Patterico's Pontifications


Google Wave

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:36 am

So I got an invitation to this Google Wave thing. Can someone explain it to me?

20 Responses to “Google Wave”

  1. My hazy impression it’s like a jazzed-up version of Lotus Notes, with the capacity to send and collaborate on not just text, but photos, videos and audio. And it includes social networking.

    You might find it useful, take the invite.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  2. It’s a TRAP!

    Admiral Akbar (8096f2)

  3. Someone please invite me if they get the notion.

    SarahW (692fc6)

  4. Patterico, probably the best introduction to Wave is here.

    SarahW, I can’t invite you without your email address.

    Voice of Reason (9c39e0)

  5. I don’t trust Google with any private information that they attempt to gather from me – and their “cloud” attempts at aggregation don’t give me much reason to change my mind.

    Dmac (5ddc52)

  6. “We’re from Google and we’re here to help you.”

    Official Internet Data Office (424263)

  7. The intro was fascinating. I’d describe the tool as being the cross-product of a live-action wiki and the Citadel BBS software expanded to real-time multi-userness, with the usual Google inventiveness at play. I’d like to play with it, too, if someone has an invite to give away.

    htom (412a17)

  8. I don’t trust Google, either. I do miss my Lotus Notes, though. This sounds like something designed to steal eyeballs away from Facebook.

    Peg C. (48175e)

  9. I trust Google about as much as I trust any other large company, and perhaps a bit more.

    That said, I haven’t been able to figure out what I want to use google wave for, other than playing with bleeding edge technology.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  10. #5, #6 –

    One of the nice things about Google Wave’s technology is that it allows for private servers. If you don’t trust Google with your data, you can run your own server and your private data won’t leave your control. Plus, the technology is (or will be? I’m not entirely clear on the timing) open-source, so you can examine the code yourself, if you feel so inclined, to make sure that it’s not “phoning home” to Google.

    This is mentioned in the 1:20:12 intro video at some point. I’m not going to re-watch the whole thing to find the reference, but I think it was in the second half, maybe about 50-60 minutes into the video.

    Robin Munn (b3985b)

  11. Let Samuel L. Jackson explain it to you.

    If it still doesn’t grab you, feel free to forward the invite to me. 🙂

    Dodd (fbfada)

  12. Private servers are mentioned around 1:05-1:08

    Real time, context sensative, predictive, spelling correction and language translation ! Oh sputter, sputter, wow!

    htom (412a17)

  13. I too would love a Google Wave invite, if anyone has a spare… Pretty please?

    Scott Jacobs (445f98)

  14. so you can examine the code yourself, if you feel so inclined, to make sure that it’s not “phoning home” to Google.

    I’m not really that interested in learning html, but I still think that their real interest is to induce everyone to…JOIN THE BORG. WE ARE ONE. IT IS FUTILE TO RESIST.

    Dmac (5ddc52)

  15. Hmm … I could see this being useful in uncovering political scandals. Real-time collaboration between hundreds of home-based investigators. Of course, you’d want your own server and a good backup for that!

    Evil Pundit (42e904)

  16. I find that trying to explain the whole thing is very difficult, but it’s easier to get across by explaining a few possible uses.
    1) Planning a trip with a group of friends: Normally you’d do this via email or phone.. but the problem is, eventually someone’ll change the title and/or not respond to everyone or join late and hae to have everything manually copied back to them.. but on Wave, you can all be on the same wave, edit the primary document with the set plans, discuss changes and the like, put in a picture of the place you’re staying, a map, even a spreadsheet with a budget if you’re sharing transport/meals. And ahve it all in one place with no bits going missing (not even the private convo between you and one other person about a third’s horrible taste in restaurants! It can be right there but only visible to the two of you).
    2) Online RPG’s: Each wave can be an evenings session, with setting and background info on the primary document, dice and statsheet bots/apps, maps, pictures, music, private conversations with the DM/other characters, etc.
    3) ‘real time’ translation of conversations: I know of at least one gentleman who’s using one of the translations bots to talk to his motherinlaw who only speaks German, and he only speaks English.

    footnotegirl (de250d)

  17. This reminds me very much of when everyone was wrangling for a gmail invite.

    Ruth H (ae7d94)

  18. One can request an invitation here:

    Justin T. (9828c0)

  19. If anyone has an invite to spare, mind sending one to

    Xrlq (9ba9f0)

  20. Likely, more people have read my “Ballad of Kathryn Johnston” on the Internet than have bought Shawn Mullins’s CD, and I like that.

    nk (df76d4)

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