Patterico's Pontifications


RedState Post: Trump Snaps Back at John Lewis on Twitter

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 1:35 pm

I told the editors at RedState that I would toss them the occasional exclusive post, rather than cross-posting every single item. This weekend I’m still blogging, but I’m taking a little vacation from the comments here to recharge my batteries, and it seems like a logical time to give the folks over there a couple of their own posts.

This post is titled Trump Snaps Back at John Lewis on Twitter. It harshly criticizes John Lewis for his comments calling Trump illegitimate. Sample:

Saying Donald Trump is not the legitimate president is not just irresponsible. It is dangerous. John Lewis should be utterly reviled by all right-thinking people for this statement.

You can read the post here.

143 Responses to “RedState Post: Trump Snaps Back at John Lewis on Twitter”

  1. It’s no surprise and part of the plan.

    On the other hand, he was hit on the head pretty severely in the 60’s. Sometimes it takes years for brain damage to surface.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  2. They are playing with fire with this.

    Whether you like or dislike the elected President, calling the President illegitimate cuts at the underlying foundation of our government. The end-point of that is, as Mao said, down to the barrel of a gun.

    fred-2 (ce04f3)

  3. He did the same thing to President Bush in 2000.

    He lied about tea partiers calling him racist epithets and spitting on him.

    He is a racist and agent provocateur.

    Locke (6ff508)

  4. We’ve discussed this here before: John Lewis has a pretty solid legacy working for civil right in the 1960s, but he has sadly chosen to undermine it by serving as a relentlessly partisan Democrat hack in Congress for the past couple of decades. He’s fallen for the stupid notion that if you are on the right side of one important issue at a key moment then you somehow are automatically on the right side of every subsequent issue for the rest of your life. He should have asked Richard Nixon how that works out in the end.

    JVW (6e49ce)

  5. @Patterico:I told the editors at RedState that I would toss them the occasional exclusive post, rather than cross-posting every single item

    If you chose to do this more frequently I don’t imagine anyone would object. We can click a link, read it, and come back here if we like to talk about it.

    If that makes it easier for you.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  6. Democracy is a horrible system, dependent on voters who are uninformed and irrational. But it does something very important: it achieves a peaceful transition of power.

    Bravo! One of the best things you have ever written.

    Patricia (5fc097)

  7. Whether or not Putinleaks were decisive to the outcome:

    1) The beneficiary of this hostile foreign power’s intervention in our election publicly thanked them and encouraged them to redouble their illegal efforts on his behalf.

    2) The beneficiary of this hostile foreign power’s intervention in our election later attempted to cover-up the crime that occurred, to the point of discrediting our own law enforcement, intelligence and national security agencies to shield the perpetrator.

    Trump’s complicity in Russia’s attempt to throw the election to him is a perfectly valid basis for denying his legitimacy. He has only himself to blame for his criminality and terrible judgment.

    Dave (711345)

  8. @Dave:publicly thanked them and encouraged them to redouble their illegal efforts on his behalf.

    You tried this before. It’s false, you know it’d false, you’ve been called out and you are doubling down.

    The beneficiary of this hostile foreign power’s intervention

    Assumed without evidence.

    later attempted to cover-up the crime that occurred, t

    How? A cover-up has to be done by people in government now. Who in the government is working with Trump to cover it up?

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  9. @Dave:Trump’s complicity in Russia’s attempt to throw the election to him

    Nothing but a string of unsupported assertions.

    Where’s your proof Russia tried to the throw the election at all?

    Where’s your proof Russia tried to throw it to Trump?

    Where’s your proof Trump was complicit?

    None. None whatever.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  10. Apparently there is desperate and urgent fundraising going by Democrats to address the egregious insult to Civil Rights icon John Lewis that they are selling without providing any context.

    elissa (23a154)

  11. @4- JVW, he’s old, too.

    As I’m dealing with an aging parent slipping into dementia, the sly symptoms of such mental brain farting have become more apparent to me of late.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  12. @Gabriel: I’ll take our FBI, CIA and NSA’s consensus over Vladimir Putin’s word.

    Dave (711345)

  13. Gee, but it would be nice if Red State allowed people to sign up, and actually followed through with it. I won’t read where I can’t comment.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  14. However, I don’t have to read about why John Lewis should be ashamed. Here we have a guy still living large off of the Pettus Bridge march of 50 years ago. Lewis, the great and powerful. Never mind the little man behind the curtain.

    Race-baiting hate-mongering demagogue whose power comes from perpetrating the oppression of his people.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  15. Next FakeNews: Racist Donald Trump want to put y’all back in chains. Or: Racist Donald Trump has always hated MLK.

    This is too easy. Surely CNN is prepping now…

    Dana (023079)

  16. I recall how he said back in 2008, that the huntress referring to candidate Obama’s ties to Bill Ayers was incitement to violence

    narciso (d1f714)

  17. @Gabriel: I’ll take our FBI, CIA and NSA’s consensus over Vladimir Putin’s word.

    Of course, when they say the exact opposite next May, you’ll take Nancy Pelosi’s word over theirs.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  18. == I’ll take our FBI, CIA and NSA’s consensus over Vladimir Putin’s word.==

    Better advice is don’t trust any of ’em. And you will never get a consensus because that is all top secret and that doesn’t get bannered on CNN even in this day and age.

    If you’re young you will learn by observation. If you are not young then brushing up on some good reads about history and the workings of the world’s post war intel services would possibly be a better use for your time than blog comment drive- bys.

    elissa (23a154)

  19. Yes thats about the size of it, Putin made her put all her money in Baltimore and new Orleans.

    narciso (d1f714)

  20. Bet you Lewis voted for Wallace for governor though.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  21. Or would have if he was in ALabama

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  22. He’s a race baiter, and relies on nobel actions taken a half-century ago to deflect legitimate outrage at his deplorable tactics.

    He’s Al Sharpton with a Congressional Staff.

    shipwreckedcrew (56b591)

  23. Did you know that Jimmy Carter won his Georgia Dem primary for governor by portraying his opponent as, um, friendly towards Negroes? Cater followed Lester Maddox to the job. Lewis probably voted for both of them.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  24. Well, Donald Trump just proved he is not a “Real Republican.”

    Thank goodness he’s not. A Real or Typical Republican caves in at times like this.

    DN (21cace)

  25. @5- That’s a pretty good idea, GH. Beats chewing Tums for hours on end and generates clicks for RS.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  26. @14- Here we have a guy still living large off of the Pettus Bridge march of 50 years ago. Lewis, the great and powerful. Never mind the little man behind the curtain.

    Not to mention coming off the end of eight yeas of the first black president (if you don’t count Bubba.) British society accelerated its decline when it increasingly began to cling to and celebrate the glories of its past instead of pressing on, looking to the future.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  27. Lewis is a clown living off his half a century year old “legacy” and perpetuating the sense of victim status endemic to a certain demographic.

    Meanwhile, Milo had his gig cancelled last night due to leftwing protestors and their (what should be deemed) unacceptable behavior. Shameful.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  28. Greetings:

    Eric Hoffer might have twittered, “What starts off as a cause, becomes a business, and ends up as a racket.” Once again, Negro Rights, Inc. rears its ugly head.

    11B40 (6abb5c)

  29. @Dave:I’ll take our FBI, CIA and NSA’s consensus over Vladimir Putin’s word.

    Where is this consensus? The agencies are not discussing this publicly. It is illegal for them to do so. There are media figures telling us that criminal elements at these agencies pinky-swear that all the Top Men say it might be true. Is that what you meant by “consensus”? Because it is a horse-laugh.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  30. Here we go, headline at LAT:

    Trump kicks off Martin Luther King weekend by sharply criticizing civil rights icon John Lewis

    With accompanying photo showing blacks being beaten by polic swinging batons.

    Dana (023079)

  31. I applaud Trump for a very restrained and measured response.

    nk (dbc370)

  32. This should be no surprise to Pragmatist Trump. Russia’s Putin is just an advasary, but his enemies are ideologues, conservative and liberal both, within his own country, who may undermine his new administration more than any international foe could dream.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  33. With accompanying photo showing blacks being beaten by polic swinging batons.

    And at whose behest were they doing the clubbing? His own demoncrappic party, that’s who!
    Something that they all forget to mention every f@cking single time!

    Yoda jr (310909)

  34. nasty useless codgers like John Lewis and Meghan’s disgrace-to-the-uniform coward daddy are nasty

    and useless

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  35. I would say demagogues not ideologues when talking about Lewis and his ilk — the Sharptons, the Jacksons, the Xs.

    And this should be no surprise to Trump because it is the exact same kind of stuff he says to his base. “Lock her up!”

    nk (dbc370)

  36. Vote for trump, vote for hillary, neither could I do! But, I Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) do not believe Donald Trump Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) is a “legitimate president human being!”

    Yoda jr (310909)

  37. Yeah Dana@30 I just saw that exact article and headline in the Chi Trib online, too. I refuse to click it.

    Also trending news on the site is:
    –This country belongs to everyone’ — local women planning to march on Washington

    –No unauthorized immigrants? Manufacturing, hospitality workforces would struggle

    –Chicago immigration rally has message for Trump: We’re here to stay

    –Jennifer Holliday backs out of Trump inauguration performance

    –Illinois’ biggest state worker union schedules strike-authorization vote

    — Fact check: No, President Obama’s mother-in-law is not receiving a government pension

    Now that was straight “News” reporting mind you. Here are some Opinion columnist headlines:

    –Without solidarity, the media under Trump will be lost

    –Like it or not, mega-mergers must deal with Trump

    –Is Trump steering automakers?

    I think I may detect some bias here but I am not sure.

    elissa (23a154)

  38. Just crazy talk elissa, yikes.

    narciso (d1f714)

  39. Lewis is pragmatic. He’s figured out that the way to keep getting a government check is to get government checks for the people who vote for him.

    As for Trump being pragmatic, is there such a thing as a pragmatic glory hound?

    A pragmatic businessman would do what he does best — make money and buy politicians. Not become a politician and lose money.

    nk (dbc370)

  40. @nk:A pragmatic businessman would do what he does best

    I wonder if Trump had got all he thought he was ever going to get out of business. Really big businessmen–and Trump, despite his celebrity, is not really all that big–generally don’t run for office but work through trusts and foundations and whatnot a la Bill Gates.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  41. OMG Dana, shame on the LA Times. Can our country survive this hate?

    Patricia (5fc097)

  42. this is why its been dubbed the f2f ogvtrainer in these parts.

    narciso (d1f714)

  43. The Trib editorial board seems more rational than their line reporters. Thank you, Ricketts fam for providing a shadow competitor (DNAnews)

    urbanleftbehind (9eb822)

  44. Hey, remember how Obama got inaugurated, sat down at his desk, and was handed a Nobel Peace Prize?

    Human Rights Watch has just declared the US a human rights abuser due to Trump.

    The 19 mentions of Trump is compared to 11 mentions of both Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, both of whom have cracked down heavily on reporters and dissidents. Bashar al-Assad, the dictator of Syria who has murdered tens of thousands of his own citizens, receives 15 mentions in the report.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  45. Dog trainer, but nearly every paper on the ap wire is much the same way.

    narciso (d1f714)

  46. Hey, remember how Clinton got credited with a recovery that happened under Bush 41?

    Obama is being declared as having produced the “best economy of a generation”.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  47. #12, Dave has a point – sort of. I’ll take the word of our FBI, CIA, and NSA when they can back it up. It’s the word of Obama’s grossly politicized and overtly corrupt so-called ‘Intelligence Agencies’ that isn’t worth spit.

    Our bas*ard soon to be ex-President corrupts every government department he gets his filthy hooks into. IRS, Justice, EPA to name a few egregious examples.

    America and the world will be much better places when that ugly reptile is skulking around for fancy boys and crack cocaine in the DC sewers rather than leaching off Uncle Sam and behaving like an oriental potentate.

    He can’t be gone quick enough, and I hope the door hits him in the a** on his way to infamy.

    ropelight (19a16e)

  48. By the way, you know that big click WaPo story yesterday about how the black commander of the Washington D.C. National Guard, Maj. Gen Schwartz was being removed in the middle of the inauguration at the very moment Trump assumes office——–well the story has been completely rewritten possibly due to some bad info provided by the General himself. Of course the original WaPo article was blasted far and wide yesterday to every major city paper and was included on blogs and facebook pages. No one will ever see the update. Here is the new article:

    elissa (23a154)

  49. Just like today’s story was about general flynn’s talk with the Russian ambassador

    narciso (d1f714)

  50. Hey, CNN, let’s build an audience for MLK Day!

    “This is CNN ‘breaking news’… Hello, I’m Blake Wrapper. CNN has learned of an aledged memo containing unsubstantiated claims that Congressman John Lewis made several secret trips to Russia paid for by Vladimir Putin. We want to emphasize that CNN cannot confirm the existence of such a memo or the aledged contents and has not substantiated or confirmed the claims regarding Lewis and his travels. CNN will keep you informed as events warrant every ten minutes through all our televised celebrations of Martin Luther King Day which begins in the morning with with New Day…. Carl? Well, Blake, if this is true, it could be a potential bombshell….” 😉 Kidding, of course.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  51. Ropelight, he gets a pension and Secret Service protection. So he will be leeching off US for life.

    Kishnevi (1a529d)

  52. 21. Kevin M (25bbee) — 1/14/2017 @ 2:51 pm

    Or would have if he was in ALabama

    In 1978 and 1982.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  53. Duly noted that (what a concept) actually responding to critics and character assassins are “irrationally lashing out like an emotional five year old.” It the self-proclaimed “true conservatives” who form the basis for the anti-Trump segment of the Right insist on hewing to these Marquis of Queensbury rules, while the Left fights with switchblades, how the hell is anyone surprised they rarely WIN a political fight?

    Trump’s reply has the virtue of being accurate! Outside of the affluent white pockets, Lewis’s district SUCKS. It’s 60% black, with all impoverished ghettos and crime that goes with them. Allahpundit actually suggests it makes no sense to hold Lewis accountable for how squalid his district us, despite the fact he’s been representing it for three decades!

    Jared Nelson (46bd70)

  54. John Lewis, like a lot of Democrats who aren’t paying attention or hope people aren’t paying attention, is conflating the Russian leaks with most of the bad information about Hillary.

    It didn’t come from the Russian hacks.

    Very little of the bad information had its source in Wikileaks or other Russian hacking outlets. Donald Tump kept on mentioning Wikileaks because everybody accepted that – and because “secrets” maybe seem more compelling than the results obtained by Fredom of Information lawsuits.

    The Russians hacked the DNC (which contained no Clinton secrets) and John Podesta (who didn’t know any Clinton secrets, and one person who e-mailed him wondered she was doing xome things) and probably also Colin Powell (who did have a complaint about Hillary’s lies about him being responsible for her using private e-mail which he also told other people.)

    The most famous thing revealed was the partiality of some people at the DNC when they were supposed to be neutral between her and Bernie Sanders, and Donna Brazile feeding what she thought were questions that were going to be asked at a Hillary Clinton-Bernie Sanders debate.

    And also an analysis of some possible problems in Hillary’s secret speeches and then the text of some of Hillary’s secret speeches to Goldman Sachs and others. Podesta had them. We even had a writer saying why he put something in a speech.

    A quotation from a speech to Brazilian bankers became a question in the last Hillary-Trump debate which caused Hillary to say that Putin supported Trump because he’d rather have a puppet as president of the United States, and Trump to then say, rather incoherently and without logic, that she’s the puppet.

    And then Hillary complained he wouldn’t say Russians have engaged in cyberattacks, and then Trump went on to say that she had no idea if it was Russia, China or anyone else and then Hillary went on to say that 17 intelligence agencies had said it was Russia and that Trump would rather believe Vladimir Putin.

    That exchange was probably more damageing to Trump than to Hillary. The problem for Hillary is that there were other things.

    The really damaging things to Hillary Clinton came form the absence of any government e-mail address and the exclusive use of her own, plus her explanation about it, which were not revealed by Russian hacking (although RT did reveal what was claimed to be texts of memoes sent to her e-mail address by Sidney Blumenthal which were said to have been hacked by Guccifer – which incidentally revealed she had a private e-mail addeess but then there was nothing special about her having a private e-mail address.)

    There were also Freedom of Information Act requests, by the Associated Press, Judicial Watch and the Republican National Committee and books written about the Clintons.

    And there were claims she might be indicted over the Clinton Fondation. (still might!) And Donald Trump was going around having his crowds say “Lock her Up!”

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  55. Except it could have been anybody using eset software.sammeh, that’s the type apt 28 so-called used.

    narciso (d1f714)

  56. But the Panama papers, add long with judicial watch foias were the bulk of it.

    narciso (d1f714)

  57. I think theer’s some claim that the same exact phishing attack used on Podesta was used in western Europe in something more clearly of Russian origin, maybe because of the target. And tahtthe software infection of the DCCC and the DNC was similair to otehr things they thought Russia had done. And that the leaks came from Russia. Guccifer 2.0 was Russian, or a number of Russians, not one Romanian.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  58. perverted harvardtrashy ben sasse lurvs to fellate him some hateful geriatric sleazer-geezer

    Nebraska GOP Sen. Ben Sasse, a frequent critic of Trump during the campaign, defended Lewis on Twitter. On Friday, he’d tweeted a message to Lewis asking him to reconsider attending the inauguration.

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  59. And just like clockwork, John Lewis is fundraising for the DNC off of Trump’s tweet.

    Dana (023079)

  60. @Sammy:the same exact phishing attack used on Podesta was used

    like 1.5 million other times by 1500 other people.

    A phishing “attack” is an email.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  61. Really tired of the race-baiting left. Does anyone believe if Cruz or Rubio won the game plan from the left would be any different?

    NJRob (b34b13)

  62. Noticed something about Gen. Schwartz that nobody has remarked as yet.

    He was appointed to the D.C. National Guard Commanders post by Pres George W. in 2008. That’s the way responsible adults do a transition.

    this Cobra Kia “sweep the leg” when you get beat by Donald San, poor sport, bitter, spiteful, sore losership, and the people who it’s coming from, how they all share this obvious common trait.

    Commander of Weekend Warriors in the District of Columbia – that’s like the most AA position you could find in an Army swirling in AA. It’s the participation trophy of command posts.

    Hope Errol Schwartz reads this comment and his face turns red. I hope. I hope. I hope.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  63. MLK weekend? It’s still just the one day, right?

    Do I have to pretend like a I care the whole weekend?

    To celebrate people should be forced to explain the transgression part in Brown vs. Board of Edu.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  64. papertiger (c8116c) — 1/14/2017 @ 10:04 pm

    Allow me a great liberty to state that it is quite a coup for the left to transform treachery to a claim of moral high-ground to bestow a sconce upon the unwary, the passerby, the innocent, and so cling to the memory of power.

    felipe (023cc9)

  65. Sammeh… “The really damaging thing(s) to Hillary Clinton” was Hillary Clinton. Her actions… her statements… her lies… her stumbling… her association with Bill Clinton… her criminality… her lies… her outdated processor… her lies… her fondness for adult beverages… her sense of entitlement… her lies…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  66. Colonel Haiku (2601c0) — 1/15/2017 @ 7:51 am

    Sammeh… “The really damaging thing(s) to Hillary Clinton” was Hillary Clinton. Her actions… her statements… her lies… her stumbling… her association with Bill Clinton… her criminality… her lies… her outdated processor… her lies… her fondness for adult beverages… her sense of entitlement… her lies…

    Well, yes, of course.

    But how did we come to know about it? (or know about more contemporary things in some detail?)

    It wasn’t Russian hacking.

    Today on Meet the Press someone mentioned what he thought was the most damaging thing that came from the Russian hacking. That was the Doug Band memo. (That came from the Podesta e-mails.)

    ‘Bill Clinton, Inc.’ Memo Reveals Tangled Business, Charitable Ties

    Aide secured $116 million in paid and pledged income to Bill Clinton

    …In the 12-page memo, Band describes how he and several colleagues spent much of the years after Bill Clinton’s presidency working to fund the Clinton Foundation, which has raised nearly $2 billion from individuals, corporations and governments for charities focusing on climate change, economic development, health, women and girls issues and other causes. Band claims in the memo that from 2006 to 2011, he and a colleague, Justin Cooper, raised $46 million for the Foundation through the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual networking conference that is one of the Foundation’s big sources of income. …

    …Calls and emails to Band, Teneo and the Clinton Foundation were not immediately returned. The Hillary Clinton campaign declined to confirm that the memo, or other emails released by Wikileaks, are in fact undoctored documents stolen from Podesta’s personal email account. However a campaign spokesperson, Glen Caplin, tweeted on Wednesday that Wikileaks was advancing a “clear political agenda” by “dribbling out” Podesta’s emails. “If Podesta dump was about high-minded transparency @wikileaks would release all at once,” Carlin tweeted.

    (The Clinton campaign preferred a “document dump.”)

    I didn’t think of this (which was a response, delivered somewhat in code) to Chelsea Clinton’s complaints that Doug Band was trying to make money) because that didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. Now some of the Wikileaks may have reminded people of things.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  67. Another thing: The Russians obtained the text of Hillary Clinton’s speeches and released them through Wikileaks, but the really damaging things was the fact that she gave those speechers, and what she was paid for them, and that was made public by disclosures that Hillary Clinton filed.

    I think Bernie Sanders talking about seeing the transcripts of the speeches was mostly an attempt to keep them in the news, although there was a possibility there was something politically damaging (at least among Democratic primary voters) in the speeches, and possibly Hillary thought theer could be something damaging and showed that by not releasing them.

    Maybe there was damaging stuff there that people didn’t pick up on.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  68. I think John Lewis came under pressure – those are not his honest feelings.

    There’s this whole secondary boycott thing going on. Some musicias wo wanted to perform had to back at at the instructions of their record labels.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  69. @Gabriel Hanna A phishing “attack” is an email.

    A special kind of e-mail.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  70. 69.I think John Lewis came under pressure – those are not his honest feelings.

    What? Are you kidding me? John Lewis is a racist leftist hack and has been one all his life. He’s never done anything but bitch about race. He gets up in the morning and puts on black, wears black all day and changes into PJ’s that are black at night where he dreams black. He is one of the most self-loathing blacks I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot. He’s an anti-white racist and an anti-American who blames slavery on America like we invented it. He could live to be a thousand and he’d still be crying victim even though he’s a rich black man of privilege. He’s a damn liar and false accuser baring false witness against innocent people for the sin of being white and Republican. He a worthless charlatan racking in money on the backs of the poor and ignorant of his district who get public food and housing and live amid crime and drugs while he dines on Capitol Hill with his millionaire friends.

    John Lewis is EXACTLY what is wrong with the extreme left democrat party. I hope they get many, many more just like him.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  71. Funny stuff, Hoagie!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  72. Rev. Hoagie® (785e38) — 1/15/2017 @ 9:12 am

    John Lewis is a racist leftist hack and has been one all his life. He’s never done anything but bitch about race….He’s a damn liar and false accuser baring false witness against innocent people for the sin of being white and Republican. He a worthless charlatan racking in money on the backs of the poor and ignorant of his district who get public food and housing and live amid crime and drugs while he dines on Capitol Hill with his millionaire friends…

    That may all be true, but he gets along well with members of Congress and other politicians, and he made his announcement rather late, so I thinkhe came under pressure. That is, he was informed that he could not be a proper racist leftist political hack if he wanted to attend Donald Trump’s inauguration.

    I stand corrected if anything I wrote implied that anything he says represents his true and honest feelings. I didn’t mean to say so.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  73. Ah Hoagie, you are holding back. Why don’t you come out and say what you really think about John Lewis?

    Living in Los Angeles (although in Adam Schiff’s district) I could say many of the same things about Maxine “Gatemouth” Waters. She’s another of the Congressional Black Grandees representing a gerrymandered district which provides a safe seat for life. She can say any idiotic thing that comes into her mind (lots of vacant space in that empty head of hers) so long as she keeps on sticking it to the man. The congressional seniority system being what it is, these “Congressmen for Life” types–whether from a safe black district or a safe white district ultimately float to the top of the bowl.

    Skeptical Voter (1d5c8b)

  74. Rudy Ray Moore for Congress!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  75. What frustrates me the most Skeptical Voter, is that these “seat for life” assholes are there because of one reason but if you say it out loud you’re a raaaacist: their constituents are fucking morons!

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  76. Skeptical Voter (1d5c8b) — 1/15/2017 @ 9:21 am

    She’s another of the Congressional Black Grandees representing a gerrymandered district which provides a safe seat for life.

    And the Voting Rights Act has been so interpreted, and/or amended, so that it will stay gerrymandered, in spite of any loss of population or political changes at the state level.

    The greatest threat to some members of Congress is a reduction in the crime rate, because that leads to gentrification, the kind of gentrification that no amount of gerrymandering can overcome, although I don’t know if they are all so conscious of it. But look what happened to Charlie Rangel’s district. His successor is a Hispanic he did not support.

    She can say any idiotic thing that comes into her mind (lots of vacant space in that empty head of hers) so long as she keeps on sticking it to the man. The congressional seniority system being what it is, these “Congressmen for Life” types–whether from a safe black district or a safe white district ultimately float to the top of the bowl

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  77. Skeptical Voter:

    She [Maxine waters] can say any idiotic thing that comes into her mind (lots of vacant space in that empty head of hers) so long as she keeps on sticking it to the man.

    It isn’t even that. It’s just the total absence of political competition, which ia related to the low average education and income and low cost (maybe low quality) housing in the district, plus the fact that’s it is small part of a much bigger media market. (The only state like that is New Jersey, which is part of either the New York or Philadelphia meda market.)

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  78. Sammy, if you think a bunch of Hispanics moving in, sitting on milk crates and playing dominoes on the street in front of the local bodega is “gentrification” I don’t think you understand what that word means.

    Rangel’s district going from black to Hispanic wasn’t gentrification, it was “a lightening”. They exchanged one perpetually aggrieved socially acceptable victim group for another. Answer this: did the welfare and crime rates go down? Did Planned Parenthood and half the bars move out of the neighborhood? Did the “buy here/pay here” used car dealer switch to selling new Volvo’s and Subaru’s with coexist bumper stickers? No? Then it’s not gentrified.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  79. Sammy, in Philadelphia gentrification means you pay $15.95 for a Gyro and every sandwich has “sprouts”.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  80. No $6 aye-talian pizzas. They’re all $22 flatbread gourmet pizza.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  81. @Sammy:A special kind of e-mail.

    Yes, where you ASK SOMEONE FOR THEIR PASSWORD. Technical skill required: 0.

    Gabriel Hanna (61adec)

  82. Sammy, Reverend Hoagie’s right. Gentrification means an upgrade and improvement in the neighborhood. That’s different from merely a change in demographics.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  83. More of this boycitting thing:

    In an interview on Friday, she said that although she had voted for Hillary Clinton for president, she agreed to sing at a welcome concert on the National Mall the day before Mr. Trump’s inauguration because she viewed it as a performance for the people, not the politician. She noted that she had performed at the invitation of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and viewed this invitation in that context.

    Nevertheless, her decision was greeted with a firestorm of opposition on social media from fans who argued that Mr. Trump is different from his Republican predecessors and that because of the nature of his rhetoric and his positions, she should not perform.

    RT if you think Jennifer Holliday (@LadyJHOLLIDAY) should come to her senses and NOT perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

    — Adam Feldman (@FeldmanAdam) Jan. 13, 2017

    On Saturday, she said she had found those arguments persuasive. “I was honestly just thinking that I wanted my voice to be a healing and unifying force for hope through music to help our deeply polarized country,” she wrote. “Regretfully, I did not take into consideration that my performing for the concert would actually instead be taken as a political act against my own personal beliefs and be mistaken for support of Donald Trump and Mike Pence.”

    This is not a good sign. They are not reflecting their honest thoughts, even if they claim the argument won them over, and nobody should pretend that is. It’s compliance with a boycott, on threat of being boycotted themselves.

    It’s not that they don’t take part in it themselves.

    They have to announce it, to show that they’re good people. This is bad.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)

  84. Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 1/15/2017 @ 10:09 am

    Gentrification means an upgrade and improvement in the neighborhood. That’s different from merely a change in demographics.

    Maybe that’s also gentrification, but you don’t get this without also getting a change in the demographics if this happens to a racially segregated neighborhood.

    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da)


    Oct 16, 2016 · Hillary Clinton’s “Sudden Move” Of $1.8 Billion To Qatar Central Bank Stuns Financial World, … the clintons transferred 1.8 billion to Qatar …

    Refunded to avoid the Chapaqua truck bomb?

    Notice how it derails from the polls, but tracks tight with reality (secret internals).

    papertiger (c8116c)

  86. 87.Cruz Supporter (102c9a) — 1/15/2017 @ 10:09 am

    Gentrification means an upgrade and improvement in the neighborhood. That’s different from merely a change in demographics.

    Maybe that’s also gentrification, but you don’t get this without also getting a change in the demographics if this happens to a racially segregated neighborhood.
    Sammy Finkelman (8a20da) — 1/15/2017 @ 10:16 am

    You guys are so culled by political correctness you’re afraid to talk. Gentrification, as it occurs in American cities now regardless of its Webster definition, means (you can quote me on this): White upper middle class snowflakes mostly with worthless degrees but married to a spattering of doctors, lawyers, scientists and engineers buying up properties right under the asses of poor inner-city blacks and displacing them.

    If a bunch of Somalians, Koreans, Chinese or such move in it is not gentrification. They have to be white, moneyed, entitled and leftist. If Koreans move in it becomes “Little Korea”. If Chinese it becomes “Chinatown”. If Somalians another ghetto.

    That’s why it’s got a fancy name “gentrification”. If anybody could do it like in the old days it’s called “block busting”.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  87. Has anyone ever asked why the Russians would prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton?

    papertiger (c8116c)



    Closing up shop. Lay off notices in the email.

    For those of you still harboring niggling doubts about that closet vote for Donald.

    I call that vindication. Lay your worried head to pillow with the blessed knowledge you chose wisely.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  89. Until all Americans are willing to honestly critique the reprehensible behaviors of other Americans, including those of our minority populations, there will be no true equality.

    Trump’s comments about Lewis move us toward racial equality; Lewis’ have the opposite effect.

    Lewis deserved every bit of it, if not more.

    ThOR (c9324e)

  90. To see just how much John Lewis loves John Lewis, he wrote a graphic novel about John Lewis.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  91. John Lewis was a substantial figure in the civil rights movement. These days, he’s just another Democratic political hack who was clearly in the tank for HRC last year (remember how he slimed Bernie Sanders’ involvement in the civil rights movement while fluffing up the involvement of the Clintons in the same movement?), and now is looking for another political figure to commit hackery for now that the Clintons are toast.

    M. Scott Eiland (046eb0)

  92. Co written by ~~~~~~ (I forgot the name already). How worthless do you have to be to need a copilot to write a comic book about your own supposedly seminal historic moment?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  93. SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “While everyone was banging on about Trump being Hitler, Obama sent thousands of troops into Poland. The satire is writing itself these days.”

    Less than a week to go and Obama is still trying to give US Russian relations the nuclear wedgie.

    Do you know anyone who actually voted for the sob?

    papertiger (c8116c)

  94. Here’s a good example of Trump’s America:

    As I was driving to town today I saw a dead doe in the ditch.

    As I was returning home I saw a Yukon parked by the deer and a guy was tying a mylar helium balloon to her leg that said “Get Well Soon”.

    Pinandpuller (14dead)

  95. i are pledge to honestly critique the reprehensible behaviors of other Americans

    this i vow to you all

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  96. @76. Yeah but her district, as is most of greater Los Angeles, is a sewer with zip codes.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  97. Has he raffled off the tickets to his VIP Inaugural Congressional seats yet?

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  98. All there is an economic component to their malaise.

    narciso (d1f714)

  99. johnlewis parlays
    fifty year old Dem beating
    into a career

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  100. we shall overcome
    line our pockets on backs of
    our constituents

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  101. If John Lewis wants to address illegitimacy, he should begin by asking why so many children in his district are growing up without a father.

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  102. it’s cause they ain’t got no daddy

    i took sociology

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  103. teh tea partayers
    cursed and spit on johnlewis
    except they didn’t

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  104. Q: What do al sharpton, johnlewis and tawana brawley have in common?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  105. A: They LIARS

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  106. What I like about the 0bama years is all the racial squealing.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  107. Burma Shave

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  108. One of the things about Lewis that is both infuriating and sad to me is that it would be good for America right now to have at least one principled, unsullied, and genuine hero left from the Civil Rights era. If somebody here wants to put a name forward for consideration I’d be happy to see it, but I’m having trouble coming up with one on my own.

    elissa (7d8dcb)

  109. Civil rights icon and liberal ideologue, Comrade Lewis, was clearly off base with his baiting comments, but Comrade Kristol reveals why conservative ideologues have been thrown out of the game as well:

    “It’s telling, I’m afraid, that Donald Trump treats Vladimir Putin with more respect than he does John Lewis.”- Bill Kristol

    Hit the showers, fellas. It’s Pragmatist Trump’s ball game, now.

    “Up your butt, Jobu.” – Eddie Harris [Chelcie Ross] ‘Major League’ 1989

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  110. Perhaps you’re having trouble coming up with one is because there weren’t any.×420.jpg

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  111. Dick Gregory is a good pickle if you ask me which nobody ever do

    happyfeet (28a91b)

  112. I just opened it up to the floor HF. You part of the floor so you were asked. Gregory is an interesting case. He’s given it a go to contribute to society in more ways than just race baiting for dollars.

    elissa (7d8dcb)

  113. Let’s be clear- Lewis declared Trump an illegitimately elected president due to Russian meddling and Trump suggested Lewis tend to the needs of his constituency. How that becomes a race-based battle is only due to the partisans fanning the flames of discontent.

    The CBC is bandwagoning it anyway and boycotting the inauguration. No biggie. All that means is better seats available for others attending.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  114. Let’s be reminiscent. Trump called the election illegitimate — “rigged” is the word he used, “illegitimate” using up too many Twitter characters — and kept calling it that for weeks before it took place. Bawk, bawk, bawk — the sound of chickens coming home to roost.

    nk (dbc370)

  115. their constituents are fucking morons!

    In Ms. Water’s case 70% are anyway. I’m in the other 30%, gerrymandered in to waste our votes.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  116. Yeah but her district, as is most of greater Los Angeles, is a sewer with zip codes.

    Well, some of it perhaps. In my end of the sewer, houses start at $1 million plus, so it’s a pretty fancy part of the sewer.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  117. Rev. Hoagie® (785e38) — 1/15/2017 @ 10:01 am

    Sammy, if you think a bunch of Hispanics moving in, sitting on milk crates and playing dominoes on the street in front of the local bodega is “gentrification” I don’t think you understand what that word means.

    It was whites who moved in to a certain degree. That happened, to some degree:

    The jousting over white residents, who have poured into the greater Harlem area in recent years, signifies how gentrification and redistricting have altered the battle lines in the 13th Congressional District, long seen as a stronghold of black political power in New York.

    And it speaks to the sharp-edged nature of a primary that could be determined on the margins: 25 percent of the voters who turn out on Tuesday are expected to be white, a smaller portion than Hispanics and blacks but enough to sway the results of a race that was decided by fewer than 1,100 votes two years ago…

    …Historically, white voters have rarely had much influence on Harlem’s House seat, which grew into a redoubt of black political might under control of Adam Clayton Powell Jr., New York City’s first African-American to be elected to Congress, which lasted decades….

    ,,,And yet greater Harlem has changed significantly over the course of Mr. Rangel’s tenure. In 1990, blacks made up more than half of the area’s population; by 2012, that portion had fallen to 38 percent, and the white population had nearly doubled, as luxury condos and revamped retail strips began attracting wealthier residents, many of them white.

    Moreover, Mr. Rangel’s district was extended into the Bronx before the 2012 race, swinging its center from Harlem to a swath of the city with a predominantly Latino constituency, and large Dominican and Puerto Rican populations. Mr. Espaillat narrowly won the Bronx portion of the district in 2012.

    But what mainly happened was that the number of people you needed to have in a Congressional District went up from Census to Census, but the number and sze of buildings didn’t go up. What made it more Hispanic was the distrct expanding (further) into the Bronx.

    His district was numbered the Eighteenth District from 1971 to 1973; the Nineteenth District from 1973 to 1983; the Sixteenth District from 1983 to 1993; and the Fifteenth from 1993 to 2013. Early 1970s reapportionment led to the area Rangel represented being only 65 percent black,[49] and by 1979 it was 50 percent black, 30 percent white, and 20 percent Puerto Rican.[55] By 2000, only 3 in 10 district residents were black, while nearly half were Hispanic, with many of the newcomers Dominican.[56] Presently numbered the Thirteenth, Rangel’s area of representation shows a 2-to-1 preponderance of Hispanics over African Americans.[57]

    Sammy Finkelman (0cf810)

  118. With twice as much money spent withbthe 65 rizzotto carriers arrayed against him.

    narciso (d1f714)

  119. @119. A friend recently bought a home in MW’s district for $680,000 so it was a bargain. And now you’ll have a new stadium with two NFL teams to stink up the place even more. I lived in Playa Del Rey for over a decade so flowers do grow here and there in muck. But over all, greater LA remains a sewer with zip codes.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  120. @122, postscript- and to save money, we’d drive over to Inglewood east of the freeway to buy gas where it was usually up to a $1/gal cheaper than by the coast.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  121. Boy that new Senator Kamala shore was impressive in her grilling of Pompeo the other day. What intellect she showed, zeroing right in on the most critical issues that will face the new CIA chief. You Californians must be so proud.

    elissa (7d8dcb)

  122. That’s all very interesting Sammy but as I’m trying to explain 25% of the voters being white is not gentrification. It’s integration.

    Rev. Hoagie® (785e38)

  123. Well, Harris did take the the box of rocks seat. It’s not as if there had been a functional cerebral cortex involved for the past 24 years.

    Rick Ballard (1c290b)

  124. Isn’t that Kamaltoe Harris something? “Can you guarantee me…” “climate change and the 97%ers”… Shamakamala really thinks she’s something, which she is… only not quite what she thinks.

    Out here in California, we have many rivers to cross, elissa.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  125. Heh. I do wonder about her moments with Pompeo. Do you think she came up with that line of questioning all by herownself, or was she “assigned” those topics by leadership that were needed to appease Democrat sjws but that no other self respecting senator would do?

    elissa (7d8dcb)

  126. @124. E, after decades living back East, and now decades living in California, it can be increasingly hard to rationalize the move was worth it ‘just for the climate’ most of the year. But honestly, after enduring hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards in metropolitan areas back there, this time of year seems sublime and well worth it when watching all the hellish weather dumped back that way.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  127. Well probably, but she’s never shown anything but the most pedestrian of thought, or have you seen examples.

    narciso (d1f714)

  128. I have no idea. The look on Pompeo’s face when he realized she really was asking about climate change being a top threat was noticeable… and Comedy Gold.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  129. Yes he was looking for the hidden camera and wondered of he was being punked, he was by burr who allowed this sideshow.

    narciso (d1f714)

  130. Cowboys lost a playoff game they had a chance to win because on the critical play they rushed only 3 linemen and gave a veteran quarterback, at the top of his game, time to find an open receiver. The boys should’ve brought the heat, they didn’t, and now their dream season is over.

    ropelight (19a16e)

  131. Harris is just practicing her squealing for dollars routine. Brown was counting on Clinton to direct a stream from Uncle Sugar to relieve his funding disaster. I don’t believe doubling the number of ICE agents in SoCal was part of his plans. I’m sure Trump has other definite rewards in mind for California, which provided the whole popular vote margin for Clinton. I’ll be surprised if they include additional funds to cover the cost overruns on the Bullet Train idiocy. I won’t be surprised at all if they include federal mandated starvation of the sanctuary cities.

    Rick Ballard (1c290b)

  132. I thought Barbara Boxer retired?

    Now we have Barbara Boxer Jr.

    papertiger (c8116c)

  133. When Brazilian Jui Jitsu studios and Scoobie Doo Cosplay hipsters move in they call it “rentrification”.

    Pinandpuller (c608f4)

  134. #136 Pinandpuller, Zoinks!

    Cruz Supporter (102c9a)

  135. The Democrat Party has made itself illegitimate. Entrenched elitest leaders arrogantly betrayed the rank and file with a rigged primary system calculated to force Hillary Clinton’s nomination in spite of contrary voter preferences. Their henchmen paid violent thugs to disrupt the peaceful rallies of opponents. Donna Brazil, a high ranking Democrat Party official working in establishment media, subverted presidential debates by revealing moderator’s questions to Hillary prior to the nationally televised event. And the list goes on ad nauseam.

    ropelight (19a16e)

  136. Rev. Hoagie: I lived in Espaillat’s district for a time, and when I moved to NYC, where I lived was in Rangel’s district.

    (1) the district borders changed. Prior to 2012, Rangel’s district included all of Manhattan north of 96th, the westside north of 87th, Randall’s/Ward’s Island, and Riker’s Island. After 2012, Rangel’s district included all of manhattan north of 122d, all of the east side north of 97th, and a chunk of the west side between amsterdam and CPW north of 101st, plus parts of kingsbridge/norwood/fordham manor in the Bronx.

    The net effect of adding the chunks of the Bronx was to add some heavily hispanic neighborhoods, and the net effect of removing most of the upper west side was to remove a reliable bloc of wealthy liberals and the voting base of Columbia University.

    (2) portions of the district are heavily gentrifying. There’s now a WHOLE FOODS on 125th in Harlem.

    But note that the gentrification is mostly happening in the core of ‘black’ harlem. So it’s not that ‘black’ harlem is being replaced with hispanics; it’s that ‘black’ harlem is gentrifying and being replaced by a wealthier, mixed-race community, while the dominican and puerto rican neighborhoods are mostly not gentrifying.

    aphrael (3f0569)

  137. John Lewis has no credibility at all.

    Milhouse (40ca7b)

  138. 124. 127. 128. 131.

    124. elissa

    . Boy that new Senator Kamala shore was impressive in her grilling of Pompeo the other day. What intellect she showed, zeroing right in on the most critical issues that will face the new CIA chief. You Californians must be so proud.

    127. Colonel Haiku

    (Isn’t that Kamaltoe Harris something? “Can you guarantee me…” “climate change and the 97%ers”… Shamakamala really thinks she’s something, which she is… only not quite what she thinks.

    128. elissa

    Heh. I do wonder about her moments with Pompeo. Do you think she came up with that line of questioning all by herownself, or was she “assigned” those topics by leadership that were needed to appease Democrat sjws but that no other self respecting senator would do?

    131. Colonel Haiku

    I have no idea. The look on Pompeo’s face when he realized she really was asking about climate change being a top threat was noticeable… and Comedy Gold.

    I don’t think she was “assigned” that, but she did work it out with other Senators and the leadership.

    First, she needed some issue to vote against him. Something where he would not even mildly agree with her was called for. Second, this may be popular in California, home to many environmentalists who don’t examine their facts.

    Mike Pompeo shouldn’t have been all that surprised about the idea of climate change being a top threat – some Democrats have been saying that for some time, and they’ve also been citing the CIA.

    She wanted to know if he was going to depart from Obama Administration policy, or at least what it was early in the Obama Administration.

    Here’s Mother Jones about this:

    Quoting CIA Director John Brennan, who had a 25-year career at the agency, Harris noted that he cited climate change as one of the “deeper causes of rising instability.”

    “Do you have any reason to doubt the assessment of these CIA analysts?” Harris asked.

    Yes, here’s areason. It’s totally devoid of common sense. Even if a drought in Syria wasa caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere, it could only have caused the Syrian Civil war to break out in a butterfly effect sort of way. Political changes and wars take place because of what people do, not because of the weather.

    Sammy Finkelman (0cf810)

  139. It came out on the Rush Limbagh show today that John Lewis was the member of Congress who (almost certainly falsely) claimed that some member of the Tea Party used the N-word on him.

    Sammy Finkelman (0cf810)

  140. Definitely falsely. Breitbart offered a reward for anyone who could produce a recording of it, and found no takers. Considering that Lewis and Carson were accompanied by an aide who was holding his phone up high to record everything, the absence of evidence is evidence that it didn’t happen. So’s the fact that the story first appeared so soon after the alleged event, and in such detail, that it had to have been written in advance.

    Milhouse (40ca7b)

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