Patterico's Pontifications


Washington Redskins Officially Retiring Team Name and Logo

Filed under: General — Dana @ 12:39 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Having been under increased pressure to change the name of the Washington Redskins, the announcement of the team’s impending name change came this morning:

Untitled (Recovered)

Over at the football team’s official Twitter page, these seem to be the most popular suggestions for a new team name: Washington Warriors, Washington Generals, Washington Redwolves, Washington Redtails.

Here is a brief entry about the origins of the term “redskins”:

Redskin is a slang term for Native Americans in the United States and First Nations in Canada. The term “redskin” underwent pejoration through the 19th to early 20th centuries[1] and in contemporary dictionaries of American English it is labeled “usually offensive”,[2] “disparaging”,[3][4] “insulting”,[5] or “taboo”.[6]

The origin of the choice of “red” to describe Native Americans in English is debated. While related terms were used in anthropological literature as early as the 17th century, labels based on skin-color entered everyday speech around the middle of the 18th century. “At the start of the eighteenth century, Indians and Europeans rarely mentioned the color of each other’s skins. By midcentury, remarks about skin color and the categorization of peoples by simple color-coded labels (red, white, black) had become commonplace.”[7]

Documents from the colonial period indicate that the use of “red” as an identifier by Native Americans for themselves emerged in the context of Indian-European diplomacy in the southeastern region of North America, before later being adopted by Europeans and becoming a generic label for all Native Americans.[10]:627–28

Linguistic evidence indicates that, while some tribes may have used red to refer to themselves during the Pre-Columbian era based upon their origin stories,[10]:634 the general use of the term was in response to meeting people who called themselves “white” and their slaves “black”.[10]:629 The choice of red rather than other colors may have been due to cultural associations, rather than skin color.[10]:632 Red and white were a dichotomy that had pervasive symbolic meanings in southeastern Native cultures which was less prevalent among northern tribes.[10]:632 While there was occasional use of “red” in Indian-European diplomacy in the northeast, it was still rare there even after it had become common in the southeast. Instead, “Indian” was translated into the native languages there as “men”, “real people”, or “original people”.[10]:629–30 Usage in the northeast region by Europeans may have been largely limited to descriptions of tribes such as the Beothuk of Newfoundland, whose practice of painting their bodies and possessions with red ochre led Europeans to refer to them as “Red Indians”.[11]

Early ethnographic writers used a variety of terms; olivastre (olive) by François Bernier (1684),[12] rufus (reddish, ruddy) by Linnaeus (1758)[13] kupferroth (“copper-red”) by Blumenbach (1779),[14] and eventually simply “red” by René Lesson (1847).[15]

Early explorers and later Anglo-Americans termed Native Americans “light-skinned”, “brown”, “tawny”, or “russet”, but not “red” prior to the 19th century;[16]

In the modern debate over sports teams with the name, it is sometimes asserted that Oklahoma translates from Choctaw as “red people” (okla, people + humma, red).[17] However, “humma” has a number of possible meanings in Choctaw, one of which is “humma, an addition to a man’s name which gives him some distinction, calling on him for courage and honor.”[18] The alternative meaning of Oklahoma becomes “honorable/courageous nation” or “a brave people”.[19]

As with any group, however, views about the name “Redskins” run the gamut:

The best-known survey is likely a 2016 Washington Post poll that found 9 out 10 Native Americans don’t find the “Redskins” name offensive.

The poll asked a random national sample of 504 Native American adults and was conducted via phone interviews. The margin of error was 5.5 percentage points.

According to The Post, the 2016 poll found similar results to a 2004 poll conducted by Annenberg Public Policy Center.

A more recent survey, conducted by “market research organization” Wolvereye in 2019, along with “two other prominent research companies,” interviewed 500 people who self-identified as Native American. The method of interviewing and margins of error were not disclosed.

Perhaps this is the question that should be asked:

Even if groups of self-identified Native Americans don’t find the term offensive, “redskins” is still racist on its face. Of the 12 profiled by WaPo, there was at least one authentic Native pointing to the fact that Natives often use the term “skins” to describe one another. This is similar to black communities reclaiming the n-word, but, likewise, not every Native person uses this word.

Should a team representing the capital of the United States really be embracing a racial slur? Washington DC is the historic gathering place for calls to action and protest centre of policy in America. The dictionary defines the term “redskins” as a racial slur, which should shut down any debate. Several Native organizations and tribes have petitioned the Washington Redskins to change their name.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, the team can do whatever it wants. They can keep the name and risk getting hit with boycotts and a loss of sponsors, or they can concede that pejorative terms and/or racial slurs should be avoided. While we don’t have an exact number of how many Natives are offended by it, we do know that there are indeed those who are offended. Would the country be fine with professional sports teams being named the “Yellowskins” or “Blackskins” or “Brownskins”? I don’t think so. So why not choose a name that doesn’t risk offense? Exactly who will be hurt by having a team name that reflects a greater awareness of how the current name impacts members of the specific group to which it refers?

The Redskins adopted the name in 1933. That was just 9 years after Congress formally granted U.S. citizenship to all Native Americans. My Native maternal grandmother and her people were born well before the Indian Citizenship Act, and one of my parents was born just a few years after it was signed. With that, here’s my own informal survey of six Native Americans (ages 30 – 90) and their take on the name “Redskins”: three are personally offended by it, and believe it is derogatory and should have been gone like yesterday. Period. Two are not particularly offended by it, yet can see why it offends their fellow travelers. They believe that changing the outdated name to something that is not a pejorative term would go a long way. One clarified: It [“Redskins” team name] never bothered me. Maybe I’m not that tuned in because I didn’t think it was an insult. But if someone called me a “redskin,” I wouldn’t ignore it. I would look at them and ask, “Who are you calling redskin?” And yet another surveyed said they were not offended by the team name, but said they would be offended if they changed the name. Following that, a white male explained to me that, ever since he was a kid and onward to adulthood, he felt that the Washington “Redskins” name paid tribute to a group of people that he believed were truly “badass tough”. And he wasn’t referring to the football players.

I’ll update the post when the new team name (and logo) is announced.


78 Responses to “Washington Redskins Officially Retiring Team Name and Logo”

  1. Hello,

    Dana (25e0dc)

  2. Hello Dana.

    I think Washington Generals is an inside joke by frustrated fans because the Washington Generals is the name of the team that always gets their butts whooped by the Harlem Globetrotters.

    But it would be fun to see the fans force that name upon them, just because I’m sure it would cheese off Daniel Snyder and the league offices.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  3. And what of Red Man Chewing Tobacco?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  4. Honestly, they all annoy me because everyone is in it for their own gain. Dan Snyder wants to keep making money, a large segment of Natives outraged over the name are playing a game of politics in which no one can say where else it might lead, and team fans don’t seem to be just about the game, but rather about the whole “Redskins” movement, like it really impacts their day to day lives.


    Dana (25e0dc)

  5. Pittsburgh Pirates…. Oakland Raiders… howzabout Washington Looters?!

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  6. I think Washington Generals is an inside joke by frustrated fans because the Washington Generals is the name of the team that always gets their butts whooped by the Harlem Globetrotters.

    Ah, okay, thanks for that. I also heard a local sports radio mention the name as a possible replacement name too.

    Dana (25e0dc)

  7. So they are finally getting rid of that “racist” name and dropping it. They will now be known as the D.C. Red skins.

    NJRob (09da41)

  8. Sports teams are out of ‘vogue’ these days… but would Native-Americans object to bumping Jefferson and returning the indian chief on obverse of a U.S. Buffalo nickel or dump Lincoln and bring back the ol’ Indian Head one cent coin— a la the trend re- Harriet Tubman on a $20 note? THey were elegant designs and beautiful coinage.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  9. How about the Washington Irvings? Or for variety, the Irving Washingtons?

    Victor (0301a3)

  10. I figure it’s their team. They’ll name it whatever they think will make them the most money.

    Time123 (306531)

  11. The Washington Monuments, so it is a federal crime to tear them down.

    RipMurdock (d2a2a8)

  12. I like Washington Worriers.;-)

    felipe (023cc9)

  13. How about Washington Furriers – the logo could be a bear rug.

    felipe (023cc9)

  14. Looks like Red Wolves is popular….and that would allow for a lot of fanatical howling…..and the same color scheme. The Washington Warriors is popular too…but still has some lingering Indian vestige that they don’t want to have to revisit. The Red Hyenas, Red Buffaloes, Red Rats, Red C#cks, Red Snakes, or Red Inks probably all hit too close to home for DC. I know I will sleep easier….

    AJ_Liberty (ec7f74)

  15. Red Balance Sheets?

    Dustin (724986)

  16. Why does it need Red in the name. The Warriors is already taken as a sports team name. The Washington Bald Eagles? Or Turkeys?

    RipMurdock (d2a2a8)

  17. What a great victory! The team nickname for a Pro Sports team will be changed after 88 years. Good grief, its been a tough 88 years. Remember back in 1990 and 2000 and 2010 how we cried ourselves to sleep over the offensiveness of the word “Resskins”? Me neither.

    Anyway, the SJW”s never rest and they will be on to new things to “correct” with the support of the Left and their “conservative” allies. Here are some good replacement names suggested by Meade at Althouse:

    1) the Kneelers
    2) the thinskins.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  18. It’s been pointed out that one aspect of the name change is that the fanbase of the team formerly known as the Redskins, a fanbase which I am told is heavily African-American in a predominantly African-American city, will likely have to purchase hundreds of dollars of new logo gear for their favorite team, even while we are in the midst of a pandemic-caused economic downturn. Those sports marketers don’t miss a trick, do they?

    JVW (ee64e4)

  19. There’s no way it’s going to be Red anything. Supposedly they want to use a military sounding name, maybe Washington Seals, Deltas, too many Ranger’s already, Raider’s is taken too.

    Also there’s the history of George Preston Marshall being a white supremacist too.

    But in posterity, Marshall’s achievements have gotten their ass kicked by his flaws. Marshall gets referenced these days only in the context of his racist ways—and there were lots of ’em. The name he gave the team in 1933 is racist. The original words of the fight song he commissioned in 1938, “Hail to the Redskins” (credited to his second wife, Corinne), are racist. His unwillingness to sign any black players until 1962, when the federal government forced him to, was racist. (All these years later, Stewart Udall, who as U.S. Secretary of the Interior demanded that Marshall integrate the team or lose the use of what is now RFK Stadium, can’t say enough bad things about the owner. “He hated everybody but the whores,” was about as close as Udall got to a compliment when discussing Marshall last year.)

    Marshall’s reputation was such that when Hall of Fame lineman Deacon Jones came to the Redskins in 1974, he initiated a ritual in which he’d spit on the owner’s statue at RFK Stadium on game days.

    And, as a coup de grâce, Marshall’s last will and testament was racist.

    Marshall stipulated in his will that he wanted his money to go toward the establishment of the Redskins Foundation, and that the group was charged with dedicating all proceeds to the betterment of “health, education and welfare” of children in the Washington area.

    All well and good. But Marshall added a caveat that no money from his foundation would ever go toward “any purpose which supports the principle of racial integration in any form.”

    A local furor developed when word of the clause got out. A multi denominational group of area pastors, priests, and rabbis formed to publicly denounce the will as “onerous and racist.” Even Marshall’s kinfolk were appalled.

    “It was so absolutely ridiculous that he put it in there, but he did put it in,” says Jordan Wright, Marshall’s granddaughter and a Northern Virginia resident. “But with the family, when we saw that, it was all, ‘Egads! Why did he put that in?’ It was never acceptable to anybody in the family.”

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (305827)

  20. The Washington Bald Eagles?

    The franchise in Philadelphia would probably be none too keen on that idea.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  21. I just did a re-read of my post and realized I forgot this key part, and have added it:

    On one hand, the team can do whatever it wants. They can keep the name and risk getting hit with boycotts and a loss of sponsors, or they can concede that pejorative terms and/or racial slurs should be avoided.

    My apologies for sloppy editing.

    Dana (25e0dc)

  22. Since the kids are so into neo-Marxism these days, how about the Red Menace or the Red Hordes?

    JVW (ee64e4)

  23. I wonder if Cleveland will now change its name. IF there’s anything worse than “Redskin” its “Indian”. And “Braves” is even worse. How about the Atlanta Breast-feeders? Has a feminist ring to it?

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  24. Yeah private industry can do what they, except for the current 1,000 laws telling them exactly what to do about pretty much everything. And then there’s the whole CV-19 thing or wars where the Government can shut them down.

    But anyway Free Enterprise rules! (Except when it doesn’t).

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  25. . . . would Native-Americans object to bumping Jefferson and returning the indian chief on obverse of a U.S. Buffalo nickel or dump Lincoln and bring back the ol’ Indian Head one cent coin— a la the trend re- Harriet Tubman on a $20 note?

    Let’s think big and bring back the old quarter-eagle ($2.50) and half-eagle ($5) gold pieces with an Indian head on them. Those coins had, respectively, nearly 4 grams and 8 grams of gold in them, which today would make them worth $432 and $864 in gold value alone, so we’ll have to go for 4 and 8 milligrams this time around.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  26. Man RC it stinks you have to be slightly less offensive. 🙄

    Time123 (9f42ee)

  27. Teh Washington Foreskins!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  28. Teh Washington Little Heads…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  29. Washington Derp Staters

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  30. It’s been pointed out that one aspect of the name change is that the fanbase of the team formerly known as the Redskins, a fanbase which I am told is heavily African-American in a predominantly African-American city, will likely have to purchase hundreds of dollars of new logo gear for their favorite team, even while we are in the midst of a pandemic-caused economic downturn. Those sports marketers don’t miss a trick, do they?

    JVW (ee64e4) — 7/13/2020 @ 1:37 pm

    I wonder if a whole bunch of athletic organizations start realizing their urgent need to rebrand.

    Dustin (724986)

  31. Hmmm … the Washington Nobodies?

    Cleveland Watson (2553c2)

  32. I’ve been a ‘Skins fan since about 1968, from the good times with coaches Lombardi, Allen and Gibbs through the ongoing and dispiriting Daniel Snyder era (Cowboys fans — want to trade owners?). I never particularly liked the team name but got used to it over the years. I don’t particularly like the team changing the name because of pressure, but if the name offends people, then change it — what’s the point in hanging on to a pejorative name for some undefined sense of tradition? Believe the name originated with notorious racist George Marshall, so that’s the type of legacy that is good to repudiate.

    Just don’t change the team colors — even today, after years of Snyder ruining everything with the franchise, whenever I go back home to Virginia it’s impossible not to notice the many burgundy F150s you see everywhere, especially once you get outside the Beltway, or maybe outside Gainesville, and into the “real” Virginia. Once the team has a new name, then maybe the only offensive thing about it will be the (lack of) results on the field.

    RL formerly in Glendale (40f5aa)

  33. Woke Nike spearheaded the pressure to change the name. They refused to sell any team merch until Snyder changed the name.

    Now Nike gets to make and sell all new merch, thanks to their sweatshops in SE Asia.

    Nike – woke and proud.

    Hoi Polloi (dc4124)

  34. Now that they have been dragooned to change their name, at least tip the cap to the long-suffering fans:

    Name them the Washington Hogs.

    Hoi Polloi (dc4124)

  35. If Donald Trump loses his reelection this coming November, I truly believe that one of the reasons will be his inexplicable need to comment upon every single development in the world of entertainment and sports. He’s at it again today, sharing with us his uninteresting take on the name change. I thought Barack Obama looked foolish with his deep interest in pop culture, but President Trump has him beat. We shouldn’t be electing the President of Television and Social Media, we should be electing somebody who has bigger fish to fry.

    JVW (ee64e4)

  36. Given the prices of NFL tickets, the Washington Wampums fits.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  37. Washington Wussies . . . or perhaps something that rhymes with wussies, but begins with a “P”, which is what I think every team which changes its name due to political correctness should be named.

    Washington Weasels?

    Washington Weaklings?

    Washington Deficits?

    Washington Debtors?

    The Washington Potomacs were an old Negro — can I use that word — league team, playing in the Eastern Colored League. Perhaps that would satisfy the woke.

    The Dana in Kentucky (229a56)

  38. 33.If Donald Trump loses his reelection this coming November, I truly believe that one of the reasons will be his inexplicable need to comment upon every single development in the world of entertainment and sports.

    Except he won’t. He knows the audience; never forget: in this era, Americans don’t want to be governed; they wish to be entertained.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  39. 33. Aw come on, JVW. Do you think any of Trump’s bootlickers are surprised, let alone care?

    Gryph (08c844)

  40. 36. On that, you and I agree. Trump will probably win.

    Gryph (08c844)

  41. The only games I want the Washington Pu . . . er, Wussies, to win are the two against Dallas and the two against the Eagles.

    The Dana in Kentucky (229a56)

  42. Is maybe comrades have more suggestions for more names for more billionaires’ toys? What name for Mr. Snyder’s yacht (if Mr. Snyder buy yacht)?

    nk (1d9030)

  43. Snyder’s yacht is the Lady S. She’s a 305ft Feadship. 12 guests and 29 staff and cost a measly $180M. She’s available for you to charter at around $1.5M a week.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (305827)

  44. Gryph wrote:

    36. On that, you and I agree. Trump will probably win.

    From your keyboard to God’s monitor screen.

    I’m no Trumpelstiltskin; if President Trump is re-elected, and then has a fatal stroke on January 21, 2021, my feelings won’t be hurt at all. That would mean we get more conservative policies without all of the drama. But Mr Trump serving every last second of his second term is far, far preferable to the Democrats’ policies.

    The Dana in Kentucky (229a56)

  45. Yeah private industry can do what they, except for the current 1,000 laws telling them exactly what to do about pretty much everything. And then there’s the whole CV-19 thing or wars where the Government can shut them down.

    But anyway Free Enterprise rules! (Except when it doesn’t).

    rcocean (2e1c02) — 7/13/2020 @ 1:43 pm

    Oh come on. No one is making them change the name. If Snyder wants to retain the name, then he should, and let the chips fall. After all, he has the freedom to do so.

    Dana (25e0dc)

  46. if President Trump is re-elected, and then has a fatal stroke on January 21, 2021

    That could happen. He is physically and mentally enfeebled by a life of eating garbage and not exercising properly. He can barely speak. Tweets infantile nonsense like LONE RANGER! Definitely the president in the worst mental condition in our nation’s history, including Abraham Lincoln after watching the play.

    Biden’s up even more in Texas today. Turns out, a presidential campaign built entirely on feeling sorry for how mean people are to the idiot president is not that fun.

    Conservatives are right to be very wary of what Team D is bringing. But it’s inevitable at this point. We missed our chance to avoid this wild shift left in 2016. The GOP had a second chance when they voted to acquit a traitor.

    Dustin (724986)

  47. Snyder’s yacht is the Lady S.

    Is short for Lady Sacajawea, maybe?

    Is you know what it mean when proles obsess so much over football team, Comrade Colonel? It mean Party not give them enough pornography to watch. I will bring it up at next Politburo meeting.

    nk (1d9030)

  48. In 2014:

    The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled the Washington Redskins’ trademark registration on Wednesday, a move that won’t force the NFL team to change its name but fuels the intense fight by opponents to eliminate what they view as a racial slur against Native Americans.

    The 99-page decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board said the team’s name and logo are disparaging. It dilutes the Redskins’ legal protection against infringement and hinders the team’s ability to block counterfeit merchandise from entering the country.

    In 2018, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated that decision, but it cost the team some big bucks.

    The Dana in Kentucky (229a56)

  49. 43. Two years ago, Snyder looked pretty principled when he said he wasn’t going to change the team’s name for anyone or anything. Now? He bows to the almighty dollar just like the rest of them do.

    Gryph (08c844)

  50. It wasn’t that long ago that the Baltimore Bullets moved to DC, and, after one year as teh Capital Bullets, became the Washington Bullets.

    In November 1995, owner Abe Pollin announced he was changing the team’s nickname, because Bullets had acquired violent overtones that had made him increasingly uncomfortable over the years, particularly given the high homicide and crime rate in the early 1990s in Washington, D.C. The name change was widely believed to be related to the assassination of Pollin’s longtime friend, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

    So, they became the Washington Wizards, but it seems that bullets fly more in Washington — and Baltimore — than do the Wizards, because they’re still a dog team.

    The Dana in Kentucky (229a56)

  51. Snyder’s yacht is the Lady S.

    s short for Lady Sacajawea, maybe?


    Dana (25e0dc)

  52. Oh come on. No one is making them change the name. If Snyder wants to retain the name, then he should, and let the chips fall. After all, he has the freedom to do so.

    Dana (25e0dc) — 7/13/2020 @ 3:46 pm

    Are you being sarcastic? Media trumpeting the campaign to force the change. Stores being woke and refusing to sell the product. FedEx attacking because they have naming rights to the stadium. On and on. This isn’t the public. This is corporate fascism and a merger of woke business and leftist politicians and media.

    NJRob (bae371)

  53. Here is the rule as I understand it: It is racist to refer to skin color, except that if the skin color is dark brown to black, it is racist to not refer to skin color, and except that if the skin color is pale brown to pink, it is racist to not refer to skin color and claim racism. Whew. But the rules change without notice. Stay tuned.

    Gary Hoffman (2a3a16)

  54. I’m still partial to the “Washington Vipers”

    Kevin M (ab1c11)

  55. How about the Washington Snakeskins? You can still call them the ‘skins.

    norcal (a5428a)

  56. The Washington Lawyers

    mg (8cbc69)

  57. People who wear nike schiff are commie wannabes.

    mg (8cbc69)

  58. Its 2020 the washington transgenders!

    asset (c02f3a)

  59. Washington Paleface.

    Matador (0284e8)

  60. The official bird of Washington DC is the wood thrush (they’re delicious, BTW) but I’d go with Swans.

    nk (1d9030)

  61. Oh come on. No one is making them change the name. If Snyder wants to retain the name, then he should, and let the chips fall. After all, he has the freedom to do so.

    Dana (25e0dc) — 7/13/2020 @ 3:46 pm

    Are you being sarcastic? Media trumpeting the campaign to force the change. Stores being woke and refusing to sell the product. FedEx attacking because they have naming rights to the stadium. On and on. This isn’t the public. This is corporate fascism and a merger of woke business and leftist politicians and media.

    NJRob (bae371) — 7/13/2020 @ 5:14 pm

    Dana is correct. People are interested in this so the media talks about it. You’re a proof point of that. There are sad reporters across the nation having feels because no one is reading the ‘important’ thing they reported.

    Stores want to keep their customer’s goodwill because they don’t want to lose them. FedEx doesn’t want to be associated with something unpopular. On and on this is people making the choices they think are right for them and everyone else reacting accordingly. You call it Fascism but the only force being used is concern for what others ppl will think.

    Time123 (306531)

  62. If Donald Trump loses his reelection this coming November, I truly believe that one of the reasons will be his inexplicable need to comment upon every single development in the world of entertainment and sports. He’s at it again today, sharing with us his uninteresting take on the name change. I thought Barack Obama looked foolish with his deep interest in pop culture, but President Trump has him beat. We shouldn’t be electing the President of Television and Social Media, we should be electing somebody who has bigger fish to fry.

    JVW (ee64e4) — 7/13/2020 @ 3:03 pm

    If it is than it’s because he’s doing it wrong.

    Typically voters support a candidate that they feel shares their values. I know very few people that make decisions based on detailed policy positions or the candidate’s resume. That number drops to near zero when the primary is over. Trump’s constant commentary signals to the public what he thinks and feels so they can realize he’s one of them and build affinity to his brand.

    If this costs trump the election it’ll be because so many people realized that they don’t share his values. In that case it will be interesting what happens with his brand. Will it go back to being a blue collar aspirational lifestyle brand? Will he be able to bring a large following and shift to a media brand like OAN? Will the Center Right decide they never really liked him leave him with just the David Duke / Daily Stormer fans? No way to tell for sure.

    Time123 (457a1d)

  63. Dana is correct. People are interested in this so the media talks about it. You’re a proof point of that. There are sad reporters across the nation having feels because no one is reading the ‘important’ thing they reported.

    Stores want to keep their customer’s goodwill because they don’t want to lose them. FedEx doesn’t want to be associated with something unpopular. On and on this is people making the choices they think are right for them and everyone else reacting accordingly. You call it Fascism but the only force being used is concern for what others ppl will think.

    Time123 (306531) — 7/14/2020 @ 5:42 am

    Nah. You’re just gaslighting and pretending it was important and that the public moved this issue because you agree with it. Last weekends open thread I proved this was a bunch of bunk. But you seem to be a-ok with the left using corporate fascism to enforce their will. I bet you’ll even say all the left deplatforming conservatives isn’t a big deal. Build your own platforms, right?

    NJRob (eb56c3)

  64. this is just astroturf, like mediamatters or thousand currents or splc, represent any cross section of public opinion,

    narciso (7404b5)

  65. Nah. You’re just gaslighting and pretending it was important and that the public moved this issue because you agree with it. Last weekends open thread I proved this was a bunch of bunk. But you seem to be a-ok with the left using corporate fascism to enforce their will. I bet you’ll even say all the left deplatforming conservatives isn’t a big deal. Build your own platforms, right?

    Let me be clear. I don’t think this issue is important. If there was data that Native American’s were passionate about it I would feel differently. But that doesn’t’ seem to be the case. It’s interesting, but that’s not the same thing as important.

    Can you define what ‘corporate fascism’ means? It sounds scary because fascism is bad but I honestly don’t know what you mean, unless it’s just a way to express that you’re unhappy with their decision and feel powerless to change it.

    Time123 (306531)

  66. Teh Washington Maricons

    Colonel Haiku (0e0056)

  67. 16. RipMurdock (d2a2a8) — 7/13/2020 @ 1:34 pm

    The Warriors is already taken as a sports team name.

    In basketball. But there are Cardinals and Giants in both football and baseball. Both pairs of Cardinals and Giants used to play in the same city.

    Sammy Finkelman (c54485)

  68. This is what market forces do within a capitalist system. The market, people who want to spend their money, and the businesses that want to capture it, are forcing a product, the Washington NFL franchise, to change their product. Again, to capture the spending dollar of the consumer. See Papa John’s, Sambo’s…

    People who think this is fascism neither understand capitalism or fascism.

    Colonel Klink (Ret) (9878f6)

  69. Oye coronello, ya basta,

    narciso (7404b5)

  70. ot this person was quoted as an authority,

    353 secretary-elaine-duke-weakened-legal-case-for-ending-daca/

    narciso (7404b5)

  71. Oh come on. No one is making them change the name. If Snyder wants to retain the name, then he should, and let the chips fall. After all, he has the freedom to do so.

    He’s being attacked and boycotted. He’s also being pressured by other Corporations and his minority owners. Talking about “Freedom” in this case, is just being disingenuous. In any case, please stop with the “Free Enterprise” nonsense, in this age of the CV-19 lockdown it sounds absurd.

    rcocean (2e1c02)

  72. “There’s some really important aspects to our new social media technologies. We can organize and mobilize but the tendency to shortcut everything and assume that everybody has to know everything already — what about the conversations? This is a moment in which we can share and learn and think and converse. People should not be afraid of being canceled because they make a mistake in that process.”

    who this,

    narciso (7404b5)

  73. answer, angela davis, communist party vp candidate, accessory to the murder of a judge, professor in the university of california system, preeminent figure in the abolishment of prison movement,

    narciso (7404b5)

  74. 70, 71…

    Entonces !!!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  75. I read her bio, for a sociology class, probably a vienna convention violation, so if all bourgeouis pursuits and frames of mind are to be proscribed I think someone said ‘You will not be allowed to be uninvolved, we will not let you’ name escapes me right now,

    narciso (7404b5)

  76. bari weiss has resigned from the times,

    narciso (7404b5)

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