spots, cracked wise on social media w/some off-color joke about Japanese flood victims and the Aflac insurance firm fired him for it– turned out a large number of their policy holders are in Japan.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  49. 49

    How freakish is it for someone to be fired for saying what everyone else is thinking?

    Ben burn (4f912e)

  50. If anything, my comment was a confirmation of the fact that Rev. Hoagie was NOT anti-sem. I when I said “guilty as charged”, it was in reference to me because of my inference that Jacky Rosen as a Senator would be a carbon copy of Boxer and Feinstein from the next state over. I had realized my comment may very well be interpreted as antisemitic.

    urbanleftbehind (847a06)

  51. Losing a lot of good ones and the people filling up the blog instead are cheap facsimiles.

    NJRob (7f4bec)

  52. I emailed Hoagie. I think he’s coming back. That makes me happy.

    Patterico (115b1f)

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