Patterico's Pontifications


Time to Fall Back

Filed under: Current Events — DRJ @ 11:27 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Daylight Saving Time changes at 2:00 A.M. Sunday morning. Don’t forget to fall back if you live in a location that observes DST. In other words, you folks in Hawaii, Arizona, and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands don’t have to do a thing.


18 Responses to “Time to Fall Back”

  1. I’ve always found it interesting that this time of the year, half the country is on the same time for an hour for three consecutive hours. I know, that’s a geeky interest.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  2. I completely forgot, thank you.

    JD (e208be)

  3. Damn, I missed the Sports Reporters!

    Go Yankees!

    Get lost, lovie!

    President Mop (44bf37)

  4. this is the saddest day of the year. we should just go to DST and leave it there.

    there is nothing more depressing then going into w*rk when its just getting light, only to get home when its getting dark, thus wasting every hour of daylight.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  5. I live in Arizona. We’re affected quite a bit by this – everyone we interact with outside of Arizona now is again confused about what time it is here.

    In fact, it seems that they never do get it straight.

    On the positive side, it means the East Coast is no longer 3 hours away.

    I wish we went along with DST or the rest of the country dropped it.

    John Moore (7198c0)

  6. redc1c4, I have spent most of my working life going to work after the sun went down and coming home before the sun rises, or as the sun is rising. My sleep time has always been while the sun is up. At least for the past 25 years. At least you’ve been able to be awake when that foreign yellow ball has been in the sky.

    John Hitchcock (3fd153)

  7. The Sports Reporters? Is that lame – o thing still on the air? With the same bloviating numbnuts like Lupica and “I’m not a serial plagiarizer” Albom? Man, I disliked his treacly pile of goo called Tuesdays with Morrie.

    Dmac (a964d5)

  8. this is the saddest day of the year.

    For me this is a moment of relief. I always feel like I being chased by the clock under Daylight Saving Time. Plus, it’s hard enough waking up early in the morning, even harder when it’s still quite dark outside.

    Modern society already is fast paced enough, so why exaggerate that effect by forcing everything and everyone forward by one hour? One less hour to run an errand, one less hour to do a chore, one less hour to get ready for work, one less hour to prepare for a meeting, etc, etc. But one hour closer to the day when you’ll be 6 feet under.

    As for all the people who say they like having more sunlight at the end of the day, how many of them end up running home and generally do nothing more than flip on the TV, switch on the computer, or drop by some indoor place, like a store or movie theater, with artificial lighting all around? They remind me of the people who say they love hot weather, and yet drive around in air-conditioned cars, live in air-conditioned houses, work in air-conditioned offices, etc.

    However, it would be nice if each day was split into two. The morning would be at Standard Time, so we’d have one more hour to sleep, while the evening would be on Daylight Time, right before the workplace closes for the day.

    Mark (411533)

  9. 8.The Sports Reporters? Is that lame – o thing still on the air? With the same bloviating numbnuts like Lupica and “I’m not a serial plagiarizer” Albom? Man, I disliked his treacly pile of goo called Tuesdays with Morrie.

    Comment by Dmac — 11/1/2009 @ 11:54 am

    It’s a good practice for reading lovie’s bullsh!t. I guess I could’ve watched Valerie Jarrett’s nonsense, but I’ve never heard her say anything original. I mean how many ways can someone state “Republicans are extemists?”

    President Mop (44bf37)

  10. For the first time in 10 years I’m living in a state that observes the time change. Arizona, my former home, rightly figured they could do without an extra hour of HOT daylight. I agreed wholeheartedly.

    It also appealed to my perverse nature to be one of a few regions in the country that didn’t torture itself twice a year with the arbitrary shifting of the time. The hit and miss afternoon communications with the East Coast because no one knew what time it was? I always felt that was a feature, not a bug.

    I remember now how very much I loathed the time change, even though I grew up with the reality of DST. As a child in So Cal, it was bad enough when, after the autumn time change, it started to get dark at 5:00pm, and we’d have to quit playing and go home. Now that I’m in a more northern locale in the Interior West, I have to face the reality that at about 3:30pm the sun will drop behind the mountains and the temperature will start to plummet–along with the light. As of this evening, I will be walking my dogs in bear and cougar country with a flashlight–and a big stick. As for that extra hour of sun in the morning…it makes me need to pull the pillow over my head to shield my eyes that much earlier.

    Of all the things I miss about Arizona, and there are many, the sanity of declining arbitrary clock modifications twice yearly is surprisingly high on the list. I’ve advised my family that I will likely be whining about this for the next ten years. (Insert Pelosian eyeroll.)

    sierra nevada (62121b)

  11. Local fire depts remind you that this is a good time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. They are often overlooked, so it’s not a bad habit to get in to.

    Gazzer (3bd236)

  12. Me, I’m glad to be back to standard time. For the first time in weeks, we’ll have sunrise before 7:30AM. (come January, we’ll still see 7:30 sunrise. Oh well.) I don’t have so much problem with the earlier sunset–the roads are less slippery in the afternoon.

    I lived in Chicago when we had the winter DST in January 1974. Got to my between-semesters job at 8:30 for a couple minutes of sun, and would leave just as the sun was going down. No thanks for both ends of a commute in the dark.

    Red County Pete (586b49)

  13. I’m with you, sierra nevada.

    DRJ (dff2ca)

  14. Indiana used to be just like those areas in Arizona refernced above. It was teh suck.

    JD (6076b7)

  15. The worst part of Indiana’s observance of DST, is that the state is in two time zones, and only the part in one observed it.
    At least AZ is completely in one time zone, and just says “No Thanks!”.

    AD - RtR/OS! (57758f)

  16. Crap, this is going to be bad. At 3:16pm the shadows overtook my house. Anyway, I think whether you love or hate DST has a lot to do with whether you’re a morning person or a night owl.

    Oh, and Arizona actually does have two timezones, but it’s one of those archane technicalities that will only get you points on trivia night. Unlike the rest of Arizona, the Sovereign Navajo Nation (which straddles multiple states, but is mainly inside AZ) observes daylight savings time, in order to have one uniform time zone on the entire nation. For those who live off the reservation, as it were, it can be very jarring.

    More fun trivia: the Hopi Nation’s lands, which are contained *entirely* inside the bounds of the Navajo Reservation–but comprise their own sovereign entity– does NOT observe DST. The Hopi Nation keeps the clocks the same time as the rest of AZ outside of Navajo lands, which is to say it maintains MST all year long. Let the motorist beware.

    Despite the confusion, I consider all of these time zone decisions to be a triumph of local autonomy–each has considered, logical reasons for opting in or out of DST observance. AZ doesn’t want an extra daylight hour in the heat of summer, and the Navajos wanted to have the same time zone across their reservation. As for the Hopis, I’m going to guess they just didn’t want to go along with their Navajo neighbors/rivals–but that’s just a guess.

    Maybe it’s not so logical and non-arbitrary after all. Hmmmm.

    sierra nevada (62121b)

  17. AD – For business, it was horrible. Half the year we were on the same time as NY, and half the year we were on the same time as Chicago. Plus, as you noted, different areas of the State were already on different times.

    JD (b292bd)

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