Patterico's Pontifications


New Civility Watch

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 5:48 pm

Louise Slaughter:

Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) said today that the new Republicans elected to the House of Representatives last November came to Congress “to kill women.” She also likened Republican efforts to prohibit federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is endangered to actions taken by Nazis.

It is simply a matter of time before Big Media trumpets and denounces this lack of civility.

BONUS CIVILITY: Nancy Pelosi: “There is a war on women.”

73 Responses to “New Civility Watch”

  1. Well, Big Journalism I can trust to be on the story. But agree that I won’t be holding my breath on Big Media denouncing the extremist rhetoric…

    PatHMV (299e25)

  2. I….. can’t……hold …. my ….. breath….. any…. longer….

    dfbaskwill (c021f2)

  3. She will get paid a very nice paycheck for this wonderful service she is rendering this country, but men will probably die in Afghanistan, fighting in our nation’s name, and they will have to wait for their paychecks until DC gets around to it.

    Of course, there’s a bit of irony in this comment, since Planned Parenthood is as close to Nazism, being formed to eugenically control the population of blacks, as anything ‘mainstream’ I can think of today.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  4. What Maggie Mayhem, wasn’t available,

    chris matthews (cfef6a)

  5. Bonus Civility – Another democrat/communist busted for threatening to kill Republican politicians.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  6. Women and children being thrown under the bus. – Sen. Barbara Mikulski and other dour-faced women Democrats announced.

    Dana (9f3823)

  7. Ya know, these people say this funding is really really important, but they haven’t passed a budget in practically two years now.

    And they ran in 2008 on a promise to cut the deficit in half, rather than add a zero to the end of it.

    A war on women by nazi teabaggers, ‘eh? I guess they had some plan to fund all this junk while cutting the deficit. I’m waiting for some math wizard to explain the tax rate that would accomplish that.

    Dustin (c16eca)

  8. daleyrocks, that’s not a death threat. That’s kinetic political action. Get with the program!

    Dustin (c16eca)

  9. Dustin – Limited scope kinetic political action.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  10. even her name is uncivil. slaughter.

    Aaron Worthing (73a7ea)

  11. That’s the point, I was getting at, AW.

    narciso (cfef6a)

  12. Louise Slaughter already denounced the lack of civility…last year. This was her response several incidents that occurred at her district office (no physical harm to anyone),

    It’s more disturbing to me that Republican leadership has not condemned these attacks and instead appears to be fanning the flames with coded rhetoric. Michael Steele, the head of the national Republican party, said that Speaker Nancy Pelosi should be put on “the firing line.” Sarah Palin said “don’t retreat – reload.” And House Minority Leader John Boehner said that a Democratic member of Congress who supported health care reform would be a “dead man.”

    This comes on the heels of an obscene display over the weekend, when one protestor outside the Capitol spit on one member of Congress, another used an obscenity against one of our members and shouters in the gallery who interrupted the floor debate were applauded by Republican congressmen. These displays have coarsened the debate, inflamed tensions and contributed to an increase in incivility.”

    Dana (9f3823)

  13. Fun times, fun times.

    There’s Jesse Jackson and his civil war comparison, Marion Barry comparing the lack of grocery stores in his DC ward to arpartheid, Eleanor Holms Norton saying it’s like bombing civilians, Pelosi says that seniors will starve, Reid says that women will get cancer, Mikulski says that cancer will be left uncured.

    I suppose that sea levels are also rising as the budget is left undone. And spotted owls, I’m sure, are dying. The ozone is actively depleting and the climate just got a fever.

    But the left never, ever uses hyperbole.

    Vivian Louise (bcd4a5)

  14. this has nothing to do with a war on women Team R has a pathological fixation on the fetus they can’t help themselves but they are not anti-woman they’re just dorks

    happyfeet (bf1611)

  15. Team D has a pathological fixation on being able to kill the fetus. They can’t help themselves.

    Vivian Louise (bcd4a5)

  16. They do not consider this to be extremist rhetoric. This “war on women” mantra worked very well for the Dems in Illinois during the 2010 gubernatorial race. Many people do not realize how very, very close the Land of Lincoln came to electing an R governor as several other Midwestern states did. The pro life R candidate, Brady, had the hounds of hell unleashed on him at the last minute through hysterical and wildly untrue robo calls (e.g.,he wants to put women in jail for having abortions) and he lost by a squeaker. Normally sane women went absolutely nuts about what he would do to their reproductive rights. This is not going to end well.

    elissa (dc9cd8)

  17. Hope they liked that massive tax increase by Quinn,

    narciso (cfef6a)

  18. Mr. Feets – Why do you hate babies?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  19. Seriously, who votes for these people?

    Never mind, I’m watching “The Soup.” The answer is self-evident.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  20. Can’t wait for the answer to that question, daley.

    PatAZ (d09837)

  21. It may be that the Tea Party folk may have social conservative leanings, but their focus is on financial issues — about 14 trillion in financial issues.

    That’s just me, though. I’ve been reading happyfeet long enough that he’s always full of surprises and other stuff, including glitter and unicorns.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  22. PatAZ – I don’t understand people who think the government should be in the baby killing business. That’s sick. Telling people whop are against it they are obsessed with fetuses or are making war on women is flat out stupid stupid lying and the people telling those lies should take a chill pill. Germany’s government was in the people and baby killing business. How did it work out for them?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  23. People what want to kill a baby can do it without my tax money, thank you very much.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  24. People what want to teach the glories of fisting to middle school students can do it without my tax dollars too.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  25. daley, on that you will get no argument from me.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  26. People what want to kill a baby can do it without my tax money, thank you very much.


    happyfeet (bf1611)

  27. Ag80–you know, and I know, and the tea party members know that the tea partiers are laser focused on fiscal issues not social ones. But if Slaughter and Pelosi say the tea party is launching a war on women then by God it’s true and the media will lap it up. This is what we are dealing with.

    elissa (dc9cd8)

  28. No argument from me either, daly.

    PatAZ (d09837)

  29. Elissa:

    There is no point in wrestling with the pigs. The distractions are politics. People, especially us poor, stupid middle-class ones, know that the debt is untenable. It’s not about our baby-boomer elders, it is about our kids and their kids.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  30. right?

    Mr. Feets – ?

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  31. “Ag80–you know, and I know, and the tea party members know that the tea partiers are laser focused on fiscal issues not social ones.”

    elissa – You and I both know that if you’re going to cut spending, you have to decide what to cut spending on. Obama merely wanted to cut spending on an amorphous blob of unobligated money. If you’ve got unobligated money, you cut that as well as BS the government shouldn’t be funding, as well as well a bunch of overspending.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  32. Hey, good news. The president just said the deal is done and government will remain open.

    And I will say, in my mind he did it in a presidential way. I disagree with his politics, but his comments tonight were OK.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  33. right? as in yes I agree emphatically Mr. daley

    happyfeet (bf1611)

  34. Whew! What a relief. Now Barry can go on vacation.

    elissa (dc9cd8)

  35. 38.5 billion, wow, lets throw a party, what’s that
    little sobriquet you have for the Tanned One, pikachu,

    narciso (cfef6a)

  36. Daley: I think that Elissa and I both are not falling for a Hobson’s choice. Government is too big. Sometimes the cuts may impact programs I may support, but cuts must be made.

    Fiscal responsibility is paramount, but not for me. I’ve had my time.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  37. Preventing a government shutdown was important to assure that the real issues can be addressed. I don’t know at this point who to praise or criticize, but at least this issue is past.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  38. at least this nonsensical chapter in American politics is over Mr. narciso… that’s something. But America still lacks direction and is performing far far far below her potential.

    happyfeet (bf1611)

  39. “Daley: I think that Elissa and I both are not falling for a Hobson’s choice.”

    Ag80 – That was not my point. At some point budget cuts have to get specific. They’ll get pilloried for them by the Dems one way or another and need to stand up to that BS. Whether or not to cave in now is a completely different decision. Fiscal responsibility ultimately includes spending related to social issues. You can’t divorce them completely.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  40. Well, in regards to the original post, I guess the Nazi war on women can commence. 🙂

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  41. They just rescued bumble from his own incompetence
    or malevolence, pick one, with national soros radio
    doing the honors,

    narciso (cfef6a)

  42. We’re not disagreeing.

    Social issues are important. At least now they can be argued on a somewhat still blurry chessboard.

    However, and this is only my opinion, regardless of the outcome, serious cuts in budget must be made and the President is sincere in his commitment to vote present while hard decisions must be made. But he looks good doing it.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  43. My last post was for daley.

    Ag80 (98fa24)

  44. Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review. Take look. I think she nails it. One small step for mankind—

    elissa (dc9cd8)

  45. elissa – Good link. Let’s see if the Dems hold up their end.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  46. to hear the lifeydoodle chick from NR call someone else “radically ideological” is worth a dozen Krisp Kremes Kathryn yeah you know you want em

    happyfeet (bf1611)

  47. Seriously I’ve always wondered how if they derive the right to abortion via Roe v. Wade as some sort of right to “privacy” issue how they can then turn around and scream-

    it’s private, my business but, we need public money to fund it!

    madawaskan (fd190b)

  48. Hands off my body (-or whatever the hell they chant) but fork over the money damn it.

    madawaskan (fd190b)

  49. Mad– in my experience it is always best not to look for, or expect, any real stream of logic in their arguments. You know? It just gets way too frustrating.

    elissa (dc9cd8)

  50. Slaughter approves of the slaughter of millions of babies. That’s as low as a human can sink.

    Scrapiron (489af1)

  51. elissa

    Ya it’s some sort of Bermuda Triangle…

    (actually that’s probably an insult to Bermuda.)

    madawaskan (fd190b)

  52. Now ‘no balls’ Boehner has sold out. The left wing liberals are partying tonight and laughing about the cowardly lion named ‘no balls’ Boehner.

    Scrapiron (489af1)

  53. That’s as low as a human can sink.

    Mr. Scrapiron no offense but you’re just not using your imagination I think.

    happyfeet (bf1611)

  54. Boehner gets points for getting what cuts he got but mostly for putting this whole sordid episode behind us before the weekend really got started.

    happyfeet (bf1611)

  55. Ah, Mr. Feet! Another woman you can insult personally in #45, I see. Some things never change.

    Simon Jester (5ee778)

  56. Crappyfeet is a misogynistic lefty he should just take the shahada and join his ultra-left islamofascist friends.

    DohBiden (984d23)

  57. “She also likened Republican efforts to prohibit federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is endangered to actions taken by Nazis.”

    Right. Pro-abortion people are responsible for the deaths of millions of innocents, innocents who have been first defined as less than human (sound familiar Ms. Goebbels?), but it’s Republican lawmakers who are like the Nazis.

    Whatever, you say…Adolf.

    Dave Surls (e969a9)

  58. That is why Adolf sided with the muslimes they were against life which is why they oppose abortion for them but support it for you.

    DohBiden (984d23)

  59. I liked this little snippet from the Mission Statement in PP’s 2008 Form 990:


    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  60. The new DNC Debbie Wqsserman Schultz is an object lesson in civility too, especially after she became head of the civility police post-Giffords.

    JD (3ee1ee)

  61. And, what’s up with this civility stuff? I wouldn’t call Louise Slaughter a maggot, because, sensitive soul that I am, I wouldn’t want to needlessly hurt the feelings of a fly larvae.

    How much more civil am I supposed to be?

    Dave Surls (d8194a)

  62. colonel haiku think
    “new civility” catchphrase
    for lib mince and moan

    ColonelHaiku (7f3425)

  63. louise slaughter dead
    ringer for alice ghostley
    now must lose breakfast

    ColonelHaiku (7f3425)

  64. nancy peloski
    bag with 15k skin stretch
    and faraway eyes

    ColonelHaiku (7f3425)

  65. Ah Haiku; that be gas bag with 15k skin stretch
    And mouth that be faraway from brain.

    One thing about the GOP’s “war on women” that Slaughter, WassermanSchulz and Pelosi are all ragging on: it’s not been a successful war. These three harpies are running their mouths full speed 24/7 and will continue to do so for many, many years to come.

    Mike Myers (0e06a9)

  66. If this is a war on women — so be it — we are fighting for the children.

    Torquemada (fccc6f)

  67. Louise Slaughter’s compelling display of monumental ignorance ranks her the leading contender to replace Alan Grayson (exD-Disney World) as the biggest loud-mouth fool in the HOR.

    ropelight (893bdd)

  68. We just want women to be submissive to their men.

    /Sarcasm off

    DohBiden (984d23)

  69. The Democrats ought to trot out the “Republicans want your children to drink arsenic” ads from a few years back. Those always had just the right touch of unhinged moonbattery for a public opinion campaign like this.

    MSE (59c275)

  70. The dems want your children to drink manjuice.

    DohBiden (984d23)

  71. == unhinged moonbattery==

    MSE–soon there will be no words left in the English language for them to use to express their ongoing outrage. Once you get past “draconian”, and all the Nazi and Hitler references, and “they want people to starve in the streets”, and “war on women”, I mean really, where is there left to go from there?

    elissa (740b44)

  72. Note to Louise and Nancy:

    There are no genders in politics, there are only morons who want to spend us into servitude, and one’s who don’t.

    We know which one you are.

    AD-RtR/OS! (b6e264)

  73. “to kill women”. Incredible.

    To SAVE the innocent. Truthful.

    Icy Texan (4881f0)

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